The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall (2024)

Kirsten Paoline König

509 reviews51 followers

December 18, 2023

Wat een fijn boek..! Ik kijk er naar uit dat dit in februari in het Nederlands verschijnt bij Lemniscaat. Het is een beetje het boek waarvan je niet wist dat je erop zat te wachten.

Het is echt heerlijk geschreven/vertaald: het bijzondere kostschool-leven van de jonge Arthur Doyle (auteur van Sherlock). Het zit vol fijne personages zoals onderzoekende meisjes en mysterieuze professoren, lekker eten en de sfeer van Edinburgh (waar Arthur arm opgroeit en over boeken droomt, terwijl zijn alcoholist van een vader kinderboeken illustreert en het gezin niet kan onderhouden) en Engeland (waar zijn geheimzinnige school staat).

Het is vlot, spannend en toegankelijk voor veel verschillende lezers, maar wel echt lekker geschreven. Het is detective met veel wetenschappelijke feitjes en een snufje steampunk/mysterie voor lezers van Harry Potter uiteraard, maar ook de serie Tesla, Nevermoor, De Magische Apotheek en Wereldspionnen.

    2023-goodreads-reading-challenge age-kinderboek benoemt-feminisme


289 reviews

February 9, 2024

Pirmas sakinys: Artūras buvo berniukas, kuris beveik niekada neklysdavo.

Knyga sudomino, nes knygos viršelyje paminėtas Hogvartsas bei Gėrio ir blogio mokykla (iš pradžių pavyko atsilaikyti prieš tokią akivaizdžią reklamą) ir tai, kad romanas parengtas bendradarbiaujant su Konano Doilio fondu (nutariau, kad paveldėtojai negadins sero vardo, ir susigundžiau).

Pagrindinis veikėjas – Artūras Konanas Doilis paauglystėje. Šioje istorijoje Džeimsas Moriartis yra bendraklasis ir geriausias draugas, Irenos Igl tėvai – operos solistai, ponia Hadson – direktoriaus pavaduotoja, daktaras Vatsonas mokykloje moko anatomijos ir fiziologijos ir t. t. Šerlokas Holmsas pasirodo tik pačioje pačioje pabaigoje. Su šerlokiada susiję skyrių pavadinimai ("Kraujo spalvos etiudas", "Šerloko Holmso sugrįžimas") ir tai, kad jaunasis Artūras toks pat pastabus bei logiškas, kaip ir jo skurtas detektyvas (o šioje knygoje – gatvėje sutiktas) Šerlokas Holmsas.

Istorija šiuolaikiškai politkorektiška: Baskervil Hole mokosi ir indai, ir airiai, Artūro draugai yra du berniukai ir dvi mergaitės, mokykla deklaruoja skatinanti pažangų mąstymą ir išradingumą, supranta, kad siekiant mokslo kartais reikia rizikuoti, ir t. t. Skaityti netrukdo, tačiau išskirtinumo neprideda. Kaip ir jau pradedantys pabosti mokyklų padalinimai į koledžus, grupes (šioje yra penki: Geležies, Aušros, Žaibo, Dvasios ir Citadelės).

Lietuvių leidėjai rašo, kad knyga skirta skaitytojui nuo 10 m. Vyresniems Šerloko Holmso fanams Ali Sandish interpretacija gali būti nusivylimas, nes knyga su didžiuoju detektyvu iš esmės niekuo nesusijusi (nebent ��domu stebėti, kaip panaudojami veikėjai, pavadinimai ir kt.), tačiau jaunajam skaitytojui knyga turėtų patikti. Tik truputėlį baugu, kad nesusipainiotų, koks iš tiesų buvo Šerlokas Holmsas. Šerlokiados kanono prasme.

