Your Prince is in Another Castle - tbehartoo - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter Text


For nearly a century the Kingdom of Endeavor and The All Mighty Nation had a dispute along their shared border. The disputed lands had once been claimed and transversed by the nomadic people of the continent known to all as Wanderers. By the time the warring kingdoms and city-states had come together to form their larger countries, the Wanderers had changed their traditional route to avoid the disputed area, having lost too many families to the over claimed lands. This left King Enji’s father, the so-called Flame Emperor, able to lay claim to all lands from the northern sea to the southern ocean that bordered the Ryukyu and Mirko Rivers. However, the All Mighty Nation fought to reclaim the northern lands that Endeavor had invaded. They were able to drive the emperor, and later his son, back to the river head that divided north from south, in the Shishido Mountains.

This land dispute had finally come to a head and King Enji Todoroki of Endeavor sued for a meeting with King Yagi Toshinori of All Mighty to draw up a final peace accord and fairly divide the land in question. The meeting was to be held in the capital city of mutual neighbor The Kamui Woods, where President Nishiya would preside over a council of judges from the three countries that neighbor Endeavor: a judge from their own country, a trusted emissary from the ruler of Taka no Negura in the east, and crown prince Izuku Midoriya of the United Alliance in the west. There was a week of listening to evidence and arguments from both parties as well as lists of requests for where the boundary would be established and questions of reparations on each side. The council of three retired for three days while trying to work out a solution that would be seen as fair and equitable to both nations.

The night before the decision was to be proclaimed, King Todoroki and his people pulled up stakes and fled into the darkness. Their apparent reason for disappearing from the conference was the physical removal of Prince Midoriya. When his absence was noted, a thorough search turned up his two night guards tied so tightly in body binding spells that they could barely breathe, and the prince’s room empty, but thoroughly destroyed.

King Toshinori’s delegation carried with them some of the finest healers on this continent or the next, and they worked hard to undo the curse around the guards so they could provide information on who attacked them. But after a full day of treatment, they were only able to blink and take deep breaths. It was safe to assume that no information would be coming from that quarter any time soon.

The prince’s personal bodyguards, Sir Shouta Aizawa and Sir Hizashi Yamada, didn’t wait to hear who had stolen their prince from the guards. Shouta easily followed the stench of the magic surrounding the poor guards back to Enji’s own tent where it seemed the king had given his people either some kind of object to cast the spell with, or the final components needed for their work. In any case, the spell was decaying in a manner that showed it had been cast slightly after Izuku, um, the prince had retired for bed.

Hizashi had their bags packed and horses saddled by the time Shouta returned with news of who had stolen Crown Prince Izuku out from under their noses. This was not a slight that would be allowed to stand! The United Alliance loved their prince. He was set to reach the age of majority in less than a month, where he would be expected to find a consort, choose advisors, and slowly take over the rule of the kingdom. He was needed and they weren’t going to allow a flaming piece of dung like Enji Todoroki to take their Sunshine Prince from them!

They set off to follow the king at once, but even riding day and night they couldn’t catch up with the royal retinue. They had to carefully sneak across the border into Endeavor, which meant sending their horses back with the Iida brothers, part of UA’s entourage that had accompanied Shouta and Hizashi and crossing on foot. Other horses were bought in the next town, but by the time they made it to the capital city all the town gossip was about the ball King Todoroki was throwing to announce his plan to marry none other than the Prince of UA. Not only would the betrothal be officially announced to the populace, but the party goers would be witnesses to a royal betrothal ceremony.

The king and the prince would become pledged; body, soul, and magic to each other and only each other. The wedding later would finalize the betrothal and seal them to each other in an unbreakable bond until one of them passed away. Endeavor would put UA under its wing for protection and Enji would become an emperor greater even than his father.

Unknown to the despicable king, two of Izuku’s most loyal guards had followed him and vowed to “kidnap him back” or die trying. This is their story. A story of sacrifice, love, and joy in unexpected places.


Chapter 2: Your Prince is in Another Castle


Shouta and Hizashi have traced their prince to the capital of Endeavor now all they have to do is break into the castle, rescue the prince, and get out again. How hard could it be?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


They'd agreed that Hizashi would be the mouthpiece when they rode into the capital. He would be posing as his cousin, ZaKari, who would come to participate in King Todoroki’s annual masquerade ball. Shouta would be his manservant, a highly trusted, highly trained companion that was meant to serve and protect on his journey. They considered hiring men to be Hizashi's entourage, but ultimately decided to keep it simple and reduce the opportunity for betrayal from strangers in their quest.

There was no chance of actually running into his cousin, as ZaKari had become very good friends of the Buteo’s consort and was shocked to learn that King Todoroki had outright refused to allow his eldest to inherit Endeavor's throne and then basically sold him off to the Buteo to “strengthen relations between our countries”. Fortunately Consort Touya got along with Buteo Keigo quite well and relations between Endeavor and Taka no Negura had become downright frosty. Besides, ZaKari would totally approve of his name being attached to a rescue of a stolen prince that would make Enji Todoroki look like a fool. Hizashi could hardly wait to receive a letter yelling at him over it.

Hizashi’s first action was to get them lodgings in the most expensive hotel in the city. Introducing himself as Duke Yamada (and valet, of course) certainly made it easy. They made reservations for the theater, so that Hizashi could be seen amongst the elite and make friends, while also sniffing out a tailor that wasn't too busy to transform some old-style clothing from the Taka court to be more fashionable for the Endeavor ball. While Hizashi spent an afternoon dressed up at a high-end café talking to pompous dandies, Shouta dressed down and went to procure four horses and pay for them to be stabled until the day after the ball. He also bought three sets of tack and a carrying rack for the animals. His final task for the afternoon was getting some good, secondhand clothes to put Izuku in and get other traveling necessities ready for when they had to leave.

They spent four days making sure Hizashi was seen in all the right places and talking to all the right people while Shouta hung out with the other servants, gathering information from his fellow workers, who had better information of what was really going on with the people upstairs and who inadvertently saved Shouta, and thereby Hizashi, from making some serious mistakes or social faux pas more than once.

Each night, they went out to scout the royal residence. They had to give the flame emperor some credit for how his palace was put together. Half the building had been carved into a cliff, so there would be no sneaking in through a back entrance. The high fence and frequent guard patrols ensured that no one was getting in through the front or east with any kind of ease. The sheer drop-off to the West also seemed likely to discourage any attack on the palace. Good thing their intent was not to attack, but rather walk in through the front door with their own invitation.

Invitations to the ball were naturally hard to come by, but with the right introductions to the right people, Hizashi had managed to get a hand delivered envelope containing a welcome to the palace for himself and one attendant the day before the event. How fortunate, then, that Hizashi and Shouta had new clothes ready for Shouta to pick up on the day of the ball!

The clothes shone brightly with many small gems, about half the wealth they’d brought with them, as well as having gold and silver threads creating their costumes.

Hizashi looked like a strutting bird with feathers made of illusory magic. They would fade in a day or so, but the pattern sewn underneath in golden wire maintained the hint of a proud peaco*ck displaying its finery. His jacket was a loud yellow over a black shirt, and the green ascot at his neck gave the impression of a bird puffing out his chest. His pants were a darker shade of yellow and no less studded with gems. Fortunately, they were both lined with a black silk that was a delight against the skin.

Shouta’s costume was much more low-key, as would be expected for a personal servant. He had to be dressed in a way that insulted neither his king nor his master while simultaneously demonstrating he had no ambitions above what his station permitted. His dark clothing suggested the smooth stalking of a large cat. The head covering of his costume covered his face from brow to cheeks and had the barest suggestion of whiskers and slanted feline eyes. The soft cat ears poking up on either side of his head sold the costume the most.

They climbed into their rented carriage and told the driver and groomsmen to be prepared for an early exit as they were expecting to move on to Kamui Woods in the morning. Upon their arrival, Hizashi tipped them generously for their time and they entered the palace.

It was packed with the elite of Endeavor as well as more than a few visiting dignitaries from other lands. Anyone that knew the right people and the right words had been granted entrance to Enji Todoroki’s betrothal celebration. Shouta scoffed at the lack of security King Todoroki showed. Even as he used every bit of magic he knew to detect hidden mages or trap spells, finding none, even in places where they ought to be standard, he almost lamented how few soldiers were present to protect the guests and the king. Of course, this could only help their plans to succeed, but really? Did the man think he needed no help at all, or did he care for the lives of the people under his roof so little? Either way they would need to get their Izuku out of here as soon as possible.

The party goers had been mingling for almost an hour, most dressed as fantastic beasts from folktale or myth, before a harsh trumpeting of brass rang out.

“His royal Majesty, the Keeper of the Flame and Gods-Blessed Ruler of Endeavor, King Enji Todoroki! Escorted by His Highness, the promised one to His Majesty, Prince Izuku Midoriya of the United Alliance!”

Everyone froze in place at the sounding of the trumpets and turned to the top of the inner staircase. There, standing in a glorious suit of reds, oranges, and yellows was the king. Dressed as a fire elemental, he’d even gone so far as to have his hair and beard set aflame. Shouta hoped he was covered in the illusion of flames and not the real thing, but as the king moved, Shouta realized if it was an illusion, it wasn’t a common one like on Hizashi’s clothes, where the golden threads anchored it to the costume. Oh, no, King Todoroki was spending the power, time, and talent of some poor court mage to keep the flames alight. It was a waste of the mage’s talent and Shouta dearly wished to be able to tell the suffering soul that they could certainly do better if they sought out a new employer. But, that would have to wait.

Shouta tore his eyes away from the king, whose glorious costume did nothing to hide his horrible personality and looked at his prince. He barely bit his tongue in time as an oath nearly dropped from his lips. That was not his prince! Or rather, it was his prince in that it was Izuku’s body, but his eyes had lost their vibrancy and there was none of the constant motion that Shouta had come to expect from the boy. Izuku had been dressed as a forest spirit, wearing a mask of leaves that held more emotion than his Prince’s unnaturally still face, and a beautifully tailored coat covered in green and white gems. The more Shouta studied his Prince’s costume, the more it took every ounce of his will not to try to rip the coat from Izuku’s body. The green gems had been placed in such a way as to bind Izuku’s magic power, while the white gems controlled him, body and soul. He had truly become a puppet to the man that had kidnapped him, and would be forced to marry if Shouta and Hizashi weren’t successful.

Hizashi grabbed Shouta’s arm as the entire room bowed to the flaming trash fire. Once they were bid to stand and welcomed to the ball officially, people rushed to greet the king and fawn over his supposed fiancé.

“Shouta, do you see?” Hizashi hissed into his ear. “They have forced our Sunshine into a terrible trap. First, they bind his will, and then they’ve ensured that anyone trying to break the pattern with their magic will drain themselves dry while strengthening the binding. It makes me want to scream.”

“Please don’t do that Zak,” Shouta whispered back using Hizashi’s borrowed name. “It would give me much more of a headache. And there’s a second thing to worry about,” he continued as they approached the “happy couple,” ensuring they stayed just far away enough to avoid presenting themselves to the ruler. “There’s a binding spell layered over the gems. If we tried to break them or cut them off we’d immediately drop to the ground like a stone and the guard would have no difficulty taking us away.” He grumbled to himself, “I knew it was too easy.”

“Shouta, what are we going to do to get him out of that?”

“Give me a minute, Zash, um Zak. I’m still trying to parse out the spells.” They moved around the floor, Hizashi greeting people while Shouta concentrated. “Okay,” he began some twenty minutes later, “So all the mage work was laid on the crystals before they were sewn on, but the trap spell was painted on afterward. The fabric itself isn’t part of it. So, if we attack the cloth and seams of the suit, no one will be petrified or have their magic drained. We have to get near him somehow…” he muttered to his conspirator, pausing to consider their next steps as they dodged a particularly amorous couple. “We’ll need to wait until they’re dancing to get close enough. When the jacket falls, you go in to cover him with your coat and I’ll make sure the flame brain is too distracted to do anything about it.”

“No Shouta, I don’t like it. It leaves you behind. You know the Sun would never shine again if we lost you.”

Shouta hummed consideringly. “I can attack the stitches within a certain radius. I'll set it on someone near the flame beard so it's less obvious who the target is.”

“So long as you make sure that man’s clothes are undone including his breeches.”

“ZaKari, please. You just want to see that man moon his court.”

“Damn right.”

“As I was saying, once everyone is scrambling, you’ll cover him, and we’ll take him toward the royal chambers.”

“Shouta, why go into the palace?”

“Because they’ll be expecting anyone abducting him to take him away. Anyway, I’ll have an illusion set to show many people rushing the prince and trying to get him out the front while we slip through the back.”

“If only Toshi were here, he could really make a group try to take him out,” Hizashi lamented quietly.

“We’re not risking his best friend.”

“Of course not, Shou.”

“Well then,” Shouta extended a hand to his co-conspirator. “May I have this dance?”

Hizashi’s bright smile was answer enough as he grabbed his kitten’s hand. “You may regret this,” Hizashi warned, not at all meaning dancing together.

Shouta grinned back at him. “Not in a million years!”

The revised plan went off better than expected. Many of the court that lost their clothing immediately set upon the king, wailing in embarrassment. The ones not affected were all busy scrounging up something to cover those who were or attempting to remove the more brazenly naked ones. It was chaos at its finest and both guards were disappointed to not be able to enjoy the show, but they were busy.

Hizashi threw his feathery covering over Izuku, and the young man dropped like a stone. Obviously Izuku had been under that binding a lot longer than a few hours—it’s likely they had only let him out of it partially to eat and perform other necessary functions. Though Izuku was shorter than Hizashi, he was certainly heavier than the yellow haired man and Hizashi did his best not to stagger as they were jostled by the naked, frantic crowd.

He’d just made it to the service entrance when Shouta appeared by his side, having stripped off his jacket and turned it inside out. Now he was wearing a blood red top and had taken off the cat mask to replace it with a much furrier one that made him look like some kind of bear. He took Izuku from Hizashi as the man quickly stepped out of his yellow, feathery pants and stayed in the dark green hose underneath. As they walked Hizashi turned the pants inside out and used them to fashion a head covering for Izuku.

When his mask was gently removed Izuku gained just enough energy to look up into their faces and give a tiny smile before falling back into unconsciousness. That was enough to really get them moving.

Servants were running to and fro as no one knew what was happening, the kitchen trying to send out food, while other panicking guests and servants hit by Shouta’s unraveling spell were fighting to get away from the ballroom in an attempt to find some privacy.

As they escaped, Shouta kept an eye out for side doors and finally saw one they could duck through. They hurried through the passage that, as it turned out, let them out near the stables. It was a stroke of luck: this was where all the coaches were waiting. Unfortunately, their coach was stuck toward the back of the bunch.

Hizashi solved their little problem by knocking out the driver and footmen of the coach last in line and closest to the front gates. While Shouta put Izuku safely inside and turned the coach around, Hizashi paid their original coach to transport the unlucky and unconscious men as far from the castle as they could get once the tangle of coaches and horses was cleared up. They seemed fine with the arrangement; their time had already been paid for the night. Hizashi jumped on to their new ride as it was moving toward the front gates of the palace. Already there was a commotion of people trying to leave and one more coach amongst so many was hardly noticed.



So, I have no idea how many chapters this will be or when the rest will be posted, but I hope to get them out at least weekly. We'll see. No promises!

Chapter 3: Time to Get This Show on the Road!


Shouta and Hizashi flee the capital and King Todoroki. They just need to get out of the country to be safe from his soldiers and from the king’s reach. If only Izuku would wake up!


Thanks to LadySable, Failx, and Mom herself for looking over this chapter!

I know you may be wondering about the idea of giving Mom access to all of her present in this very early chapter. Well, when I asked for betas (yes I like to have more than one person put eyes on my work) Mom happened to be making eyes at my request. So, I isolated the chapter and added her to the group of people that work to make my writing better. I'd be lost without all of them!

Thanks everyone for your help!

Chapter Text


Once they were out of sight of the castle guards, Shouta slowed the horses and quietly drove them to an inn on the far side of the city, close to the city gates. For only three jewels off Shouta’s costume, the innkeeper offered to have his groom return the coach and horses to the noblewoman they belonged to. Hizashi suggested the groom “find” the horses in the morning and return them to hopefully get a reward for his act of kindness. The innkeeper agreed and bid them good night. They paid for their room and some food, then smuggled Izuku into the inn under the cover of darkness. Izuku was much like a wooden soldier. He could move if instructed, and managed to eat a little bit, but mostly stared straight ahead and stood or sat where he was placed.

It broke Hizashi’s heart to see Izuku like this. He’d known the boy since he was born, well, he’d been made aware of the prince’s birth when he and Shouta were serving as pages in the king’s court. They were both first-born children, and custom dictated that the first be given to the service of the country. Usually this meant sending ten-year-olds to serve as pages and runners to the court, or to be sent to the various libraries to learn the craft of making and preserving the country’s knowledge. Shouta and Hizashi had both chosen to become knights. By the time they’d earned the title, the young prince had been in their care for years.

Hadn’t Shouta taught little Zu to use a sling for the first time when he was four? Hadn’t Zashi told him bedtime stories in the languages of the surrounding countries to get the youngster familiar with the words? When Izuku reached ten years old, Shouta was teaching their charge the basics of using a bow and arrows, and Hizashi had introduced him to the first principles of philosophy. By the time the lad was twelve he'd moved up to diplomacy and their Shouta was teaching him basic battle magic. Each year brought new challenges and rewards as they watched their Sunshine boy grow into a fine young leader with an arsenal of skills that would serve him well as he prepared to be enthroned as UA’s next ruler. He had become quite the amazing young man.

So to see him so blank faced, when he'd always been so expressive, was upsetting. And for him to be so silent, where his brilliant chatter used to fill the air, was distressing. Hizashi wasn't sure how to help their Izuku. He got Izuku ready for bed and laid him down covered in blankets. Izuku simply stared off into the distance. Shouta used what little healing magic he knew to check over the prince, but came up with nothing.

“He's so cold,” Hizashi said as he piled another blanket on the bed. “I don't like this, Shou.”

“I don't like it either,” the dark-haired man said. “It's too late to ask for heating stones. Maybe you could share with him? We both know you're the warmer of us.” He set a chair by the door. “I'll take first watch. When you take over, I'll switch places with you.”

“Okay,” Hizashi leaned over and gently ran a hand down Izuku's face. The movement helped to close Izuku's eyes, and he looked like he was asleep; whether he was or not was anyone's guess. “Wake me up in three hours and we'll switch.”

“Fine, but you'll need to get me up before daybreak,” Shouta said with a yawn. “I still have to get our things and our horses from the other inn.”

“Can do, Shou,” Hizashi took off his boots, but set them within easy reach. He also had his staff near the head of the bed. If anyone came for them, he was prepared to protect his people.

He got under the blankets and let out a little whine. “Shou, it's like he's not even in here, it's so cold under the blankets.”

“We'll just have to keep him warm then.” Shouta's face was grim. “I did get a few warming stones for our supplies. We’ll do our best till we can get him some better treatment. For now, we just have to get him out of here.”

Hizashi nodded, then turned to his bedmate. He pulled Izuku close to him and laid an arm across his shoulders. He also tried to twine a leg around the one closest to him, but Izuku hadn't the least bit of flexibility in his joints. He ended up with his leg across both of Izuku's. He was as close as he could be and concentrated on thinking of warm things like summer training under the hot midday sun, the heated springs near his mother's childhood home, and freshly baked bread hot from the ovens in the bakery that Izuku liked to drag them to when he'd been allowed a morning off. With thoughts of buying Izuku one of everything from that bakery once they got home, Hizashi drifted off to sleep.


Waking Shouta when Hizashi was sure he'd gotten less than a couple of hours of sleep was difficult, but if they wanted to slip out in the hustle and bustle of the morning markets, he had to do it. Shouta's eyes flew open and he had a dagger to Hizashi's throat before he truly woke up.

“Sorry, Zash,” Shouta yawned.

“Perfectly understandable, Shou,” Hizashi said as he moved to the banked fire in the room and started to build it up. “You go get the horses; I'll try to get Zuzu warmed by the fire.”

Shouta was dressed and out the door in a few minutes. Hizashi put the chair in front of the fire and added a couple of blankets to warm. He tried waking Izuku, but there was no response. Still, when he sat the boy up in bed he stayed that way.

Hizashi opened Izuku's lids and thought there was a glimmer of recognition, but it was gone as soon as it was seen. He was able to get Izuku to stand and walk to the chair before the fire. He tucked the blankets tightly around Izuku while seeing to his morning needs. He also brought a washcloth over to gently wipe Izuku's face.

“Sorry, it's cold sweetheart,” Hizashi whispered, but Izuku didn't acknowledge the words or the cold cloth. Then Hizashi used the make-up he'd stashed in his costume’s pockets to darken the skin on Izuku's face, neck, hands and arms, and legs from the knee down.

Shouta was back and carried a pack with clothes for Hizashi and Izuku. Izuku's hair was done up in a braid and coiled into a bun. This was covered by a hat that covered half his face as well. Shouta then dressed him in the secondhand clothes and boots, noticing that they were slightly too big for him now. He growled knowing they would have fit him perfectly when Izuku was first kidnapped. When Hizashi looked him over, it didn't seem like the prince of a proud kingdom sat in the room, but a scraggly ragamuffin. With Izuku's stiff movements, it wouldn't be hard to sell him as having drunk too much the previous night. That at least was a blessing.

Still, they crept down the hall toward the horses as carefully as they could. They'd already paid their debt, so they had no qualms about leaving just as the sun crested the mountain.

It was obvious that Izuku wouldn't be steering his own horse, but it only took a few steps of the horse to see that Izuku wouldn't be able to ride on his own. Shouta helped situate Izuku in front of Hizashi and then tied Izuku's horse to follow behind them. They decided that Shouta would ride as their guard with more freedom to move.

“Do you have the gate tax?” Hizashi asked as they hurried toward the market gate. It was closer to the palace, but they needed their flight to be as difficult to follow as possible.

“You mean the guards’ bribe?” Shouta snorted. “Yes, two gold pieces and three silvers,” he said as he patted a small purse on his belt. “One gold per two horses and a silver per person. Seems a bit steep, but what can you do?”

“Are you sure it shouldn't be more?” Hizashi asked, the worry clear in his voice.

“Any more and they'd search us because it was obvious we had something to hide. Any less, and they'd be insulted and search us to make our day worse.”

“So, that's the Goldenlocks pouch?” Hizashi asked with a smile.

“You bet your boots, Blondie.”

Getting out of there was still a bit of a wait. It seemed that news of the disaster at the ball had spread like wildfire through the town and many were hurrying back to their hometowns to spread the gossip further. Hizashi bought them breakfast from the wandering vendors that always pop up where lines of people exist and heard three different versions of what went down while he paid for the warm, spicy filled buns.

Shouta was right, as usual, about the bribe. It was just enough to grease some palms while not so much to draw attention. A merchant trying to get in, had no such luck. Apparently his “donation” was seen as below what would be expected for someone with such rich goods to sell, and the guards had pulled him aside to go through his wares to look for “contraband”.

They rode for most of the day, stopping only to pay for food from the town they came across. Shouta had supplies for when the towns became spaced a bit further, but this was a convenient place to stop. It was only when Hizashi came back from using the public privy that they realized that Izuku hadn't relieved himself in all the time he'd been with them.

What followed was an embarrassment to both men. They hadn't had to potty train the prince when he was little and felt out of their depth with how to help now. Apparently, opening his trousers wasn't enough. And sitting him on the privy bench didn't work either. Standing him above the hole, and making him squat down finally did the trick, but they hadn't been careful enough to keep his garments out of the way. A quick change, and they left the small town with a renewed sense of urgency to get the prince to a healer.

They camped that night far from the road, with Izuku's bedroll between their own. Shouta took out the warming stones; they were inscribed to absorb heat quickly and slowly release it for longer than the stones normally would be able to do and ensured that Izuku was surrounded by the heaters. They traded off watches again, and the one not on watch snuggled close to the prince hoping to help warm the too cold flesh. Both had difficulty sleeping but did manage to catch some rest for their ride the next day.

When they started the next morning, Izuku was positioned in front of Shouta while Hizashi rode as guard. They made good time, but still looked over their shoulders for anyone in royal livery. So far no one has shown up, but there was always a chance they'd be followed. Even after a week, they still were wary and on alert.


Shouta had tried to make his illusion of people stealing away the prince obviously people from UA and it would make sense for them to concentrate their forces along the westward roads back to UA. If their original coach was found, then other parties might be headed North to Kamui Woods. Still, there's a chance that riders were sent in the eastern road they were taking to Taka no Negura in the south east. They bypassed the next town and kept moving till nearly sunset.

They stopped to help a farmer and his son get his wagon out of a ditch. With Shouta and Hizashi helping, the cart was soon put to rights and the farmer insisted on returning the favor. He invited them to dinner with his family and offered room in his barn for their animals and themselves to bed down. Glad to get Izuku out of the open air, they accepted the farmer’s invitation. And his boy was sent ahead to give the good woman of the house sufficient warning of their guests.

Upon arriving at the farmhouse, Shouta immediately offered to help haul in wood and fetch water. He then insisted on helping the farmer's wife and eldest daughter in making the food for them all. Asking about their lives and neighbors as a friendly visitor might. Hizashi went with the farmer to unload his wagon and tend to the animals. Between the farmer, Hizashi, and the gaggle of children that had run out to greet the cart, they were done with evening chores with plenty of time to clean up and help set the table inside.

Through all of this, Izuku sat on a stool near the fire staring blankly at the wall. Shouta managed to stay near him as he helped cook so that Izuku wouldn't fall into the fire, but other than that he was as silent as a specter through dinner and the evening afterwards. Even Hizashi's stories, the ones he told to entertain the children, stories that had been Izuku's favorites, failed to get so much as a flicker of recognition. Both men despaired at how to help their Izuku.

The two men said goodnight when the youngest child was sent off to bed. The farmer insisted on walking them to the barn as he carried a glow stone in a mirrored lantern to light their way. As he watched Hizashi get Izuku bedded down, he made a passing comment that gave both the guards a bit of hope.

“Ah, there now,” the farmer said, “ye’ mustn't lose hope of your comrade. Ye’ just got ‘im from the city, didn't ya?” He nodded to himself at their astonished looks. “It'll be a bit a’fore ya see any improvement. Many around here have folks that’ve been hit with the ‘City sickness' and it takes a good while to wear off.”

“Other people have come back from the capital like this?” Shouta asked the man.

“Oh, aye,” he agreed. “Many a young ‘en has been lured to th’ city with the prospect a’ findin’ work. Only a lucky few find their way back, An' they're mostly lookin’ like your friend there.”

“Do they recover?” Hazashi was quick to ask.

The farmer’s face screwed up in thought. “Most do,” he answered. “Some stay like this. But most o’ them do get bet’er.” He gave Shouta a pat on the back. “The farther you can take ‘im, the more he’ll be ‘imself.” He shook Hizashi's hand, “And the closer ‘yus stay to ‘im, the sooner he’ll be bet’er.”

“Thank you,” Hizashi said as he shook the man’s hand with both his own. “This is the first bit of good news we've received since we first saw our friend in the city.”

“Yer good lads. Take care o’ each other, and may your journey be blessed.”

“May your household prosper and you find your ease in each other,” Shouta spoke the minor blessing on the man and his family, not that the farmer seemed to notice. For the next month they'd be free of those minor ills that befall any large group of people. It was the least he could do to pay them back for their generosity.

That night they slept well, curled together with Izuku in the middle. Shouta was roused from slumber in the early hours before dawn and woke Hizashi urgently.

“We need to go,” was all he said, and Hizashi was up at once pulling together their bed rolls while Shouta saddled the horses.

They left the farm a scant half hour before the town gossip dropped by for a bit of breakfast. She'd been promised her choice of birds from their newest hatching and wanted plenty of time to observe the little bantams. If the woman had been earlier, or the men left later, then the woman would surely have told the royal messenger that showed up a day later about the three strangers that passed the night in her friend’s barn. It would have brought ruin to the family for sure and certainly endangered Shouta and Hizashi's rescue efforts. However, she spent the morning visiting with her friends, who somehow were always interrupted before they spoke of the strangers in her presence, chose her two hens, and returned home with nothing more than her poultry, some honey cake, and the news that the youngest child had just lost her first tooth.


Chapter 4: In Sickness and in Health


Shouta and Hizashi have made it to the border. They join a caravan to safely navigate the badlands that separate Endeavor and Taka No Negura. Fortunately for them, there's a healer in the caravan. Unfortunately, Izuku isn't doing so well, the closer they get to the border.


Thanks to my dear friend Failx for their help beta'ing this!

Chapter Text


They spent the remainder of the time as they headed toward the border with trading off who rode with Izuku in front of them, whispering in his ear their memories of him as he had grown under their care; showing him every kindness as the prince could do very little for himself but they were content to feed and clean him and whisper their care into his curly hair.

He was their prince, their charge, their Izuku and nothing would be too much to ask them to do for him. His eyes eventually began to open and close on their own as they got farther from that man and his court, but Izuku was still mostly a very tall, very cold, toy soldier who ate only a fraction of what he should and could swallow a few mouthfuls of water at each meal.

At night, Shouta had been carefully removing the precious gems and stones from their ball clothing. He took the clothes apart at the seams but kept the cloth and fine decorations in as whole a piece as he was able. The cloth that was primed to be spelled would fetch a pretty penny in the markets, especially amongst other tailors that knew the secret of anchoring illusions to golden threads, but in general the fabrics were expensive and would be hoarded by those that made their living from such things.

They stopped in the last city before the border to buy yards of coarse cloth, cording, thread, needles, ribbons, and wrought iron decorations suitable for the tentmakers of the eastern kingdom of Taka. Hizashi knew just what to look for as his family was very entrenched in the business, and he’d been dragged to more than one meeting over such things as a child and as a teenager.

Once their wares were secure, they hired a dozen donkeys and their drovers to carry their supplies across the border. They were all a part of the merchant guild, hired to see stock and animals from city to city, and their company was known to the Yamada family as being above board and honest. They had been eager to sign the hiring contract as one of the major caravans was slated to leave in a few days and there was more safety to be had in a large group than with the six herders and two bosses. And apparently a third person was going with, but he was too sick to join them at the guild hall.

