Year of Hell - A Stellaris War Story - Chapter 47 - Macavity116 (2024)

“The war is over. The Galactic Imperium has been driven out of our space. Our borders, Gateways, wormholes, and Hyperlanes are secure. Against all odds, our alliance stood against the largest military force the galaxy has ever known and lived to tell the tale. Many of the great cities on our core worlds are devastated, and we may never know the true number of friends and comrades who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

“This victory belongs to all of us, to each member-species of the Interstellar Treaty Organization: Scyldari, Kel-Azaan, Alari, Kobarian, Morbuzakh, Baterra, Andarian, Tobari, Orbis, Voor, Hazbuzi, Glebsig, Chinoor, Iribot, and Blorg.

“Now we begin the great challenge of securing our future. We will rebuild everything that was destroyed. Our cities, our ships and stations. We will care for our people, the wounded and displaced. Our vanquished foe will do none of this.

“As I speak the Galactic Imperium is in disarray. The specter of defeatism hangs over the Throneworld, where no one ever imagined the possibility that one day the Empress of the Galaxy could be forced to sign a peace agreement. Each of her vassal-states will very soon make the choice between freedom or tyranny. The INTO Alliance shall offer association status to any who apply.

“To the many peoples of the INTO Alliance, we have secured our future. Let us go forward together and claim a tomorrow that is bright and full of wonders.”

Cali D’Kara
Alari Armed Forces
Aboard the Flagship “Stellaris”
Stardate 2257.03.05, 10:15hours (Five days after the Year of Hell)

Cali rested her head in her hands, watching the planet Arcadia and its moon Concorde slowly recede. The flagship and a small escort were returning home to Alaria. Most of the INTO armada and soldiers would remain on Arcadia, under a new commander, to make sure peace held. This seemed likely, as the SDF had surrendered while Imperial forces fled the system, taking the Vultaum Reality Perforator to the Throneworld and abandoning their now-former allies.

The door to her cabin opened and Moka hobbled into the room. She was using a crutch to walk. Cali waved Moka to another seat by the window.

“So… I just saw Sun Xishan being moved to the other brig.” Moka announced. “Was he always missing an eye? I really don’t remember.”

“Yingyue did it.” Cali replied. “I know what you mean about memory. I’ve been struggling to remember so many people lately.”

Cali pointed to the computer on the far side of her cabin.

“I’ve been writing letters to the families of soldiers who got killed.” Cali explained. “Turns out, A.J. and Ayumi had distant relatives living on some colony in Alari space, so I’ve got to notify them about both Ayumi’s death and A.J.’s arrest. Bitter pills to swallow. The Scyldari gave me Vir’s body to send back to his folks, and I also have to write a statement to the Varnala Gendarmes.”

“Huh? Why?” Moka asked.

“Right before we started the trip home, Pol turned himself in.” Cali replied. “He’s on theStellaris, apparently. Said he wants to face a court and asked me to write a statement for him, even gave me a few notes to work with. So I added Pol’s issue to my to-do list. What about you? How are you doing?”

Moka rocked her head from side to side, flexing her neck.

“Thanks for letting me keep the nanobots.” Moka replied. “I’m going in for surgery again as soon as we finish our Hyperspace jump.”

“Have you already picked out what cybernetic augments you’re gonna get?” Cali inquired. “Remember, I’m gonna get upset if you chose the exact same ones as me. New tech is always coming out, and it’s usually better than the old.”

“Definitely getting a brain implant.” Moka said, gently caressing the spot where her skull was cracked open during the final fight. “But mine is gonna focus on coordination and motor control, nothing like yours.”

“Yeah, mine augments the five senses.” Cali admitted. “If you get a brain implant with a motor control module, tell’em to make sure it has a direct connection to your corpus callosum and the uppermost part of your brain stem. It’ll reduce latency between the implant and your cerebellum.”

Moka raised an eyebrow and pointed a playful finger at Cali.

“That is an aftermarket modification you did yourself.” Moka accused Cali.

“Power of nanobots.” Cali replied, leaning back in her chair. “And it works.”

Moka sat down next to Cali. As a side effect of the brain damage she had suffered during that chaotic truck crash, Moka was unable to hold still. She was twitchy and seemed to shake continuously.

“Where’s Dak?” Moka said.

“Up on the bridge. He just gave a speech to INTO Parliament. I think he’s just gonna send a written statement to the Alari National Congress.” Cali replied.

Moka looked out the window. Arcadia was just a dot in the starfield now.

“I’m sorry about Ayumi.” Moka finally said. “I know you were friends with both her and A.J. before all this happened… and…”

Moka began to cry. Cali moved to hung her.

“I’m so sorry.” She repeated herself. “Ayumi only went up in the turret ‘cause I hesitated. I didn’t mean for…”

Cali squeezed Moka.

“It’s okay. It’s not your fault.” Cali said. “The enemy did that. Not you.”

The two woman sat in thoughtful silence for a while.

“Were you serious about the whole ‘spend time on the family ranch’ thing?” Moka asked.