Bus tęsinys. Šios knygos. Ir Šerloko Holmso istorijų apskritai, nes 2023 m. sausį baigėsi autorinės teisės į Šerloko Holmso vardą – jis tapo viešojo naudojimo kūriniu.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


242 reviews

March 9, 2024

Een fijne detective voor kinderen vanaf een jaar of 11/12, maar ook leuk voor volwassenen vanwege alle verwijzingen naar de verhalen over Sherlock Holmes. Ali Standish heeft met haar boek de fantastische schrijver Arthur Conan Doyle geëerd door het hoofdpersonage naar hem te vernoemen en elementen uit zijn leven toe te voegen aan het verhaal. Er zitten veel magische elementen in het boek, maar dit vond ik als niet-fantasylezer niet storend. Er zijn namelijk ook serieuze thema's in verwerkt, zoals armoede en een alcoholverslaving. Verder bevat het boek een echte speurtocht naar de oplossing van een mysterie en daar ben ik dol op! Een aanrader voor kinderen die houden van speuren, magie en boeken als Nevermoor en Harry Potter. Ik kan niet wachten tot deel 2 uitkomt en ben ook heel benieuwd naar de verfilming door regisseur Ron Howard.


1,308 reviews

October 20, 2023

I loved this book. I recommend it to everyone. It is marketed as a middle grades book for children. I am an adult who cannot wait to read more in this series. What a brilliant idea for a book. It appeals to a wide audience. I am over the moon.

Janneke RS

290 reviews3 followers

May 15, 2024

Al jaren blijft Sherlock Holmes mij intrigeren. Ik lees de boeken, kijk de films en series. Dus toen ik dit boek via een mysterie box kreeg was ik dan ook heel blij. Was alleen een beetje bang om eraan te beginnen, want een boek over de jeugd van de schrijver en dan met een vleugje fantasie. Zou het wat zijn?
Ik kan alleen zeggen dat ik spijt heb. Spijt dat ik niet eerder ben begonnen in dit boek! Want wat een heerlijk verhaal. De vaart zit er vanaf het begin goed in en je wilt gewoon heel graag verder lezen. Want hoe zit het met die school? En wat gebeurt er allemaal? Hoe zit alles in elkaar?
Het was een feestje om te lezen.
Ook geweldig hoe de personages uit de boeken van Arthur Conan Doyle worden gebruikt in dit boek.
Kan niet wachten op deel 2

Rebecca McPhedran

1,216 reviews81 followers

October 27, 2023

What if Arthur Conan Doyle went to a special school and was embroiled in a plot to steal an important machine. And what if there were familiar names like Dr. Watson, Jimmie Moriarty and Mrs. Holmes?

So begins this great middle grade adventure. I really enjoyed this! It made me want to rewatch Sherlock!

    2023-challenge adventure-exploration borrowed-from-the-library

IngeT Inge1970reads

252 reviews3 followers

May 6, 2024



1,079 reviews74 followers

March 29, 2024

"Het onwaarschijnlijke verhaal van Baskerville Hall lijkt makkelijk te plaatsen in een lange traditie van (magische) schoolverhalen, toch vind je hier een geheel eigen, verfrissend geluid."

Lees mijn volledige gedachten op!

    gekregen in-de-boekenkast
July 18, 2023

I had high hopes for this book, but sadly I did not enjoy it.

The beginning of the book truly set Arthur up as an intelligent and gifted individual. I had hoped that this would carry through into a mystery the likes of Sherlock Holmes. It also was the most exciting part of the book for me.
After that though? The book lost it's appeal.

Instead of an interesting mystery this book turned into a retelling of Harry potter: A boarding school with quirky professors and friends, School houses, and secret society's etc. etc. etc.

I believe the author did a good job writing this,but it just wasn't for me.

I received a free E-ARC from Netgalley and HarperCollins Children's books, HarperCollins for my honest review.

Mandy Verbeek

64 reviews1 follower

March 11, 2024

Ik doe even een recensie in het Nederlands (voor auteurs uit NL, DE & BE doe ik in het Nederlands, alles wat daar buiten valt in het Engels), aangezien ik dit boek kreeg in een mystery box van AnderWereld.