Their final purchase was a covered wagon in the style of the traveling merchants that passed through all the countries of this continent. It was little more than a wooden box on wheels, but the sturdy roof was gently bowed to help shed rain or snow quickly. The little door at the back was painted a cheerful yellow, while the few stairs and window shutters were a bright red. The sides of the wagon were a sky blue and the wheel spokes were the same yellow as the door. It was a colorful eye sore that absolutely wouldn't be chosen by anyone trying to smuggle a stolen prince from the country.

They made Izuku a bed in the wagon and surrounded him with soft blankets and pillows. There was room inside to stow their packs as well as a few things to improve Izuku's comfort as they traveled across the wild lands between Endeavor and Taka, like a few books they picked up as well as paper, ink, and a small traveling desk. Hizashi made sure to get glow stones that could be turned on and off at a word. And Shouta found a pail of spelled heating sand and more warming rocks to add to their growing collection.

They received word the next day to meet up with Nedzu at the caravansary. They'd be leaving in two days’ time and the fey creature wanted all his charges lined up for a last inspection. The man was about a head and a half shorter than Shouta and had rodent ears and a tail. It was obvious he was a citizen of the fey realms. Magic rolled off him in quiet eddies like those who spent significant time in that realm tended to do. That and the animal-like qualities, along with the short stature, spoke of fey ancestry. He was an intelligent little man who seemed not to miss any detail.

Hizashi felt it only right to introduce Nedzu to Izuku since they didn't want to be accused of smuggling someone illegally or participating in something like the slave trade. They weren't the Dung Heap after all.

“Nedzu, is there anyone in the caravan that is knowledgeable in medicine or healing?” Hizashi asked their leader. “You see, we have a- companion, that fell sick and has been little more than a walking body for more than two weeks now.”

He led Nedzu to the wagon and opened the door to usher the smaller man inside.

“Oh dear, Zashi,” Nedzu tutted as he looked at Izuku. “This is a serious case, a very serious case.” He turned from the sick man and looked Hizashi in the eye. “My mother is the best healer in this or any realm. She'll see to your- What's his name?”

“He goes by Zu, or sometimes Zuzu,” Shouta said from the open door.

“Ah, thank you Zawa,” Nedzu nodded at the man. “As I was saying, my mother Chiyo, is the best healer you could ask for for your Zu. I'll have her stop by later today.” Neither of the men caught the twinkle in his eye.

As they left the wagon Nedzu continued, “It looks like you have all the supplies you need. I might want a bit more provender for your animals, but what you have should be enough to get us through the pass. Well, good day to you both.”

They watched the tiny man wander to the next encampment before Shouta called one of the drovers to him. “Take Zashi and one of your men to get half as much food for the animals as we have now.” He looked at his ‘business partner’. “Don't be cheap in your bargaining, even if we have to hire another donkey just for food supplies. In fact, get another donkey and add extra flour, salt pork, and beans for our stores, too.”

Hizashi nodded and he and the two hired men headed back to procure the supplies.

“Why’d ya do it boss?” one of the youngest drovers asked. “He said we were good ta go.”

“You said Nedzu has a reputation for getting his groups through the wild lands without losing life or stock, right?” Shouta replied.

At the young man’s nod he continued, “And Nedzu had only a few rules to joining up which were: to follow his guidance and leave other members of the group alone, unless invited. Correct?”

The youth nodded again. “Then, when Nedzu says the animals need more feed, why wouldn't I get them more? And why not add to our own stores as well?”

“When you put it like that, it makes sense.”

“Also, I think Nedzu is testing us,” Shouta said quietly. “If we won't follow his directions in a small thing, then what's to keep us doing as he asks for the big stuff?”

“You're right, Zawa,” a cackle came from behind them. “It was a bit of a test, and you passed with flying colors,” Nedzu smiled. A mouth of pointy teeth made most pay attention to his words. “But also, we sometimes get delayed a day or two and I don't think it's fair to your creatures to suffer on half rations when a bit of prevention could fix a problem before it becomes one.”

“Right you are, Sir,” Shouta said with a nod.

“I talked with my mother,” the little leader said. “She'll be here in an hour or two, unless some emergency comes up.”

“Thanks again,” Shouta bowed toward Nedzu.

“Now, none of that, Zawa. Just doing what I can to keep everyone safe and secure until we reach Bōeki Toshi.

“Your help is still appreciated, even if you see it as part of your contract.”

Nedzu merely flashed the man a quick grin and disappeared among the other groups.

Hizashi and the others had just returned when a tiny old lady with white hair and gossamer wings popped up in front of Shouta.

“My pup says you have someone that needs healing,” she said as she adjusted a bag around her shoulder. “Well? What are you waiting for? Show me to him!”

Shouta quickly brought the pushy little fairy woman to the wagon.

“We got him away from the city about two weeks ago,” he said as he opened the door. “He's able to walk, eat, and sit but not much more.”

The woman tutted, but quickly entered the wagon. With a snap of her fingers, small fairy lights quickly illuminated the interior. Her sharp inhale didn't bode well. Still, she felt his pulse, checked his temperature, listened to his heart and lungs, and shone a light into the young man’s eyes.

With a nod of her head, she brought out some kind of glass rod and waved it over his body. She spoke some word of power and the glass changed to a sickly yellow-green that pulsed in the relative darkness of the wagon.

“I see,” she said as she scowled at her instrument as if it had insulted her in some way. “I need to talk to my sonny and get your wagon moved to the front of the line, at least until we're across the border.”

And with that, she spoke another word that cleared the glass rod and doused the fairy lights. She bustled out the door as she called back instructions.

“Get your wagon ready to move and make sure the water barrel is full!”

Shouta was quick to head to where the animals were picketed. He ordered on of the hired hands to check the water barrel was full and brought his ponies to the front of the wagon. He'd just finished telling Hizashi what had happened when Nedzu hurried up to them.

“Mama Chiyo says you have someone ailing under a hex and a curse,” he said. “We need to get you off Endeavor land as soon as possible. Bring your wagon to the front of the line, before even my own cart.”

He looked between the two of them. “I can tell you both are knowledgeable in the ways of magic. Which of you is more proficient in hexes and curses?”

Hizashi immediately pointed to Shouta. “Zawa, is one of the most powerful mages you'll find. Good enough to work in any king’s court,” he added on.

“Good,” he nodded at Shouta. “Tomorrow morning we'll see to unraveling the curse, but tonight we'll put a dampener around your wagon to give the poor man some rest.”

He looked at Hizashi. “Would you prefer to drive your wagon or assist Chiyo as we travel? She'll need an assistant, but I know nursing doesn't come naturally to some.”

“Zashi is the kindest, most thoughtful, and most caring individual you're likely to meet,” Shouta said before Hizashi could insist on helping Chiyo. “You were wanting to be close to Zu, weren't you?”

“It's like you've known me almost all my life,” Hizashi said with a grin. “Probably because you have.”

“Fine then,” Nedzu said. “I'll have two of my men upfront. Naomasa can drive anything with wheels expertly. And Sansa has sharp eyes and sharper reflexes. They'll get you safely across.”

Shouta and Hizashi nodded at the smaller man.

“Okay, you bring that wagon up near to mine and I'll help Chiyo get something ready for your compatriot to eat for dinner.”

The little man disappeared in a wink and Shouta worked to get the wagon through or around the various camps that lay between their place in the caravan and the head.

That evening Chiyo showed Zashi a better technique for feeding Izuku and managed to get almost twice the amount as usual into the poor, glazed eye man. Nedzu used a broom to sweep a circle clear around the wagon. Then used a sharpened stick to draw a rune circle in the cleared area. He used two different colored sands to fill in the circle while Shouta laid a fine line of salt on the inside. Shouta uttered the usual incantation for a space free of outside influence, while Nedzu used a language Shouta was unfamiliar with but obviously filled with power. A dome of faint light immediately enclosed the wagon.

“I don't know what you just did,” Hizashi's voice came from the open door, “but keep that up. He finally looks as if his muscles have relaxed.”

Izuku had finally been able to relax his muscles and Chiyo insisted that they give him a full body massage to “keep the poor boy from cramping now that his muscles aren't strung taut as a bow string”. The oil they used for the massage had some kind of warming effect, and Hizashi finally felt relief at Izuku not being a block of ice.

“I'll leave some of this with you,” Chiyo said motioning to the oil bottle. “In case he wakes with a muscle cramp in the night. Don't use the oil unless there's a cramp, and it's not to be used internally.”

Hizashi had looked at her questioningly, but when he caught her meaning he quickly blushed and told her that he and Shouta's relationship with Zuzu, or each other, was nothing like that.

She merely narrowed her eyes at him and looked back and forth between him and Izuku.

“Maybe it's not that way now,” she conceded, “but your strings are so entwined and thus inclined that it can't be long now.” She gave him a sly smile, “I have other potions for that, should you need it.”

Hizashi's face went up in flame while the tiny old woman cackled.

“Let's just work on this,” Hizashi said as he worked the massage oil into Izuku's calf muscle.

“Okay, dearie,” Chiyo said. “Here now, you need to press deeper as you go toward the direction of the heart and lighter as you return to his heel.”

It took over an hour for them to finish to the doctor's demanding requirements. As soon as they were done, they wrapped Izuku in a blanket and Shouta brought the warming stones to place around the comatose patient.

“Now dearies,” Chiyo said as she watched them prepare Izuku for sleep. “I know that there wasn't much you could do while he was rigid as a plank to move him during the night. But if we want him not to get bed sores,” she fixed them both with a piercing gaze, “and we don’t.” They both nodded agreement. “Then you're going to need to shift him a bit every few hours.”

She proceeded to show them what she meant and pointed out the places to watch out and protect. Both men promised to make sure Izuku didn't lay in one position all night, then helped the woman from their wagon.

“I'll see you in the morning, dearies,” Chiyo said as she lifted into the air on her beautiful wings. “My tent is just over there,” she pointed to a beautiful blue and gold tent nearby. “If you need me, just yell. Try not to step near the circle if you can. That poor child needs some good rest for once, and the dampening circle is the only way, for now, to give it to him.”

With that she took off, flying surprisingly fast for a creature that looked older than Shouta's great-grandmother.

“Do you want first or second watch?” Shouta asked his companion.

“No need for that, Zawa,” Nedzu's voice called from across the magic circle. “For one, we are being guarded by my men.” He grinned at them. “And for another,” he paused dramatically, “there's a protection spell as part of the circle. Only mama or I can get in tonight. You're safe to rest and you should. Tomorrow promises to be difficult and you'll both need your strength to make it through.”

“Thanks Nedzu,” Hizashi said with a bow of his head.

“Yes, thank you ever so much,” Shouta said as he too, bowed.

“Think nothing of it, Zashi- Zawa,” the fey man nodded back. “Get some rest. I'll see you in the morning.”

With that they were left alone.

“I say we bar the door and get a full night's sleep for once,” Hizashi said as he nudged Shouta's shoulder with his own.

“That sounds perfect to me,” Shouta agreed.

They closed and barred the door then stripped down to their underclothes. They each took a side next to Izuku and noticed a difference immediately. Izuku’s head nuzzled into Shouta's shoulder while the younger man seemed to cuddle in close to Hizashi. Both of them instinctively drew closer together. Soon Izuku was thoroughly sandwiched between the two older men.

Hizashi sighed heavily. “He finally feels warm.” The note of relief was easily heard by his bedfellow.

“Yeah, and tomorrow, he'll be out of the dung beetle's clutches,” Shouta confirmed.

“We'll still have to be careful while we're by the border,” Hizashi said, cuddling even closer to Shouta. “I don't trust the moon king not to send troops across the border if he thinks he can get Zuzu back.”

“That would be foolish on his part,” Shouta said, “but you're right. I won't truly feel we're safe till we step foot back in Zu’s home.”

Hizashi yawned and huffed a bit of a laugh. “True, his mom’ll tear anyone to pieces, bit by bit, that tries to lay an unwanted finger on him once he's back.”

And with visions of an enraged Queen Inko tearing into the Flaming Dunny, they tightened their arms round Izuku and finally slept.


The knock on the door of the wagon broke Shouta out of a wonderful dream where he drained that man’s magic and money so that he was powerless and penniless and left him on a pile of rocks inside the bubbling magma of an active volcano. The heat was scorching, but Shouta endured it to watch Enji squirm.

The knocking sounded again, and Shouta opened his eyes. Suddenly the volcanic heat made sense but had far less of a welcome source. Izuku was burning up, even without the heating stones being active.

“Zashi, get the door,” Shouta said as he shook the blond man’s shoulder. “See if it's Chiyo. We need her. Zu is burning up!”

That got Hizashi moving before dressing or putting on shoes. He opened the door to see Chiyo and Nedzu standing with a covered pot of food and three bowls, spoons, and a ladle.

“We brought breakfast,” Nedzu said as he bustled through the door. “Oh, best get those windows open, smells like hex rot in here.”

“Hex rot?” Hizashi asked nervously.

“He means the smell of bad magic decaying once its power is cut,” Shouta explained. He took a deep breath. “Now that you mention it, I can smell it, but it's still far too faint for me to have noticed on my own.” He immediately reached for the shutter to open the window nearest him and Izuku. Hizashi did the same for the window opposite.

“Well, we fey folk are a bit more sensitive to the various magics,” Nedzu said as he helped dish out the simple rice gruel they'd brought. He handed a bowl to Hizashi who had taken a moment to don pants and boots. “You humans are a little more immune to the flow of power and have less need to be aware of what it's doing from one moment to the next.”

“How's my patient this morning?” Chiyo asked. She put a hand to Izuku's brow then felt his neck for his pulse. Her face didn't give any clue to what she thought of what she was learning. “He's getting a fever, which is expected since his body has had its temperature depressed for so long.” She looked over at Nedzu. “It'll go back down as soon as the circle’s broken but shoot back up once you break the curse keeping the human doll spell in place.”

Nedzu nodded and encouraged Shouta to take a bowl. “Eat quickly and clean up as you need. Naomasa is hitching up your ponies and you and I have work to get to.”

Chiyo already had a bowl ready to feed Izuku. “Zashi, can you sit behind him to hold him up? I think this might be a little more difficult now that he's more pliant.”

Zashi sat behind Izuku, one hand across his chest, the other holding his head back against his shoulder. He whispered encouragement into Izuku's ear as Chiyo fed him spoon by spoon. They both felt the moment that the circle had been broken as Izuku immediately froze up.

“Keep him sitting up for now,” Chiyo told Hizashi. “Let me know if anything starts cramping or he starts heating up.” She picked up the now empty pot and placed the dirty bowls inside. “I'll just hand these over to my great-granddaughter and be right back with my healing supplies.”

Shouta had finished quickly, dressed, and left with Nedzu. Hizashi could hear him meeting the driver and his lookout, another fae-born that had the features of an orange tabby cat named Sansa. Then two sets of footsteps could be heard on the roof of the wagon. A moment later Hizashi could feel the power of a magic circle above him. They must be setting up a protective circle to work in while they try to unravel whatever is holding Izuku hostage.

Hizashi could hear Nedzu's words through the open window. He listened to the high voice as he ran careful fingers through Izuku's curly hair. The low sound of Shouta's eager questions helped loosen a knot in Hizashi's chest. They had help now. Nedzu would help break Izuku out of this thrice blasted curse and Chiyo knew how to heal their Sunshine's faltering health.


Obviously, the Garderobe Gremlin had meant only to keep Izuku alive long enough for the wedding to be acknowledged and then would allow Izuku to waste away as the hated man declared himself king of both countries.

It gave Hizashi pause. What happened to the Slug Slime’s previous wives? His eldest three children had been born to Queen Rey, whom the king had only married because she'd been promised to his father before the self-declared emperor died an unexpected and untimely death. Then he'd declared that the queen was a traitor to the crown when she gave birth to a girl and dissolved their marriage before banishing her. Last Hizashi had heard, she'd been taken in by the court of a King to the far north and spent her days as a nanny to the Chamberlain’s children.

But what of the man’s second wife? Oh, hadn't she died in childbirth? Hizashi’s heart fell as he recalled that the child had lived but half a day before following its mother into the halls beyond. Yet, there was still the youngest, a prince about Izuku's age. Where was the prince's mother?

As Chiyo came back into the wagon Hizashi asked if she knew anything about the mother of the youngest prince of Endeavor.

Chiyo slowly shook her head back and forth. “The man wanted power and convinced a very young fae that she was in love with him. Fortunately, her people only agreed to a marriage that lasted as long as her love for him. He was good to her for about a year, but as soon as she announced she was with child, his actions changed. He became more demanding and less reasonable. At one point he struck her, and she fled that night.”

“I'm glad she got out,” Hizashi said. “Too many are trapped in relationships because they have nowhere to go and no help to get away from their more powerful mate.”

“True,” Chiyo said, “but now the little dear is married to my grandson and they have several sprites of their own. The young prince is an excellent big brother to his siblings, but is required to spend half the year in the palace of Endeavor.”

“Good to hear he has some loving family,” Hizashi said as he rubbed a hand down Izuku's arm.

“Well, the older kids do what they can. The eldest is of course the consort of the Buteo in Taka and invites his siblings to their court as often as possible. Their sister has been betrothed to the heir of King Toshinori and has been spending time there as often as Endeavor can send her. And the second born boy has been shipped off to school in Kamui to attend classes with the elite of that country. Shouto, the youngest, is kept on a tight leash when he's here.” She leaned in so that only Izuku could have possibly overheard. “I hear he's been training Shouto to take the throne once his father finally heads to the lands of his ancestors, but the training is physically brutal and Shouto has run away several times.”

“Sounds like the youngest could use a rescue from his father,” Hizashi murmurs.

Chiyo nods but doesn't sit back, “There's a boy in UA that's caught his eye,” she says as her eyes twinkle in mischief. “He's best friend to the prince there.” Her eyes cut quickly to Izuku then back to Hizashi. “Said he was going to ask the prince for sanctuary the next time he's forced to go to a formal occasion there.” At this she sits back.

“I'm sure that if his beau is the prince's friend, that assistance would be given immediately. In fact, I dare say that after being kidnapped by the king, the prince would welcome giving Shouto a safe place to stay.” Hizashi had to remember that no one knew that Izuku was on his way to being returned to his home. “That is, if UA’s prince returns to UA and doesn't go back to Todoroki.” Hizashi ground that last word through his teeth.

“Indeed,” Chiyo said, but then said no more on the matter. She flew close to the ceiling and knocked on the wood. “Are we spending all day dilly-dallying or are we getting my patient safely across the border any time soon?” she demanded.

“Give us one moment more,” Nedzu's voice easily reached them. “I need to hook into this curse. It's much more complex than I first thought. But after that, we'll get moving.”

“We'll get on with it sonny,” she said then flitted back to the bed. She'd brought a small camp stove with her and set it up to start heating their warming stones.

“We'll need these for a couple of hours,” she said. “The border is quite close, but the nearest ley line is probably an hour and a half beyond that. Once we cross the line, whatever's tying him to Endeavor's land won't be able to hold on so tightly.”

“And then he'll go back to being feverish?”

“Yes, and your job will be keeping him cool. Fortunately, your water barrel is easily reached through that window.” She gave him a considering look. “Do you know any cooling spells?”

Hizashi shook his head.

“Well, we have time for me to teach you some pretty basic ones,” she said. And proceeded to teach him two cooling spells, and one calming spell. He wasn't allowed to use the calming spell until after Izuku was freed from the binding he was under. Chiyo was worried it would completely stop him from breathing.


Meanwhile, Shouta sat atop the wagon as it moved. Nedzu taught him through example how to tease apart curses and find all the traps made to catch unwary magic users. He also taught Shouta how to attach a return hex to the casters of such a complex curse.

“It's a little gift for the fiends that are twisting this healing magic to harm instead of help,” Nedzu said as he clipped a strand of magic and sewed the hex onto the loose end. He grinned at his pupil, “Giving them a taste of their own medicine, as it were.”

“This- this harpy blessed magic is supposed to be used for healing?” Shouta hissed.

“It is,” Nedzu said. “There are times, especially when the brain has been harmed,” the little man said, “that it is in the best interest of the patient to have their bodily functions slowed. When time is most needed. And this magic is meant to ease the body into a deep, deep restful sleep.”

“Zu has been sleepwalking all this time?” Shouta was horrified.

“Oh no,” Nedzu said, his usual enthusiasm dimming, “His body was both in that deep sleep, but also his connection to his magic, his very self, has been cut.”


“Worry not, Zawa,” Nedzu said as he put a calming hand on Shouta's arm. “It wasn't permanent, but it may take a long time for the connection to be remade. He will need food, rest, and care,” he smiled at the young man next to him. “Something that you and Zashi seem to have more than enough to spare.”

“He's been our Sunshine for almost all his life,” Shouta said quietly. “Of course we care for him.”

Nedzu patted his arm again. “Then let's get busy with this. As soon as we cross the ley line this curse will be weakened and be looser. We'll both need to work to clip it quickly before it can latch on to him again.” He pointed to a bit of the curse that he'd made visible in their circle. “I'd like to see you clip this bit. No need to add the hex. I've already turned it on to this caster at least three times already.”

“But if I want to add the hex?” Shouta asked with a raised brow.

Nedzu cackled in delight. “Well, I certainly won't stop you,” he replied.

Shouta could feel the approach of the ley line. Suddenly the curse was fighting and bucking to sink further into Izuku, but Nedzu's careful pruning made it impossible for the curse to fully reattach. Still it fought to hook back into its prescribed order, and Shouta found a bit of glee in seeing the clipped ends returning the hex to the casters that came together to hurt his Izuku.


Their passage from Endeavor to freedom wasn't as smooth as Hizashi had hoped. As they neared the market between the two lands, Izuku began to warm up. He and Chiyo worked fast to remove the warming stones, blankets, and even the sleep clothes Izuku wore. Only a thin sheet separated Izuku from the elements, and his brow was starting to bead with sweat.

“Grab a bucket of water and begin to cool him down,” Chiyo said as she thrust a washcloth into his hand. “Don't douse him with the water, but dunk the cloth and let it drip a bit before patting him over his entire body. The sheet should help retain some of the water as you work, but he's going to be dry up top by the time you reach his toes.”

She checked his pulse again and listened carefully to his heart. “Once you've got him mostly damp, start using the first cooling spell.” She uncovered one of Izuku's hands. “Pay attention to his fingers, especially his fingernails. If they start tinting blue, stop the spell, but continue the water.”

Hizashi nodded as he started to press the cool rag to Izuku's forehead, but Chiyo made him repeat his instructions twice before she left him alone to do her work.

The little woman was constantly monitoring his heartbeat and Hizashi was sure she used her own magic to check in on Izuku's own stores of magic and vitality. At one point she tutted and moved so that she could lay one hand on the top of Izuku's head, the other hand hovering over his heart. She startled then swore as she flew again to the roof of the wagon and knocked.

“They implanted a compulsion spell, pup!”

“Those-” what followed were words that Hizashi had never heard before, but judging by the vicious tone of voice, it wasn't anything good.

“Now you know that's unfair to the gnargles, Sonny. They'd never sink so low.”

Hizashi snorted but got back to his work. The entire sheet was already dry, and he'd only stopped a moment to watch the exchange. He checked Izuku's fingers. No blue tinge, he'd continue to murmur the cooling spell as he tried desperately to cool Izuku down.

He could hear the voices of Shouta and Nedzu as they quickly discussed if the compulsion spell was tied in with the curse they were undoing, but none of the words registered. There was just the creaking of the wagon, the flutter of Chiyo's wings, a small breeze through the windows, and the words of the spell he cast.

He had to refill the bucket twice before they reached the ley line. If Hizashi reached out with his magic he could have felt it, but generally he was ignorant of the magic lines that criss crossed the continent. This time he knew of the line’s approach because Izuku began to grow restless.

He began by turning his head side to side. If it wasn't due to pain or discomfort Hizashi would have rejoiced to see the movement. The head rolls were soon followed by his shoulders twisting and raising to meet Izuku's ears.

“Keep to your work,” Chiyo told Hizashi, but switch to the second spell. “Don't worry about checking his nails now. He'll be too hot to freeze.”

Soon Izuku's feet and legs were twitching and moving, trying to find a comfortable way to lie, but no comfort was to be found if the little whines and moans that were slipping from his throat were to be believed.

Chiyo was flitting about doing things that Hizashi didn't understand, but they seemed to be easing Izuku’s pain, so he approved.

As soon as they actually crossed the line Izuku heaved a deep breath and screamed. His body bowed up from the bed, his head tossed back and only his shoulders and heels touched the bed. The scream seemed to go on forever and every line of Izuku's body proclaimed his agony.

Chiyo ripped back the sheet and drew a rune over Izuku's heart. When she finished he inhaled and crumpled to the bed. Rough sobs tore from his throat, and Hizashi couldn't stand it a moment more. He pulled Izuku into his arms and held him tight. He rocked them slowly as he gently held Izuku's head to his shoulder.

Chiyo continued to write runes with her power over his arms, legs, hands and back. Hizashi would shift to be out of her way, but he would not release Izuku. No power on earth could have taken his Sunshine from him.

The cries died down slowly, but there was a whimper whenever the road jostled them, or Hizashi had to move so that Chiyo could do or check anything. Then the sweetest sound Hizashi had heard in what felt like years, reached his ears.

“Birdie?” Izuku was looking into his eyes. “Where's Kitten?”

“He's close by, Bunny. He's making sure we're safe.”

“Hurts,” Izuku croaked.

“Yeah, sweetheart, you've been wrapped up in a spell that was hurting you.” He looked up at Chiyo and mouthed, sleep spell? She nodded. “Do you want me to help you rest so you can get better?”

“Please, Zashi.”

The words seemed to be exhausting him on their own. He'd likely fall asleep anyway. Still, Hizashi began to hum a tune he'd often sing to the young princeling when putting him to bed. He changed the words of the chorus to be those of the spell Chiyo taught him, but Izuku was already fast asleep by then.


Shouta wasn't looking forward to crossing the ley line. They'd already worked to snip so much of the curse, yet the many traps made them have to go slow. He just wanted this away from his Izuku! Then Chiyo had knocked to deliver that terrible news.

A compulsion spell! Nedzu's swearing was mixed with Shouta's as they both considered if that could be what was fighting them so much.

“Bet the Trash Pit had that put in him first,” Shouta scowled back the way they'd come. “It'd keep his emotions and reason from conflicting so he'd do and agree to anything the Donkey Dung ordered.”

“Now, now, Zawa, that's not fair. The dung at least helps things grow when it's spread about.”

Shouta's sharp bark of laughter was short-lived. “Can we cancel the compulsion to keep the curse from holding Zu?” he asked with little hope.

Nedzu pondered what was left of the spell. “You see this heavily guarded part?” He pointed to the center of the writhing mass and circled a very dense part. Shouta nodded. “I think that's attached to the compulsion to make him fight to stay with his…instruction giver.”

“I should've gutted the man when I had the chance,” Shouta spat. “How can we end this?”

“We'll have to wait for the line to make it open up more, but then we'll have to be quick.” Nedzu walked around the strands of thrashing magic threads. He was scrutinizing every side. “This is where the most knots are laid. I say we cut it together, me above and you below,” he pointed to each spot as he spoke. “It must be done at the same time or we'll both be caught in these traps,” he pointed to two nearby nodes.

“How can we be sure it's done exactly together?” Shouta asked as concern furrowed his brow.

“Have you ever twinned someone while using your magic?” Nedzu asked in return.

“Once or twice on the battlefield.”

“Good, then that's what we'll do.” Nedzu put out a hand that Shouta resignedly took. “Let's get in sync. We're nearly there.”

As Shouta started to breathe in time with Nedzu, he felt his awareness of the magical field surrounding the ley line become more sensitive. He could feel the presence of Hizashi and Chiyo below him, with Izuku being a very faint impression, while the awareness of the driver and his lookout was fairly high.

The line practically hummed in Shouta's mind and he turned to the spell to take up his position to cut the heart from the wicked work. As the ponies passed the line, there was a growing tension in the air. Shouta felt the magic of the line wash over him, renewing his depleting store, and prepared to see the cursed knot loosen enough for them to attack

He and Nedzu struck at the same time as an agonized scream filled the air. They both worked to bind the cut ends back onto themselves, but Shouta was distracted by the sound of the sobs being wrenched from his Izuku.

“The sooner we get this done, the sooner you get back to your mates.”

“They're not my-” Shouta began.

“Oh, I can assure you they are,” Nedzu retorted, but they both were busy with the curse that was now easily cut threads rather than the dense knot it had once been.


By the time Nomassa drove them into a large, grassy area, Izuku's cries had ceased, but Hizashi continued to sing the lullaby he always sang to calm their Sunshine after a nightmare.

“Masa, picket the ponies. Sansa, we'll need fuel for a fire.” Nedzu finally stood and stretched. “We'd best get things ready to cleanse the wagon.”

“Chiyo,” Hizashi called, “Did you want me to bring anything other than Zuzu?”

The woman was already spreading the used sheet on some grass, directly in the sun. “Just him for now,” she answered, “but we'll need new underclothes and totally different sleep shirt, and also bring the used shirt and the sheet he was laying on.” She helped Hizashi lay Izuku down. “Keep the piles separate. We're going to need to burn the things he wore. Also, there was some water on the camp stove. Bring it and the bucket and cloth you were using.”

“I'll bring you the water, Mama,” Nedzu said. “Zawa and I will take care of the wagon. You just tend to their Zu.”

Hizashi met Shouta at the bottom of the steps up to the wagon door. Shouta immediately wrapped Hizashi and Izuku in a hug. Hizashi released one arm and clung to him back. Hizashi couldn't help the few tears that slipped from his eyes.

“He's free, Zashi,” Shouta whispered in his ear. “We made sure. Nothing's holding him back.”

“Thank the gods and Nedzu,” Hizashi replied.

Shouta chuffed as he pulled back, “Yes, thank the Gods, Nedzu, and Chiyo.” He used his thumb to wipe below Hizashi's eye. “Best go help her,” he added with a soft smile.

“Yeah,” Hizashi returned the smile as he put the arm back under Izuku's legs. “We still have work to do.”

He hurried over to Chiyo and gently placed Izuku on the sheet. Then got the other things she required. Nedzu was pouring the hot water into the bucket while Chiyo sprinkled dried herbs and flowers into the mix. Nedzu took the kettle back with him.