“Yeah, I was.” Cali replied. “I kinda figured you needed a mental health break after all this.”

“I think I do.” Moka replied. “I can hardly sleep anymore, and when I do I get these… night terrors. I can’t think, I can hardly focus… but I did want to say something to you about it.”

Cali took Moka’s hand in her own and looked her in the eyes.

“Okay, I’m listening.”

“So… The Morbuzakh…” Moka began. “Remember how I kinda made friends with it?”

“Yup.” Cali replied. “I said you had no idea how much of a good thing that was.”

A weak smile appeared on Moka’s face.

“Well, the Morbuzakh was serious about inviting me to the Tree of Life.” She said. “It says it can use Psionics to… uh… fix my mind? I don’t know the right words.”

Cali felt a kind of warmth rising in her chest. She had always had a positive impression of the Morbuzakh, now she was feeling validated.

“Have you talked to the Morbuzakh recently?” Cali asked. “Won’t a brain implant be a problem?”

“It says it can work around the implant.” Moka explained. “On the Morbuzakh homeworld, it’s commonplace a lot of the bigger, older plants to be enhanced with technology.”

Cali considered this for a moment, then she replied.

“Alright. If you want to go to the Tree of Life, I’ll talk to Dak and we’ll see if we help you get there, okay?” Cali said. “There’s a Morbuzakh cruiser in the escort fleet. See? Right over there, below that blue star.”

Cali pointed out the window and Moka smiled as she spotted the plantoid ship.

“So… I owe you an apology as well.” Cali said. “I feel like I let you down… so many times. It’s my fault… my fault that all of this happened to you. Dak wanted me to scare you into quitting the military. I feel like I should have tried harder. I’m so sorry.”

Cali started to cry. Now Moka embraced her with quaking hands.

“You never forgot about me out there.” Moka told her. “You always came for me, and you chose to save my life. Thank you, Aunt Cali. I love you.”

“And you, Moka.” Cali replied. “I love you too.”

Cali D’Kara, Honored Delegate of the City of Rattia
Alari National Congress
Varnala, Alaria
Stardate 2257.07.20, 08:59hours (4 months after the Year of Hell)

Making her way through the crowded hall, Cali said:

“You know I’ll get you back for this, right?”

On her right, Ruto B’Torak flashed Cali a mischievous smile.

“I’m sure you will. I know you all too well.”

Ruto was an Alari woman who abandoned her old loyalty to the Galactic Empress during the Manifesti Revolution. (and also helped steal theStellarissix years ago) She looked very pleased with the results of the political campaign she had waged during the war. Ever since Cali and Moka’s survival was a reported on the news, Ruto had been aggressively campaigning for Cali to be elected to the Alari National Congress as a war hero. When asked why, Ruto said:

“I remembered how much you loved Arcadia and the Humans before all this happened. I figured if you were part of the ANC, then you could have a louder voice in the post-war reconstruction process. Everyone on Alaria knows you and Moka as ‘the Heroes of Arcadia’ now. If you have something to say about rebuilding Arcadia or saving Humans… people are gonna pay attention. Even more if you’ve got the word ‘Delegate’ in front of your name.”

“Damn, Ruto. That’s all I’ve got to say.” Cali confessed.

Once Cali reached her new assigned seat in the Hall of Congress, Cali spotted a second name placard next to her own.

“Hold on… When did you get elected to Congress?” Cali asked.

“Same time as you.” Ruto replied. “Don’t ask me how I ran two campaigns at once. It was awful… like… a whole Year of Hell.”

Cali laughed.

She looked up. The sacred hall of the ANC was a two-story indoor amphitheater, with balcony seating reserved for citizen spectators. Cali spotted Moka and allowed a big genuine smile to appear on her face.

Moka looked rejuvenated after spending a month on the Morbuzakh Homeworld. She wore an outfit decorated by leafy vines and beautiful flowers. Looking down at the ANC, Moka returned Cali’s smile. She was no longer shaking, and held herself with newfound strength, both physical and mental. On either side of Moka were two Morbuzakh shrubs, keeping themselves low to avoid obstructing someone else’s view.

Cali returned her attention to the stage as an Alari man approached the podium. A voice projected from speakers on either side of the stage:

“Citizens, please welcome the President of the Alari National Congress.”

A polite applause echoed around the Hall of Congress for a few moments before the President raised his hand.

“I am pleased to declare this new session of the ANC open.” The President began. “Our first order of business is to administer the oath of office to all of the new Delegates who won their seats in last month’s election.”

Cali adjusted her dress one last time and stood up. To her great surprise, more than half of the five hundred legislators in the room also rose.

“Ruto, what the hell have you gotten me into?” Cali asked Ruto.

“Only your next adventure.” Ruto replied with a grin. “Except this one has less violence and death, lots more talking. Hope you can handle it.”

“Please place your hands over your hearts, Delegates. You will now take the Oath of Office.” The President ordered.

“Bring it on.” Cali whispered to Ruto.

She took the oath.


Year of Hell - A Stellaris War Story - Chapter 47 - Macavity116 (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.