Dit briljante boek is een Sherlock Holmes gerelateerd verhaal en ik vind 'm echt onwijs leuk! Het is wel voor een jonger publiek (10+ denk ik wel), dus als volwassene vlieg je er doorheen vanwege de 'simpele' schrijfstijl en korte hoofdstukken.
Een jonge Arthur Doyle word toegelaten op een speciale school voor de 'knapste koppen van onze tijd'.
Arthur leert vreemde vakken, maakt vrienden, sluit zich aan bij geheime genootschappen en interesseert zich voor mysterieuze inbraken.
Arthur ontdekt ook een vreemde machine.
Het boek komt met een interessante plottwist (ik zag 'm niet aankomen).
Achterin zijn nog wat foto's van Arthur Conan Doyle zelf, met een interessant stukje over de auteur. Zorg dat je 't leest en je ontdekt waar de andere personages vandaan komen 😉

Het spel is begonnen.

Ember Moto

111 reviews


April 5, 2024

This book is great for fans of Conan Doyle and his works as well as people who have never read any of his works. Those who have read his works will be delighted by the winks and nods such as a canine with the name of Toby. Those who are not familiar with Doyles works will delight in following along as a group of school kids try to solve the mysteries surrounding the unusual school they have all found themselves attending. As some one who likes mysteries this book was a very enjoyable read for me. While there is a sequel I am looking forward to reading, this book wraps up in such away that one is not necessary required.

Stormi (StormReads)

1,875 reviews178 followers

October 25, 2023

Arthur does something at the beginning to gain the attention of someone who sends him and invitation to a boarding school. Arthur is hoping that going to this school that he can do well to help his family.

He meets some interesting kids, makes some friends and works on solving the mystery around a secret society called The Clover.

It was quirky and different but at the same time a lot like any other kid goes to boarding school type book.

It has a little bit of a fantasy element as well which I wasn't really expecting but it was okay.

    middle-grade mystery


820 reviews

October 26, 2023

I was interested to see where a fun variation on Sherlock Holmes might lead. While an interesting take, it felt too much like a rewrite of the Mysterious Benedict Society to me. Not loving fantasy myself, I was also uber disappointed in the magical elements.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    fantasy middle-grade mystery

Glenna Coleman

177 reviews4 followers


December 12, 2023

An entertaining reimagining of Arthur Conan Doyle's life at boarding school, Baskerville Hall. It seems that, unlike popular report, John Watson was not actually Holmes's chronicler. Throw in boarding school rivalries, an infernal machine, and an extinct species, and you have a tale far more bizarre than any previously imagined.

Renee van Eijk

459 reviews2 followers

April 2, 2024

Leest goed en fijn weg, plot zeker interessant en ik ben benieuwd naar deel 2 dus zeker vier sterren!


192 reviews

May 16, 2024



1,037 reviews26 followers

October 14, 2023


Lauren Morris

140 reviews9 followers

May 2, 2024

I got this ARC from Turning Page Bookshop in Goose Creek, SC. This was a cute read! It’s about a boy Arthur who was cordially invited to attend a school for gifted children. He gets an invitation to this secret society but has to do some interesting things to prove his loyalty, one that could kick him out of school. Does he do it? I enjoyed the mystery vibes! I see there’s a sequel coming out later this year. I’ll be reading it!


857 reviews

October 8, 2023

Middle grade readers need not already be acquainted with Sherlock Holmes to enjoy this fictional tale about young Arthur Conan Doyle, but knowing more about Doyle’s stories about Holmes would certainly enrich the reading.

It is a compelling mystery set in 1868. Arthur is a brilliant boy living in poverty with a large family of siblings and an alcoholic father in Edinburgh, Scotland. His keen observations and quick wit saves a baby in a runaway pram, which catches the attention of a strange man. A mysterious invitation to attend a special school in England follows, and the all-expenses-paid offer and hopes for a future that could provide for his family convince Arthur to leave home to start as a first-year student in the faraway school in England.

His arrival at Baskerville Hall, its unusual environment, the cast of characters – both school staff and students – and the ominous mystery that builds tension all are very reminiscent of the first Harry Potter book… minus the magic, of course. In this story, rather than magic, the characters are immersed in the expanding understanding of science from that the era. But even with the emphasis on science, there are several very unusual animals that again echo the Harry Potter experience. The clear class divisions and snobbery that were integral to the plot of the Harry Potter books is a big part of this tale, too. Young Arthur’s roommate is Jimmie Moriarty and although they have little in common, they discover a similar gift in observation and quick action, and become fast friends. (Sherlock Holmes readers will find their friendship surprising, knowing the Moriarty of the Sherlock Holmes tales is his nemesis.)