Hizashi watched as Nedzu and Shouta brought out every blanket and pillow that had been on the bed and lay them in the sun. Then they brought out the mattress and added it to the collection. Then Shouta had brought out a scrub brush and used the remaining hot water to scrub the floor clean then cast a fine layer of salt on the threshold of the wagon.

Hizashi and Chiyo had been busy giving Izuku what boiled down to a sponge bath. They were thorough, but gentle in cleaning everything but Izuku's hair; they had to change the water before they could get to Izuku's hair. Hizashi and Shouta had combed and braided his hair every day of their journey, but hadn't yet been in a place where they could have washed it. Seeing the relief that crossed Izuku's features as Hizashi worked up a foam in those green curls, made him feel guilty for not doing something sooner.

Soon enough, Izuku was clean, dry, and in clean clothes. The wagon had been cleaned and cleansed as well as the bed and bedding returned. Sansa had a roaring fire going in the nearby fire pit. And Naomasa had set up Chiyo's tent next to the wagon.

Chiyo had insisted that anything Izuku had come in direct contact with from the moment they left the circle till the wagon rolled into the field be brought and placed on the sheet. Fortunately, it was just the two sheets, and the clothes Izuku slept in which could all be easily replaced. Chiyo then doused them in something that smelled of a potent alcohol, and had Naomassa toss the bundle into the fire. They sat and watched as the fire burned everything to ashes. At a look from Chiyo, Nedzu put a ring of salt round the fire then sprinkled in a handful of salt for good measure.

“They’re welcome to try and find their way back from that,” Chiyo muttered. “I’m going to my tent boys. It’s been a long day and I need a rest before I start on anything for dinner.”

“Sansa and I’re gonna fix dinner tonight, Mz. Chiyo,” Naomasa said. “And the rest of the caravan should be showin’ up afore too long.”

“We’ve got it covered, Nana,” Sansa said as he ushered the woman to her tent. “Don’t worry.”

“Well, then,” Nedzu turned to Shouta who was carrying Izuku. The young man had groggily opened his eyes when Shouta had scooped him up, smiled slightly, and gone back to sleep. “You best get that one back in bed. I’ll let you know when dinner is ready.”

Shouta nodded while Hizashi profusely thanked all the others. “Coming Zashi?”

“Instantly, Zawa.” and the two turned back to their wagon.

Shouta laid Izuku down while Hizashi closed up the shutters to make rest easier. They stood next to each other looking down at their prince, their Sunshine, their Izuku.

“We almost lost him, Shou,” Hizashi whispered as he carefully stroked down Izuku’s cheek.

“But we didn’t. We saved him. He looks so much better already,” Shouta said as he carefully cradled Izuku’s face. “You’re back with us, Bunny. And you’re free from that curse.” He gently kissed Izuku’s forehead.

Hizashi put his arms around Shouta and pulled him back so they could just look at him in the bits of light that leaked in around the shutters.

“I kind of can’t believe this is real,” Hizashi murmured.

“Me neither,” Shouta responded. “Come on. I know you want to cuddle him as badly as I do.”

“So much!”

They scrambled to remove boots and surplus weaponry, then crawled in on either side of their precious one.

Hizashi pulled Izuku close. “See you in the morning, Sunshine,” he whispered into the fluffy green hair. He kissed Izuku’s temple, then laid down.

“We’re always here for you, Starlight,” Shouta touched their foreheads together. “Please stay with us, Zu.” He nuzzled Izuku’s nose lightly then laid down, too.

The exhaustion, fear, anger, sadness, and work of the day caught up with both men. They snuggled in close, arms reaching across their dear one for each other. And in the peace of the wagon, they all fell into a restful sleep.


Chapter 5: After My Own Heart


Shouta and Hizashi have made it to the badlands of Taka No Negura. Izuku is finally free from his magical imprisonment, and now needs rest, food, and care. Hizashi and Shouta are eager to provide all three. Some… complications do pop up.


Thanks to Failx for being such a reliable beta. And much thanks to MadKat and Lady Sable for always being there in a pinch. I couldn't do this without you!

Chapter Text


Hizashi woke to early morning sunlight leaking in through the edges of the shutters. One ray of light was falling on the freckled cheek of Izuku's face, highlighting the frizzled hair laying across his skin, and backlighting him so he appeared haloed in green. Hizashi smiled to see Izuku's head pillowed gently on his right shoulder. He turned his head further to the right and saw Shouta sleeping peacefully for the first time in a month, the dark head resting lightly on Hizashi's bicep.

He realized that they had gotten pretty tangled up during the night. Shouta was snuggled securely along his right side and Izuku was laying face down half on him and half on Shouta, but kind of at an angle. Shouta's arm was securely around Izuku's waist, while Hizashi's left arm was holding Izuku's shoulders to his chest in what felt like the world's weakest hug. Izuku hads one arm around Shouta's neck and the other around his. It wasn't comfortable, by any means, but it was real and theirs and Izuku was safe.

Hizashi took in the sight again. Damn, those two look beautiful together. They were perfectly positioned for morning kisses, too. Wait. Where did that thought come from?

Hizashi took a deep breath as he tried to get his brain working properly. He already knew he had a crush on Shouta. That was old news. Izuku used to tease Hizashi about his feelings for his best friend all the time, back at the palace. In fact, he knew his feelings for Shouta were beyond a crush before they even left to retrieve Izuku. But if he hadn't loved the man then, he certainly did now. All of the planning and work to get them safely across the border would have done it, but it was seeing him take such good care of Izuku that made him realize how gone he was for that man.

But wanting to kiss Izuku? Was it just relief at seeing some color in those cheeks and feeling the warmth that the prince was once again emanating? Or was this…was this something more? Hizashi lifted his hand from the center of Izuku's back and gently brushed the wayward lock from his face. A wave of such intense tenderness threatened to drown Hizashi.

Oh. Oh.

Oh, this was something more. He searched his memories. When had he first felt this way about Izuku? Well, he'd always cared for him since he was put into his charge, but that was more like an older brother or cousin. That feeling wasn't this one! Maybe it was when Izuku had mastered that complex battering ram spell and had hugged him perhaps a bit longer than would have been expected? Or was it that time the dignitaries from that one country were coming to visit and Izuku had spent days mastering the welcome ceremony, then performed it perfectly? Instance after instance flowed through Hizashi's mind, but none of them seemed to be the one moment when his pride and care had changed to love and desire.

He recalled his mother talking about falling in love when he was very little. She said that falling in love could happen quickly, like jumping in a puddle, or slowly, like walking through tall dewy grass in the early morning. You wind up with wet shoes in both cases, but one was all at once and the other was through a hundred little things.

Loving Izuku had been an early morning stroll through a meadow. It had been a hundred, a thousand, little things that added up to Hizashi being head over damp heels for Izuku. It's just too bad that he could never act on those feelings.

Hizashi knew how things like relationships and marriage were arranged for royalty and the upper society. Nobles, royalty, weren't given much choice in who to marry. While Hizashi's family were well respected at court, they weren't as high class as Izuku or even Shouta’s families. Both men would have to be guided by their head of house in their choice of spouse. Of course Shou and Zu had good parents who would take their preferences into consideration, but Izuku especially may not have many to choose from for diplomacy’s sake.

And while Hizashi could perhaps be taken on as a lover, it would only be in secret, and he wants to be more than snatched moments in clandestine locations. He wants to be able to tell the wide world of his love. He wants to flirt shamelessly with his husband in public, and proclaim their virtues to any that are unfortunate enough to be trapped in conversation with him. He cannot, will not, love quietly! Not when he would devote his whole soul to that person and growing their affections.

But he loves these two far too much, to ask them to choose him. He knows they can't. And it would kill them to hurt him, he knows them that well at least. So he won't be the one to put them in an impossible position, by asking them to love him back.

He'll simply spend this time with them, burning their faces into his heart, and loving them from afar until the day they're taken from him and gifted to another.


Shouta woke up to the feel of Izuku briefly tightening his arm around Shouta’s neck. He tightened his arm around the waist of the person sprawled on top of him, only to realize that person was Izuku. He looked to the warm side on his left and found Hizashi looking at him and Izuku with such a tender gaze, such love and devotion it stole the air from Shouta's lungs.

To distract himself from that, he lifted his free hand up to gently stroke a hand over the beautiful green locks of their prince. Even with Izuku facing away from him, there was so much more life to their beloved boy. Hard to believe they'd made it safely away and that now Izuku would finally be able to heal from his experience.

He looked back at Hizashi who was smiling so fondly at them. His heart gave a little stutter, but he was used to that by now. He hadn't realized that his feelings for Hizashi had been so obvious until Nemuri teased him over it at dinner recently. He would have thought it was her regular teasing if his mother and father hadn't also pointed out just how obviously his feelings for Hizashi were romantic. He'd told them they were seeing things, but their proofs were undeniable.

He'd been unsurprised, but still embarrassed to be called into his father's study for a talk after that dinner. He'd been expecting a lecture on not pursuing a relationship with his best friend when other, more advantageous pairings could be made. He was not expecting his father to flat out ask if Shouta wanted him to send a marriage contract from the Aizawa line to the Yamada house.

After ensuring that the matchmaker would both be requesting Hizashi and making sure they knew the match was for Shouta, not Nemuri, he agreed to the proposal. His father had sent for the matchmaker, while Shouta left to prepare for the trip he'd be accompanying Izuku on. It was expected to take less than a month to get to Kamui Woods, arbitrate between All Mighty and Endeavor, and return. In fact, there was every chance he'd be returning to find a betrothal contract for him and Hizashi to sign. Hizashi would be so surprised, but if the soft look he was giving Shouta this morning was anything to go by, it would be a welcome surprise.

Thinking about that made Shouta's heart warm. This trip had solidified his surety that Hizashi was the one for him. Watching him care for their Izuku with all the tenderness and dedication he had, was humbling. He'd kept their spirits up, bore up under the load, and they'd come out better for it.

If only they could find such a love for their Izuku! Their little Rabbit was about to turn twenty. He'd be expected to take a spouse sometime in the next few years, choose his counselors, and take the final steps into ruling the country. Of course, the prince by both law and custom was free to choose his partner, but it was usually from a carefully curated list of candidates. It would hurt Shouta's heart if his boy was pressured into an unhappy alliance, but any mate would be better than Enji Todoroki.

“What's that scowl for?” Hizashi whispered with a huff of laughter. “You were just smiling at our Sunshine and then the scowl.”

“Thought of Enji trying to force the Rabbit into that sham of a wedding.”

Hizashi scowls, too. “We're not letting that happen.”

“Fortunately, it seems they thought we'd run straight back to UA so we should be pretty safe. But hopefully the caravan can continue forward again, soon.”

They both quietly stroke Izuku's hair or back. Once again, reassuring themselves that he was with them and not as merely a living puppet.

Izuku began to stir, pushing himself impossibly closer to both men. “Zashi? Zawa?”

“Here, Sunshine.”

“Here, Starlight.”

At their voices, Izuku broke into great heaving sobs. They seemed to be shaking him apart. The two men moved to sandwich Izuku between them, holding him close. Shouta ran a hand up and down Izuku's side, occasionally planting kisses in Izuku's hair, and reassuring him that they're there and he's free from Enji. Hizashi had Izuku's face cradled in his hands where he wiped away Izuku's tears with his thumbs and pressed careful kisses to his forehead while whispering that Izuku is safe and they aren't leaving him.

It took several minutes for Izuku's sobs to die down and several more till he was taking even breaths and not shuddering inhales. He finally slumped against Hizashi.

“This doesn't seem real but,” he looked up and touched Hizashi's cheek, “My Birdie—” he looked over his shoulder and managed a weak grin, “My Kitty—you're here.”

Shouta placed a hand on Izuku's cheek as he smiled back, “We're here.”

Izuku turned so he could hug Shouta. Hizashi helped him as he still seemed a little stiff and weak.

Izuku chuffed a tiny laugh, “You're here.”

“We're here, Zuzu,” Hizashi said from behind him as he pulled both the others into a hug and kissed his curls. “And we’re not leaving.”

“You're not going anywhere without us,” Shouta promised.

“Except maybe to the privy,” Hizashi teased.

“Yeah, that might be the only exception,” Shouta said, trying to keep a straight face.

Izuku burst into laughter as loud as his sobs had been. Shouta and Hizashi joined in.

Their Sunshine was laughing again. Everything would be alright.


Chapter 6: Gotta Walk Before You Run


The journey through the badlands of Taka No Negura continues, the difficult roads through mountain passes and valley floors are not so bad when they're altogether. Izuku realizes a few things about himself, chief among them he’s so much weaker now and he can’t go anywhere without his emotional support guards.


Thanks to Failx and Madkat for being such reliable betas.

Chapter Text


Izuku didn’t do much that first day other than cling to Hizashi and Shouta, one at a time or both together, it didn’t really matter. Seeing as how both the older men seemed reluctant to let Izuku out of their sight, it was a mutually appreciated clinging.

They both accompanied Izuku into Chiyo’s tent for her to give him another look over. She noted that his heart was still beating a little slow, so he might be tired before it returned to its normal rhythm, and that his connection to his magic was nearly severed. She assured all of them that some time to heal, and daily meditation would help to rectify the problem. She gave them all a small tin of tea leaves and prescribed a cup each morning and evening for two weeks, then asked if they had any questions.

Izuku had a fair few, but since none of them pertained to his health, the old fairy woman laughed delightedly at his inquisitive mind and said they didn’t have time enough to answer his questions today.The caravan should have finished gathering in the field by noon and food needed to be ready to greet the last wagon as well as those that had arrived yesterday.

Hizashi and Izuku sat by the great fire pit that was preparing the set off meal, both were helping to peel vegetables and cut them up for the main dish, a thick and hearty broth full of vegetables, fresh meat, barley, and flour dumplings. Sansa and Naomasa were working on turning out great stacks of round flat breads to go with the soup, their teamwork and efficiency showing that this was a task they had done many times. Chiyo was tending to the soup while also working on some kind of fried dough, covered in honey and ground nuts for a sweet treat.

Shouta had offered to gather more firewood and go with the other guards that had arrived yesterday to dig the latrine trench far away from the river that would be their source of water. He’d also managed to nab a small colony of quail in his capture magic, so there would be roast fowl for Nedzu, Chiyo, and his guards as a thanks for their help.

Izuku found his strength flagging about halfway through cooking the meal. Chiyo and Hizashi both urged him to rest, Chiyo citing that he’d not actively used his muscles in nearly a month as being the source of his fatigue.

“Oh, you were walking about, but that’s all you did, dear,” she said. “You weren’t maintaining your posture, or shifting your weight, or all the hundreds of small movements that humans do a day that maintains their muscles.”

“And you weren’t eating very much either,” Hizashi said as he handed Izuku a cup of the tea Chiyo had prescribed. “So, you weren’t getting enough vitality to maintain your strength either.”

“Well added, Zashi,” the healer nodded.

“But it seems like I ought to be able to help with cooking one meal,” Izuku said in frustration.

“Let me ask you, Zu,” Chiyo said as she stirred the honey that was bubbling away near the fire, “how long did it take you to learn to walk?”


“From the moment you were born to the day you could walk without immediately falling, how long was it?” she clarified.

“I guess two years or so?” Izuku looked to Hizashi, who simply shrugged his shoulders.

“Precisely. It took you two years to learn to walk because you needed to develop the strength, the coordination, and the understanding of what was entailed in walking.” Chiyo took the honey off the fire and poured it over the bowl of fried dough balls. “You have an advantage now because you understand what is required to walk and you already have the coordination down in your muscle memory. So, what is it that you need now?”

Izuku thought over her words. “Strength?”

She nodded. “It took you two years to have the strength to move your body in a gentle walk.” She fixed him with a stern glare, “So give yourself a break if you can’t do what you could before in less than a day! Who ever heard of a human that could walk in less than a day?”

“Does that mean there are other sentients that can walk that soon even as newborns?” Izuku asked.

And suddenly they were off as Chiyo expounded on both fae and centaur children. With Hizashi giving examples of the winged peoples in the north of Taka, whose children can’t walk or fly, but who do have speech by the end of their first day. Admittedly, it’s very limited speech, but as a baby there are only a few things needed to communicate with one’s carers.

Shouta and Hizashi helped to serve up the food to the tired caravan and were happy to introduce Zu to the drovers of their donkeys. The drovers all expressed happiness at seeing the man well enough to leave his bed, especially the leader who had an opportunity to see Izuku previously and swore he was a changed man in just those few days.

Nedzu chased them away from helping with clean-up and told them to go to bed. They’d break camp early enough the next morning, and obviously they’d all need their rest. Izuku thanked him profusely for his aid and offered his services in return, should Nedzu ever be in need of them.

“If it’s in my power to grant and will not hurt others, I will do what you ask,” Izuku swore.

“Those are acceptable terms,” Nedzu replied. “But I have done no more than our contract demanded.”

“Nedzu,” Shouta cut in, “you’ve gone far above what was agreed upon, but we are all thankful to you for doing so.”

“You and Lady Chiyo are deserving of our praise and many thanks,” Hizashi added.

“You young pups, have silvery tongues, but are speaking your honest truth.” Nedzu smiled at them all. “You are always welcome to our fire.” He nodded and they left to head to their wagon.


Shouta insisted on having a few warming rocks around Izuku as they made their way to bed and Izuku demanded to have them on either side so he could make sure they were near if he woke to a nightmare. Both demands were deemed reasonable, and Izuku fell to sleep surrounded by warmth that came from more than a slowly cooling stone.

He woke in the middle of the night with both legs seizing in horrible cramps and barely let out a wail before both Hizashi and Shouta were awake. It took only a moment for them to understand what was making Izuku cry and thrash. Shouta quickly turned Izuku on his stomach while Hizashi found the warming oil he and Chiyo had used to massage Izuku. He proceeded to teach Shouta every technique the healer had taught him as they kneaded and massaged his calves and hamstrings. They had to massage Izuku over his under clothes to get his entire leg to relax, but they did it.

Then Hizashi insisted they get his back since he was already there, and it couldn’t hurt. They ended up going over Izuku from the bottom of his feet to his shoulders and neck, then turned him to his back and started at the bottom and worked up again. Hizashi said he wasn’t sure about using the oil near Izuku’s mouth or eyes, so while Shouta massaged the back of Izuku’s head and gently tugged his hair, Hizashi ran carefully cleaned fingers over Izuku’s brow, cheeks, and jaw.

When they first started working Izuku’s cramped muscles, the poor kid had been whimpering and crying, especially when they found a tender spot. By the time they were working over his hair and face, he’d fallen back into a peaceful sleep.

“Do you think we ought to do a massage every night before bed?” Shouta asked Hizashi. At Hiazashi’s inquiring look he added, “Just until his weight is back to what it was, and he’s not having trouble walking?”

“I’ll ask Chiyo what she thinks and find out about getting more oil. Oh, and see if it’s okay for his face or if we need something else.” Hizashi yawned and stretched a bit to get the tension from his own shoulders.

“Get some rest,” Shouta said as he slipped from the bed. He pulled the warming stones from under the mattress. “I’ll get these warmed up again and be right back.” He was already pulling on his boots and picking up the pail of warming sand before Hizashi had nodded in agreement.

“Don’t take too long,” Hizashi said through another yawn.

Shouta leaned over and kissed the top of Hizashi’s head. “Be back in a flash.” And he was gone.

Hizashi snuggled down under the covers and made sure Izuku was covered properly.

“Where’s Kitty?” Izuku’s voice whispered into the darkness.

“He’ll be right back,” Hizashi reassured as he pulled Izuku close. “He went to get some warming stones heated up for you.”

“Mmm,” Izuku hummed as he nuzzled into Hizashi’s chest. “You and Zawa always keep me warm,” he sighed. “My twin Sunshines.”

“Zuzu, sweetie,” Hizashi smiled into the top of Izuku’s head. “I think we all know you’re the Sunshine here.”

“Nonono,” Izuku murmured. “No sunshine without my Zashi and Zawa. Gray- Gray- Gray.”

“You’re the color to our world, too,” Hizashi confessed, hoping Izuku wouldn’t remember this in the morning. After all, the prince had a habit of talking in his sleep and not recalling a word the next day. “Get some sleep, you need rest.”

“I can’t sleep without my Kitty!” The petulant tone made Hizashi giggle.

“Should I sing you a song while we wait for your stray cat to come home?” the older man asked.

“Okay, but only until Kitty gets back,” Izuku snuggled further into Hizashi’s arms. “ ‘snot right without our cat here.”

“Agreed,” Hizashi said as a feeling of warmth touched his heart and spread throughout his body. Nothing was better than spending time together with his Sunshine and Moonlight and being cuddled together, warm and safe, as they slept was pretty much perfection. He began to hum a lullaby into Izuku’s hair as they waited for Shouta to get back.


After a full day of observation as the caravan traveled, Chiyo proclaimed Izuku healed enough for them to take their place in the caravan. They weren’t at the end but were certainly closer to the end than the front. Their drovers welcomed them back to their camp, and Izuku began to get to know the people that were traveling with them. None of them were related but had all worked together for years and called each other siblings though not a one looked like the others.

Izuku mostly rode up front with whomever was driving the wagon, while whomever was riding as guard took the one horse they’d kept. In order to strengthen his legs, he’d walk part of the day and then sit up front when he got too tired to take another step. Many times, Shouta or Hizashi would have to sweep Izuku up on the horse and then deposit him on the wagon’s bench. Izuku had tried to argue that he should be able to ride the horse, but neither Hizashi nor Shouta would budge on that.

“Zuzu, when you can walk for an entire day without cramping up at night, we’ll see about letting you ride,” Shouta had finally relented one evening.

Izuku huffed, “So you mean never.”

“Zu,” Hizashi said as he ran a hand down Izuku’s back and watched him relax immediately. “It’s not going to take forever. Already you can make it to mid-morning before you tire. I bet before the week is out, you’ll be walking all the way to our noon break.”

Shouta ruffled his hair and Izuku pushed up into the touch. “You’re getting stronger every day, Zuzu. We just don’t want you to get hurt by working too hard.”

“Okay,” he stopped pouting. “I’ll stop pestering you both to ride the horse. But as soon as I can walk the whole day, I want to ride.”

“Sounds reasonable to me,” Hizashi said.

“Thanks, Bunny,” Shouta said as he planted a kiss to the top of Izuku’s head. “I’m going to get the stones from the fire and we can head to bed.”

“Okay,” Izuku whispered.

“Come on, Zu,” Hizashi said as he stood and offered Izuku a hand up. “Let’s go get ready while we wait for Zawa.”

Izuku nodded as he took Hizashi’s hand and held on to it all the way to the wagon.


The hand holding was something new, and while Izuku understood why he felt the need to keep in contact with one or both of his guards, he was surprised that they were comfortable with it, especially in front of the others in the caravan. Hizashi had always been one for showing affection with hugs and an arm slung around Izuku’s shoulder, but now he was almost always in contact with Izuku even if it was just his knee touching him as they sat near the fire or having Izuku cuddled into his side as Hizashi drove the cart. And Shouta hadn’t been one for public displays of affection though he had sparingly thrown in the occasional head ruffle if Izuku had done something particularly well.

But now, he often had a hand on Izuku’s shoulder or sat close enough that their arms pressed together and of course the head pats had increased a hundredfold. Not that Izuku was complaining! He often felt out of balance and frightened if one of them wasn’t close enough to reach out and grab a hand.

Nights were spent with all three of them in the wagon. They found through sad experience that if one of them was to stand guard, Izuku would wake sobbing in the night and be unable to sleep until all three of them were together again. They spaced out the nights between Shouta and Hizashi having to stand guard so that Izuku could stay up with them. It often ended up being all three that were up as both Shouta and Hizashi admitted that they couldn’t sleep if they couldn’t see or feel the other two laying there with them. They all knew it was a trauma response, but none felt secure enough to try and break it at the moment. It wasn’t hurting anyone to be careful, and it was good to have at least one guard with Izuku at all times. There was the possibility that the Dung Pit had sent people in to take Izuku back after all and they would not lose him again!


Chapter 7: Lovin’ You is Easy


That feeling when you just want to spend all your time with your precious person — people.


Thanks to Failx for keeping me sane and for helping me out so much. And much thanks to Madkat for helping out even with her life being a little insane right now. You both rock!

Chapter Text


Hizashi had noticed that Shouta seemed to be trying to ease every difficulty of their travel. He made sure the horse’s tack was clean each night before Hizashi could even get to the task on the days he rode as guard. As the evening came on, he was quick to get Izuku an extra cloak or blanket to keep warm against the chill of the mountain air. He seemed to try to anticipate anything that could be a need or discomfort and mitigate it before it could be a problem. Including hunting for plants and animals to keep their food stores from becoming too boring.

As Izuku grew stronger he started following Shouta’s example. His first bit of magic after being healed was a very basic fire spell. This led to him starting up the fire every morning and making tea for his guards each day. Soon he was making breakfast for their small encampment, and finding ways to work in the sweet and savory dishes he knew Shouta and Hizashi loved.

Just as Shouta went over all the animals’ tack, Izuku checked over Hizashi and Shouta's clothes and mended any rip or tear he could find. Hizashi put his foot down at Izuku trying to clean their laundry by himself, but the time spent together, even doing chores, was something Hizashi reveled in.

Suddenly Hizashi realized he had two very handsome men fussing over him, seeing to his needs and showing their care through a hundred small actions. He had to confess, if only to himself, that the attention was making him feel quite giddy. Even though their daily toil wasn't luxurious, Hizashi still felt as if he were being treated like royalty.

He tried to meet the others’ level of care in whatever way he could. Mostly keeping track of Izuku's health and reporting to Chiyo if anything seemed worrying. The fae healer had even taught Hizashi how to make the healing oil that he and Shouta still used to ease Izuku's cramping legs. Hizashi took an opportunity one night after they'd treated Izuku to offer to massage Shouta's hands and arms, he'd seen their Kitten stopping to roll one of his wrists, and Shouta had accepted. Shouta claimed his wrist had miraculously healed the next day.

Izuku saw this and insisted he be taught how to massage Hizashi's hands and feet. Which turned into Hizashi massaging Shouta's hands while Izuku massaged Shouta's feet, then Izuku and Shouta taking care of Hizashi's hands and feet, ending with Shouta and Hizashi giving Izuku a full body massage to promote his healing and help him rest.

Shouta couldn’t help but want to find more ways to care for his beloved, and with each passing day he's realizing the term of endearment might apply to more than just Hizashi. He just wanted them to be happy and comfortable and anytime he received a smile or thanks from them, his heart soared. It made him look for more ways to treat them with all the tenderness that could be found in such rough conditions and rough company. Yet, they return to him the same kindness daily and sometimes he thought his heart would break for all the happiness it was trying to contain.


Izuku knew he couldn't stay glued to his guards day and night, but those first few days he would be in a panic if one, or both, wasn't close enough for him to put out a hand and cling to them. They seemed reluctant to be anywhere that wasn't right next to him, too, so he hadn't felt too bad about his behavior. Gradually, he was okay if they were kept in his sight, but still close to hand. And the day he didn't break into tears when Hizashi left to get water for their camp while Shouta hunted with a group to bring down a water buffalo, Izuku was proud of himself. He absolutely draped himself over Hizashi for the rest of the day, but he hadn't cried so he felt it was a victory.

The thing is, he just felt safer and more secure in himself if his Zashi and his Zawa were around… near… close to hand… holding him together keeping him sane. He couldn't help that they were his favorite people! They were Zawa and Zashi. They were men that had been bigger than life in his mind, even as he grew to be eye to eye with Shouta and almost as tall as Hizashi. They always represented safety and understanding as a child and now they were also rescue and warmth.

As Izuku tended to the breakfast he was making, he remembered Hizashi teaching him the dish in the kitchen with Lady Yamada. It was a common Takanese dish that always reminded the woman of the country she'd grown up in until her marriage to Lord Yamada. She'd insisted that Hizashi learn it, and he'd made sure that both Shouta and Izuku could prepare it, too. The memory was a fond one as he'd been upset with seeing so little of his parents that week, but Hizashi's family had surrounded him with care and warmth.

Later his clever Birdie had asked why Izuku was so upset and had wheedled out the truth. His father had promised time with Izuku, but Lord Whatshisface had whisked his father away before the king could do more than greet his son. Hizashi had acknowledged that Izuku should feel hurt and perhaps angry, then asked what he wanted to do about it.

What he'd wanted to do was to throw a tantrum and demand his dad's attention, but, instead of looking like a spoiled child, he asked to go see Shouta. The dark haired man had seen how upset Izuku was and immediately started him on a new weapon. That was his way, spar or weapons practice till the anger or pain were used up, then think through a problem without those volatile emotions clouding your judgment.

The rope dart wasn't particularly difficult, Izuku had learned other weapons that were similar, but it had given him an outlet for his aggression. Shouta worked him till he couldn't raise his arms or lift his legs in a kick, then sent him to the baths. He'd returned to see Shouta and Hizashi talking.

Obviously they were talking about him, but Izuku could still recall the faint blushes both men had sported as they stood together and tried to come up with some way to help Izuku. Though they were his tutors, and friends, their mutual pining was one of Izuku's greatest sources of entertainment since he'd been about fifteen. That neither one realized his feelings were reciprocated even with all the hints and opportunities Izuku set up, brought Izuku a bit of sad*stic joy.

When Izuku wanted to get out of a particular lesson with his Zashi, he'd mention or make up a statement that their Zawa had said that contradicted Zashi's lesson and his tutor would go on a thirty minute rant about how Shouta may be a tactical genius, but when it came to this particular point he was wrong. And then spend the rest of the lesson time going over just how wrong that point had been. Izuku still got a lesson on the subject, but it was a lot more animated and passionate when Shouta was the subject.

The same trick didn't work to get out of Zawa's lessons, but inviting Zashi to sit in his class with him meant that the Bird was subjected to the Cat’s scrutiny just as much as the Bun. Hizashi was as likely to get schooled on his technique as Izuku was over his footwork, and that somehow made it more bearable.

Of course, watching the two stare at each other when the other didn't notice was one of Izuku's favorite pastimes. He'd often use Zashi's language lessons to pull the two into the same room. He'd order tea and snacks, and the three of them would spend the time speaking in the language of the hour and coming up with some truly ridiculous sentences to use the vocabulary words for the day. And coming up with ever more convoluted situations to practice the sentences in.

