Cash on Cash Return: How & Why Real Estate Investors Do the Math (2024)

Cash on cash return is a simple – and extremely useful – financial calculation that real estate investors use regularly. Cash-on-cash return for real estate investors measures the amount of net cash flow a property is generating as a percentage of the total amount of cash invested. In fact, the cash on cash metric is so important that it gets its own chart on the Stessa dashboard.

Cash on Cash Return: How & Why Real Estate Investors Do the Math (1)

Sometimes abbreviated as CoC or CCR, cash on cash is always expressed as a percentage and can be used to quickly compare the potential returns that different real estate investments offer.

Cash on Cash Return: How & Why Real Estate Investors Do the Math (2)

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How do you calculate the cash-on-cash return for a rental property?

Figuring out the cash on cash percentage is relatively easy, but keep in mind that it’s usually expressed net of debt service and, at your option, can include or exclude principal debt payments. This essentially means there are two formulas for calculating the cash-on-cash return for a real estate investment:

The Low Road: Annual before-tax cash flow (but after all debt service) / Total cash invested = Cash-on-cash return

For instance, $10,000 annual before-tax cash flow / $100,000 total cash invested = 10% cash-on-cash return.

The High Road: Annual before-tax cash flow (but after interest payments only) / Total cash invested = Cash-on-cash return (with principal)

For instance, $10,000 annual before-tax cash flow + 2,000 principal debt payments / $100,000 total cash invested = 12% cash-on-cash return.

Why is tax excluded from the cash-on-cash calculation?

The tax in the cash-on-cash calculation refers to the investor’s specific tax situation. The CoC from an investment property is the same regardless of who owns it, but the amount of income tax paid differs from investor to investor. Excluding tax from the calculation makes it easier to make an apples-to-apples comparison of different outcomes across real estate investments (and investors).

Is cash on cash return the same thing as cash flow?

Cash-on-cash return is different from cash flow in two ways:

  • First, as shown in the example above, cash-on-cash is expressed as a percentage while cash flow is expressed as an amount.
  • Second, cash flow shows you how much money you’ll have available at the end of the day to deposit into your bank account after all of your expenses have been paid (except income tax). Cash-on-cash tells you what kind of return you’re receiving for the total amount invested (acquisition equity plus subsequent equity infusions).

Here’s another way to think about CoC compared to cash flow. Let’s say you deposit that same $100,000 in a CD. According to the current rate is about 2.7% and you’d receive $2,700 each year. So, $2,700 is your annual cash flow and 2.7% is your (somewhat shabby) cash-on-cash return.

5 examples of how to use a cash-on-cash return

Now, let’s look at five examples of how cash-on-cash returns are calculated in different real estate investment scenarios:

Example #1

Property purchased for $250,000 all cash with $25,000 annual cash flow: $25,000 / $250,000 = 10% cash-on-cash return.

Example #2

Property purchased for $250,000 all cash + $50,000 in repairs and $25,000 annual cash flow: $25,000 / $300,000 = 8.3% cash-on-cash return.

Example #3

Property purchased for $50,000 down with $10,000 annual cash flow after debt service: $10,000 / $50,000 = 20% cash-on-cash return.

Example #4

The property in the above example #3 needs a new HVAC system, total cost $4,000. Cash-on-cash return for this year is $6,000 / $50,000 = 12%. Note that in this example you don’t add the $4,000 capital expense to the denominator because you covered the cost out of cash flow, not new equity.

Example #5

In the second year of owning the property discussed in example #3, let’s assume rents are increased by 10%, resulting in a 15% increase to net cash flow. Remember that if rents go up by more than expenses, you’ll get a multiplier effect on net cash flow. Cash-on-cash return for the second year then becomes $11,500 / $50,000 = 23% versus the 20% we saw during the first year of example #3.

How is cash-on-cash different from other real estate investing metrics?

We’ve already discussed the difference between CoC and cash flow, how to calculate cash on cash, and what the cash-on-cash return calculation is used for. Now, let’s look at some of the other common real estate financial metrics used to evaluate real estate asset performance:


Cash on Cash Return: How & Why Real Estate Investors Do the Math (3)

Projected net operating income is calculated by subtracting all of the budgeted property operating expenses such as landscaping, utilities, maintenance, and a vacancy allowance from the total potential income a property generates when 100% leased. Debt service is not included as an expense when calculating NOI, whereas cash-on-cash includes the debt service expense.

