The Best Business Structure for Real Estate Investors | Real Estate Investing Strategy (2024)

If you are considering turning your real estate investment projects into a business, you will need to give serious consideration to what type of business you want it to be.

The right solution depends on your specific situation, but a few key questions to ask yourself are:

  • How will I structure my real estate investment company?
  • How many people will own the business?
  • What are my concerns for liability?
  • How much do I care about tax benefits?
  • How much effort do I want to put into creating an overarching business entity?

Read on to learn the different types of business structures you should consider, and the pros and cons of each type of business structure.

Types of Business Structures for Real Estate Investing

Starting a Real Estate Investment Sole Proprietorship

There are many ways to structure your real estate investing business. Sole proprietorship is the most simple business structure in which you can operate a real estate investment business. It is not a legal entity, and all the owner of the business is personally responsible for its debts. You can choose to do rehabs as a sole proprietorship in your name, or a “trading as” name, without creating a new legal entity. While this is the easiest and least expensive way to become a real estate investor, there are many disadvantages.

One major disadvantage is that many real estate investment lenders will not lend to an individual because of legal restrictions in some states that require loans only be made to a business entity. Another reason that real estate investment lenders may not lend to a sole proprietorship is that the lender wants to avoid any possibility for the loan to be viewed as a consumer loan. As a whole, private lenders generally have a blanket prohibition on loans to individuals.

Doing business as a sole proprietor also exposes you to greater liability in an event of an accident at the site and greater financial exposure.

Lastly, there are less tax benefits when doing business under your own name than there are as doing business as a legal entity. Choosing to move forward under your own name may be the easiest, but not necessarily the safest or least expensive way to proceed.

Starting a Real Estate Investment LLC or LP

Two other common business entities for real estate investors is the limited liability company (LLC) or limited partnership (LP).

The LLC can be formed by either an individual (a single member LLC) or multiple people (a partnership type LLC or LP).

The LP, by definition, requires more than one person.

LLCs and LPs provide some legal protection to their individual owners as liability for accidents, finances, etc. lies with the LLC or the LP (with some limitations). Both LLCs and LPs can be structured to be “pass-through” entities for tax purposes. What does this mean? A pass-through structured entity means there is no taxation to the business – all income, deductions, etc. are passed to the individual partners.

It should be noted that not all members of an LP are shielded from liability. In most cases, LPs have both a general partner and limited partners. The limited partners can invest in the business and share profits and losses, but they do not actively engage in the management of the business itself. The general partner is responsible for all management but remains liable for the obligations of the LP.

Starting a Real Estate Investment Corporation

Lastly, some real estate investors form corporations. While a corporation provides the greatest protections to the owners, they are also the most expensive and cumbersome to form and maintain. They are also generally taxed on their own, rather than “pass thru” income to the owner.

Seek Advice from Professionals

The Best Business Structure for Real Estate Investors | Real Estate Investing Strategy (1)You should seek the advice of an attorney and accountant to determine the best real estate business structure for you.

An attorney will lay out your options, and outline the legal benefits and disadvantages of each type of business structure.

An accountant will advise you of tax advantages and requirements of different types of business structures, including sole proprietorships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, and corporations.

This will help you decide which structure is best for you. They will also assist you in tracking your business expenses and, of course, in preparing tax statements as due for your particular type of business.

Great consideration and thought should be given to forming the right business entity for your real estate investment business. If you have followed RFG’s advice and created a business plan, the choice of structure should be clearly outlined in the plan, with an explanation of the appropriateness of the structure for your business.

It cannot be over emphasized that this is part of the planning process for your business and should be done with care, careful deliberation and with the advice of experts.

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The Best Business Structure for Real Estate Investors | Real Estate Investing Strategy (2024)


The Best Business Structure for Real Estate Investors | Real Estate Investing Strategy? ›

Sole Proprietorships. The first and most commonly known form in which to conduct business is the “sole proprietorship”. This is frequently used by real estate investors because it is the simplest form in which to operate their business, with the least technical/legal complications.

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LLC. A limited liability company (LLC) is a common entity choice for real estate investors and offers many advantages. Choosing this structure for your real estate investment business allows you to limit your personal liability in the business to the money you contribute and the debts you co-sign for.

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Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)

In fact, many experts will always recommend that real estate investors use LLCs for their real estate investments. However, whether an LLC is appropriate for your investment is still a personal decision.