Watching Hizashi and Shouta verbally spar was just as exciting as watching them physically spar on the training grounds. And Izuku got plenty of time to watch verbal sparring when he was in diplomacy lectures with Hizashi. Shouta would often play the foreign dignitary for Izuku to practice whatever technique Hizashi was teaching that day. And while most of the time, Izuku would be able to broker a fair deal for both sides, whenever Hizashi was the opponent-- Hizashi undeniably came out the winner.

Izuku broke from his reveries to stir the soup then got to cracking some eggs.

His Hizashi would make an excellent Minister of Foreign Affairs. No one would be able to outmaneuver their country with him in that position. Shouta would obviously still be teaching the knights and other soldiers needed skills, and his sister, Nemuri, would be elevated to First Mage to oversee their magic users. Of course, Izuku hadn't planned to make all these changes immediately, but many in the court that had come with his father were also looking to retire from their duties. And of course, there were ministers that were just in their prime and removing them would cause more problems than it would solve.

Izuku smirked to himself. He was looking forward to the moment that Kan realized he wouldn't be stepping into his father's position as minister of foreign affairs. Zashi would be much better suited at his side. Kan might be a better ambassador, he was still trained in politics and diplomacy, and that way he could keep the man from picking at his Birdie and annoying his Cat.

Izuku took great delight in finding ways to get his two favorite guards in the same room. When Hizashi was acting as bodyguard, and not as his professor, the prince took great delight in wandering to the practice grounds and covertly watching Aizawa go through his forms. Izuku made sure they weren't too covert and always had a tiny thrill of delight when Shouta would cotton to their presence and then begin showing off.

Oh, he'd never admit to showing off for Zashi, but there was no reason for the man to remove his shirt and declare he'd buy drinks for the first person to put a scratch in him. Funnily enough, he hadn't had to buy a drink for any of the other guards yet. Izuku couldn't help admiring Shouta's skill, but his favorite part of spying on Shouta was watching Hizashi's face. Hizashi couldn’t be more blatant in his love-sickness if he tried. Every admiring gaze and stuttered breath made Izuku smile harder. Seeing his beautiful Bird twitterpated over their crafty Cat was a delight that he thought few would be worthy of seeing, and yet he gets stage front seating to the show.

Now, as they traveled further into Hizashi’s ancestral home, Izuku couldn’t help watching his guards circle each other, even as they surrounded him in their protective presence. Izuku had never felt more alone, friendless, and useless as he had next to Enji; and he had never felt more secure, safe, and worthy of love and kindness as he did with Shouta and Hizashi by his side.

An ache began to grow in his heart. He knew that as king he could ease the way for his two guards to be united as they ought to be, but that meant that he would have to see them each day, knowing that they weren’t his.

The thought of sending them away was not an option, he would go mad in less than a week if they were gone from his sight for so long. Even now, as he tried to get better, losing sight of both of them sent him into a panic. He had to have at least one of them, if not both, in sight to keep his heart from rabbiting out of his chest. To have them near enough to reach out and touch, was better. Having them pressed to his sides was best, but he knew he could only get away with such actions when they slept. What he would give to have them at his side forever!

That thought caught Izuku short. Was he? Was he as bad as the other two? Thirsting after the affections of the others in a ridiculous manner?

His thoughts had been so distracted that he'd burned the eggs. Fortunately the rest of the breakfast had survived his crisis. And he spent the morning looking back and forth at his Zawa and his Zashi.

He wasn’t sure of his feelings, but he had to figure this out. He couldn't live without them in his life, but would they want him like that in theirs?


Chapter 8: Three is a Magic Number (Yes, It Is)


Izuku finally figures out he, Shouta, and Hizashi all have two hands. And maybe they'd like to hold his hands, too.


Many thanks to MadKat and Failx for keeping my flights of fancy rooted in reality!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Chiyo would check Izuku every few days, insist he was too skinny as she shoved a sweet or cookie into his hand, and tell him to be gentle in his recovery before going to check on the others she deemed as needing her attention. Once they were camped for the evening, Izuku was free to go hunting with Shouta, or making camp with Hizashi, or even visiting with others in the caravan (with one or both of his guards accompanying him, of course). They always checked in with their drovers, looking over the animals, and making sure their caretakers were taken care of as well. The three men often ate dinner with these people and their neighbors. Sharing a cooking fire was a good way to get to know each other.

The group in front of theirs in the caravan was made up of Wanderers. A people that constantly traveled, selling wares, sharing stories, and dancing for the public. It consisted of a few dozen people, all of whom were filled with strength and vigor. A few children played amongst their number, but for the most part it was young adults, though there was an older couple keeping an eye on everyone, and a wizened old man named Gran Torino accompanied them. He apparently wasn't a Wanderer, but was considered a friend of the people.

When everyone was done for the evening, Gran would stand and tell stories of heroes and villains, of tragic lovers, and happily ever afters. He'd recite the legend of One for All, the Mighty and of his eternal nemesis, All for One, the Greedy. It was the eternal struggle between helping each other and selfishly hoarding everything. Izuku loved that One for All always seemed to win.

Izuku loved Gran's stories, and often begged for him to join them in the wagon when he was forced inside during their travels due to harsh weather. Hizashi took the time to write the stories down, as well as asking after Master Torino’s own history. While Shouta seemed to find most of the stories unbelievable, he held his tongue seeing Izuku's happiness at hearing them.

It was two weeks after their agreement that Izuku was deemed recovered and well enough to ride the horse they brought. He rejoiced that he was well enough to ride on his own, but part of him missed riding double with his Birdie and Kitten; even though his memories of that time were hazy, he still recalled feeling safe and cared for. It couldn’t be helped. He had to prepare for being the leader of his kingdom, and what kind of king arrives held up by the strong, sure arms of his guard instead of under his own power? No one that was taken seriously, though the idea of pulling up to the palace as he rested against Hizashi’s chest or in Shouta’s arms did have a certain appeal.

No, Izuku! Those kinds of thoughts weren't to be entertained, at least not in broad daylight and while alighting a horse. He’d save the image for later.

That night Hizashi laughed at him for being saddle sore and suggested he should have started on one of the little donkeys to work up to riding the horse. Shouta suggested maybe he needed less time in the saddle and to work up to a full day riding. Izuku told them both to jump in a lake as they snickered and smiled at him. Oh, those smiles, those bright eyes…..Izuku was now sure that he was as lovesick as the other two. But did they love him? Or were they just very loyal, headstrong fools that would actually follow him into hell if that’s where Izuku went or where they thought their honor sent them?

How? How was Izuku supposed to figure this out? Usually if he had a problem like this, he’d go to Zashi or Zawa, but when his problem was with them? Well, not problem — but maybe his dilemma? Yes, dilemma was the better choice. How was he to know what to do when Shouta and Hizashi were the source of his dilemma? Who could he ask for council?

“Young Zu,” Nedzu called one evening. “Chiyo requests your presence. Please come with me, young man.” He looked over the three of them. “Zawa, would you mind coming along with? I wanted a moment to chat with you and you could walk the pup back. Save me a trip.”

“You two go,” Hizashi nodded. “I'll get things cleaned up and meet you back at the wagon.”

They joined Nedzu as he walked the caravan, pulling out people that Chiyo had wanted to see. A little more than half a dozen individuals had been requested, though most had one or two people accompany them to the healer's tent.

They quickly sorted out a line. Izuku was pretty sure Chiyo just wanted to check in with him. He could see others with bandages or lumps and insisted that those people be seen before him.

Shouta was quietly discussing protection magics with Nedzu, and Izuku was talking with his neighbor, who was cradling their six-year-old daughter on their lap when a loud cry burst out of Chiyo's tent. The tent flap is thrown back as a large, red headed man bolted from the tent and took off for the Wanderers’ camp, hollering to the group as he ran and sending out a ululation of joy. He's followed at a more serene rate by a blond man with his arm around a brown headed young woman. His face beaming with happiness, his stance one of protectiveness.

“Please excuse our partner,” she said, gesturing in the direction the redhead had taken off in. “He’s just a little excited to hear that we're expecting a child.”

Her announcement was met with a chorus of congratulations and blessings for a good pregnancy and easy birth. The woman thanked everyone for their kindness as they left, while the man seemed to be on high alert for anything that could possibly hurt his mate.

Izuku watched them go, having given his own blessing to the new child as they passed.

“Zawa,” he said quietly so as not to disturb those around him, “does she mean that she's married or in a relationship with both those men? Or just that the other is a partner in their group?”

“Well, young Zu,” Nedzu responded, “it could be either or both of those interpretations. Among the Wanderers, and indeed among my own people, it is common to have more than one spouse, partner, or mate- however you choose to call it. But also the Wanderers often see those of their age range as partners, while the generation older than them are called auntie and uncle, and the generation before them are all considered grandparents. Any younger generations are simply their children or grandchildren as the generation applies.”

“Oh, that's not something I'd heard of,” Izuku replied. “I didn't know that was an…arrangement that was a choice.” His voice trailed off as he thought. Would he be allowed to choose such a thing?

“Even in our kingdom,” Shouta's voice broke into Izuku's thoughts, “the practice of having two or more spouses has a history. Though the laws surrounding such an arrangement require the individuals entering into such a contract to be equally cared for.” Looking at Izuku's confused face he continued, “A man can't seek to marry several women just to obtain their dowries and then leave them to live in squalor while he feasts himself on their monies, just as a woman can't marry several men and expect them to keep her in luxuries while they scrimp and try to merely survive. It's to be a union of equals. Equal care, equal kindness, equal home.”

“Oh, I didn't know,” Izuku’s voice trailed off.

“Well, it was more common in the south, where there was a heavy Wanderer influence. But since the Trash Fire and his predecessor have made it difficult for Wanderers to move freely between kingdoms, I believe the tradition is somewhat dying out.”

“It's true, the Wanderers have been restricted as of late,” Nedzu confirmed. “But they are good at staying flexible to changes. I'm sure once Enj-” he breaks off seeing the anger in Shouta's face. “I'm sorry Zawa, I was just going to say that once the, ahem, Trash has been taken out, I'm fairly certain that Wanderers will be welcomed to flow across the continent once more.”

Shouta and Nedzu continued to speculate about the future for the kingdom of Endeavor, without mentioning it or its ruler, by name, while Izuku thought.

There was a history, a precedent, among his own people of having more than one spouse! He could certainly afford to keep Shouta and Hizashi in comfort for the rest of their lives. The house was certainly already taken care of. So the only question remained, did he have a love equal to what they had for each other, and did they feel the same way about him?

He was still pondering on what it would look like for him to be married to Shouta and Hizashi, trying to think of the more day-to-day things rather than the, erm, nightly experiences as he was still in public. Another thing to ponder over, much later, but Chiyo called him into the tent, interrupting his thoughts.

As he walked into the tent, a feeling of peace and comfort washed over him. There are several golden fairy globes hovering around the top of the tent, Nedzu's work no doubt, that illuminated the entire area without being harsh. Chiyo sat on several soft rugs with plenty of cushions surrounding her.

“Please, come sit,” Chiyo called to him. As he sat on a near cushion she asked, “What seems to be troubling you? I'd thought just to check that your magic had recovered, but I can see something is weighing heavily on your mind.”

Izuku tried many times and many ways to begin his sentence but only managed to open his mouth before closing it again. Each attempt left him more flustered and frustrated.

“Peace, child.” Chiyo rested a hand on his forearm. “If this is something you cannot talk about now, perhaps you need to think on it more. Or perhaps it's something best discussed with your mates? I'm sure that they would help you. Surely either one or both would be willing to hear you out?”

“My m-mates?” He looked at Chiyo with absolute bafflement. “I don't have that kind of partner.”

Chiyo gave him an unimpressed stare. “Child, I don't need the Sight to see the strong ties of love and friendship that binds Zawa and Zashi to you. But I do have it and I'd like you to know that there are not strings that tie your hearts together, but ropes and cords of love and fidelity. Those two would die for you.” Izuku was about to interrupt, but she was having none of it. “More importantly, they are willing to live for you.” She gave a wry smile, “And you, sonny, are not a step behind either of them.”

“Of course they love me,” he says a bit flustered. “They basically raised me. Even through the difficult parts,” he quickly amended.

“Not sure why you think I don't know what the different love types look like, especially at my age,” she grumbled. “Sure, there's some familial love in the mix, but there's also the love of fellow creatures, and love with no strings attached,” she smiles at that, “but the chords of romantic love that twine and bind you three together are there, are sure, and are so very, very strong.”

Izuku looked at her, mouth agape, for a long moment. “Are you sure?” he whispered.

“As sure as you're sitting there,” she said. “The fact that you're sitting here and not a puppet at court is the biggest sign of all.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Only those that serve at that man’s court contract ‘city sickness' and the ones forced to serve get it most of all. Your case was the worst I've seen that someone survived. Your young men risked life and limb to get you here. That's an act of true love, no matter your thoughts on it.”

She huffed as she sat forward. “Now, give me your hands, I need to check your vitality before I send you back.”

Izuku did as instructed. He knew how to keep his power in check for a healer to work, but doing so while reeling from such a revelation was asking a bit much, he felt. But he was able to keep both himself and his magic still enough for Chiyo to check him from the inside out.

“Well, there's still a bit of that curse in there,” Chiyo said when she sat back releasing Izuku's hands. “Probably that compulsion nonsense. But, it seems your own essence is taking care of it. I do want to watch it to make sure it doesn't have a nasty surprise for us. Come back tomorrow night.”

Izuku nodded. “Okay, I can do that. And what do I do about the other thing you spoke about?”

“Well, since it involves others the best advice I can give is to talk to them about it. The worst advice I can give is to keep it to yourself and be miserable. Your choice.”

“Thanks, Chiyo,” he replied with a wry smile. “What do I owe you?”

“Oh, your men already paid me handsomely for my services, from when you joined to when you leave the caravan.”

Izuku’s face was warm at the thought of them being his men, but he thanked her and left.

He stood beside Nedzu and Shouta as they continued their discussion. He could tell that Shouta was just about finished with their conversation and didn't want to cut it short. Though he thought nothing of catching the hand Shouta stretched toward him without looking.

Their fingers fit together like the pieces of the puzzles he'd played with as a child. Slightly different sizes and shapes, but perfectly fitted to each other. He barely heard Shouta bid Nedzu good night, but was in time to wish the creature good night himself.

“You and Chiyo were in there longer than I expected for a checkup,” Shouta began once they were about halfway back to their camp. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes, well, she found a spot of that illness curse still hidden away in there,” he felt Shouta's fingers tense. “Says my own vitality seems to be taking care of it, but she wants to keep a close eye on things for a bit.”

“Are you going to-”

“I'm fine Zawa,” Izuku made sure to squeeze his fingers a little tighter before relaxing his hand. “You and Zashi are taking good care of me and I'm feeling better each day.”

They'd just reached the wagon and could see Zashi speaking light into the lantern stones inside. The sigh that Shouta gave at the sight of their blond companion would have been hilarious if Izuku didn't find himself feeling the same way. Seeing Zashi in their “home” was a calming and welcome feeling. He looked out the open doorway and gestured for the other two to join him.

“I've got the warming stones in the bed, and I also strengthened the sound dampening spell,” he said with a grin. “Apparently one of the Wanderers found out she was expecting and their whole camp is throwing a celebration. We're invited by in the morning to celebrate before we have to break camp.”

“Well, we knew about the pregnancy, but not about the party,” Shouta said as he took off his boots to leave by the door.

“She’s so happy she looks almost as if she was going to float to the moon,” Izuku commented as he too, removed his boots. “And her partners are the cutest. One let out a whoop and ran to tell the news and the other stayed close to her side and looked like he'd bite the nose off anyone that so much as looked at her wrong.”

“Ah, I'd forgotten that Wanderers often have more than one partner,” Hizashi murmured. “I suppose it helps with keeping track of the children.”

“And helps keep the bed from getting boring,” Shouta muttered.

“Shouta!” Hizashi admonished.

“What do you think of it, Zashi?” Izuku asked. “Zawa said that it's not uncommon for there to be such arrangements in the south of UA. Why didn't we ever go over that in our lessons?”

“Oh,” Hizashi blinked for a moment. “I guess I thought you knew? In my mother's country the ruler often had dozens of spouses to ensure there would be an heir. And as you know, what the aristocracy does, the people will mimic. It's such a large part of my own culture and family history that I didn't notice we'd missed discussing it.”

“So, would you be willing to be in such an arrangement?” Izuku asked. “Would you have more than one husband or wife?” He tried to keep his voice in his usual, inquisitive tone, but the blushes on the others’ faces said he hadn't quite managed.

“Well, yes?” Hizashi answered immediately. “I mean, I'd want to be with people I know and care about, I don't think I could do a betrothal to someone I didn't know, but the idea of being with both of y-” he broke off. “Of being with more than one person that I cared about,” he looked directly into Izuku's eyes then into Shouta's, “it doesn't scare me at all.”

“What about you, Shouta?” Izuku asked. “Would you be willing to be in a relationship with more than one person?”

Shouta thought for a while, often glancing up at Hizashi or Izuku, but more often staring at the floor in front of him. His face gave nothing of his thoughts away.

“I think,” he began slowly as he looked into Izuku's eyes, “that there are only two people I could be in that kind of a relationship with and not go mad with jealousy.”

Izuku swallowed hard. Hizashi had gasped at Shouta's words.

“What about you, Zu?” Hizashi whispered.

“If I can't be with you two,” he looked from one to the other, “I want no one,” he declared.

Shouta and Hizashi simply stared at him.

“I know that you've loved each other for a long time now.” Hisashi gave out a whine while Shouta stilled. “It was so fun to find ways to fluster Zashi with the sight of shirtless Zawa. And to watch Zawa come alive every time Zashi walked in the room made me giddy.” He reached a hand out to each of them, and they were immediately grasped. “But I only just asked myself why seeing you two happy together made me so happy.”

He squeezed their hands and tried to swallow.

“You two are my whole world, my whole heart,” he felt his eyes fill with tears. “I think I've loved you for longer than I could ever know. If, if you don't want to be with me, then please choose each other. I know your feelings for each other run deep. And please stay by my side, even if you can't be my, my husbands.”

Shouta was slightly closer, so his arms were around him only a second before Hizashi's.

“Oh, Starlight,” Shouta breathed against his temple. He gave the green curls a kiss before adding, “If you'll have me, I'll never willingly leave your side.” He leaned across Izuku to add a kiss to the center of Hizashi's forehead. “That's true for you, too, my pretty Bird.”

“Sunshine. Kitty.” Hizashi kissed each one's cheek. “I could never live happily without both of you as my closest companions.” He kissed their other cheeks. “My dearest ones. Please be mine.”

“My Zashi,” Izuku said as he pressed his lips to the blond man’s mouth. “My Zawa,” he said as he kissed his dark haired love. “As you are mine, I am yours.” He kissed Shouta. “Today.” He kissed Hizashi. “Tomorrow.” He gave them both one more quick peck. “Forever.”

They stood there, holding each other and smiling, for but a moment more.

“Come, loves,” Hizashi grinned. “Get ready for bed, those warming stones don't hold heat forever, and tonight is supposed to be very cold.”

He guided Izuku and Shouta toward the bed, which was less a rectangular mattress as it was a sleeping area surrounded by pillows and buried under blankets.

They spent the night cuddled close to each other, whispering about moments they'd snatched a sight of one or both of the others that had made their heart sing, or trading stories of setting the other up to blush in the presence of their crush. They even spent time listing the good qualities in the others that drew them in. Hearts were lightened as feelings were finally named and acknowledged. Sleepy kisses were exchanged before falling to sweet dreams.

And Izuku knew, finally, that they were his.



This triple update brought to you by a desire to Not give Flufee a reason to hunt me down and drown me in flowers. I hope it lived up to your exacting needs.

Chapter 9: Do You Take This Man…


Despite the harsh realities of traveling through bandit infested lands, there is some joy to be found for Izuku and his fiancés.


Thanks to Amalaa for helping to keep this runaway train on the rails!

Chapter Text


The next morning there was frost even inside the little wooden wagon. It made getting out of bed a Herculean task with how warm and comfortable it was under the covers, but somehow Shouta managed to pull himself from the arms and intertwined legs of his lovers. He pulled on his cloak to go about his self-appointed duties.

He was quick to get the warming stones from their place under the foot of the bed. He grabbed the metal pail they were transported in and buried the rocks in the bespelled sand. Thankful they would warm quickly, he shoved his feet in his boots and braced himself to open the door.

Shouta stepped out into the even frostier morning, expecting to have to bring their campfire back to life, but found it was still blazing as if it had never been banked. He looked to his head drover for an explanation.

It turns out that camping next to a group of Wanderers that are truly celebrating means little to no sleep for anyone that doesn't have access to a sound dampening spell or a good pair of ear plugs. Their drovers had been welcomed to their neighbors’ campfire for the night and had brought back a well burning stick to get their own fire going strong.

By the time Shouta had gained this information, the stones were warm, and he took the pail back to the wagon. He set the pail in a corner, where it wouldn't be tipped over, but would still be able to warm the air of the wagon. He set about changing into a new set of clothes, noting they'd need to do laundry on their next stop by a stream, and proceeded to comb and braid his hair. By the time he was done, he reckoned it was warm enough to wake the two sleeping in the bed.

He was surprised to see Izuku awake and watching his every move.

“Morning, Starlight,” he said as he kissed Izuku's temple. Noting with pleasure how Izuku seemed to melt at his touch. “How long have you been awake?”

“Since you came back with the warmth,” Izuku replied. “You always bring the warmth to us, Sweet One,” he said, removing a hand from under the blanket to catch Shouta's hand. Izuku kissed Shouta's knuckles. “Please know that my life would be so much colder and sadder without you in it. And if I ever make you feel that you're not wanted or needed or are feeling taken for granted, you are to kick my arse until I remember.”

Shouta chuckled at his words but nodded as he kissed Izuku's forehead.

“Hey now,” Hizashi's voice had that just awoken sound, “no one is to beat up my fiancé without my say so.”

Both Izuku and Shouta turned to him with bright smiles on their faces.

“Buttercup,” Izuku said as he pulled Hizashi closer with the arm under his head, “If I ever leave you feeling less than, or not enough, you are also to kick my hinney until I wise up.” He kissed the crown of Hizashi's head. “Please promise me, you'll do that.”

“Of course, Zuzu,” he said, tilting his face up to kiss the underside of Izuku's jaw. “But you have to promise to tell us, too. If we make you feel left out or treat you in a way you find demeaning, then you have to tell us. No keeping it to yourself, Love.”

Izuku didn't say anything or move.

“Zu,” Shouta said as he gently moved his chin so he could look him in the face. “This is serious.” He sat on the edge of the bed as near to Izuku as he could get. “We love you, but we aren't mind readers, and you have a history of not speaking up when you feel hurt. Please,” he put their foreheads together, “please, Sweetheart, promise that you'll talk to us.”

“Please, Sunshine,” Hizashi gently nuzzled Izuku's cheek, then slightly turned to peck Shouta's cheek, “we love you so much. Please promise us this one thing.”

Tears were forming in the corners of Izuku's eyes. “I'm a little overwhelmed at all this … this care,” he admitted. “But I feel like I shouldn't be, since you've both looked out for me for so long.” He used his free hand to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye. “You both love me so much, it's just hard to comprehend sometimes.”

He smiled up at Shouta. “For you, Shouta,” he gave him a quick kiss, “I promise to tell you when I feel hurt.”

“That's all I ask,” Shouta said. He gave Hizashi a quick kiss before sitting up.

“And for you my Zashi,” Izuku gave him a brief press of his lips before nuzzling their noses together, “I promise to open my mouth to use my words instead of withdrawing into myself.”

“Thank you, Sunshine,” Hizashi said. “Now let me up, my bladder is about to explode.” He tossed back the blankets that had been covering them and jammed his feet into his boots as he shivered before heading to the latrine pit.

Izuku and Shouta laughed at his antics. Izuku was dressed and ready, when Hizashi returned. “Will you braid my hair like yours when I get back?” He asked Shouta.

“Of course, My Prince,” Shouta smirked with a bow.

“Thank you, My Emperor,” Izuku returned with an eye roll.

“Hurry up,” Hizashi said as he tied up his own hair. “The breakfast they are making next door smelled divine on my way back. We are not going to want to miss anything!”


The Wanderers truly had pulled out their best for the breakfast feast. There were fluffy flatbreads covered in honey and nuts, cumin eggs, salty cheese, a dish made with green chili, potatoes and fatty pork, and even some freshly caught and stuffed rabbits were roasting over the fire. Vinegared vegetables, to cut through the richness of the other foods, were also found in small dishes on the table with the food laid out. And the largest pot of something sweet and spicy was at the center of it all.

Apparently, part of the celebration the night before had been everyone tending to a special dish that Zashi has described as a cross between oat gruel and rice pudding, but “fancy”. There were several grains as well as nuts, dried fruits, honey, and spices like cinnamon, star anise, and cardamom that were cooked together while being gently stirred for hours over a low flame. This particular food was supposed to help pregnancy be easy and the birth to be quick.

Izuku learned after asking a few people that the first night after a pregnancy is announced, the whole camp enjoys the dish. After that it's often made by the partners of the pregnant person, as well as any other food they might crave, within reason. When, or if, the partners prove to be bad at making the dish, older generations will take them in hand to teach them how it should be made. Every Wanderer child is a treasure, and this is the first moment The People can show their love for the new jewel.


Shouta ate, but mostly watched as Hizashi and Izuku flitted around the group, sharing their hopes for a good pregnancy with the new mother, and wishing the fathers luck in being able to properly care for their new family.

Izuku was always in search of more knowledge, and since the Wanderers were a part of his people, he wanted to know more of their ways and traditions. Shouta knew it was so that he wouldn't enact laws or edicts that would hurt his people. Shouta smiled to himself. Izuku was going to be such a good king.

Hizashi was, to put it simply, a people person and loved to hear about others’ lives and experiences. When he rode in the wagon with Izuku, they often spent their time recounting what they'd learned and writing it down. Yet he had a way of talking with people that didn't seem to pry as much as it encouraged people to share about their lives. Shouta had no doubt that the two would be able to fill an entire book with what they learned at this morning’s celebration.

The trio insisted on helping to clean up after breakfast as they all prepared to break camp. They felt it was the least they could do to honor their hosts. And as they didn't have an appropriate baby present it was the only way to show their care for the new life.


As they prepared to leave, Nedzu came along the line of the caravan to warn them all about the next stretch of their journey. They had to travel through some narrow mountain passes to get to the safer, inland, part of their route. This next part was known as a place where travelers were ambushed the most along this route. The caravan won't be able to circle up, like they had been doing with carts forming a tight protective ring to keep animals in and intruders out, but there were places along the road where it's wide enough to have two wagons abreast. They would need to line up with wagons to both sides with the camps made between them. Their camp had to be divided in two with equal wagons on both sides, and travel side by side for several days.

Most were fine with this arrangement, even though some camps had to be split in an odd way; others argued. Nedzu reminded the dissenters that they had agreed to abide by his rules when they signed on, and they could only be protected if they followed his directions. This got a few more to fall in line with his directions. But in every group there are those that insist on doing things their own way.

Those that wished to disregard Nedzu's directions were put together at the end of the caravan. Though Nedzu doubled his guards there to try and keep them protected he reiterated that if they wouldn't keep their part of the bargain, then he couldn't be held to his. They stubbornly refused to heed the advice of the little fae man, and Nedzu washed his hands of any other responsibilities toward them.


For Izuku and his company, their wagon would merely be added to the Wanderers to bring it to an even number. The donkeys would trail behind in pairs but find room for the night between all the wagons. This had the added benefit of stretching the number of people available to watch at night, so more people were rested in the morning.

This new arrangement delighted Izuku as now he was free to chat more easily with the members of the group. He found himself making fast friends with the red headed new father that had introduced himself as Eijiro. His mate Ochako, the newly announced mother, was soon entertaining Izuku and Hizashi with stories of the hijinks she and her mates had gotten up to as children.

Meanwhile Shouta and Katsuki, the blond father, watched their families get along, but never stopped scanning for danger along the road. An impromptu sparring match soon had the two showing grudging acknowledgement of the other and respect for their skills.

Shouta and Katsuki’s mates just rolled their eyes at their posturing and got back to sharing stories and cooking fires.


Sitting on top of the cart one night, as he prepared to take first watch, Shouta noticed that Nedzu had woven a protection spell that fed back and forth between the two equal lines. The other group, at the end, are too scattered for this particular spell to work. Shouta wondered if telling them about how their much more scattered camp had weakened any opportunity to be protected by the small fae’s working but decided against it. Obviously, they felt they knew better, and if they weren't willing to follow wisdom then his words wouldn't convince them. He noticed that they had even scuffed through the weaker protective circle Nedzu had written around them. If they didn't want the man’s aid, why sign up with his company? Shouta shook his head. People just didn't make sense sometimes.


The first two nights in their new configuration were pretty standard. Though Gran did increase his stories about mountain trolls that turn to stone in the first light of day, who travel through the forests seeking adventures as soon as the shadows of the night are upon them. The kids would spend the next day pointing to bits of rock and declaring that they can see the ear of a troll here or the knee of a troll there.

Often Gran had to remind the kids not to run off to inspect a sleeping troll, or the troll might return the favor when the children were sleeping. The man didn't even look cowed when a mother started berating him for her child’s troll-based nightmare the previous night. Instead, he shared stories of brave adventurers outsmarting the trolls when they tried to murder the adventurer in bed. The next day the mother insisted that Gran take her child out to choose a “troll stick” for himself. The old storyteller happily obliged, leading a small army of children into a hickory thicket to choose their weapons.


The third night, the bandits attacked. They were boxed into a canyon and couldn't move anywhere. Their assailants attacked from the front and the back simultaneously. Nedzu seemed to have been anticipating the assault. He'd doubled the guard at the front and the back and included two battle mages in each group.

Shouta had jumped up at the first warning cry and was dressed in seconds. Izuku and Hizashi were but a breath behind him. Shouta scrambled up to the top of the wagon and in the pre-dawn light could just make out the shapes of the bandits. He called down to the other two that the greater force was at the rear, but that they needed to make sure the front didn't break through. Hizashi and Izuku decided to head for the front of the camp, while Shouta headed for the rear.