Cap Rate

Cash on Cash Return: How & Why Real Estate Investors Do the Math (4)

The capitalization rate, or cap rate for short, is used to measure the returns of comparable properties in the same market. The cap rate calculation is: NOI / market price (or current valuation) = cap rate %. If a property’s market price is $1,000,000 and the NOI (before debt service) is $60,000, the cap rate would be 6%.

By manipulating the equation, the cap rate formula can also be used to solve for themarket value of a property, based on the NOI and cap rates of similar properties. It can also be used to determine what the NOI should be based on the asking price of a property and the market cap rate, but this is a less common application since it’s really the valuation that should flex to meet the market based on the current NOI.


Cash on Cash Return: How & Why Real Estate Investors Do the Math (5)

Internal rate of return measures the all-in annualized percentage return to an investor based on all net cash flows received during the duration of the investment. Time is money, especially when investing in real estate. Generally speaking, the longer an investor’s money is tied up the lower the IRR will be and the worse the investment will perform.

The formula for calculating IRR is complex and requires the use of a financial calculator, Excel spreadsheet, or specialized calculator through a Google search.


Cash on Cash Return: How & Why Real Estate Investors Do the Math (6)

Return on investment measures the return of an investment compared to its cost. The ROI formula is: (Current market value – Cost of investment) / Cost of investment. If we paid $500,000 for a property last year, incurred no capital expenses, and today it is worth $600,000, the ROI would be:

(($600,000 – $500,000) = $100,000) / $500,000 = 20%

If a property generates income, or it is held longer than one year, investors should factor this into calculating the return on investment to create a clearer picture of the ROI.

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FAQs about cash on cash returns

Q: What is a good cash-on-cash return?

A: It depends on the investor, the local market, and your expectations of future value appreciation. Some real estate investors are happy with a safe and predictable CoC return of 7% – 10%, while others will only consider a property with a cash-on-cash return of at least 15%.

Q: Is cash on cash the same as ROI?

A: No. ROI is used to measure the overall rate of return on a property including debt and cash, while cash on cash measures the return on the actual cash invested.

Q: Is cash on cash return the same thing as the cap rate?

A: If there’s no debt service (and no capital expenses) on the property then the cash on cash return would be the same as the cap rate. However, because real estate investors usually use the power of leverage, cap rates are almost always different from cash on cash returns.

Key takeaways about cash-on-cash returns

As real estate investors we have a lot of metrics to choose from when analyzing properties and pitching money partners. CoC return is one of many key metrics that will help showcase a property’s potential return in an easily comparable number. Generally speaking, the higher the percentage of cash-on-cash return the better the real estate investment. Here are some other key takeaways to consider when using this important metric:

  • Cash-on-cash return is a quick real estate financial calculation used to measure the percentage of cash received in a given month or year compared to total cash invested.
  • Cash on cash is expressed as a percentage while actual cash flow is expressed as a dollar amount.
  • Debt service is included in one version of the cash-on-cash return calculation, but it’s not included when calculating NOI or the cap rate.

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Cash on Cash Return: How & Why Real Estate Investors Do the Math (2024)


Cash on Cash Return: How & Why Real Estate Investors Do the Math? ›

Cash on cash return is a metric used by real estate investors to assess potential investment opportunities. It is sometimes referred to as the "cash yield" on an investment. The cash on cash return formula is simple: Annual Net Cash Flow / Invested Equity = Cash on Cash Return.

How to calculate cash-on-cash return on real estate investment? ›

Cash-on-cash returns are calculated using an investment property's pre-tax cash inflows received by the investor and the pre-tax outflows paid by the investor. Essentially, it divides the net cash flow by the total cash invested.

What is the difference between ROI and cash on cash in real estate? ›

Cash-on-cash return only measures the return on the actual cash invested out of pocket. Cash-on-cash return is a snapshot of annual cash flow, whereas ROI is cumulative and typically measures returns based on including the eventual sale price.