An invitation to join a secret society and strange sightings of a cloaked man on horseback at the edge of the forest lead Arthur, Jimmie, and their friend Irene to not only sleuth out the truth behind mysterious happenings at the school, but also to make hard decisions on whether joining a secret society is their path to a brighter future or a rejection of the values they hold dear. This secret society invitation is further complicated because the three must keep it secret from their other new friends, Pocket and Grover, who are very involved in helping them unravel the strange events in the school.

The mystery and its solution is quite satisfying, the characters are well drawn, and the writing is vivid and lively, with just the right blend of tension and humor. But it is this internal struggle that Arthur and Jimmie face about the secret society that makes this a truly powerful tale.

Although the story has a clear conclusion, it also makes clear it is the first in an intended series. Looking forward to the next one!

    british-isles childrens mystery

Hailey Huntington

Author10 books33 followers


April 4, 2023


Arthur, Jimmie, and Irene felt pretty developed. The rest of the characters felt more like caricatures. Yes, Pocket and Grover were fun characters. But that's really all they were--the comic relief. They weren't multifaceted. The teachers at the school felt the same. Overall, I would have liked to see a little more depth.

I liked the budding friendship between Arthur and Jimmie, but I was scared that Standish would have something come between them. Thankfully, they remain friends throughout the novel. :)


I don't want to say much about the plot to avoid spoiling anything. I think that the book would have worked better if it hadn't been tied to Doyle and Sherlock Holmes. I kept wanting Sherlock/mystery vibes, but that's not what the story is about. It does have a little bit of mystery, but the story isn't a mystery. Rather, it has an almost science-fiction tone further on in the novel.

Final Thoughts:
I read this book expecting an MG adventure/mystery story with Sherlock vibes. Since that's not what TIToBH is, I was a little disappointed. However, if you're looking for a story about a group of kids at an unusual boarding school, TIToBH might be what you're looking for.

Ms. Yingling

2,405 reviews495 followers

June 12, 2023

E ARC provided by Edelweiss Plus

Young Arthur Doyle is living in Edinburgh in 1868 with his mother, many young sisters, and illustrator father who is too fond of drink. He knows that he will most likely have to quit school in order to get a job; he has even scoped out opportunities, like at the local butcher shop. He is an astute young man with a keep eye, and when he notices a young woman about to swoon, he takes swift action, including clonking a passerby with a rock to get his attention, to make sure that the pram with her baby in it is not hit by a passing carriage. The man he hit with a rock praises his quick thinking, but Arthur doesn't think much more about it. The next day, a message arrives that he has secured a place in the elite Baskerville Hall, where the staff are illustrious members of society in various fields. An airship will pick him up the next day, and all expenses will be covered. He hates to leave his family, but can't turn down this opportunity. He is soon introduced to a wide range of people, like students Grover Kumar, Mary (whose style of dress leads her to be addressed as "Pockets"), Irene Eagle, and staff John Watson, housekeeper Mrs. Hudson, and librarian Mr. Underhill. The courses offered at the academy, which is in England, are unusual. There's even a course on mesmerism, and one that includes boxing, and Arthur runs afoul of Sebastian, who doesn't like Scotsmen, because of his clever observations and wily ways. These same things win the adminration of fellow student Jimmie Moriarty, which is good, because the two are roomates. Odd things are happening in Baskerville Hall, and there are some thefts that are being committed in the sprawling manor house. Do these have anything to do with the inventions of the very clever Dinah Grey, who is trying to invent electric lights? Or the globe trotting Valencia Fernandez? Irene, Jimmie, and Arthur are all approached to be part of an elite, secret society, Clover, and are put to the test in matters of bravery, honor, and loyalty. While Arthur doesn't care much for the clandestine activities, he knows that being a member will help him to succeed and to be able to take care of his family. When he is required to "borrow" an item, he borrows a stone from Valencia which turns out to be a dinosaur egg that hatches in his possession. The dinosaur, which they name Kipper, imprints on Arthur, and causes a lot of problems, especially when he goes missing. How do Kipper, the Green Knight, Clover, and the break ins at Baskerville Hall all intertwine?
Strengths: I really enjoyed the beginning of this, when we met Arthur in Edinburgh and saw him struggle to take care of his family. There is something very appealing about people born into poverty who manage to overcome the obstacles of their early lives and to flourish. I even enjoyed the steampunk aspect of the airship; the line "patches of autmn forest gave way to amber moors" is indicative of the Victorian English countryside vibe that was so enjoyable. While Doyle himself would have most likely been in an all male institution, with very little cultural diversity, it was interesting to see a wide array of characters, like the Native American Irene, the "olive skinned" Jimmie, Grover Kumar, and globe trotting women adventurers and scientists. This was written with the blessing of the Conan Doyle estate, so there are some good details.
Weaknesses: I thought this would continue along the lines of Stevens' Wells and Wongs mysteries, with a solid murder or theft mystery, with a dash of Bunce's Myrtle Hardcastle investigations with some science and technology added. Instead, this turned into a fantasy academy story, which just wasn't what I wanted. There was an odd mixture of Doyle's life and the world of Sherlock Holmes that had me scratching my head a bit. We have John Watson (in a wheelchair) and Mrs. Hudson in Arthur's realm, but Sherlock Holmes appears as a character late in the book.
What I really think: There are any number of middle grade treatments of Sherlock Holmes, including Springer's Enola Holms, Barrett's The 100 Year Old Secret, Cavallaro's A Study in Charlotte, Peaco*ck's Boy Sherlock books, Hearn's Sherlock Holmes and the Disappearing Diamond, Harris's The Gravedigger's Club, my favorite, Lane's Young Sherlock Holmes, and even Titus' Basil of Baker Street. I'm not sure that Doyle is that much of interest to young readers these days, but this might be a good introduction, especially for readers who enjoyed Gratz's League of Seven Series.