Hizashi never left Izuku's side. He knew his Sunshine’s tactics and strategies by heart so he was able to follow him as his magic slammed a wedge between the attackers and split them into two smaller groups. This left Nedzu’s mages to each choose a group to focus on, while Hizashi threw his attacks to the left and Izuku took the right.

A few of the Wanders had followed Izuku and Hizashi to the front. The angry blond was casting explosions into both groups, and Izuku recalled that he usually was one to entertain with fireworks in the evenings. His red headed companion was bringing up walls of earth in front of their group while also shooting arrows at the attackers. His long bow was precise and highly effective.

Izuku preferred to use binding magics to tie people's hands and feet together. If he timed things right, he could drop one fighter in the path of a second and get two with one cast. Hizashi’s spells were more sound based stuns. He'd be able to stun an opponent then knock them out using the staff he brought with him. Izuku also had a staff, a dagger for back up, and a sling with a bag of charmed stones. The two fought side by side, clearing out their assailants easily with the rest of their group. Within minutes the bandits in front of them were defeated. Most were on the ground while a few had fled.

“Take their weapons,” Nedzu commanded his men. “Separate out the wounded and Chiyo will see to them. Anyone not under my employ should head to the rear of the camp. They may need assistance. When my men have secured these prisoners, they'll follow to the back. Once those bandits are taken care of, do the same thing there, disarm and detain. I'll be along as soon as we're done here.”

Izuku and Hizashi spared no time in rushing to help their Shouta. Izuku had a stone in his sling as soon as he could see the skirmish. He let the concentrated bomb fly to the middle of the attackers. It struck true and suddenly openings were made in their ranks-- openings that Shouta and the other mages took full advantage of.

Shouta was the one to teach his Zu the binding magic he preferred, but he paired it with attraction magic to pull enemies together to knock each other out. He was very precise and effective with his work. Shouta had also brought his staff, though his sword was his back up, and there was a throwing knife sheathed in his boot if the need arose. Once his Zashi and his Zu were at his side, he became unstoppable.

It was but the work of moments to bring the remaining bandits down. Izuku passed along Nedzu's order, and his people immediately began to disarm and triage the bandits. Most of them were merely concussed, but there were a fair few cuts and bruises.

Izuku immediately looked over his loves. Shouta had a gash under his eye and Hizashi had what looked like a broken nose, but for the most part they were okay. Chiyo would be able to fix them right up in a minute. Izuku had just finished checking Hizashi over when Shouta exclaimed at Izuku's bleeding. Izuku honestly didn't feel anything, but he knew that was the battle fervor talking.

It took a moment to find where Izuku had been hurt. There was a slash in his side along his ribs. Thankfully, no bones were broken and the cut didn't seem too deep. Hizashi immediately pulled his shirt off to wad up and press into Izuku's side as Izuku's shirt was already too soaked to be of much use. Shouta insisted on carrying Izuku to Chiyo, while Hizashi maintained pressure, perhaps they were being over cautious, but Izuku was still regaining his strength. They would not risk Izuku when they had the power to aid him.

They were joined by the blond- and red-haired Wanderers. They both looked a bit worse for wear, but said their injuries weren't anything the healer needed to concern herself with. Shouta privately decided to send the fairy woman to check on them anyway.

They met Chiyo as she headed toward the rear of the caravan. She had a salve to rub on Shouta and Izuku's cuts that immediately stopped the bleeding and sealed the edges to each other. It stung like seven hells, but it worked quickly. With Hizashi, she sent a tiny drop of her power into his nose to set the bones and cartilage to rights. She warned he'd probably have black eyes for a week as his body healed, but they all agreed it was a small price to pay. They all thanked her for her help, and Shouta mentioned the two Wanderers before she left. She said that if they were walking, they'd probably be fine, but she'd check on them after seeing to the people at the rear of their camp.


They all returned to their camp to find that the drovers had made breakfast and harnessed the ponies so they could leave as soon as the word was given. Izuku thanked them profusely and dug into the food while Hizashi hurried to get a spare shirt. Shouta suggested that Izuku might want to change as well since traveling all day in a shirt sticky with blood was bound to be uncomfortable. Izuku flushed, but said that Satou’s food was too good to pass up, and threatened to eat Shouta's portion if he didn't start eating immediately.

They all quickly ate and cleaned up. Soon everything was packed away. Izuku insisted on driving the wagon while Hizashi rode inside. He pointed out that though Hizashi's nose wasn't broken, his eyes were still swollen, so laying in the cool darkness would be good for his healing.

Shouta rode beside Izuku as he drove. He kept a sling at the ready and openly wore his sword. Izuku couldn't help but notice there were more bows and “walking sticks” among the group in front of them. He knew that their drovers had all said they knew how to defend themselves, but he decided that this evening he'd have them all spar with him while Shouta observed. Mornings would be for practicing forms, and, if there was interest enough, the evenings would be for sparring. Izuku was determined to keep his people safe, even if they were only hired for a single trip.


Both Izuku and Shouta kept an eye out for another ambush. The previous bandits had been disarmed, treated, and tied to a tree. Nedzu had no plans to feed and watch the bandits so that they could help their comrades from inside at the next attack. The poor things were now held fast in the magically woven branches of a sturdy oak. It would take their co-conspirators at least a full day to free them.

Hizashi had spent the day scrubbing down the wagon and recasting the protective runes inside it instead of resting. The main runes gave protection from fire, rust and wood rot. While others provided sound dampening, for conversations that shouldn't be overheard or to keep rowdy Wander party noise out, and there was a mild glamour that would keep the wagon from being easily recognized even by people that knew it well.

Hizashi decided to add a warming charm that could be activated with a word, now Shouta wouldn't feel the need to brave the cold on his and Izuku's behalf. He was looking forward to spending more time cuddling his Big Cat and Bunny. The thought of the three of them spending their days together for the rest of their lives made him grin. The smiling aggravated his bruising and he'd have to try to think of less interesting things than holding Shouta's hand or running his fingers through Izuku's hair.


Two more days of traveling through the mountain roads found them safely through the first pass. There was a large meadow they stopped in during the early afternoon to make camp. They were once again able to circle the camp in a spiral that allowed the outer ring to consist of wagons and carriages that acted as a fence for the rest of the camp inside.

Hizashi and Izuku took time to wash their clothes while Shouta soaped and cleaned their tack. They took time to look after their drovers and their animals and spent time brushing and caring for their ponies and the donkeys. It was just the break that they all needed.

Their neighbors were similarly busy around their camps. Taking care of minor repairs and cleaning up things that had to be put by the wayside during their passage through the mountain left the whole group in a much better mood, though lookouts were posted near the river as well as outside of the camp.

That evening they joined the Wanderers around their campfire. Gran told several stories about great battles of the past. A few of the group members sang the song of “Yagi's defeat of the Giants” then moved onto other lively songs. That led a few of the company to dance.

Among the dancers was the brown haired new mother and her partners. They danced and twirled together while the entire camp clapped and called to them.They finished their dance by joining hands and leaping across the fire.

That seemed to encourage more flame jumpers. Sometimes it was a young man, just on the cusp of adulthood, or the elder couple that acted as the leaders to their troupe. Couples and trios were quick to jump and kiss at their successes. The younger children weren't allowed to try, being told they had to wait for their Blooming ceremony first.

Soon others of the camp were joining in the flame jumping. The elders had insisted the flames not be too high, but many a skirt was rucked up high, and pant leg tucked in before the attempts were made. Izuku and his mates weren't immune to the festivities. And one point, Shouta looked at the other two then nodded toward the fire. They both grabbed a hand and got in line.

When it was their turn, they lined up with Izuku in the middle. They joined hands and at Shouta's signal they took off. Their years together kept their pace equal and as one they leapt over the flames. The intense heat was but a brief moment and then they touched down. Though they didn't land at exactly the same time, they kept hold and helped steady each other.

Izuku was so elated that he immediately turned to Shouta and kissed him, then turned to Hizashi for a kiss. He stepped back to allow his mates to kiss, then moved them out of the way of the others. It wasn't until they were headed back to their wagon that Izuku realized he'd kissed his fiancés in public. It gave him a giddy feeling to have been so bold, but he just knew that Chiyo would tease him about it at their next check in.


As they snuggled together that night Hizashi said, “Do you think our families will demand a second wedding when we get home?”

“I think you mean a third, pretty bird,” Shouta gently corrected.

“What are you talking about?” Izuku asked, thoroughly confused.

“We're already in Taka,” Shouta reminded Izuku. “Which means that since we pledged ourselves to each other and spent the following night together, then in the eyes of the law, and by ancient custom, we're married.”

Hizashi looked confused for just a second, but then broke out in a grin. “That is the law, true. It was established in the northern and eastern part of the country before the first buteo united the country, but it's still recognized for any part of Taka.” He looked at Shouta with a smile. “I'd forgotten all about it.”

“This is why I got better marks in Sir Mirai’s law class,” he teased. “I actually listened when the man was teaching about the laws of UA’s trading partners,” Shouta replied with a smirk.

Hizashi stuck his tongue out at Shouta then made a show of snuggling close to Izuku. As Shouta was also cuddling Izuku quite close it wasn't much of a snub.

“I doubt the court would recognize that as a marriage as we were the only witnesses,” Izuku said slowly. Though the idea that they might try to invalidate his marriage to his men made him very upset. “They'd argue that no uninvolved party was a witness, so the wedding wouldn't be valid.” These men were his. He'd already chosen them. The court couldn't take them from him!

“Well, that's countered easily enough,” Shouta said as he leaned closer to be able to touch them both. “Almost the entire camp saw us jump the fire,” he kissed Izuku's forehead. “Wanderer tradition, which is recognized under the laws of UA, says that any courting couple, or group, that can keep their hands clasped while jumping the fire are married. It's especially acknowledged when a kiss follows the jump, as the younger jumpers often rely on a friend to help them through their first few jumps.”

“Oh, you clever Cat,” Hizashi crowed as he leaned over Izuku to plant a kiss on Shouta. “Is that why you were willing to jump?”

“It was one of the factors I considered,” he replied as he pulled Hizashi into another kiss. “But I mostly did it because I wanted everyone to know that you two have been claimed.”

Izuku broke out into a laugh. “I guess we will probably have to have that third wedding,” he said to Hizashi, giving Shouta a kiss. “But I do like how the first two have gone so far.” He kissed Hizashi hard and hungry.

Hizashi caught his breath and came back in for another kiss. “I'm liking it a lot myself.”

“As much as I enjoy watching you two kiss, and believe me, it's a lot,” Shouta said. “We really do need to sleep. Nedzu said there's one more push to get through these mountains and I'd like us well rested in case of another ambush.”

Izuku sighed. “Okay, but only if I get one more good night kiss.”

Instead of speaking, Shouta swooped in to give both his partners another kiss.

“Now can we sleep?” he asked.

“Fine by me,” Izuku replied. “Zashi?”

The blond man yawned. “Yeah, I'm good as long as I have you both nearby.”

Though they were already cuddled close, Izuku and Shouta got nearer to their husband and whispered sweet words till they all dropped off. They slept soundly through the night and woke ready to take on the next challenge.


Chapter 10: Sweet Civilization


Our intrepid travelers have made it to their first safe haven inside Taka No Negura. If only it wasn't occupied by a dragon! Or rather, if only it wasn't occupied by Hizashi's very formidable aunt.


Thanks to Mom (Amalaa) for helping to keep this runaway story on the right path!

Chapter Text


It took two and a half weeks to push through the second half of the mountain passes. They encountered two other robber bands as they traveled, but fortunately no one was ever badly wounded. Especially now that they all traveled in two rows.

Once they made it through, Hizashi began to breathe easier. He knew that he had kin in the next city along the route. That was where they would unload the wares, they had brought with them and trade them in for provisions to take on one of the Yamada trading vessels back to a port in UA.

He thought it was very sweet for Chiyo and Nedzu to see them off once they reached the home of his very formidable aunt, Dame Seiko Yamada. The ancient fairy woman had even left them all with a kiss in the middle of their foreheads. She called it, “A Blessing of the Fae over your nuptials. May you have more happiness than sorrows and more tears of laughter than pain.” Then shooed them all off onto their next grand adventure.

They reached the Yamada family storehouses where all the goods they brought with them were cataloged and entered under Hizashi's account. They were generally appraised, credit for the goods given, and then Hizashi could trade for equivalent goods or use the money in his account to make purchases.

They were all sad to see their drovers leave with a different group of Yamada traders, but knew they were in good company. Their former companions decided to continue with the Yamada family as Hizashi had proved to be a skillful and caring employer.

Hizashi was happy to be welcomed into his aunt's house, but he could acknowledge that seeing his cousin Emi again was less enjoyable. Emi had a bit of a crush on Shouta ever since they were teenagers. Her feelings had never been reciprocated or subtle, and Shouta had been very clear about how he felt for her through the years. Indeed, he'd had to go to Auntie Seiko to ask her to pull Emi back the last time he'd visited. Shouta had gone so far as to make sure that he was never alone with the girl so that she couldn't claim that a marriage declaration had been made between them.

Seeing her flirting with Shouta lit a fire in Hizashi he hadn't expected, but it was their younger partner that truly shocked them all. Izuku practically wrenched Emi’s arm from its socket as he snarled, “Get your hands off our husband!” And it was everything Shouta could do to try to separate his enraged husbands from Emi while Hizashi's auntie hurried to hustle the hurt girl from the room.


Once everyone had calmed down, and tea had been acquired, Hizashi had to explain what Izuku had meant by “our husband” and also had to swear her to secrecy over who exactly Izuku was. His aunt looked supremely unimpressed.

“And were there any-- witnesses , to your union?” she asked.

Almost as soon as the words were out of her mouth a servant was at the door.

“Excuse me miss, but a courier just arrived with a gift.” He laid a package wrapped in a colorful fabric and sealed with red wax on the table before bowing and leaving the room.

There was a tag that read, “For Zawa, Zuku, and Zashi” and a slight glow that marked it as spelled only to open for its intended recipient.

Hizashi reached out to take the box. As soon as he touched the wax seal, it shrank and crumbled to dust. The fabric was opened to reveal a small, intricately carved cedar wood box and another sealed letter. Opening the box, deep purple velvet cradled three strands of gems and beads on clips. Shouta took the letter and touched the seal. It again crumbled to dust. He opened the parchment and read aloud.

“My dearest friends,

I realize that we've just parted ways, but I simply had to get these to you. The ways of my people are to give one of these to each member of a newly mated group. They are to be worn at the left temple except in the case of baldness, divorce, or death. In the first case, they may be attached to a head wrap or hat. In the second, they are meant to be sold to aid in obtaining necessities until matters can be straightened out. In the last case, they are often buried with their owner while the survivors move them to the right side.

I realize that my ways are not your ways, but my mother would disown me were I to fail to offer this token of friendship on behalf of our court. The onyx and citrine strands are for Zuku, the citrine and emerald for Zawa, and of course the onyx and emerald are for Zashi.

May you wear them in health and happiness for many decades to come.

-Your friend, Nedzu”

Auntie Seiko paled as Shouta uttered the name of their benefactor. “You- you- you all are friends of Nedzu?”

Hizashi cast a silencing charm, “We joined his caravan to get here from Endeavor.” His aunt nodded and he dropped it immediately.

“Well then,” she said with a glint in her eye as she appraised the emerald, citrine and onyx gems in each hair decoration, “We can have them as part of your investiture ceremony.”

“What ceremony?” Shouta asked.

“Why, to have you brought into the Yamada family of course,” the woman said. “I'll have to send a message to our priest to have him come as soon as possible.” She rang a small bell summoning her servant at once.

“Have Martin sent to the goldsmith immediately. I expect him to be here within the hour. And send Sarah to the market for the proper herbs for wedding bouquets. Oh, when that's done-”

“Now wait a minute,” Hizashi said, “who said they wanted to be Yamadas? With Zuku’s situation there could be a whole incident over it.”

“I'm sorry, I thought you wanted your husbands to have the full backing and protection of the Yamada household,” his aunt said in that sweet way that always told Hizashi that this was the easy way, but she would be willing to do things the hard way if he wanted (and she always won when things were done the hard way).

“Of course I do, but don't there have to be negotiations and treaties formed and signed first?”

“Oh sweetie,” she said as she shook her head at him, “once you're all home, your heads of household will hammer it all out. But while you're here , and on one of our ships, you'll need for them to be legally called Yamadas.”

“She's right, love,” Izuku said as he put a calming hand on Hizashi's arm. “Besides, Zuku Yamada has a nice ring to it, don't you think? And I'm pretty sure I once heard Shouta introduce himself as Zawa Yamada before he'd properly woken up one morning in camp, too.”

“If you're sure, Zu?”

“I'm sure. Please Madam Seiko, what else must be done?” he asked as he sent a quiet smile to his soon to be aunt.

“Might as well start calling me auntie like the other one,” she said, gesturing to Shouta who was sitting back and casually drinking his tea. “Where was I? Oh, yes,” she looked back to the servant, “have Sarah make sure to get enough for three bouquets and to also collect the correct oil from the apothecary. Jason is to be sent to the storehouses to collect enough yellow, green, and black silk cording for a tripoint knot. And send my seamstress and her apprentice to me. We'll have to see about getting them in matching robes.” She dismissed the man with a wave of her hand.

“Are you three going to be staying for the consultation with the goldsmith? It's merely going to be negotiations for two signet necklaces with our family name on one side and our patron goddess on the other, as well as the tags for the hand clasping.”

“No thanks Auntie Seiko,” Shouta spoke up for the first time. “I've seen you negotiate and it's not something I'd wish on even the Flaming Trash Heap.”

Izuku grinned at his words. “You know, in future, I may request the help of the Yamada house for negotiation with Enji.”

Both his husbands broke out into broad grins.

“Oh, yes auntie,” Hizashi said, “you're going to want to have a few words with the man, I'm sure. But first, let's make them true Yamadas.”

“Very well,” she said as her seamstress came in. “Please let Momo take your measurements then head to the bath house. You may have had a quick clean up, but I insist you have a thorough wash before supper.”


Izuku laid back in the hot water and coveted Seiko’s bathhouse. The floors were made of a fragrant wood sanded to smooth perfection, though there were stone floors draining to another room underneath the wood. Apparently, there was a hot spring in the city that many prominent families used to bring already warm mineral laden water to the baths. The baths themselves were tiled pits, with a shelf around the walls that allowed bathers to sit and soak at their leisure. The soap that was resting in the nearby dish was both spicy and delicate, just a hint of scent rather than the overpowering soap they'd used on the road. And the cleaning cloths in this woman's bathhouse were so soft and luxurious that Izuku found himself contemplating unspeakable things to take some with them. He was pondering on how soft the towels would be when Hizashi nudged him with an elbow.

“What are you thinking, Zu?” he asked with a smile.

Without opening his eyes Izuku replied, “Do you think your aunt would give us this bathhouse for our wedding present?”

He could hear a snicker that had to be Shouta while Hizashi gently splashed him. “No giving away of Yamada family property,” he smirked at the one eye Izuku had glaring at him. “But being a Yamada will mean you have unbarred access to everything the family owns-- including this bathhouse.”

“Oh, good,” Izuku said as he closed his eye and leaned back, “because I'm pretty sure I live here now.”

This time Shouta actually laughed and Izuku reveled in the sound.

“Admit it, Zu,” he said, “marrying Zashi was worth it for the towels alone.”

Izuku moaned at the thought. “I'm pretty sure the only thing better than these towels is being held by my husbands.”

“Good answer, Bunny,” Hizashi said as he ran the cleaning cloth down one of Izuku's arms. “Should we test the theory?”

“Yes,” he gasped quietly at where else that cleaning cloth moved.

“Shou, you take that side,” Hizashi ordered. “I've got this one.”

They set about scientifically testing Izuku's theory. His husbands won, but it was a near thing.


When they retired for the night, Izuku asked Hizashi what to expect for the ceremony. He found it fascinating to see where their traditions overlapped and where they differed. And how this ‘bringing in a spouse’ was different from ‘bringing in a child’, whether the child was one born to the family or one adopted in. Izuku was always fascinated by how families were formed and maintained.

A familiar part of the ceremony would be having their hands clasped then having cords tied in an infinity knot as a symbol of them joining together. With couples the hand fasting was easier. They simply faced each other right hand to right hand and left hand to left, but with three it took them a bit of finagling to figure out. Not only did they need to figure out who held which hand of whom, but they had to figure out how they could stand, hold one another's hands, and still have room for the priest. It was very much a twisted puzzle, though they made it a bit of a game.

“Zashi,” Shouta questioned as they stood, all holding hands in the middle of their room, “would it be okay for Zu and I to give you a necklace, too? Obviously, you already have your signet necklace, but perhaps we could get you something special for the occasion?”

“Oh, yes,” Izuku turned bright eyes to their pretty Bird, “would you want something from us to mark the occasion?”

Hizashi was already a little close to tears at having them so willing to take his name but hearing that his loves wanted to include him in such a way tipped him over the edge. Immediately Shouta's arms were around his shoulders while Izuku held his face and gently wiped the tears from his face.

“What's the matter, sweet Birdie?” Izuku softly cooed. “Did we say something to upset or offend you?”

“No, these are happy tears,” Hizashi said as he pulled Izuku to him. Izuku went easily and Shouta adjusted his hold to include the younger man. “I didn't know that I was feeling a little left out until Shou found a way to include me.”

“Always, dear heart,” Shouta said as he pressed gentle kisses to Hizashi's cheek.

“What he said,” Izuku affirmed as he kissed the tears still falling down. “You're ours, and we want everyone to know it.” He went back to caressing the cheek Shouta wasn't kissing.

“What he said,” Shouta echoed with a grin.


The next day Hizashi and his cousin, Ryo, accompanied Izuku and Shouta to the market. Ryo was to go with his husbands to the jeweler in Silver Street, because Auntie declared it would be shameful for Hizashi to haggle for his own wedding present. And Hizashi had reluctantly agreed, it wasn't a hill he was prepared to die on. Besides, he quite liked his younger cousin and was happy to have this reason to spend time with him.

As they made their way along the winding streets of Bōeki Toshi, Hizashi was glad they brought the “little dragon" with them. Ryo was still pretty young as a family trader and his negotiation skills were good but could still use some polishing. This would help him practice the art of high-end haggling, rather than the common market haggling he'd grown up doing. There were very subtle differences between the two. And if they ended up paying a bit more than expected, well, the goods they brought with them should easily cover any indiscretion or gaff Ryo could make. Ryo would either do quite well, or he'd learn from his mistakes. It would be educational no matter the outcome.

The process seemed to take less time than Hizashi expected judging by how soon he saw Shouta at their agreed meet up spot in the vendor lane. Much too little time in Hizashi's opinion had passed to have a full discussion of design, materials, delivery expectation, and then haggling over price. Did…did something go wrong?

“Zawa, you're back… you're back?” Hizashi stumbled over his words as his thoughts got in the way.

“Yup, Pretty Bird,” he leaned in and gave Hizashi's cheek a quick kiss. “The Bunny already had a design drawn out, and a list of materials,” he snorted, “with market prices included,” he grinned at Hizashi. “Poor Ryo didn't have much to do.”

“Aw, my Little Lizard must be so disappointed!”

“He was,” Shouta confirmed as he wound his arms round Hizashi's waist. “So, I gave them three rubies and a couple of pearls from that blasted ball get-up and told them not to come back without a suitable hostess gift for auntie.”

“We may never see them again,” Hizashi chuffed as he nuzzled Shouta's neck. “Want to join me looking around the market? I want to see if anything jumps out to me as something we'd want to stave off boredom during the shipping passage.”

“I can think of several things to keep us from getting bored,” Shouta said as he wagged his eyebrows exaggerating their movement.

“Shou, you scoundrel!” Hizashi lowered his voice. “I already accounted for that, but we'd all be worn raw in two days and that just won't do.”

“Now who's the scoundrel?” Shouta teased as he gave his husband a kiss at his temple.

“Still you,” Hizashi replied. They passed a certain stall and immediately slowed down. “Do you think Zu would like some new throwing knives?”


They met up with Izuku and Ryo near the food vendors. Izuku was asking Ryo and the sellers about the ingredients, in a vague ‘will my body try to kill me because of the major ingredients’ kind of way as the actual recipes were often closely guarded family secrets, before buying two of whatever and sharing the treat with Ryo. Hizashi was impressed that he seemed to be keeping up with his cousin whose love for hot and spicy things had earned him the nickname, Little Dragon, because he practically had fire breath after eating so many hot foods.

The trip to the market was declared a success by the four, but only time would tell if Auntie Seiko would agree.

Still, preparations for the investiture were speeding along and there was little for the three to do in the interim. All the Yamadas in town and close neighboring areas were alerted and invited. The temple was being cleaned and decorated, the kitchens of every Yamada, or close family friends, were working to be ready for the day, and gossip around town said that the goldsmith and jeweler had both been given quite a bit extra to have the items ready by the end of the week.

That rumor was an outright lie. The craftsmen had been promised exorbitant bonuses if delivery occurred on the day specified. Yamadas don't pay for promises made, just promises kept.


Chapter 11: To Have and To Hold


Izuku and Shouta officially become members of Yamada House.


It comes as no surprise that Failxmonster helped to beta this chapter. I am truly indebted for all their help. Thank you!

Chapter Text


The day before the ceremony, Auntie Seiko has the three men walk through the ceremony in a “First you stand here. The priest says this. And you answer? Wait for their answer. That is correct. Next…” sort of way. They were all glad that they'd rehearsed their responses every evening when facing the prospect of angering, or worse, disappointing, the formidable woman.

After rehearsal, they were taken to the seamstresses’ fitting room to make sure their new clothes were ready and fitted properly. Usually the people here were fairly well covered to protect from sun, insect, and fairy flower pollen but for the ceremony; Izuku and Shouta were put in black, voluminous pants, black slippers, and yellow wrap around shirts with a deep opening that would allow their new necklaces to be framed and easily seen. The back of each shirt had the Yamada family crest large in the center. Above each was Hizashi's personal signet decoration. Under the family crest was both Shouta and Izuku's name. Hizashi was similarly dressed, except his clothes were all black. The stitching was a work of art and skill and none of it was imbued with magic.

Usually the family crest was spelled to come “alive” as soon as the ritual was completed. But, because of their experience with spelled clothing, Auntie Seiko has decided to have the two priest assistants cast the illusion at that point in time. It was a greatly appreciated move.

After the fitting, was the delivery of the necklaces. Hizashi's presence was required for receiving the family crests, while Lady Seiko requested to be in attendance when the present for Hizashi arrived. She approved of both the design and the price for the bauble. She stunned both her new nephews and the jeweler when she doubled the bonus. The woman was astounding. So generous when her expectations were met or exceeded, but unyielding in her demand for quality and excellence in all her dealings. She had described the delivery that Hizashi had attended as “acceptable” so there was a good chance the necklaces were so near perfection they were candidates for sainthood.

At last there was nothing left to do to prepare. In the morning they would wake up, eat breakfast, and take one more turn in the bathhouse. Then it would be time for Shouta and Izuku to properly become part of the Yamada family.


Izuku stood in the tiny room off the main temple area with Shouta, Hizashi, and the two witnesses (two of Hizashi's uncles) each carrying a necklace bearing the name of Yamada. Hizashi kept picking up and rearranging the tray he would carry. There were only two small loaves of bread and a beautiful container of herbaceous scented oil, so there wasn't much to arrange. Shouta eventually handed Izuku his bouquet of dried herbs and flowers so he could hold both of Hizashi's hands and distract him while they waited. Izuku kept their Zashi busy by asking over the meaning of each plant in their bundles, but thankfully soon Seiko appeared and declared, “It's time to go.”


Izuku followed the path strewn with flower petals to stand before the priest at the altar. On the well decorated table was a brazier full of fire already, a gilt cup, and a mortar and pestle along with a coil of twined black, yellow, and green ropes. Behind the priest was a mural of Creati, the Yamada family goddess, as she created humanity and set them down into a newly formed world. Other deities could be seen in the background. Most notably Anima as he created the animals of field, sky, and water and Entropy as he brought ice and fire into the world.

Izuku was brought out of his perusal of the mural when the priest asked him, “Do you come to join the Yamada family willingly and in good faith?”

“Yes, I do,” he answered and tried to keep the giddiness out of his voice.

“Then bring forth your sacrifice for Creati, the merciful, and pray you will be accepted.”

Izuku took his bouquet and gingerly placed it in the brazier. The dried vegetation caught fire immediately and the smoke turned a bright green for a moment. The priest nodded and waved Izuku to his spot on one side so that Shouta could be questioned. When Shouta placed his bundle in the fire, the smoke turned a bright blue and Izuku worried that the ritual would be stopped, but the priest nodded to Shouta with a smile and waved him over next to Izuku.

Izuku breathed a bit easier and linked his pinky with Shouta. Now it was Hizashi's turn to step up as their “head of house” which Izuku learned was the term for the Yamada that brought them into the family.

“Yamada Hizashi,” the priest intoned, “are you willing to accept these people into your home? To protect and provide for their every need? To raise them up in the ways of the Yamada family? To care and love them till your last breath and in the worlds beyond?”

“Yes, I do.”

The priest nodded at Hizashi. “Then bring forth the symbols and evidence of proof that these are now your people. That they may now be grafted into the bloodlines of Yamadas as if they had been naturally born into it.”

Izuku watched as the container of scented oil and two small loaves were handed over to the priest. The priest anointed each loaf with drops of oil then tore each loaf in half. The breads were so small that each half was hardly more than a few mouthfuls. One half was presented to Hizashi and the other half was tossed into the brazier. The oil made the flames burn brighter as Hizashi took one half and turned to Shouta.

Hizashi had to ‘break bread' with both of them to show he’ll keep them well fed and housed. He tore a piece off the half in his hand then placed the morsel into Shouta's mouth. As Shouta chewed, Hizashi pulled a piece off the loaf and ate it. He gently tossed the remains of the bread in his hand into the brazier, which flared once again. He repeated the actions with Izuku. While Hizashi is feeding them the priest is extolling the virtues of a Yamada that they will now be expected to uphold. The protections of their new family are also listed as the food is shared. Once Hizashi finished, Shouta and Izuku were called up to stand on either side of him in front of the altar.