What does 30% cash on cash mean? ›

Cash on cash return or COC return, is the amount of cash flow (rental income less mortgage, taxes, insurance, maintenance) your rental property or real estate investment generates as a percentage of the amount of capital you invested in the property, another way, a cash yield.

How is ROI calculated in real estate? ›

To calculate the property's ROI: Divide the annual return by your original out-of-pocket expenses (the downpayment of $20,000, closing costs of $2,500, and remodeling for $9,000) to determine ROI. ROI = $5,016.84 ÷ $31,500 = 0.159.

What is an example of a cash-on-cash return in real estate? ›

Cash-On-Cash Return Example

Let's say you bought a property for $300,000 in an all-cash deal and you charge $3,000 per month when you rent out the property. That means you're making $36,000 on the rent for the year. Your cash-on-cash return is 12% back per year ($36,000 ÷ $300,000 = 0.12).

How do you calculate the cash return on an investment? ›

The formula for calculating the cash-on-cash return involves taking the annual pre-tax cash flow and dividing it by the initial cash investment (i.e., the equity contribution). While the annual cash flow is before taxes, the metric is calculated post-financing, so the annual cash flow is a “levered” metric.

What is the formula for cash flow in real estate? ›

The 50% rule says a rental property's net cash flow should be 50% or more of the gross rent less the mortgage payment (P&I). Here is the formula you can use for that: Net cash flow = (gross rent x 50 %) - mortgage P&I.

What is the difference between yield on cost and cash on cash return? ›

While Yield on Cost provides a broader, long-term perspective on investment performance, Cash on Cash Returns give an immediate, annual perspective based on actual cash flow.

Is cash on cash return better than cap rate? ›

Unlike the cap rate formula which should only be used to compare similar properties in the same market, the cash on cash return formula can be used to compare potential cash returns between properties in different real estate markets.

Is 5% cash-on-cash return good? ›

In general, most experts agree that between 8-12% is a good cash on cash return. This, however, is calculated based on an individual property. City level averages might not show a cash on cash return in this range, so it's important to do calculations for each specific income property that you consider buying.

Does cash-on-cash return include principal? ›

However, the cash on cash return does not consider any principal pay down that occurs over the term of a loan. For example, if you have a $1,000,000 loan at a 5% interest rate amortized over 20 years, then your annual debt service would be $79,194. And your loan balance after 10 years would be $622,215.

What does a 10% cash-on-cash return mean? ›

For example, an initial investment of $10,000 that generates a net gain of $1,000 means the cash-on-cash return is 10%. REtipster does not provide tax, investment, or financial advice. Always seek the help of a licensed financial professional before taking action.

What is the 2% rule in real estate? ›

The 2% rule is a rule of thumb that determines how much rental income a property should theoretically be able to generate. Following the 2% rule, an investor can expect to realize a positive cash flow from a rental property if the monthly rent is at least 2% of the purchase price.

What is the formula for real estate investing? ›

Value per gross rent multiplier measures and compares a property's potential valuation. It is determined by taking the price of the property and dividing it by its gross income, or Gross Rent Multiplier = Property Price or Value / Gross Rental Income.

What is a good yearly ROI for real estate? ›

Generally, a good ROI for rental property is considered to be around 8 to 12% or higher. However, many investors aim for even higher returns. It's important to remember that ROI isn't the only factor to consider while evaluating the profitability of a rental property investment.

What is the average cash on cash return for real estate? ›

In general, most experts agree that between 8-12% is a good cash on cash return. This, however, is calculated based on an individual property. City level averages might not show a cash on cash return in this range, so it's important to do calculations for each specific income property that you consider buying.

What is the cash on cash return on a $2000000 property with a down payment of $500,000 and $15000 of monthly rental income? ›

In this scenario, where a $2,000,000 property was bought with a down payment of $500,000 and it generates $15,000 in monthly rental income, here's how you calculate it: First, determine the annual rental income: $15,000 * 12 = $180,000. Then, calculate the cash on cash return: ($180,000 / $500,000) * 100 = 36%.

What is the rule of thumb for cash on cash return? ›

There is no hard and fast rule for a good cash-on-cash return. It depends on the market, the location, and the type of rental property that is being purchased. The range varies widely, but a rule of thumb is between 10 and 25%; generally, the lower the rate of return on your investment, the less risk you are taking.

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