Mark Buxton

1,278 reviews20 followers

April 12, 2023

What worked:
I’m sure I missed many but this story makes many references to the Sherlock Holmes books and their author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Arthur Doyle is the main character from a poor family and he’s invited to attend a unique private school, all expenses paid, that encourages risk-taking and innovation. He resides in Baskerville Hall with his roommate Jimmy Moriarty. James Moriarty is Sherlock Holmes’s nemesis in that series so readers might anticipate some type of rivalry will evolve. Dr. Watson is a teacher at the school and Sherlock makes an appearance late in the book. Arthur has the same keen observation and deductive skills wielded by Holmes so his interest is immediately aroused when he suspects something’s been mysteriously stolen from the school. Is it connected to the Green Knight he saw lurking in the forest?
The plot contains some elements of science fiction that become more important in the second half of the book. Arthur is initially transported to Baskerville Hall by an airship that travels much faster than should be possible. Different wings of the school house experiments conducted by the professors. A monkey has learned to play cards with its handler and another room is crammed full of clocks, one that does more than tell time. There are rumors that secret mines contain a crystal with almost magical properties. The use of electricity is still in its infancy so characters have reverent views of its applications. One character, in particular, has a life-changing invention that becomes a prominent part of the plot.
Arthur’s supporting cast is a curious blend of unique personalities. Moriarty’s father is very demanding with high expectations of his son so James is feeling pressure to excel at school. He thinks it’s crucial that he be accepted into a secret fraternity called the Clover or else his father will view him as a failure. Another classmate is called Pockets and her name is self-explanatory. She’s sewn pockets into all of her outfits and the contents frequently come in handy. Another boy is obsessed with death and the afterlife so his comments and contributions are usually focused on those topics. A large part of his attention is on writing the perfect obituary for one of the professors.
What didn’t work as well:
With Arthur having similar characteristics to Sherlock Holmes, readers may inadvertently think they are almost the same character. However, Arthur is not infallible and might make mistakes or misjudgments so remember he is a distinctive character by himself.
The Final Verdict:
This book is an entertaining first edition into a new mystery series. Readers will enjoy Arthur’s deductive reasoning as he informs them of how he considers the clues he finds. This plot centers on shadowy characters and unexplained events and clues are dropped near the end about where the sequel may go. Overall, I recommend you give this book a shot.