The priest took a small piece of fragrant resin and crushed it in the mortar. He tossed it in the brazier and fragrant white smoke began to float from the burning cup. The brazier was waved in a spiraling pattern in front of the mural of Creati.

“May Creati bless the House of Yamada to grow and prosper,” the priest intoned. “May the family of Hizashi be smiled upon and continue for generations. And may the witnesses here stand as guardians and guides to each new member.”

The brazier was returned to the altar. “May your family persevere through the flames of adversity,” the priest threw a splash of alcohol from the cup on the altar. Izuku felt it must be pretty high proof to immediately flame up like that. Suddenly, the night where he had joined with Hizashi and Shouta to leap through flames came to Izuku's mind. After everything they'd already been through, it seemed they were getting good at dealing with such flammable adversity.

As soon as the blue flames flickered out, the priest covered the brazier and allowed the flames to be smothered.

Now came a tradition that Izuku hadn't heard of before. The mortar was placed at the center of the altar. As the priest mentioned the values needed to strengthen family bonds he crumbled a bit of cinnamon bark, a clove for each of them, as well as a piece of nutmeg. Using the pestle, the priest talked about how each person is unique, and brings their own talents and virtues to the family. That difficulties and time may seem to crush them individually, but can bring them into a sweet harmony with one another.

“Come show the witnesses, your Head of house, and this company your willingness to work for your place in the family,” the priest called to Izuku and Shouta. They each had to spend time grinding the spices into a fine powder. When that was done, the ashes from the brazier were also added to the mortar and they also had to grind to a fine, dark powder.

Once the priest was content with their work, he added oil into the stone bowl and mixed it all into a rather thick slurry. He handed the mortar to Hizashi then stepped in front of Izuku. He dipped his finger into the slurry then touched his finger to the center of Izuku's forehead at the hairline. As he dragged his finger down toward Izuku's nose, he intoned, “May you use your mind and thoughts to bring honor to our house.” He dipped his finger again and continued the line down the bridge of Izuku's nose stopping just above his upper lip. “Sniff out the truth of each situation and act according to ethical good,” he commanded.

Even though he skipped over Izuku's lips, he was still told to “Speak truth and always the best about your house.” The black line started again under the center of Izuku's bottom lip and continued to the top of his throat. “Always act so that your head may be held high and avoid shamefacedness in the world.” One final dip of the finger as the black line was drawn down his throat and ended in the dip where his clavicles met. The priest enjoined him to, “Raise your voice for those who have none and speak out against the abuses heaped on the poor, fatherless, and defenseless.”

The priest made sure the line was thick and evenly colored. He finished with a black dot just under where the line had ended. “Give your heart to our family and receive our love in return.”

It felt like an eternity having the black paint applied to his face and neck, but as it took less than five minutes for Shouta to go through the same process, Izuku was forced to concede in his own mind that it hadn't taken long at all.

Hizashi turned to face Izuku after handing the heavy stone bowl back to the priest. One of his uncles stepped forth, the necklace he'd been holding presented to Izuku's new Head of House. Hizashi took the necklace then gently, almost reverently fastened it around Izuku's neck. The Yamada seal hung just below the black heart circle.

“Welcome home, Yamada Izuku!” he crowed to the assembly.

“I'm home,” Izuku replied as tears sprang to his eyes.

The other uncle stepped up and Hizashi took this necklace.

“Welcome home,” his voice was suddenly thick, “Yamada Shouta.”

“I'm home,” Shouta returned with such tender warmth that Hizashi couldn't resist swooping in to give him a gentle kiss.

“Not yet, Hizashi,” Auntie Seiko scolded very gently, for her.

Hizashi blushed, but didn't look embarrassed in the least.

The last part of the rite called for a little more maneuvering. The three had to join hands with Hizashi in the center. The priest picked up the twined cords and placed a large golden marker with Hizashi's name and titles engraved on it in the center. He then started at Hizashi's hand and wove an intricate infinity knot around his and his husbands’ hands. Smaller tags with Izuku and Shouta's names were added somewhere in the weaving. Finally the priest brought both free ends together in front of himself. He used just a touch of magic to get the ends to weave themselves together in such a way that no one could truly tell where one had begun and the other ended.

“The cords are sealed!” the priest proclaimed. The assistants to the priest cast their illusion and from Izuku and Shouta's backs rose high mountains covered in green rice paddies. A tiny sun rose from behind the mountains and bathed the assembly in golden rays of light as black crows flew in lazy circles around the heads of Izuka and Shouta.

With that, the entire venue called out, “Welcome home!”

And Izuku and Shouta returned the cry with their own, “I'm, home!”

“Now, Hizashi,” Seiko's voice rang out.

There was no time between this call and Hizashi's lips on Izuku's. He rather enjoyed the sensation, but also wanted to see his Zashi kiss their Zawa again, so pulled back. Shouta immediately took his place in claiming Hizashi's lips.

“We did it,” Hizashi breathed as they all rested their foreheads together.

“We did,” Shouta agreed.

“We're home,” Izuku added as he squeezed their hands.

“Excuse me, Head,” the priest said as they broke their little bubble. “We need the knot for the family records.”

“Oh, of course,” he said as he pulled back and began the process of gingerly removing the cords without dislocating a wrist or crushing fingers.

“Before we head to the reception,” Izuku began, “I just want to say,” he looked at Hizashi, “You've got a little something right here.” He pointed to the side of his nose.

Sure enough, the black lines from Shouta and Izuku had left smudges on Hizashi's face. Shouta took one look and chuffed a laugh. Hizashi didn't bother to hold back his own laugh as Izuku beamed.


At the reception Izuku and Shouta presented Hizashi with their necklace for him. On one side a green bunny lay snuggled up with a black cat while a yellow bird stretched out his wings protectively over them as he perched on their backs. The back side of the medallion held their family name and the date they were brought into the house. Hizashi cried his happy tears, but fortunately it was only briefly.

They also exchanged the hair decorations from Nedzu as Auntie Seiko explained to the guests what they were for and, more importantly, who had sent them. Word would certainly spread quickly through their family to the rest of Taka about Hizashi and his husbands being close friends with Nedzu. The caravan master was well known and respected at many levels of society.

The rest of the evening was spent in lively merriment. There was so much food and the music and dancing never seemed to stop. Eventually, Hizashi was allowed to retreat with his new husbands to their room where they spent quite a bit of time trying to get the oily black lines off their faces. If they spent far too much time being distracted by each other, well, no one was timing them and they had all day to recover if they were up too late.


Izuku awoke in a state of near panic. He’d dreamt again of being back under Enji’s spell. He was bitterly disappointed that his mind didn’t seem to realize he was safe here. Even if all of Endeavor’s army showed up on Auntie Seiko’s doorstep, he knew the woman would not allow him to return to that man. Nor would Buteo Keigo allow those armies to enter his lands.

Even if Enji put pressure on the Buteo of Taka, Izuku knew that Keigo wouldn't be siding with Endeavor over UA. First of all, UA and Taka have a lot of trade agreements that completely bypass Endeavor. Secondly Enji's eldest was married off to Keigo and then taken out of line to inherit Endeavor’s throne. The rumor is that this slight to the eldest has caused the Buteo’s relationship with King Todoroki to become more frosty rather than closer as had been hoped.

Izuku knew all this, and yet he still worried about Enji coming to take him away at times. Sometimes he has to ask his loves to let him go in the middle of the night as he remembers being constricted and controlled by the man and his wizards. It's hard on all of them as they want nothing more than to safely hold him, as he wants their arms around him, but the touch immediately returns him to that binding jacket. So, he’s anxiously looking to step foot on his own lands; to feel the welcome strength of UA flowing underfoot once again. They have only one small ship ride to get home.

Their captain has ordered the ship to be extra supplied to enable them to avoid the one port that Endeavor has on the Southern ocean between Taka and home. He's praying that they can slip past unnoticed or harassed, but feels it might be too much to hope.


Chapter 12: On the Briny Deep


The Hizashi Yamada family board the ship that is to take them back home to UA.


A huge shout out to Lady Sable and Failxmonster for their help on this chapter. Y’all rock!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


It was only a few days after the initiation ceremony that Captain Snipe declared they were ready to sail. The entire crew lined up to welcome the Yamadas when they boarded. The First Mate, Majima, was tasked to show them to their rooms. He gave them a quick tour of the ship, including a brief run down of a few emergency calls they could encounter and pointing out the location that the smaller boats were stowed. He left them to settle in and unpack, but promised to return to give a better tour to Izuku who was asking all sorts of questions about life aboard ship.

They had one other visit from a crew member as they adjusted to their new rooms. Lunch Rush, the ship’s cook, stopped in to ask about preferred foods and any that needed to be avoided. They all took the moment to tattle on their partners who were too polite to state what foods they disliked most, but more than willing to say that Izuku loved the flavor of tomatoes, but hated the texture, and that eggplant made Shouta want to gag no matter how it was prepared, or to snitch that Hizashi loved his sweet peppers raw, but as soon as they were cooked they made a dish inedible. Lunch Rush took it all in stride, even trying to stifle a laugh at the three’s antics. But he soon took his leave, and they were left alone again.

“It hardly seems true that we've made it this far,” Izuku said as they cuddled close on the large pallet gently swaying in their room.

It was a rather soft mattress stuffed in a high sided box that was suspended from a ceiling beam that could rock with the movements of the ship. It's like a large porch swing back at home , Izuku thought. Majima had installed it so that the land-lovers would be able to sleep even through the peaks and swells of a storm, but he admitted it hadn't been tested so asked that they let him know if anything needed to be adjusted.

“We’ve made it this far because we need you, Zuzu,” Hizashi said as he nuzzled the side of Izuku's face.

“And we're not letting you go again,” Shouta stated. He hugged Izuku close, “We'll take care of any pirate or kraken or whatever man or beast tries to separate us.”

“I love you both so much, and I promise the feeling is mutual. If anyone tries to take you from me I will march into even the Lands of the Miserable Dead to retrieve you. Don't think I won't.” He kissed Shouta. “I will raze Endeavor to the ground for you,” he declared. “I will topple the Pillars of the Sky if you ask,” he said as he gave Hizashi a brutal kiss.

“All I ask is that you take care of yourself for me,” Hizashi whispered after their kiss broke off.

“I don't need you to make grand gestures, Zu,” Shouta whispered into Izuku's ear, “I just need you here and present.”

“What you ask feels too small for how I feel,” Izuku commented as his husbands covered his face and neck in light little kisses.

“But it'll be the hardest thing you can do to prove your love,” Hizashi commented. “Too many people are willing to go on a quest to slay a dragon—”

“No, dragons are a protected species. Especially inside of their reserves,” Izuku muttered.

Shouta stopped his muttering with a kiss. Hizashi continued as if he hadn't been interrupted, “— but far too few are willing to put away their things when asked or notice when they're putting extra load on their partners, or ignore doing the small things that show they care.” Shouta finished their kiss and Hizashi took his place.

“We won't have to worry about some things when we're in the palace,” Shouta murmured as he gave Hizashi's nape a quick nip, “but we still need to keep from taking each other for granted.”

“Noted,” Izuku said as he stared up at the faces of his beautiful husbands kissing each other.


That night at dinner, Captain Snipe asked to hear their story. He, as well as the crew eating with them, all began to laugh at the number of times and ways the three had been married in such a short time

“Well, as you're collectin’ weddin’s maybe you'd want ta add Married-at-sea to yer list,” the man said with a grin.

“They could add two,” Majima said with a grin. Seeing the three newcomers' confused faces he added, “To the sea and At sea. They're different ceremonies. And one is a good sight harder than the other.”

“Yer forgetting there's two ways ta marry th’ sea,” one of the others said to the First Mate.

“What's the difference between them all?” Hizashi asked, his eyes sparkling in interest.

“Well marryin’ the sea is what ya do to get a good passage or to become a sailor and not be beholdin’ to the land or a lover.”

“And marrying at sea,” Majima put in, “is basically marrying your partner in a place that may not be recognized by the laws of the land, but the sea gods recognize it as binding.”

“Which is harder?” Izuku asked.

“Oh, ta marry the sea as a sailor,” the captain said. “You have to show that you've got the skills necessary to survive at sea, ya see. Gotta run up the mast in a certain time, tie all the knots we use aboard with yer eyes blindfolded, carry a hunnert pound bag from one side of the hold to the other, and best the first mate in a fight.”

“I can see how that would be hardest,” Izuku said.

“And the easiest?” Hizashi asked.

“Ta marry the sea for safe passage,” the captain said with a grin. “Ya toss a bit of hard tack over the rail, followed by a bit o’ wine. Say a few words, and you're fine as fish fins.”

“So, are you up for it?” Majima asked.

“Yes!” Hizashi said without having to even check with his mates.

“Which one do ya want?”

“On the sea.”

“Safe passage.”

“As a sailor.”

All were said at the same time. The company broke out in laughter as the three looked at each other in plain astonishment.

“What's three more to the list?” Izuku said with a grin. “At least I'll know I've been tied to my loves on land and sea.”

“Oh yes, next we'll need to see if the people of Ingenium can send us a few winged horses and a holy woman so we can add air to the list,” Shouta said as he rolled his eyes.

“I'll send an envoy as soon as we get home,” Izuku said as he reached over Hizashi to squeeze Shouta's hand. “Meanwhile,” he addressed the captain, “how about if we cast our bread on the water as soon as supper's over?”

“Tha’ can be arranged,” the captain said with a nod. “I'll put it in the log as soon as yer done. An’ we ought ta do the one where ya marry each other in two days’ time. By then we'll be in neutral waters tha’ no country can claim.”

“Thank you captain,” Izuku smiled at the man.

“ ‘Tis a pleasure, to be sure,” Snipe said, then sent one of the younger sailors to get hardtack and wine from Lunch Rush.


In a few minutes’ time they found themselves at the front of the ship. The captain handed each young man a medium sized disc of the hard, dry, twice baked bread known as hardtack.

“Mind th’ wind,'' Captain Snipe warned. “You don't want it to bring th’ bread back and hit ya with yer own offerin’.” He waited for them all to nod. “ Now toss it in th’ water, and once it hits, yu'll say, ‘I wed thee O Sea, in token of true and lastin’ dominion o’er the waves an’ water.’ ”

They all threw their biscuits over the side and waited for them to splash down. Hizashi's went in an arc and came back down on a lower deck. He hurriedly retrieved it, and his next throw splashed down with a large “plop”. They were quick to repeat the words the captain had given them.

Next the captain handed them pottery cups that were more like globes with a small opening at the top.

“Hard to get th’ wine all the way to th’ water without these little beauties,” he said as he held up one of the cups and began to fill it with wine. “Also handy ta fill with lamp oil and a wick, then launch on attackin’ ships,” he added as he handed the cup to Shouta.

“I may want the name of your supplier,” Shouta said. “These have all sorts of…potential.”

“He's a potter out of All Mighty—goes by Cementos. Majima‘ll get you his direction.” The captain had filled and passed out the other cups as they talked.

Shouta nodded.

“Now wi’ this ‘un, you toss it an’ say, ‘A gift for the Mistress O’ the Waters. Drink well, dear Lady.’ An’ this time try not to get the ship wi’ the cup.” Hizashi ducked his head, but Shouta nudged him with an elbow and a smile came to his face. “Gotta expect some wine ta’ get out, but most should land in th’ water.”

They all threw the cups, and while the wine did manage to spill on all of them one way or another, they still got the cups into the drink. At the word “Lady” the cups all faintly glowed and sunk at the same time.

“Well now,” the captain was grinning at them. “Looks as if yer offerins were accepted.” He gave them each a hearty slap on the back. “Congratulations, yer now married to the oceans fer the rest of the trip.”

“Funnily enough,” Izuku said as he lightly ran a hand across his heart, “I feel much better about this whole trip now.”

Hizashi slung a wine sticky arm around his shoulders. “Me too, Zu.”

Shouta snuck a quick kiss with them both, “Me, three.”

They thanked the captain and retired to their room for the evening. They needed to clean up from the ceremony, and were honestly ready to go to bed.

That night Izuku slept, gently rocked by the sea and listening to the deep breathing of his two loves. It was a perfect moment and savored as such.


The two days the captain recommended they wait flew by as they pulled out their tokens to give each other for their second wedding on the water. Hizashi had a set of throwing knives for Izuku and a rope dart for Shouta. Shouta had an alarm spell in stasis set into a bracelet for Izuku. And he had a tracking spell for Zashi set into an earring he knew his pretty Bird would love. Izuku had taken some of the supplies from the Yamada warehouse, as was now his right, and had Ryo go to market with him to purchase two Damascus steel daggers etched with the picture of the bunny snuggled with the cat, but this time their birdie was snuggled in between them both as he always ought to be, each with a bit of green jade embedded in the pommels.

This time the captain had two sailors stand as witnesses while the first mate steered the ship. He called the waters to witness as well then basically asked them, “Do ya’ want him?” while pointing to the other two. When all had acknowledged they were in favor of the arrangement he told them to exchange tokens, muttering over how many weapons were involved in the mix. And when that was done he said, “By my rights as captain o’ this ship and th’ laws o’ th’ sea, I declare you y’all wed from now till rivers stop flowin’ to th’ seas.”

Then the captain wrote it in his log. The witnesses made their marks to prove they were there. And Izuku insisted they all signed as well to prove it was what they'd wanted.

A veritable feast and plenty of drink were had by the crew to celebrate their wedding. The grooms all had a bit more drink than was perhaps wise, but it's not like they couldn't sleep off their hangovers the next day.


“I think I prefer these smaller, simpler weddings,” Izuku said as they staggered back to their cabin, the slight storm not helping their fumbling steps.

“That's just because you know what's waiting for you when your mother, Shouta's sister, and my father get together to plan our wedding," Hizashi teased.

They all shuddered at the thought.

“You're right. Maybe we should elope,” Izuku said.

Shouta snorted. “Izu, I don't think we could elope any more thoroughly than we already have.” Izuku giggled as he went on. “Five! Five weddings, Zu. We can't really get any more married than we already are.”

“It'll be six by the time we dock,”

“That one won't count,” Hizashi said. “And neither did the other one.”

“We married the sea, not each other,” Shouta pointed out.

“But we did it together!” Izuku protested. “It was us saying words to keep us together. It counts.”

Seeing his pout Hizashi laughed. “Okay, Bunbun, it counts.” He gave Izuku a soft kiss to his cheek. It was meant to be his nose, but the movement of the boat and Hizashi's inebriated state made him miss.

“And the next one?” Izuku glared at Shouta, daring him to object.

“The next one’ll count, too.” Shouta nodded, before adding. “Apparently a lot of sailors use the ceremony to wed each other, too.”

“Good,” Izuku said, still pouting. “Because I want to marry you both so thoroughly that no one can ever say you aren't mine.”

Hizashi cooed at his statement while Shouta smirked.

“Since it's our honeymoon, maybe we should practice being good husbands tonight,” he purred.

Hizashi perked up at that. “Oh, we are such good husbands,” he said as he kissed Shouta’s hair.

Izuku snigg*red. “Zashi loooves Zaaawa,” he sang in the tune that kids used to tease each other.

“You love him, too, Zuku,” Hizashi pointed out.

“Oh, yeah,” Izuku looked stunned at the revelation. “I do,” he whispered.

The two watching Izuku turn red over learning, again, that he loves his husband, laugh at his silliness.

“Come on,” Hizashi pulled on his husbands’ hands, “let's get to bed before Zuzu forgets he married us.”

“I married you?” Izuku's eyes were wide. At their nods he exclaimed, “I married you!”

“Good thing we're here,” Shouta said. “Let's celebrate Zuzu Bean marrying our beautiful Birdie.”

“And our clever Kitty,” Hizashi added.

“This is the best day ever,” Izuku proclaimed as he swooped in to kiss both the beautiful men before him.

“Let us get through the door first,” Hizashi's breathless plea went unheard as Izuku pinned Shouta to the wall right next to the door.

“Zu, bed? Please,” Shouta begged when Izuku gave him a moment to breathe.

Izuku stopped, then picked up Shouta who wrapped his legs securely around Izuku's waist.

“Anything for you kitty,” he said as dove in for another kiss.

Hizashi struggled to get the door open, but he managed to eventually. And worked to get Izuku through the doorway and all the way to the bed.

“Wait for me to close the door!” he begged. Before rushing to close the door as he began stripping off his clothes.

The night was dark. The ship rocked with the waves. And the newlyweds made love.


They spent the next few days practicing the skills needed to pass the sailor trails. They all knew most of the knots, but there were a few they'd never seen. They spent most of their evenings practicing the new knots, especially with the blind fold. If the blind fold and ropes were used for other evening pastimes, no one said anything about it.

Izuku had no problems with climbing the masts quickly, though Hizashi found his motion sickness was aggravated as he approached the tops of the swaying masts. Shouta was faster than Hizashi, but Izuku loved to boast to him about beating Shouta in tree climbing. Then they'd look to their tallest husband and grin.

Hizashi and Shouta had no difficulty with carrying the heavy bags of merchandise from one side to the other, but Izuku was still a little less strong than he had been before his kidnapping. He’d had to start with lighter bags and work up to the hundred pound ones.

Of course, Shouta had no problems with defeating the first mate in combat, he'd resign as weapons master if he had. The other two weren't quite as good, but they were more than decent for defeating Majima. The old sailor hadn't gone easy on them either, so he was very pleased to see them best him in the one-on-ones.

By the time they pulled into their home port, they were as much a part of the crew as possible. A crew meeting had been called as they journeyed and everyone voted to accept the three as sailors. They were all given red kerchiefs and a bit of knotted yarn done in the knot that had given them the most difficulty sewn onto a patch of navy blue. Izuku noticed that most of the sailors had their own patches sewn to a sleeve, but some didn't have them visible. He'd have to see about getting his own patch added to his royal regalia.

But finally, finally they were pulling into Port Wash. They were almost home!


Izuku couldn't say that the sight of Endeavor's sole port being blockaded by ships from UA, All Mighty, and Taka wasn't a pleasant welcome home gift as they passed it, but he didn't want the nation to suffer for the grievous wrongs of its leader. He needed to make it home to send official letters to the other countries about his safe return so the blockades could be called off; along with including invitations to a royal wedding to which Enji would be banned, though his children would certainly be invited.

Izuku sighed, he would gladly marry his husbands many more times, but he wasn't looking forward to telling his parents about everything. Hopefully, him being returned home would be enough of a relief his mother wouldn't try to ground him till he turned a hundred.

But Izuku knew that wouldn't be enough to cool the ire of Inko Midoriya. Maybe if they pointed her in the direction of the Garbage King, Shouto would have no need to ask for sanctuary? He'd be too busy running his own country. And Hitoshi could finally marry the prince of his dreams without interference from the King of Filth.

Izuku sighed again. There's no telling what would happen next where his mother was concerned. But he was looking forward to getting to hug his parents once again and finally being home.



I keep getting the nicest comments on this fic and that makes me want to write it more! Thanks to all of you for your kind words and enthusiasm.

Chapter 13: Meanwhile, Back at the Castle


We get to see what’s been happening back with the Midoriya family while Izuku and his rescuers have been galivanting around.


Failx gets credit for the content of this chapter. It was only getting to bounce ideas off them that really brought it to fruition. Thanks for all your help!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


When news of her baby’s kidnapping had first reached Queen Midoriya, she was, of course, terrified. They had simply received word that his guards had been found overpowered, but alive, and that Izuku was missing. Everything was in chaos, but they’d try to get more information right away.

Later, Lady Mina Ashido, the fae Head Interrogator of the queen’s spy network, brought forth reports received through the ley line express. The messages stated that all of the Endeavor party had fled in the night, and it appeared that they took the prince with them. Further investigations would need to be done. However, Sir Aizawa and Sir Yamada had ridden out with a small band to see if they could catch the king’s entourage before they made it to their own country.

Several hours later, information came in that the night guards were being treated for full body bindings that had nearly killed them but had allowed the guards to breathe. Their treatment so far only succeeded in breaking the bands that kept them from moving, however their own life essence had been keeping the binding powered, so they would need months of careful recovery just to return to normal function.

Inko was furious! Those guards were good friends and now they'd been cut down and nearly crippled just so they could take her child and flee in the night. She vowed to herself that the perpetrators would not sleep well once she caught up to them. But still, there were things she had to do first.

She sent back their thanks to King Yagi for his healers’ help but couldn't keep from begging that they continue to tend them till they were well. She sent messages to Kamui assuring them UA didn't hold them responsible for the abduction but did request every aid in recovering evidence of who did this and how.

Her next order of business was to send diplomatic requests of all Endeavor’s neighbors for information of her child’s whereabouts. Any information would be useful.

King Hisashi was preparing his army to go retrieve his son. He called his generals to a council of war. They discussed how many people could be called upon to muster out in the next month or so, preparations for food and equipment, as well as the number of mages available to go. He absolutely forbade Eri to join the mages.

“Eri Berry, sweetheart, if I let you go, there won't be anything left for your mother to do,” he smiled at his daughter's wicked grin. “And you know your mother called dibs on first cast at the thieves.”

Eri pouted and stomped around for days, but Hisashi wouldn't give in. He knew better than to oppose the will of his wife. Nothing good ever came of trying to do that! Besides, rumor was that it was Enji Todoroki that took his child, and he'd promised her a chance to swing at him first. He couldn't wait to see that six-foot-something oaf laid out by his firecracker four-foot-five and three-quarters inch wife. He'd have to see if they could get one of the insta-pictsies to capture the scene — for posterity's sake.

Eri was upset but understood why her father wasn't letting her go. There was nothing to say that King Flaming Eyebrows wouldn't try to capture her as well. Having both heirs of UA in enemy territory was not wise. Still, she wanted to do something to help.


“Come with me, Eri,” Mistress Midnight said when she expressed her frustration at not being allowed to help.

She followed her teacher to a familiar room. It was one that had a large casting circle permanently embedded in the floor. A little touch of magic to the copper ring would form a protective barrier around any caster trying to learn a new spell. It wouldn't allow magic to enter or exit the barrier, so newbies didn't get overwhelmed by calling too much ambient magic to their initial castings. It was also where Midnight preferred to discuss ideas and teach magical theory when her students weren't trying to make the universe bend to their wills.

“Come sit down,” she said as she patted a comfy pile of cushions next to her preferred pillow. “I can tell you're frustrated with everything, especially since there hasn't been much information other than where Izuku likely went.” She put a hand on her student's shoulder. “We're doing everything we can, but that doesn't mean you can't help.”

Eri’s eyes snapped up from where they'd been examining the tiles on the floor. “You mean I can really help Zuzu?”

“Of course, darling.” Nemuri said with a soft smile. “We're going to go over the basics of scrying and then we'll try it out with a few different mediums to see what works best for you.”

They spent the next two hours going over the basics of the spell and the differences between scrying the past, present, and future. Midnight cautioned about future scrying as it was both frustrating and ever changing. She said that historians especially had to be careful of past scrying as it could trap them there as they were too interested in how things “used to be”. Eri would try them all, eventually, right now they were going to focus on present scrying. It tended to involve maps more than other objects like past scrying did, but it was just as fiddly and difficult as the other two types of magic spying.


They took a moment to break for lunch. Fortunately, they were joined by the queen, her advisors, and especially Interrogator Ashido so they got an update on the situation. The magic that had been used on the guards and Izuku had come from the rooms of the Endeavor coterie and certainly the magic that stuck to Izuku returned there. Sir Aizawa and his group hadn't been able to catch up with the fleet footed foxes, and the border had been closed to any trying to enter from Kamui.

“I suppose we should stop anyone trying to enter UA from Endeavor, but we might just thwart any escape attempt Izuku makes,” Inko said to her spy master.

“It's too soon still to jump to conclusions,” Interrogator Ashido said. “King Todoroki is well known for his temper tantrums and might have ordered his people to leave in a fit of pique. The people stealing the prince might have seen it as a golden opportunity and smuggled the prince out in all the hustle and bustle.”

Inko looked at her spymaster incredulously. “Do you honestly think that that man didn't order the removal of my child and actively helped to orchestrate it?”

Ashido smiled at the queen, “What I think and what the known facts are may be two different things,” she replied. “But I must look at all the facts and think of all the possibilities they represent before acting.”

Inko laughed as she shook her head. “This is why I like having you around, Mina. You make me look at all the angles and not just what I want to see.”

“Well, I think he did it!” Eri said as she bit into her sandwich. She didn't keep talking but her stance was quite clear.

“Have you had any success scrying for him?” Kayama asked.

“No,” Interrogator Ashido answered. “The prince, and the people around him, are well hidden from magical eyes, and my contacts in Endeavor haven't reported anything yet, either.”

“Hear that,” Kayama teased her student. “The professionals haven't been able to find him. That means if you can't, you're still in good company.”

“And if you can,” Inko reached over and squeezed Eri’s hand, “then you're doing better than our very best.”

Eri gave her mom's hand a squeeze back. “Hurry up and finish Midnight,” she said with a twinkle in her eye. “I want to find my brother so we can kick his kidnappers’ kneecaps.”

“Now, Eri, what have I told you about saying you're going to harm someone?” Inko gently scolded.

“To only say it out loud when I know I won't be overheard because otherwise it's proof of premeditated assault?”

“Yes darling,” Inko said with a smile. “I promise you, I'll leave some kneecaps just for you, alright?”

Eri leaned down to hug her mother where she sat. “You're the best mama in the whole world!”

Inko kissed the top of Eri’s head. “And you're the best daughter in the whole world,” she said to her child. “Now run along, you and Kayama have a lot to do!”


Eri nearly threw the mirror in her hand. She'd tried every common medium for scrying: ink in water, crystal ball, art cards, a piece of black velvet, a piece of white silk, and of course three or four different mirrors of different material, but none of them showed so much as a flicker of an image. She hadn't tried to scry for Izuku yet but was trying to see the whereabouts of her father. She hadn't seen so much as a curl on her father's head. She was more annoyed than frustrated, but she was plenty frustrated.

Midnight called for an end to their practice after going through all the regular aides used for present scrying. Of course, the crystal ball and art cards were also used in future scrying, but she'd thought her student would enjoy trying a bit of everything.

“All right, little Eagle Home,” Nemuri broke into Eri’s grousing. “How many tries did it take for you to get the fire lighting spell to work?”