What is the best business structure for investment? ›

The management flexibility, tax benefits and protection of personal assets offered by LLCs make it a great vehicle for investment opportunities. Since there can be more than one member, it's often the business entity of choice when multiple people are looking to invest in something as a group.

How to structure a real estate investing company? ›

Two other common business entities for real estate investors is the limited liability company (LLC) or limited partnership (LP). The LLC can be formed by either an individual (a single member LLC) or multiple people (a partnership type LLC or LP). The LP, by definition, requires more than one person.

What structure is a real estate business? ›

When a real estate agent sets up a business, he or she can choose from a variety of business structures for tax purposes. These legal structures include sole proprietorships, corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies.

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Many real estate agencies still operate under the same conditions: a director at the top, usually a salesperson, a sales team of agents who support their clients, a property manager and team who look after designated managements, and an administrative team.

What is the most profitable form of real estate investment? ›

Commercial real estate: Commercial real estate investments can bring about higher returns than residential investments due to the fact that you can get higher rents for them. Commercial properties regularly also have longer leases, bringing in a more stable income stream.

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Here are 8 tips to guide you in building a successful real estate portfolio:
  1. Learn about investing in real estate. ...
  2. Explore real estate investment options. ...
  3. Research your local market. ...
  4. Understand what the 1% rule is. ...
  5. Start small. ...
  6. Diversify your portfolio. ...
  7. Repeatable cycle. ...
  8. Traditional mortgage.
Jan 11, 2024

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The Best Real Estate Investments to Consider for the Highest Returns
  1. Apartment Buildings. Apartment buildings are the most popular type of real estate investment. ...
  2. Tiny Homes. ...
  3. Vacation Rentals. ...
  4. Retail Stores. ...
  5. Self-Storage Units.
Jun 1, 2023

Do investors prefer LLC or corporation? ›

Investors prefer C corporations over S corporations and LLCs because shares in a C corp are freely transferable. By design, C corps have a well-established, standard framework for the issuance and distribution of equity (stock and stock options).

What is the riskiest business structure? ›

The proprietary business model is unequivocally the most dangerous one to operate under because of the unlimited liability risk associated with proprietorships; the owners of a business that is organized under this structure has absolutely zero protection against their own personal assets being taken in a situation of ...

What is the most effective structure for a company? ›

Functional organizational structures are best for small businesses because they allow for clear decision-making hierarchies. Each team operates as an individual “silo.” Once teams grow, they benefit from making these functional structures less rigid. Teams often move faster and collaborate better with more overlap.

What are the disadvantages of an LLC for a property? ›

Using a real estate LLC can come with disadvantages such as tax complexity, setup challenges, transferred tax obligations, lack of guaranteed asset protection, financing difficulties, and increasing expenses.

Is it hard to start a real estate investment company? ›

Starting a real estate investment company can be a fairly simple process, since there are few regulatory requirements to begin. Investing in real estate does not require any particular entity, and some people even begin a real estate investment company simply in their own name as a sole proprietorship.

How do real estate investors generally make a profit? ›

The most common way to make money in real estate is through appreciation. Appreciation is when a property grows in value. You might purchase a property for $400,000, and over the course of 10 years, it appreciates to a value of $500,000. Sell the property, and you'll have profited $100,000.

What is the best legal structure in real estate? ›

While there are several different types of corporations, S-Corporations are a popular structure for real estate businesses. This is because an S-Corp avoids double-taxation (where a company pays taxes on its profits and its owners/shareholders pay taxes on their income and dividends).

Should I put my real estate in an LLC or an S Corp? ›

For some real estate investments, it is highly recommended to use an LLC and an S corporation at the same time, with the LLC holding the property and the S corporation managing the business. This strategy shall offer real estate investors both the asset protection of an LLC and tax benefits from an S corporation.

What is the best legal structure for an investment club? ›

Choose a legal structure: The most common structure is a partnership. This is important because a brokerage account cannot be opened without a legal structure. The club will need to get an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS.

Which type of business structure provides the most protection for investors? ›

A corporation, sometimes called a C corp, is a legal entity that's separate from its owners. Corporations can make a profit, be taxed, and can be held legally liable. Corporations offer the strongest protection to its owners from personal liability, but the cost to form a corporation is higher than other structures.

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