Kim Tyo-Dickerson

460 reviews20 followers

April 17, 2024

This first book in a new historical middle grade fantasy series blending Sherlock Holmes references and a Harry Potter-esque magical boarding school starts off strong. Author Standish creates a warm and homely life for super-smart, loving older brother Arthur Conan Doyle growing up with multiple sisters, a weary mum, and an alcoholic dad. A mysterious stranger who witnesses some of Arthur's quick-thinking intelligence during an accident provides both a necessary reference and funds for Arthur to escape his impoverished situation and attend Baskerville Hall boarding school. Although loathe to leave his mum and sisters, Arthur knows that his education is the chance to help his family survive while his father remains incapable of work. Once at Baskerville Hall, however, historical fiction swiftly shifts to fantasy and ironically loses much of the story's magic. There's a lot of world-building happening and an otherworldly mystery that becomes a bit confusing and then all the pieces manage to come together in the end, but I found myself struggling to finish. It's likely that, since I just read the entire, thoroughly enjoyable Aggie Morton, Mystery Queen historical mystery series by Marthe Jocelyn which stars a young Agatha Christie and her best friend "Hector" or Hercule Poirot, I was jarred by the magic entering Arthur Conan Doyle's reimagined boyhood.

I would recommend this to middle school fantasy readers as well as historical mystery lovers, and will give the second book a try to see if some of the threads are strengthened between Doyle's historical connections to the world of Sherlock Holmes and Standish's fantasy-driven mysteries. In addition to the Aggie Morton series, another captivating historical mystery read-alike series is of course the The Enola Holmes Mysteries by Nancy Springer. A fantasy mystery series read-alike would be the Winterhouse series by Ben Guterson. Recommended for ages 10 and up.

    boarding-school-stories es-fiction fantasy


227 reviews18 followers

March 3, 2024

Vóór Sherlock Holmes was er zijn geestelijk vader Arthur Conan Doyle. Arthur is een jongen uit een arm Schots gezin die razendsnel mensen en situaties kan inschatten. Lopend over de straten van 19e-eeuws Edinburgh is hij de enige die oog heeft voor een vrouw en haar baby, vlak voordat de vrouw flauwvalt. Hij weet haar precies op tijd op te vangen en weet met een geniale ingeving ook nog de kinderwagen met de baby erin te redden voor een aanstormende koets.

Een vreemde omstander heeft de heldhaftige actie gezien en prompt valt er de volgende ochtend een brief op de mat waarin Arthur een plek krijgt aangeboden op Baskerville Hall, een geheime school voor superslimme kinderen. Dé kans voor de ambitieuze Arthur om zijn familie te helpen aan de armoede te ontsnappen.

Op de kostschool Baskerville Hall sluit hij al snel vriendschap met de stoere Irene Eagle, de stille Jimmie Moriarty en het inventieve meisje Pocket. Samen komen ze erachter dat hun nieuwe school een eigenaardige plek is met excentrieke leraren, een mysterieus geheim genootschap en duistere vijanden. Zullen ze de mysteries oplossen en de school beschermen tegen een groot gevaar?

Ali Standish is er knap in geslaagd de wereld van Sherlock Holmes te verplaatsen naar een jeugdboek. Naast de vele puzzels en mysteries die Arthur en zijn vrienden moeten oplossen zitten er allerlei namen en details uit de verhalen van de beroemde detective in het boek verstopt. Jeugdige lezers zullen dit niet allemaal oppikken, maar het geeft het boek wel een leuke extra laag.

Bovenal heeft Standish er een spannend, avontuurlijk boek van gemaakt, dat mede door de korte, krachtige hoofdstukken met volle vaart doordendert naar de ontknoping. Baskerville Hall is hier de perfecte setting voor, zo’n oud Engels landhuis dat met zijn talloze verborgen kamers en eigenaardige docenten een mooie knipoog naar de Harry Potter-boeken vormt.

Gelukkig laat Standish aan het eind van het boek duidelijk ruimte voor een vervolg of misschien zelfs een reeks vervolgen. Als die ook van dit kaliber zullen zijn, hebben we er een sterke serie voor de toekomst bij.