“Five less than Zuzu,” was her immediate answer.

Nemuri snorted. “And it took him a couple dozen tries just to get a spark, didn't it?” she asked as she smoothed down the hair of her student.

Eri had obviously been running her hands through it the more frustrated she got, but now she nuzzled into Nemuri’s hand.

“Okay, I've got it,” she sighed. “Be patient and give myself a break if I'm not perfect at something right away.”

“That's my star pupil,” Nemuri smiled as she took her hand off Eri's hair. “You know, often scrying for someone is aided by having something of theirs as you try to find them. Tomorrow, I want you to bring something of your father's with you. It doesn't have to be very big, or even still belong to him. It could be a gift from him, but just something you associate with him. Understand?”

Eri nodded her aching head.

“Good, then let's go get dinner. I think you used a lot of power today and need some food and rest to replenish it.”

Eri agreed so she took the offered hand and allowed Nemuri to pull her to her feet. “Thanks, Mistress Midnight,” she murmured, “you're the best teacher ever.”

“Whoa, dear,” the teacher said as she caught Eri’s sway. “I think we've pushed too hard today. Come on Unicorn Princess, let's get some food in you, soon.”

Eri merely nodded and held on. This wouldn't be the first time she pushed herself too hard in her magical studies. Wouldn't even be the first time a teacher had to help her get to dinner. She was grateful for such dedicated instructors. “Thanks, Midnight.”

“My pleasure, kiddo.”


Dinner was fairly quiet even though they were joined by the Aizawa and Yamada families. They all talked over the chances of Shouta and Hizashi catching up to Todoroki now that the man was in his own country, and they had to abandon their horses to sneak across the border. They all despaired over their chances of bringing Izuku back to them, but duch*ess Yamada was certain her son and his friend wouldn't abandon their charge to Todoroki's mercy. Only time would tell.

That night Eri held the stuffed unicorn toy her brother had gifted to her when she was six and obsessed with the creatures. He'd taken her to one of the ranger stations where the ranger let her look at a herd of unicorn with their tiny foals. Izuku had given her the gift as a way to remember the day.

She cried as she pulled the toy close to her. “Where are you Zu? We need you.” Soon after she fell into a restless sleep.

Sometime toward morning Eri found herself in an unusual setting. She was looking at an unfamiliar room with two or three strangers talking near her.

“You must order him to eat, sire,” a high-pitched voice said. “If you don't tell him to do something, the compulsion won't work.”

“You need him alive for the wedding,” a lower voice said cooly, as if they didn't care one way or another.

“Fine,” a voice growled. And Eri felt such loathing and fear at the sound of the voice. Seeing Enji Todoroki step into her field of view yelling for her to eat when told, woke her.

It took a moment for her to completely wake up, but she found that the dream didn't fade as they usually did for her. She immediately ran for her parents’ room.

“Izuku is being held by Todoroki!” she yelled as she slammed through the door. Both her parents had been in the middle of dressing, but immediately turned to her.

“I know you think that sweetheart,” Inko said as she put an arm around her daughter's trembling shoulders, “but we don't know-”

“I saw it,” Eri was quick to interrupt.

“What did you see?” Hisashi asked as he grabbed one of Eri's hands.

She told them everything she saw and felt in the dream.

Hisashi turned to the servant that had been helping them dress. “Please have Mistress Midnight and Master Tsuka called to breakfast. Oh, and also Interrogator Ashido. This is information that needs to be shared.”

“At once, your majesty,” and the woman disappeared from the room.

“It's going to be okay, sweetie,” Inko said as she pulled Eri into a hug. “I think you accidentally accomplished your first scrying,” she gave an extra tight squeeze before letting go. “How about you help me finish dressing and then we'll go get you ready for the morning?”

Eri nodded but didn't really do much. She was still trembling slightly from the unconscious magic working she'd done.

In a few minutes Inko was gently helping Eri back to her room, where they worked to get her into something more than a nightgown with her hair brushed and done up in a quick braid.


Inko and Eri walked into the dining room to find breakfast already laid out with Midnight and Tsuka both standing beside their chairs. Hisashi was coming through a different door, so it looked like they were still waiting on Mina.

“Have some juice, darling,” Inko said as she poured a cup and handed it to Eri. “Sleep casting uses a lot of energy and can leave you shaky and ravenous until you get used to it.”

“Sleep casting?” Nemuri's tone was obviously shocked. “But that's such a rare ability.” She looked at Eri. “How are you feeling? What did you cast-” she paused then sank to her seat. “Did you scry in your sleep?”

Eri nodded as she sipped at her drink.

“Every time, Princess, every time I think we've got a hint at your abilities,” Nemuri shook her head, “you go and do something to show we haven't even scratched the surface.”

Inko and Hisashi both laughed.

“Of course she's exceptional,” the king said as he smiled at his child, “she takes after her mother,” he looked at his queen, “smart, talented, and beautiful. All three rolled into the perfect package,” he said as he kissed his wife's cheek.

“It's too early for your flattery, Sashi,” Inko said as she laid her hand over his. “I'll let you continue that line of talk later.” Her husband’s eyes twinkled in anticipation.

“We're waiting on Interrogator Ashido before we discuss what Eri saw,” the king informed the other two. “Please begin eating while we wait.”

The food and drinks had barely been served before their missing companion entered the room.

“Good morning, Mina,” Inko greeted the woman. “Please join us for breakfast. Afterwards, Eri has news of Izuku.”

“So, you were able to do what my scryers could not, eh?” the woman said to Eri with a grin. “I always say it's best not to underestimate a Midoriya. Especially you, princess.”

“Thank you, Lady Ashido,” Eri said as a blush filled her cheeks.

“Let's finish this quickly,” Nemuri said. “I want to know what you saw.”

The table talk was kept light and pleasant until everyone had finished, and they moved to the king's study.


“Eri, I'm sure you know why we're all here,” Hisashi began once everyone was seated. He waited for her to nod before continuing. “Master Tsuka will cast a truth spell on you so that we can judge the truthfulness of your vision. Not that we doubt you would tell us a lie,” he hastily reassured her, “but there are those that are able to send false visions that ring true to the scryer.”

“It's true princess,” the interrogator said. “Poor Master Tsuka could probably cast his truth spell in his sleep for how much we use him.”

“Pretty sure I have on occasion,” the kind man said.

There was chuckling heard round the room.

“So, Tsuka will cast the spell,” Hisashi told his child, “And if you glow white, we'll know it was correctly done. Then we'll have you tell us what you saw. If it stays white the entire time, then the whole vision is true. Yellows will mean it's partly true, but red will indicate a falsehood.” He kissed her forehead. “Remember this is not about what you say you saw, but if you were allowed to see clearly what was happening.”

Eri nodded her head. “I get it, Papa.”

“Any parts that are yellow or red we'll go over again, bit by bit,” Ashido told Eri. “Sometimes if we can see exactly where it changes to partly true, or false, we can still find the truths of the situation.”

“Okay,” Eri said as she took a deep breath. “I'm ready.”

Master Tsuka stood before her and asked to touch her hand. She held it out and he gently took her hand in both of his. He spoke a few words Eri was unfamiliar with, but soon a shining white aura lit the world around her. The mage lowered her hand and stood back, his eyes also glowing white as he maintained the spell.

Interrogator Ashido had paper and pen ready. “What is your full name and what is today's date?”

“My name is Inkeri Midoriya, first daughter of the United Alliance. Today is the thirteenth day of Blossom Moon in the thirtieth year of the reign of King Hisashi.”

The light continues to be the soft white glow around Eri.

“Okay, princess, now this time I want you to give a false answer so you can see what that looks like,” the interrogator said. “What is the name your family calls you?”

“Izuku,” was her immediate reply. The light changed to a reddish-orange color.

“That's my fault,” Inko said. “I have occasionally mixed up the kids’ names.”

The group laughed a bit before settling down to business. In the end it was determined that Eri had scried an 80% true vision. The only parts that weren't accompanied by the soft white glow were where she described her brother's feelings on the matter. However, feelings are subjective and what one person feels absolute horror over can be no big deal to another.

By the time they were finished, it was near lunchtime and both Eri and Master Tsuka needed food and rest. With Eri's confirmation that Izuku was indeed with King Todoroki plans could be made and modified.

King Hisashi proceeded to send out summons for war to his ground troops, as well as sending missives to any UA ships to bypass Endeavor’s port. The Navy was told to prepare for a blockade of the stopping place, especially once Taka and AM were asked if they'd like to contribute to the fun.

Inko was busy sending out feelers for whatever information could be gathered on King Todoroki's present whereabouts and what his movements were among his people. Besides spying on Izuku's kidnappers, Inko was orchestrating cooperation with their allies or Endeavor’s enemies; at this point they were nearly the same groups.

Receiving letters of support for UA from the three Todoroki children that were out from under Enji's thumb helped to mollify her feelings toward the flaming pile of dung, knowing the man could be patient when politically savvy to do so helped calm her down. It was certainly in Enji's best interest to take care of her child. The letter from Fuyumi Todoroki recounting the treatment they received under her father's “tender care” riled Inko back up again.

She spent the rest of her day at the training grounds taking out her feelings on poor, innocent practice dummies. Ever since the prince was pronounced kidnapped, no one was foolish enough to spar with the woman. They all preferred their limbs attached thank you very much, and no one wanted to see the queen using her preferred magic to remove small pieces of flesh and bone like fingers or toes (or other sensitive areas) when she was in a rage over the treatment of her child. Eri got plenty of practice rewinding the practice dummies to near pristine condition as the queen was going through them faster than they could be replaced.


That evening Eri went to bed clutching her stuffed toy tight and thinking of Izuku but had no dreams of him.

The next day, Eri insisted that Midnight help her learn to scry more, using personal objects of her friends and family to look for them. Midnight had a potion whose fumes would put one in a fairly relaxed, near dreaming state, but still allowed for conversation with the scryer. They attempted to use meditation and Midnight’s potion to allow Eri to seek out the location of others. The closest she got was when she held one of the cat toys that Hitoshi used to play with his two young cats. Eri thought she saw Hitoshi holding Rocky while petting Road as he sat down to lunch.

When Nemuri congratulated Eri on finally finding someone while still awake, Eri snorted.

“Don't know if I actually saw him, or just know he goes back to his room at lunch to cuddle his kittens,” she admitted. “And Rocky doesn't let Hito put him down the whole time he's there, but Road demands pets every three seconds or so, so…” she trailed off with a shrug.

Nemuri laughed, “Very astute of you my young apprentice. It is lunch time, so we'll put this aside for now. Let's go eat then join duch*ess Yamada and duch*ess Aizawa in the training room. Get you moving after sitting so much this morning.”

“Will mama be there?”

Nemuri laughed again. “No, she and Mina have been tucked away going over reports all morning, and if the stack your mother was carrying to the yellow wing was anything to go by, they'll be there for a while.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” Eri said as she tugged her teacher from the room. “Mama isn't the only one that needs to let off a little steam,” she said. Nemuri's cackle could be heard all down the hall.


That night Eri’s dream was as real as the first time she’d scried her brother. This time it seemed as if the eyes she looked through were darker, the mind duller, but the feeling of terror and loathing was even more pronounced. Izuku was informed he was soon to attend a ball where his betrothal to Enji would be magically enforced.

The high-pitched voice was trying to convince Izuku that it was a great honor to be singled out this way by the king. A third voice that Eri didn't recognize, but Izuku seemed to, was begging him to try taking but one more bite of bread. The bile burning in her throat at the low voice speculating on Izuku and Enji’s wedding night was what woke Eri. She rushed to her washroom to vomit into the sink.

They had to get Izuku away from that man!


The day after Eri revealed the contents of her latest true dream was filled with frantic activity, most of it letters to other countries and peoples. The leaders of these countries all pledged to put pressure on King Todoroki to return the crown prince to his family and his people.

They had done it, too, if the absolute travesty of a letter delivered to Hisashi less than a week later was anything to go by.

King Todoroki claimed that Izuku had wanted to elope to Endeavor, and even said that Izuku was the one to attack the guards and ransack his room before fleeing into Enji’s loving arms. He claimed that hurting Endeavor would be akin to hurting their son, and suggested the blockade and embargos be dropped before real harm happened to his beloved Izuku. Then he told them that they had a week to comply. And he'd be waiting for their letter of congratulations on their upcoming betrothal and wedding.

Hisashi had to go out and light some things on fire while Inko smashed them into tiny particles. Eri was revolted and horrified at the threats to her brother's life veiled in fine words. She vowed that Enji Todoroki would not be allowed to exist on this plane for much longer and practiced her battle magic with renewed fervor.

The rest of the castle was in tight alignment with their leaders. Everyone worked harder to be prepared for the invasion of Endeavor and the total destruction of King Todoroki. That man has gone too far!


The next day, Midnight had Eri scry with Shouta's or Hizashi's things exclusively. No one had heard anything from the two and there was concern they had been found out. None of Ashido’s magicians had been able to get a look at either of them, so they were hoping that Eri could perhaps find the two guards. She was as familiar with them as she was her brother, as one, or both, of the older men were always in attendance on Izuku.

Hizashi had helped her come up with word games to help her remember her spells, and songs to help her not be afraid of the dark. Shouta had taught her how to move quietly in a field or forest, and had taught her the tricks of reading animal tracks. They both, of course, taught her in the areas they were most proficient, but they also taught her more.

Beyond what they taught was how they made her feel. She was never a burden or an inconvenience. When possible, they would include her in “grown up work” in a way that didn't belittle or demean. If the seals for the Harvest Festival party the year she was five were more than a little off center, what of it? She'd had a marvelous time helping Hizashi and a few others on the party committee with their work. If the ponies were only brushed from mid shoulder, down and had fairly uneven braids in their tails? The ponies wouldn't care, and their tops could be brushed later when seven year-old Eri hadn't been their groom for the day under Shouta's keen eye.

She often felt as if she had three older brothers, not just Izuku. Hizashi and Shouta encouraged Izuku to invite her into his lessons and spend time together. They often spoiled her as much as Zuzu had! Shouta slipped her cookies when the other two were preoccupied, and Hizashi made sure that wrapped sweets always found a way into her pockets. She never caught him, but she knew it was Zashi because they were his favorite lemon candies.

Eri was determined to help out Midnight with this request. Nemuri was more than just her teacher; she was Shouta's little sister, and Eri’s first friend. If she could find them, she would!

The day passed with not a glimmer behind her lids as Midnight supported her magic and helped put her into a dream like trance. They called a halt in the afternoon and headed off to a late lunch. Eri’s night scrying still a subject of discussion between them as they headed to the training room.


That night, Eri knew she was in a true dream, but it was different. Usually, she was looking out of Izuku's eyes and could feel, if not his thoughts, then his strongest emotions, but this time it was as if she were a bird soaring above the people below her.

She realized she was at the ball Izuku had been told about. Try as she might, she couldn't find Izuku. She saw a tall man in a yellow feathered suit and felt drawn to him. Though not a bird, Eri felt as if she had perched on the tall man’s shoulder and was surprised to hear Shouta's voice come out of the black cat the birdman was talking to.

They had apparently just settled on a plan as her silly birdman asked her crazy cat boy to dance. In the blink of an eye people's clothes began to drop. Eri followed the line of Zashi's eyes to see Izuku tied into a jacket that pulsed with black magics. But in the next breath the jacket fell away, and her Zashi had caught Izuku, curled his cloak around those too thin shoulders, and whisked him from the floor.

Eri's sobs woke her, and she tried to get back to sleep, but it was difficult. She needed to know if they made it out! Were her brothers okay or not? Every time she calmed herself, she was washed over in another wave of fear and tears, and by the time the sun was rising over the mountains Eri was resigned to not knowing if Izuku was free.

She got up and rushed to her desk. She did her best to recreate the runes she’d seen on Izuku's jacket, but they always seemed to squirm away from her memory or her pen. Instead, she contented herself with describing the understanding she had of the magical manacles they'd placed Izuku in.

Probably an hour later her mother peeked into her room. Eri flew to her mother and buried her face in the crook of her neck as she sobbed.

“Mama- ma-” she cried, “it was so bad- just- so bad!” She held her mother close again. She might have just lost all her brothers and she had no way of knowing. She held on tight as her heart broke into shards as jagged as her breathing.

Inko soothed a hand up and down Eri's back. “Get it out sweetheart,” she whispered. “I'm here for you, my darling. Get all the pain out.”

It was several minutes before she was calm enough to talk. Inko bundled Eri up and set her between Hisashi and herself. The parents mourned as Eri spoke of what she saw. At first, they were furious as Eri described the spelled clothing that had been holding Izuku prisoner, but at the mention of the chaos erupting around the room they began to worry.

Those boys had been like sons to them especially as they befriended Izuku, and now they could all be gone. All they could do was hold their daughter tight as they mourned what may have already happened.


It was a week before Eri had another vision. This time she was in the middle of meditating while a musician played soothing music. She was traveling on horseback with someone sitting behind her. Shouta's voice came from her right side, but not close enough to be the one holding her. The feelings that she recognized as being Izuku's rushed through her. He was feeling safe, but wary about being caught by the royal guards. Immediately she opened her eyes and exclaimed with joy.

“Safe! They're safe! And on the road!” She got up and ran to find her parents. Her elated shouts filled the halls as she went.


The relief of knowing they'd made it out of King Todoroki’s grasp seemed to open some kind of gate for Eri. She still has to set the stage with music, incense, Midnight's special potion, and meditation while holding an item from the person she was looking for, but finding Izuku was now a matter of hours not days.

She found him astride a horse with strong arms holding him in place. There were two horses ahead of them. One obviously held supplies, but Hizashi was riding on the other. She heard Shouta talking into Izuku's ear. A story about the first time he'd tried to use their father's sword and how it had made their mother laugh for a full ten minutes as he pranced around calling himself a knight of Hisashi. Izuku's feelings were a bit clearer, he was embarrassed over exactly how much Shouta and Hizashi had to do for him, but he was also grateful to them for every kindness.


Another vision a few days later she sees them traveling around the outskirts of some town. Unfortunately, it looked like any other town and neither Shouta or Hizashi said the name of the town or where they were heading. All Eri could tell was that Izuku felt safer each step they took away from the capital, yet his fear of recapture never quite left him.


“Interrogator Ashido,” Eri asked a few days after her last sighting of her brother's group, “have you heard of or met a fae leader named Nedzu?”

The woman lifted a brow. “You think all fae know each other?” she inquired.

“What? No!” Eri felt her cheeks tinge with heat. “You are the Head Interrogator. I thought you'd be aware of the leaders of more than just heads of state. And Izuku was just introduced to the man after being told they had joined up with his group.”

“Izuku is with Nedzu?” the woman's eyes shone with a black luminescence. “Then he will be protected, for now at least.” She gave Eri a bow of her head, “I’m sorry for assuming your motivation in asking about Nedzu.”

“It's nothing to speak of more,” Eri said as she tried to wave away the awkward tension.

Ashido smirked at the young woman, “But I do actually know Nedzu. He's a cousin on my fathers' side. He has a group of adventurers that guard and guide merchant caravans along the Saffron Road. If they joined up with Nedzu-” the spy master trailed off, “they're probably heading into Taka No Negura!”

Eri couldn't help the cheer that left her at the pronouncement of her brother's safety and removal from Endeavor.

“Yes, exactly,” the fae woman agreed. “Excuse me, princess. I must inform your mother and the others."

Eri didn't even hear the request for dismissal. She turned to go find Midnight. She had to tell her of their brothers’ latest move.


Two days later she is once again in her bird point of view as she sails over a bright caravan wagon. She doesn't recognize the driver or the man with cat like qualities that rides beside him, but she does recognize Shouta and Nedzu doing some kind of magical working on top of the wagon roof. Her bird self is wary of even going near their circle and darts into one of the open windows of the wagon. And what a sight greets her! Hizashi working to cool her brother as he burns up under a sheet, and some fae fairy flitting about working to save her brother.

Suddenly she is slammed into Izuku's mind where all she can feel is agonizing pain. The pain immediately cuts off her vision and throws her consciousness back into her body. A body that is being wracked with pains with no source to combat.

Midnight is over her, checking for wounds, but all they find is a slight nosebleed. Her limbs are still spasming and twitching as the closest healer arrives followed soon by her mother and father.

“They cut the curse,” is all Eri can say before another wave of pain rolls through her.

She's taken to a guest room, one that is devoid of connections to any of Eri’s people. She needs rest and with how sensitive she seems to be right now, it would be best if there were nothing to trigger any unconscious scrying.

Inko refused to leave the room. She insisted on tending to her child even as she answered letters from neighboring countries, sent scathing letters of rebuke to Todoroki for keeping a son from his mother, and gave commands to her spies. Hisashi came to share meals and sent his wife to rest while he watched Eri through the night.

“Oh, my sweet girl,” he said as he gently stroked her hair to calm her after another short round of cramping limbs. “You know you don't have to do this. We will get your brother home, but it shouldn't be at the price of your health.”

“It's okay, Papa,” Eri murmured quietly, still mostly asleep. “Zu would do it for me.”

“That's not as comforting as you think it should be,” Hisashi said through a tight throat as he leaned down to nuzzle the top of her head. “I know he would, but I want my children to be healthy and happy, not in constant pain and worry.”

“Zashi and Zawa have him,” she said as she reached up and patted his cheek. “He’ll be happy as long as they're near, and I'm sure Zashi’ll make them all take care…”

Hisashi chuckled softly. “You're right. I guess that means I just have you to fuss over.”

“Yeah,” she said as she turned over to sleep. “My papa forever.”

Hisashi smiled as he sat back in his chair and watched over his daughter. She wasn't little anymore, but he still had some time before she was striking out on her own. It seemed like Izuku was sixteen only yesterday, but soon would be twenty-two and choosing someone to stand by his side and share his life with. Who told his children they could grow up so quickly?


Midnight had put her foot down on Eri trying to scry anymore. Taka had granted them permission to follow the prince’s progress and promised aid in returning to UA. She didn't need to find her brother, and quite honestly, Midnight was terrified what kind of condition her student would find herself in if she connected with her brother.

Eri tried fighting her at first, but Midnight pulled in the big guns, Inko and Hisashi, to describe how it felt to know both of their children were in such pain. To finish off Eri’s objections, Interrogator Ashido brought in reports that showed what concessions Buteo Keigo had made and a map showing the progress of Nedzu's caravan, carefully marked.

“We're watching over them, your highness,” Ashido reassured. “Please, take care of yourself and heal. We can't afford to lose either of you.” The interrogator had looked at Eri with puppy-dog eyes that should be classified as illegal weapons.

Finally, Eri sighed and conceded defeat. “Fine! You all win. No conscious attempts at scrying until after Izuku gets home.”

“Thank you darling,” Inko said as she kissed Eri’s cheek.

“I'm glad you saw reason,” Hisashi said as he leaned down to hug his daughter.

“Hard not to agree to something when the head interrogator is using her cursed puppy-eyes on you,” Eri mumbled.

Inko laughed. “And that's why Mina remains in her position among my workers,” she said. “She doesn't need force to get people to talk.”

They all laughed together while tea and a few treats were shared.


Eri kept her word but couldn't help when short glimpses of Izuku's day would flash behind her eyes. She saw the group he traveled with, vicariously met all the donkeys, enjoyed learning about Wanderer ways, and watched as her brother realized he fell in love with Shouta and Hizashi a long time ago. She was happy to see him happy, but she was also going to tease him so much when he got home!


No word came from Taka about Izuku or his guards, but Ashido did receive a letter from her cousin, through the secure ley line system, recounting his adventures with his current caravan. He included mentioning a Wanderer celebration where many peoples renewed their commitment to each other as mates, or entered into such commitments as the case may be, and Ashido thought it quite clever of her cousin not to name the three that jumped together, but quite clearly described them enough to know that the Crown Prince had already chosen two consorts.

She, of course, took the letter to the queen and king.

“That's it! He's grounded till he's thirty for not having us at the wedding,” Hisashi pouted.

Inko shook her head at her husband's antics. “I think you're being too hasty, darling,” she said as she snuggled into his side. “We've known forever that Shouta and Hizashi were pining over each other, so them getting married in such a way makes sense. And Eri has been going around cackling at Izuku not recognizing his crush on them when he was the one to point out their feelings for each other.”

She kissed his temple. “And remember,” she murmured as she continued to kiss down the side of his cheek and jaw, “Eri always spoke of Izuku's fear of that man taking him back. It only makes sense he'd want to have a way to show who he truly wants as a mate.”

Hisashi sighed, but only half the feeling was resignation to his wife's logical reasoning. “You're right, dearest, as always.” He kissed the corner of her eye. “I just wish we were there to celebrate with them.”

“Me, too,” she whispered into his mouth as he kissed her tenderly.


Inko sent for the Aizawas and the Yamadas to join them for dinner that evening. After the pleasantries were over Inko got right into it.

“We've had word from Taka,” she began and immediately had everyone's attention. “A reliable source tells us that Izuku, Shouta, and Hizashi have taken part in a Wanderer commitment ceremony.”

The smiles on the parents' faces were a relief. Inko had worried someone would object.

“I guess this means that we need to send for the matchmaker again,” Lord Aizawa said to his wife.

“Why’s that?” Hisashi asked.

“He already sent her to set up a marriage declaration between our Zashi and his Shouta,” duch*ess Yamada replied. “It's only fair if he sends her to you, too.”

“But surely we should be the ones begging you to agree to let our child to wed yours,” Hisashi replied. “After all, they only got tangled up in this because they took off after Zu.” He grinned at his guests.

“Now, now,” duch*ess Aizawa broke in, “Shouta is the oldest. It's his responsibility to ask the others, not the other way round.”

“Well, unfortunately, though Zuzu is the youngest, he's got the highest rank,” Nemuri put in with a sly smirk. “Ama, you might have to let them have this one.”

“Nonsense,” duch*ess Aizawa put in, “it is tradition and has precedence,” she waved her hand vaguely in the air as if summoning up the correct information. “That time when that one stable girl had to put in her bid for Princess Asui.”

“You mean Queen Consort Jiro the Beheader?” Eri asked, checking she was recalling her history lessons correctly.

“Yes, exactly,” the elegant lady nodded. “Thank you, dear.”

“Hizashi is going to be so excited to be getting two new sisters,” Lord Yamada said with a wide smile. “I know he's always complained that Toru shouldn't be the only girl in the family.”

“I hope you don't mind getting five new brothers,” the girl in question said to Eri.

“I don't think you included Zashi in that count,” her mother replied.

“And you left out Shouta and Hanta,” Nemuri added.

Eri’s eyes were wide as she yelled, “I get eight new brothers. This is the best day ever!”


A couple weeks later duch*ess Yamada brought a large book to Queen Inko’s office.

“Your majesty,” she said as she put the book on the table, “the boys have got up to further shenanigans.”

Inko noted that the book was one that contained the genealogy of the Yamada family, the Yamashiro line in Asahikawa specifically. As duch*ess Yamada opened to a specific page, she noticed how far back some of these marriages reached.

“You see?” the other woman pointed to a line. Next to Yamada Hizashi was written the name of his spouses Izuku and Shouta. “Hizashi has brought them into the family! By all the laws of Taka and in UA they are more than just committed, they're already married.”

Inko shook her head. “These boys are being ridiculous,” she murmured.

“Yes, and we don't have any of the proper agreements drawn up yet, and-”

“Honoka, breathe,” Inko said as she put a hand on the other woman's arm. “This is just proof they're in this for the long haul and not for the short term.”

“But Inko, the wedding contracts-”

“Will probably be signed without them even reading them over.”

“Hizashi better not! He’s been taught better by Seiko herself,” the duch*ess grumbled.

Inko laughed and heaved a sigh. “This is good news, Honoka. It'll take the pressure off the wedding advocates, and they can bargain in good faith knowing the other two will want their person taken care of, even after one of them passes.”

“I suppose you're right,” the woman grumbled. “But just for not doing this when Moriko, the children, and I could attend, I'm telling our advocate to strike lemon as an acceptable flavor for the cake.”

“You cruel, cruel woman!” Inko giggled. “I can't wait to see the look on your poor child's face.”

“No doubt Eri will find a way to sneak him a piece of lemon cake in any case,” the duch*ess murmured.

“True,” Inko replied. “Let's go find the others and show them the newest development!”


Interrogator Ashido appeared in the dining room two days after the Yamada family grew by two. Breakfast was coming to an end, but everyone was still seated.

“The prince and his husbands have boarded the Mazu owned and operated by a Captain Snipe. Depending on weather and barring any trouble at Endeavor's port, they should be in UA in less than three weeks. It'll probably take a couple weeks to get here from the port, we expect them to land in. The prince should be here in five or six weeks, if all goes well.”

Inko immediately began crying. “If anyone will protect my boy it's Snipe. You remember him, Sashi?”

“Hard to forget the person who gave me a shovel talk when I asked for permission to court you, dearest,” he replied as he held his wife tightly in his arms.

“Eri dear, go grab Midnight and Duke Moriko and bring them to the Orange War Room,” Inko instructed as she took her husband's handkerchief to wipe her tears.

“The war room dearest? Don't you think that's a little dramatic of a name for your wedding planning, even for a Midoriya?”

“Hisashi, you just heard that I only have five, maybe six, weeks to get everything ready for a royal wedding and you only have four weeks after that to get your troops ready to invade Endeavor. What do you think?”

“You're absolutely right dearest. A war council is very much needed.”

“I'm glad you think so, my love.”


Almost three weeks to the day that Ashido brought the news that Izuku had set sail, there was a moment of perfect stillness throughout the country. Suddenly the magic of UA seemed to come into tune in a way that hadn't been noticed till it was righted. The people breathed easier, the restless animals calmed, and all nature seemed to rejoice. In the palace smiles spread across everyone’s face.

Prince Izuku was finally home!



A little note on names in this story. Where possible I have taken the names of characters and applied them as I saw fit. For example, Momo is a seamstress' apprentice, but Creati is the patron godess of the Yamada family. Naomasa is a member of Nedzu's company, but Tsuka is the Mage name of one of the magic workers in the Midoriya court. I'm sorry if this is confusing, but it wasn't done to confuse. It's just that sometimes I need someone who would be a whiz at creating beautiful clothing in a short amount of time (Momo) and sometimes I need a literal godess to preside over a rite (also Momo but this time as Creati). I hope that helps clear things up. Thanks

Chapter 14: More Love and Less Paperwork


Izuku is home with his new husbands and is itching to get back on the road. If only this paper pusher would allow him to get back to his home!