Lees meer besprekingen op mijn boekblog Jacob de Zoet


Sharon Tyler

2,815 reviews37 followers

March 12, 2024

The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall is the first book in a middle grade series by Ali Standish. What if young Arthur Conan Doyle really went to a secret school for extraordinarily gifted children called Baskerville Hall? When a mysterious man with a pipe notices young Arthur’s incredible deductive skills, Arthur’s offered a spot at the esteemed Baskerville Hall and a chance to lift his family out of poverty. There Arthur makes quick friends with Irene Eagle, a girl who boldly strides into any adventure and Jimmie Moriarty, a boy whose brilliance rivals Arthur’s own. But he makes enemies, too, who want Arthur expelled, or worse. Soon Arthur and his friends (and enemies!) are invited into a powerful secret society called the Clover. In order to be accepted into the illustrious social club, they must pass three tests, but along the way, Arthur uncovers a mystery that will lead to grand adventure and even greater danger. Arthur will need all the help he can get to solve the puzzle and keep a shocking truth from falling into the wrong hands. Meanwhile, he will finally meet the man who becomes his greatest mentor: Professor Sherlock Holmes.

The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall is an engaging start to a new series. There have been make takes on young detectives over the years, but I am excited to see where this one goes. I thought the blending of historical truths, universal feelings of looking for your place, and mystery about just what might be going on at Baskerville hall blend together seamlessly and make this a fun read. I was concerned for Arthur at many points, and I love the little group that he finds. I also enjoyed the use of names and tidbits of Sherlock lore that are woven into the story, that just might lead younger readers to discover the references for in Doyle's works. I think this is a great read for those that love a good mystery, and those that can still get caught up in the doubts and fears many of us face when trying to find our path and our people.


187 reviews1 follower

September 15, 2023

When Arthur saves a fainting woman and her baby, he makes the acquaintance of an English gentleman. The man was impressed when Arthur explained how he knew the woman was in imminent danger. Upon his leaving, the stranger told Arthur, "Your powers of observation served you well today. Perhaps even better than you know." With those enigmatic words, Arthur heads home to retell his family all about the adventure.

Life has been anything but easy for Arthur. As an older child, he feels the weight of the family's poverty. Arthur's father was an illustrator but strong drink has diminished his productivity. His mother is a master at making meager portions stretch and infusing hope and encouragement into her children. She is convinced that Arthur is destined for great things. Sohis mother is not at all surprised when a mysterious summons appears inviting Arthur to attend Baskerville Hall (tuition-free).

The original manner in which Arthur is conveyed to school offers a hint at the thrills that await him. He soon makes friends with Irene and Jimmy (if this is all sounding like Harry Potter, the similarities are there--as well as a formidable foe). Unlike Hogwarts, the "magic" of Baskerville Hall is mostly based on scientific inquiry. (Just a note, there is a bit of mysticism thrown in with a mention of seances but those were not central elements of the story). As Arthur begins to feel as though he may have a chance to really make something of himself, he finds himself facing possible expulsion. Will the truth come out in time or will Arthur have to face the humiliation of leaving Baskerville Hall? Readers will love the suspense and mystery of this band of three friends. I highly recommend the first in this very entertaining new series for readers in middle grade and look forward to the next installment!

Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall from NetGalley for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received.

Tales Untangled

904 reviews14 followers

September 8, 2023

I received an ARC from NetGalley and HarperCollins Children's Books. All opinions are my own, and I'm voluntarily leaving a review.

Genre: Mystery, Historical Mystery, Suspense
Age: Middle-Grade (7-12 years old)

THE IMPROBABLE TALES OF BASKERVILLE HALL is a prime example of what I love about middle-grade books. There's danger, intrigue, exciting moments, friendship, plain mean kids, and so much fun!

I think kids will love this because it clips along at a fast pace.

Watch out for:

Secret Societies
Strangers in the woods

Arthur Conan Doyle is our main character—he's grown up poor with a father who hasn't been providing for the family because he suffers from depression.
Other characters like Irene are quirky. Pockets is a delight. And I'll just say there are more that tickled me.

Arthur solves crimes in a Sherlockian fashion, clued into details. I love how he uses this ability multiple times.

There are also some illustrations that are amazing! I don't know who the illustrator is yet, but I want to see more books they've worked on. I will update when I learn more. The back of the book includes some photos from the time period!

The ending was a surprise! There's no way a kid will see it coming, but they will LOVE it! There are also Easter eggs for adults who lover Sherlock Holmes. Do yourself a favor and read it before handing it off to the kiddos.

Seriously, this is such a fun mystery but it's more with friendship, loyalty, betrayal, and secrets.

I highly recommend this book!

Happy (sleuthing) reading!

Sara Wise

476 reviews12 followers

August 24, 2023

** “It is an important thing to remember, as you start your studies here at Baskerville Hall. The mind is more powerful than we know. The only limitations it has are the ones we set on it.” **

Ali Standish delivers a delightful young Sherlock Holmes meets Harry Potter story with “The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall,” a tale about a young Arthur Conan Doyle, who in real life eventually pens the Sherlock Holmes stories.

Due to his powers of observation and quick thinking, Doyle is invited to attend the prestigious and secretive Baskerville Hall school. There he meets a quirky gang of new friends who attempt to figure out just what mysterious dealings are going on at the school — break ins, attempted thefts and odd threats.

Using each of their unique skills, can they figure out what’s going on at Baskerville Hall?

Standish does a great job of developing really fun and zany characters, all while creating an equally fun plot filled with mystery, intrigue and unimaginable moments. She also reminds us of the power of friendship; the importance of observation; and to use mind over matter while staying calm and observing the situation to solve the problem.

Readers of all ages and fans of series like Harry Potter and Trenton Lee Stewart’s “Mysterious Benedict Society” will love “The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall,” which is due out Sept. 12.

Five stars out of five.

HarperCollins provided this complimentary copy through NetGalley for my honest, unbiased review.


179 reviews5 followers

March 22, 2024

Well written, like a three and a half star book, but I'm rounding down because this is wasn't what I was thinking it was going to be, and is instead a fantasy book. I was hoping that Baskerville Hall school would be more like, say, a children's version of the Society of Explorers and Adventurers, but this is basically Hogwarts. We even have a Draco Malfoy analog in Sebastian Moran.

I'm wondering if this is a cash grab by The Conan Doyle Estate, as the book could easily be any children's steampunk-style fantasy novel, but here they make the main character young Arthur Conan Doyle, and sprinkle in characters with other Holmesian names (but not their attributes): Mrs Hudson, Dr John Watson, James Moriarty, Mary Morstan, Irene "Eagle" (Adler), Sebastian Moran, (plus one more, who is a *Spoiler*.) I would have absolutely loved a book series where Young ACD solves proper mysteries, using his gift of deduction, and didn't lean so much into the fantasy genre.

One thing that I really did enjoy, however, is the inclusion of Professor George Edward Challenger from The Lost World. He was the most interesting character in the book, to me, and it was a fun choice on the author's part (or the Conan Doyle Estate's) to include him here.

I'm kind of afraid that James Prichard and Agatha Christie Ltd will see these books and think maybe there should be a Young Agatha book series. I love her, but I really hope this won't happen.

So yes, I did enjoy this book and will look for more in this series, but I'm not expecting a lot.

    children-s library sherlockian


102 reviews6 followers

June 8, 2023

This book was a fun, quick read for me. I love anything related to Sherlock Holmes, and the way this story begins to weave in Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock, Watson, Moriarty, and all of these familiar names and locations is fun and exciting. I think that's what makes this a fun read for both children and adults alike. Kids will enjoy the mystery, the friendship, the suspense, and the way that it hearkens back to some of the same elements as the world of Harry Potter and Hogwarts, with a mysterious residential school, a headmaster who recruits students in unexpected ways, and strange and unexplained things happening all over the place. Adults will enjoy the nods to the original Sherlock Holmes, and if you're anything like me, you will eagerly await additional books in the series to see what happens between Doyle, Moriarty, and the rest of the gang! I love a good mystery and period pieces, and this checks both of those boxes, along with the nostalgia of Sherlock Holmes woven throughout. I also appreciate that we meet these characters as children, seeing how their station in life does not necessarily define their future successes, and how loyalty and friendship are things valued above all else. This book is something that will appeal to a wide audience, and I can't wait for more about these characters!

The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.