As always, thanks to Failxmonster for beta help and being such a good friend to me. This entire story only got to this point thanks to your cheerleading and eternal desire to help me out of tricky situations. Thank you, my friend!

MadKat continues to offer substantial help and support. Thank you!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Izuku could hardly sleep the night before they arrived in Port Wash. He was so close to home; he could practically taste it. He'd feared that Endeavor might get wind of their passage by sea, and send ships to retrieve him.

But as they bypassed the one Endeavor port between Taka and home, all three of them had stared at the blockade formed by ships from UA, Taka, and even All Mighty. There was one merchant vessel that was flying two flags, the one for their company and the second for Kamui Woods. Captain Snipe was surprised that the land locked country had gone through the trouble to hire the ship just to sit idle in a blockade but seemed happy to see it anyway.

“What's that all about?” Shouta had asked the captain.

“Don't ya know?” he'd looked at Izuku before looking back to Shouta. “King Tododookie thieved the Crown Prince of UA,” he snarled. “An’ UA called all her ships home from their port, sent their navy ta blockade, and asked all the countries bordering Endeavor if they'd do th’ same.”

“And they just did?” Hizashi was a bit astonished.

“Oh, aye,” Snipe said with a grin. “There was ships pullin’ out o’ UA in only a week after th’ crime. An’ ev’rone o’ th’ neighbors seemed right happy to join ‘em. Th’ next week, the blockade was in place.”

“But Endeavor is such an important trading partner for all those countries,” Izuku said with a bit of confusion. “Almost everything has to pass through them to get from the east to the west. It's how they've managed to keep that port for so long.”

“Oh, aye,” Snipe agreed, “but th’ king brought shame ta his country, by bargainin’ in bad faith and runnin’ off with Prince Midoriya.” He grinned over at Izuku, “Though I suppose that's not his name anymore.”

No one replied, but that's mostly because the captain had turned and walked away, leaving three stunned and slightly worried men behind.


Izuku had been restless ever since Port Wash had been sighted, but the night before their arrival had been the worst for his restlessness. His Loves had caught his nervous energy and they spent most of that night preparing weapons and practicing their fighting forms. Sparing was out of the question, they needed to be ready to go and couldn't afford for someone to get hurt right before they were to disembark, but they all felt the need to move.

When they finally fell into bed, well past midnight, it was only because Hizashi insisted they all lay down and rest, even if they didn't sleep. If Izuku took that to mean that he should spend the night looking at the others' faces as they slept, well, what of it?


Izuku was surprised the next morning that the sails were still furled, and the anchor was down.

“We have to wait our turn, and find out which dock we're assigned,” the first mate told him. “Usually, we go to those ones over there,” he indicated a row of docks to the left, but since we have passengers we have to wait for one of these to open up.” He pointed to the right.

“What's the difference between the sides?” Izuku asked not knowing why passengers would be the deciding factor.

“When it's just cargo,” Majima answered easily, “the inspector for the Port Authority simply has to check that the cargo manifest matches their records and get a list of the crew; so if any of the crew tries anything in town while we resupply, they can be brought back to the right ship,” he laughed, “or the the cap’in can be informed of the need to hire on as one of his crew is bein’ detained.”

Izuku laughed at the comment. “So, what happens with passengers?”

“Oh, they've got to be recorded and registered,” the first mate said. “Since it's just you three, it should be pretty quick. I've heard tale that it takes all day for the ships that only carry passengers and provisions.”

“Let's hope you're right,” Izuku said. “I'm looking forward to going home.”

Hizashi came up behind Izuku, making sure he could be seen out of the corner of his husband’s eye, and wrapped his arms around Izuku's waist. “Why do I feel like you two just jinxed this whole operation with this conversation?” he asked as he pecked a kiss to Izuku's cheek.

“Probably because they totally just jinxed our disembarkment with that conversation,” Shouta answered, as he put an arm around Hizashi and leaned forward to kiss Izuku's other cheek.

“You're being a pessimist, Zawa,” Izuku said as he turned to give his dark-haired husband a kiss.

“He's being a realist,” Hizashi said as he turned Izuku further to be able to get his own kiss from their Sunshine.

“Ah, good news,” Majima said. “We're second in line, and the ship in front of us has just been signaled to proceed to dock. “If you look off to port you'll see them getting ready to enter.”

They all watched as a rather small ship began to sail into the busy port.

“They just signaled that another tub's about to set out. Might be another hour, hour and a half before we can enter,” the first mate said.

“Thank the Lady for her kind and careful watching,” Hizashi murmured.

Agreements came from everyone within earshot.


“Let me get this straight,” the fussy little woman with long green hair pulled up in ropes of braids carrying a clipboard said as she bore holes through them all with her eyes. “You have no travel papers, no form of identification, no employment contracts, and no proof that you even belong to a clan such as the Wanderers have, and you want me to let you get off this ship and disappear into the wilds of UA?”

“We belong to Yamada house,” Izuku was quick to point out. “Test our signets to see they're authentic.”

The woman immediately put out a hand to test the veracity of their claim. Each gold medallion lit up with a picture of Creati and a date with the name Yamada appended to it.

“That's all well and good,” the woman said. “This is a Yamada vessel and as members of that house you have a right to passage on it.” Izuku smiled, but quickly frowned at her next words. “But that doesn't mean you have the right to disembark here. Yamada house has no such contract with UA.”

“It will soon,” Izuku muttered under his breath.

“But there are Yamadas that are even now serving in the king’s court,” Hizashi pointed out.

“Have you proof you are one of them?” she questioned.

And of course, the answer had been no. Neither Shouta nor Hizashi dared to bring anything that would identify them as from UA in their pursuit of Izuku.

“I have proof that I serve in the king's court,” Shouta said as he began to roll up his left sleeve. He pushed up the sleeve to reveal a tattoo of crossed swords over the shield of UA.

The woman put out her hand to again test the truth of the claim. The tattoo glowed a bright white as the words Master of Arms to King Midoriya formed in the air.

“Very well,” the woman said. “You may leave, but the other two must stay.”

“But they’re my husbands,” Shouta objected. “Surely a spouse is allowed to-”

“You have no proof of marriage,” the woman said cooly.

“I've shown you the logbook thrice,” Captain Snipe pointed out as he glared at the woman.

“And I've told you, many times before this, that a marriage at sea doesn't count on land,” she snapped.

“You mentioned Wanderers,” Hizashi tried, “we were married according to their tradition more than a month ago.

“Well, let me go get a fire and a few Wanderer elders to authenticate your story,” the woman said.

She clearly didn't know that they would gladly jump the fire again if needed.

“Are you familiar with fae commitment signifiers?” Izuku asked as he pointed to the hair jewels they all wore above their left ear. “These were gifted by Nedzu himself upon seeing us jump the fire.”

“There's no way to test that,” the woman huffed.

“What would satisfy you, that these are my husbands?” Shouta asked.

“You'd need to fill out the proper forms and have them ratified by a member of the live records office.”

“And where would these forms be found?” Izuku asked. “And how do we present them to be ratified if we can't leave the ship?”

“Ah, I can help you there,” Majima spoke up. “There's always a small army of city clerks working out of an office here.” He gave the woman a sharp look. “Someone keeps giving people a hard time about not carrying their marriage certificates with them at all times.” She rolled her eyes at his words. “So I can have a clerk here with papers and his official stamp in two shakes of a lamb's tail.”

“Thank you, Majima,” Izuku said sincerely.

“It's my pleasure, lad,” he said as he walked the gang plank to go get help.


Half an hour later the three men were filling out paperwork as a blond man with a slightly haughty air directed them on what information was needed.

“- and you all should put Yamada on the first line as that's now your official house, but the second line should be your given name and surname before your marriage,” he said.

“Thank you, Monoma,” the impatient woman said. “I think they can read for themselves what needs to be written.”

“Well, Ibara,” the blond rejoined, “I know how you love to make people fill these things out to your exact specifications, and unlike you, I don't have all day, or endless forms, for them to get things perfect.”

“We appreciate your help Master Monoma,” Hizashi said. “For residence do we put where we lived before we were married, or where we plan to live now?”

“Do you have a residence together already? I was given the impression that this marriage was only quite recent.”

“They would be moving in with me,” Izuku said. “I live the closest to where we all work and have the most room.”

“And where would that be?” Ibara's tone was waspish.

“Yoichi Palace,” Izuku said without looking up from his papers.

“You can't claim the palace as your residence!” she nearly screeched.

“Why not? I work there. I have rooms there. Where else should I put?” Izuku was getting very tired of the public servant.

“It's true the palace has extensive rooms for its workers,” Monoma said. “I see no reason you all couldn't claim that as your residence.”

“If the palace won't let us in, then Yamada house certainly will,” Shouta said.

“Aizawa Manor has always been open to us, and I see no reason this would change anything,” Hizashi said, smiling softly to let Shouta know he appreciated his certainty in a warm welcome in his parents' home that the previous words held.

“True,” Izuku said as he smirked at his husbands. “We may have to rotate every few months to not be accused of favoritism.”


When they were finally through filing out the forms, Monoma stamped each page, handed them a stamped certificate of marriage with both his and Ibara's signatures on it and began to bid them good day.

“I'll see that these get recorded and filed today,” he promised the three men.

“Thank you so much for your help,” Izuku said as he shook the man's hand.

“It's no problem, Mr. Yamada,” he said as he shook Hizashi's hand next.

“Just call me, Izuku,” he laughed, “with three Mr. Yamadas here, it would get confusing very fast.”

Monoma paused before shaking Shouta's hand. “Izuku? Our Crown Prince, may he return safely, also has that name.”

Shouta shook the clerk's hand, “You don't say.”


Captain Snipe personally saw them off once they were cleared.

“It was good to have you fellers aboard,” he said as he shook their hands. “I'd be pleased to have ye aboard another time.”

“I think we can all say, you've made this trip memorable,” Majima added.

“It's been a pleasure to sail with you captain,” Hizashi saluted after shaking the man’s hand.

“Best keep working on that bowline,” Snipe said, referring to the knot that for some reason Hizashi just could not master.

“Aye, cap'n,” he said with another salute.

“Thank you for your hospitality,” Shouta said as he shook Majima and then Snipe’s hand.

“It's our pleasure,” Majima honestly answered.

As they stepped toward the gang plank, Snipe called out to Izuku.

“Oh, Zuku, please pass along my regards to Inko and Sashi.” They were all stunned to hear the king and queen’s names come out of the captain's mouth. “An’ tell ‘em they could stand ta send a few more letters. I haven't heard much about how li’l Eri is gettin’ along with her magic.”

Izuku nodded, but couldn't utter a word.

“Good. Safe travels,” he said then dismissed the crew to go on shore leave.



Title is taken from a quote by Pearl Bailey (if Google search can be believed) It reads: “The sweetest joy, the wildest woe, is love. What the world really needs is more love and less paperwork.”

Chapter 15: Out of the Frying Pan and Over the Fire


Izuku is finally back on UA soil, but the problems aren't over. There's the looming war with Endeavor on the horizon, telling their families that he's not just “good friends” with Shouta and Hizashi, and of course— facing whatever monstrosity of a royal wedding his mother has come up with.


Failxmonster’s life has been going through a big change and has been very stressed lately, but has still never failed to give beta help when I ask. They are such a good friend and I appreciate that. This story only got finished so quickly because of their support. Thank you, my friend!

Big thanks to the Bear for letting me rubber duck the ending with her. She is such a great sounding board.

And MadKat deserves a round of applause for both beta help and cheering me on.

You all are loved and appreciated for your help! Thank you

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


As soon as Izuku stepped from the pier to the street of the city, he felt renewed strength flow into him. He hadn't realized how cut off he'd been from both his land and his peoples, until the moment he reconnected to them. Tears started to flow down his cheeks and Shouta and Hizashi hurried to move them aside to someplace more private.

“Hey, Sunshine, what's going on?” Hizashi asked as he wiped Izuku's tears away. Shouta stood near to them keeping an eye on their surroundings, with occasional looks back to them.

“I can't describe it, Zash,” Izuku’s voice barely trembled but his tears fell faster. “I'm so relieved to be back, but also I feel like I'm treading in air and wrapped in the warmest blanket being held securely.” He tried to help stem the flow, but that seemed to make him cry harder. “I'm just so…so happy!”

Hizashi pulled him into a tight hug while Izuku sobbed into his shoulder. Shouta wrapped arms around Izuku and murmured reassurances while Zashi combed one hand through Izuku's curls.


He'd cried for almost ten minutes! It was almost impressive if Izuku wasn't so embarrassed by it. But his Cat and his Birdie had twined around him, holding him together while he fell apart. Now, he was so tired he was almost ready to fall asleep on his feet.

Shouta and Hizashi decided they could leave the next morning. Letting their worn out husband rest was more important than tearing out of the city gates immediately.

They spent the rest of their day finding a suitable place to stop for the night. They had most everything they needed to set off except for transportation, so while Hizashi tended to Izuku and rechecked their packs, Shouta went looking for horses.


Apparently, horses and ponies were becoming difficult to hire as the king had started gathering them to help supply his army as the plans to rescue the prince from Endeavor began to go into full effect.

Shouta sent a ley line message to Mina. It was six words along with his signature: Izuku is safe. Be home soon. ~ Shouta Yamada-Aizawa-Midoriya

He hoped to head off a needless war. Hopefully all of Izuku's family would be there when they arrived. And they could deal with the Slime Mold and his kingdom after Izuku is able to hold his family close for a while.

That night was difficult for them to settle down to rest. Izuku seemed not to settle at all. Even in his sleep he seemed to continue to move and twitch. The result was a bit of a zombified Izuku and only mildly sleep deprived Hizashi and Shouta, but they figured that a day of riding would get them tired enough to sleep the next night.


Shouta called a halt once the top of Port Wash’s walls couldn't be seen.

“Izu, you're swaying in your saddle,” he said. “Either get on with Zashi or climb up here with me, but we aren't having you break your neck because you were too stubborn to say that your restless night following that crying jag wiped you out.”

“If memory serves me right,” Hizashi interjected before Izuku could object, “he rode tandem last with you, so he should ride with me.”

“That's why I mentioned you first, my pretty Bird,” Shouta said. “Come on Zu,” his tone turned teasing, “let Zashi man handle you for a few hours.”

“You don't have to threaten me with a good time,” Izuku finally conceded. He dismounted, handed his reins to Shouta, and went over to Hizashi's horse.

“This is so much easier when you can actually participate,” Hizashi said as he swung back up behind Izuku.

Both Izuku and Shouta chuckled at his words. Memories of those first few nights on the road come back as almost dreamlike for Izuku, but in crystal clarity for Shouta and Hizashi.

“I never want to have to do that again,” Hizashi said as he placed a quick kiss to Izuku's cheek. “But I will,” he broke off as he looked at Shouta, “we will if we have to.”

“As often as you need us, Bun,” Shouta confirmed.

“I'll come for you, too…for you two…for you two, too,” Izuku said as he leaned back into Hizashi.

“Rest first, Love,” Shouta said as he nodded for Hizashi to move forward.

“We've got you, Zu,” Hizashi confirmed as he held one arm securely around Izuku's waist.

Their pace was slow for a while as Izuku slept. It was maybe a couple of hours, but when he woke he felt a lot better. Hizashi refused to allow him to switch back to his horse until they stopped to refresh the horses for a bit. They then pushed on at a faster rate with Shouta grousing about not getting a turn. Izuku and Hizashi teased him about his pouting, but made sure to follow up with more loving words and when they stopped for the night, greater amounts of kind touches and loving kisses.


Their trip to the palace was much like when they were fleeing from Endeavor. They made sure to give all towns along the road a wide berth. Izuku was much more likely to be spotted and known now, and they couldn't let word of his return get out. Izuku wasn't the only one that people could recognize, either.

They had to act as if the Flaming Ball of Gas knew their route, and sent his people to retrieve Izuku because of that. It was nerve wracking to not feel they were safe in their own country, but their paranoia had kept them safe so far. They would have to keep their guards up until they got Izuku home.

It took almost a week of travel to get within sight of the royal palace. It would be two days more before they were near the walls, and the real excitement would begin. They'd decided to go to Shouta's home first, to clean up and stow their gear, before presenting themselves to the Captain of the Guard at the palace gates and seeing what happened from there.


What happened from there was the queen bursting into the main guard room demanding to see her son, who had been secured in an interrogation room with the other two “suspicious” suspects. Poor Captain Vlad had been trying to verify the identities of the three men that had presented themselves to the palace gates a mere twenty minutes ago, but nothing would satisfy him. Shouta had presented his identifying tattoo and it had been verified as authentic, but Vlad insisted he would fall to no such ruse, clever as it may be.

Vlad was known for being too dogmatic in his work, but sometimes that blind insistence on following things to the letter led to him thwarting all kinds of problems. Here and now, it led to Shouta being ready to throttle the man who technically worked under him for insubordination. Izuku merely had his head resting on the table in the room. And Hizashi, after answering questions that no outsider should know and having been deemed a spy, had taken to thinking of all kinds of false names- aloud.


The queen dared the captain to tell her that she wouldn't recognize her own child, and since the man could be thick as two planks but not suicidal, he immediately escorted the woman to see the three men.

They all stood when Inko was announced at the door. Shouta and Hizashi dropped to a knee as soon as she entered, while Izuku tried not to look like the time he'd been caught in the queen’s candy jar.

“Izuku!” she called as she wrapped her arms around her son as the tears already flowed down her cheeks.

“Mom,” Izuku's voice was soft and had hints that his tears weren't far off as well. “Mama, I have so much to tell-”

“Shouta- Hizashi- Please stand up,” the diminutive woman said even as she kept a close hold on her child. “After all, you are family now. And family doesn't kneel,” she added as she smiled at them.

They both seemed stuck on their knees, but she laughed at them. She pulled Hizashi up and gave him a hug.

“You know?” Izuku asked. “How do you know?”

Inko laughed as she pulled Shouta up to give him a hug as well. “Well, first, your darling sister learned to dream scry which told us where you were.”

“Eri can dream scry?” Izuku asked weakly. Just what had she seen?

“And let me tell you,” Inko’s voice was a bit shaky, “it's terrifying when your youngest child experiences the pain of your eldest child as he's broken out of whatever enchantment has held him bound.”

“Is she okay?” Hizashi couldn't help but ask.

“It took a few days, but she's fine now,” Inko said as she hooked an arm around her son and proceeded to lead them out the door.

“Also Nedzu dropped us a note as to when he'd last seen you three, and commented on the three young men matching your descriptions that just happened to participate in a Wanderer Commitment ritual.” She looked meaningfully at her child. “Don't think that gets you out of a royal wedding, my lad.”

“I told you, she'd want that,” Hizashi sing-songed from behind them.

“Nor does being made a Yamada get you out of it,” she added. “Honoka and Moriko are both upset they missed it, Zashi dear.”

“We kind of needed it to be allowed on the ship,” Hizashi said.

“Captain Snipe says, ‘Hi’ by the way, as well as wants you and Papa to know you need to write him more,” Izuku said as he pulled his mother in closer for just a minute.

Inko chuckled. “Well, he's not wrong,” she conceded.

“So where are we going,” Izuku asked.

“To your engagement party of course,” Inko said as she guided them toward one of the more private gardens. “You all need to sign the betrothal documents.”

“Even if we already have proof of marriage inside of UA?” Shouta asked as he passed her their latest wedding certificate.

Inko took it with her free hand and scanned it. The paper suddenly lit up white as proof of authenticity.

“Zuzu, just how many times did you feel the need to marry these boys?” she asked.

“I think we're on what, number five?” he asked the men trailing behind him and his mom.

“Seven,” Hizashi happily replied, “since you insisted that all three of the marriages on ship counted as us getting married.”

“Don't forget, you promised to write Ingenium for flying horses to marry mid air,” Shouta supplied.

“That will bring the wedding count up to nine,” Izuku murmured. “Do you think that'll be enough?” he asked his mom.

At her raised eyebrows he answered her silent question.

“Enough for everyone to know that they’re mine as I am theirs,” he said.

“Dear heart,” she replied with a smile as she gently cupped his cheek, “they'll just have to see you in a room with them to know.” She patted his cheek gently then beckoned them to continue to follow her.


The engagement party turned out to be all of their family members in the Rose Garden along with three, exhausted looking, matchmakers.

Duke Fumikage Aizawa welcomed everyone to witness the joining of his son, Shouta, to his heart loves, Hizashi and Izuku. And everyone gathered round the matchmakers to hear the terms of the betrothal.

The reading of the contract was over rather quickly. Most things were easy to negotiate with three such powerful houses, but there had been some quite fiddly bits. Hizashi insisted that he and his husbands all read it themselves, as “Auntie would kill us for not reading for ourselves what we're about to sign.” But eventually they all signed the betrothal contract— in triplicate.

Shouta's mother, duch*ess Kyoka, then welcomed them all to the betrothal breakfast. Servants brought in a veritable feast, enough to feed them all twice over and still have plenty left. They all did their best to put a dent in the spread, but the Aizawas were too eager to show how much they loved their child and his new chosen companions.

Eri, Nemuri, and Toru spent the breakfast teasing their brothers about all the mooning and pining they had done for each other before they left on their quest. Hanta and Hizashi's brothers were determined to get details on the rescue at the ball and to hear about the attacks on the caravan. While Inko, Honoka, and Kyoka spent time asking about their time at sea and asking after Izuku's health. The fathers of the three betrothed basked in knowing their children had returned home, but also knew that a war with Endeavor was on the horizon and took this moment to savor their families being together and whole.


The wedding announcements had barely been sent out when a large delegation from Endeavor begged permission to cross into UA. As it was Prince Shoto that was leading the company they were allowed in, with a heavy escort, of course.

The entire court of UA was gathered and all the royal family was in attendance when the prince came to deliver his “advanced wedding present”.

Shouto, his elder siblings, and a few of his younger half siblings, pushed in a rather large box on wheels that had an enormous bow on top.

“Your majesties,” Shouto began with a bow, “members of the court,” he nodded at the rows of assembled counselors, “people of UA,” another nod to those waiting for their chance to speak before the court. “We, the people of Endeavor as well as her under rulers, recognize that you have been grievously wronged. No apology would be strong enough to right the pain and grief you have endured because of the actions of our former ruler, my father, Enji Todoroki. But still I wish to offer you, Crown Prince Izuku, our deepest apologies.”

He bowed again to Izuku.

“I hope you will be pleased to know that those who plotted with my father have been found out. Those who were coerced or blackmailed have been given punishment according to their crimes, tempered with the compassion that those put in impossible situations deserve.”

Izuku nodded. Even through the haze of his magical confinement he remembered a few servants that had been bullied and threatened to attend to him.

Shouto continued, “The nobility and magicians that conspired with him have been stripped of their titles and lands and even now await your decision on their fate in the strongest keep of our land. Should you wish them to receive further punishment at our hand, banishment, or to be brought to you for justice, it will be done.”

A murmur went through the crowd. Never had such a thing been heard of. If another ruler had committed such a heinous act, it was expected for their armies to clash, but often the perpetrators of the crime were free to go, provided they won. The actions of Prince Shoto and his people may have stopped a war before it ever started.

The prince wasn't done speaking. “However, there is one person that we felt unable to judge fairly. And that is the person whose greed and avarice brought about both the dishonorable dealing with All Mighty, Kamui Woods, and Taka No Negura; but also in the kidnapping and imprisonment of our dearest friend Prince Izuku.”

Shouto looked at Izuku. “Please, believe me,” he said with pain in his eyes, “if I had known what he was doing, I would have rescued you, even if I had to do it alone.”

Izuku couldn't stand it anymore. He rushed to Shouto and pulled him into a hug.

“Of course I believe you,” he proclaimed loud enough for all to hear. “I was there when they planned ways to keep you elsewhere and in the dark. And I heard what he would do if you tried to oppose him.” Izuku held him tighter. “I'm so glad you're here and safe. He released him, but put a hand to the side of Shouto’s face, his thumb tracing under a livid red scar. “This is new, though.”

Shouto nodded. “Even with Touya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo helping-” he began before a young voice piped in.

“And us!” the youngster was waving a hand to indicate themself and the other fae children.

Shouto nodded, “Even with all my siblings helping, capturing my father was not an easy task.”

He nodded at Touya, who pulled some unseen string, and the sides of the box vanished. Inside was a chained and gagged Enji Todoroki.

“The chains suppress his magic, but don't cut his connection to it,” Shouto explained. “As cutting off someone's connection to their innate magic would render them nearly comatose.”

“We know,” Hizashi said as he stepped forward to put an arm around Izuku's waist. “We saw the effect.”

Shouto nodded.

“He's gagged because we got tired of listening to him rant,” Touya said with a smile. “You're welcome for that, by the way,” he said to his brother, holding up a bandaged finger.

“Don't be such a baby,” Natsuo said as he nudged him with an elbow. “It was your turn. Not our fault you've slowed down in your old age.”

Shouto gave both his brothers a look to quell their little squabble.

“In any case,” Shouto said, trying to get things back on track, “He is here to make reparations in whatever way you deem reasonable.”

“Guards!” King Midoriya yelled, “take this disgusting excuse for a human being, and put him someplace safe, for the time being.”

As the guards maneuvered the rolling box out of the room, the king dismissed the court while calling on his legal and justice advisors to join him in discussing the former king’s punishment. Queen Inko’s wail of, “You promised me the first swing, Sashi!” was the last they heard as everyone except Izuku, his husbands, Shouto, and his family, as well as Hitoshi remained.

Izuku gave Shouto another hug. “I'm just so glad you're safe!”

“I’m glad you’re free and safe, too,” Shouto said with a small smile.

“But now I’m at a loss,” Izuku said as he beckoned his best friend closer. “Just what could I possibly give you two for a wedding present that is of equal value to what you gave us?”

The rest of the party smiled and laughed at his words.

“If you will forgive us for his actions and petition an end to the boycott,” he said with a smile, “I think that would be present enough.” Shouto pulled Hitoshi into a one armed hug and leaned heavily into his boyfriend.

“Shouto, you’re not responsible for his actions-” Izuku began.

“But I do get to clean up his messes,” the young prince groused. “Which is why I’m trying to get our country to move from a monarchy to a different system where the power is shared. One person should not have that kind of power. They can’t possibly be expected to be uncorrupted by it.”

“I think that depends on if that person is surrounded by good people or not.” Izuku replied. “Keigo and Yagi seem to be doing quite well, and I’d say that’s thanks to who they’ve married.” He couldn’t help but notice the stunned look on Touya’s face.

“Your own father is a good example of that, too,” Shouto pointed out.

“Yeah, mom wouldn't let dad get to that point,” Izuku agreed. “She keeps his ego in check. But enough about gloomy things!” he started to pull Shouto along. “Let’s get you all settled into your rooms and then do something fun!”


In only a fortnight the guests were assembled, the Grand Cathedral and Great Hall were decorated within an inch of their life, the feast was prepared, cakes assembled, and wedding clothes tailored to perfection. Never in the history of the country had there been a wedding more anticipated, nor one that was more joyous.

As the orchestral music swelled, Izuku smiled at his parents and stepped with them into the sanctuary. At the altar he could see Shouta and Hizashi waiting for him. They looked so beautiful in their white suits with the purple and gold sashes. And when he got close enough to see the soft love in their eyes, he couldn't help the tears that slipped from his.

Inko pressed an extra handkerchief to Izuku's hand as she kissed his cheek and sent him to join, once again, with his Hearts. Izuku used the linen to wipe his eyes, then Hizashi's, and even Shouta's as their love and appreciation of each other seemed to grow deeper each day.

Izuku joined hands with his Dearest Ones, then before Gods, witnesses, and his family, he declared that he was theirs. The best thing was that they gave themselves to him as well


The Great Hall had a roaring fire in the center of the room when they finally made it from the church back to the palace. There were flowers and ribbons everywhere as well as ice sculptures and a magnificent set of cakes. As soon as everyone was seated, the speeches began, and with three families to have their say, they went on for a while. Fortunately, the hot food hadn't cooled and the cold food hadn't warmed by the time the last speech was given.

King Hisashi welcomed all to the feast and soon servants with silver platters were swarming the Great Hall.

While they ate, a troupe of Wanderers performed for the crowd. Izuku and Hizashi waved to Eijiro as he played a string instrument and sang with Ochako. And everyone applauded when Katsuki and another of their group entertained with shaped fireworks and illusions. As food was cleared away, the Wanderers changed their music to lively dance tunes.

Izuku grabbed his husbands' hands and pulled them out to dance round the central fire with their friends from the caravan. Soon all the royal family had joined in the circle. Other guests filled in open places and the music and dancing rang from the rafters.

At one point in the evening, to no one's surprise, Ochako grabbed her mates’ hands and they took a running leap over the fire. When they landed she kissed her partners then turned a wicked smile on Izuku, daring him to do the same.

Izuku immediately caught Shouta and Hizashi's hands and they too, took a running leap to make it through the fire. Their success was applauded while the kisses afterwards were loudly cat called by the young princess and her new sisters. Inko and Hisashi were next in line, quickly followed by the Yamada and Aizawa family heads. Once they made it through the flames, others came forward to relight the flames of their commitment to each other or to basically announce their intentions to wed.

Of course, Keigo and Touya were among the first to jump after the royalty of UA. And if Shouto and Hitoshi took the opportunity for a “Wanderer wedding” then what of it?

Later, cake would be cut, bouquets thrown, and toasts to the happy trio would be drunk. But for this one perfect moment, Izuku would revel in the feeling of his Loves’ hands in his and the joy he felt knowing they were his through any fiery trial.


Outside of the palace, many parties and celebrations were just beginning. The country had lost their prince, their heart, for a while and it was a dark experience for them all, but his true loves had rescued him and brought him back. And they had tied their hearts and lives together this day!

All over UA glasses would be raised, toasting the health of their dear Prince Izuku, and Consorts Shouta and Hizashi.

May they all live happily ever after!



Here we are at the end of our story. I hope you have a marvelous day and that you get yourself a happily ever after, too!

Your Prince is in Another Castle - tbehartoo - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.