The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)

THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1930. Musgrave Ritual Musgrave's seemed I never locked at his pale, keen without associating him with windows and all the venerable 1-cent gasoline bridge at New and retirethe ports of Charles, a refor the city authorization for $5,000,000 state a $1,000,000 Orleans lake the senate is TENNESSEEAN FOUND GUILTY IN SLAYING "Reginald Musgrave walked into my rooms one mornthe strange paper I had just read. "We were in college toing," Holmes began, ignoring my obvious curiosity about gether. Musgrave was a scion of one of the oldest families in the kingdom, and the Musgrave Manor House, Hurlstone, is perhaps the aldest inhabited building in the country. Long's Public Projects Approved by House BATON ROUGE, Sept.

(P) -Governor Huey P. Long's proposed state public improvement program contemplating the expenditure of approximately $100,000,000 was voted through the Louisiana house of representatives this afternoon in little less than two hours in a session marked by overwhelming majorities for the administration projects. There was practically no debate on the bills authorizing the projects, the subject matter having all been before legislature in the ed, spring, and when having been more recently fealatte program was defeattured in the governor's successful campaign for the United States senate. The program was urged before the special session this week by the governor as an aid to business and unemployment in Louisiana. The program voted by the house and sent to the senate included the $68.000.000 highway and bridge bond issue for the completion of the hardsurfaced road system, $7,000.000 bonds for a Mississippi river Orleans, an additional tax for public school aid ment of indebtedness of New Orleans and Lake financing bond program of New Orleans, and the construction of a capitol building here and airport on the New front.

Little opposition in expected. DUCKTOWN, Sept. Virgil Bearfield was found guilty of manslaughter in connection with the slaying of Mack Teague and was sentenced to two years in the state penitentiary in criminal court here Wednesday. The murder was committed at Farmer, this county, in 1929. do grudge is blamed for the slaying.

During the trial Bearfield claimed Teague was advancing on him with an open knife. The state brought out that Teague's body had been searched and a closed knife found in his pocket. FULTON Most Market Reliable MARKET 156 Cor. 8. Alabama W.

Forsyth Atlanta's Wholesale Oldest and Retail and COLD SERUMS, VACCINES AND FRENCH TONIC INJECTIONS Influenza, Pneumonia and Cold Serums or Vaccines are to be given now. Hours 8:30 to 6:30 for your convenience. All Ear, Nose, Throat and Lung treatments straight $1.00 per treatment. No I never raised my fees and never will. French Injections haps.

Leprince, Dr. Deaufresne, etc.) $1.00 each, for Low Vitality. Give your poor, tired stomach a rest. I pity the man who is too stingy to protect his family with the latest modern precautions from winter colds and dangers. Commence your Serum today.

DR. GEORGE BROWN 3331 Peachtree N. Between Baker and Ivy Phone JA. 3787 You Are Cordially Invited to Attend the Special Showing, All This Week, of Distinctive De Luxe Bodies Ernest G. Beaudry 169 Marietta N.

W. BEST JELLICO LUMP COAL $7.00 BEST JELLICO NUT COAL $6.50 FURNACE LUMP COAL $6.50 FURNACE NUT COAL $6.00 co*kE. $7.75 ATLANTA COAL CO. WA. 6521 LUMBER You Any May Kind Need Enough for garage or a fence or a sleeping porch, a little repair job, or a carload.

Paint, brick, cement, roofing--everything you will need. Campbell Coal Co. JA. 5000 240 Marietta St. FOR SALE I Flat newsprint paper suitable for small publishers and job printers.

The price is right. P. O. Box 1731, Atlanta, Ga. Story.

By SIR seems there had been strange doings at Hurlstone, and the police had been able to throw no light upon the matter. Musgrave told me my advice would be exceedingly valuable to him. 'It is really the most extraordinary and inexplicable Musgrave said, and plunged into an account of it." 1930 By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "Something of his birthplace to cling to Musgrave, and face, or the poise of his head gray archways and mullioned wreckage of feudal keep. HOW IT BEGAN. By Murphy Russ JIN AND 0 MIND YOUR P'S AND Q's THE ADMONITION TO 'MIND YOUR P'S AND Q'S'ORICINATED IN THE OLD TAVERNS WHERE THE INN-KEEPERS FELT IT WAS.


CANDY DROPS, CONTAINING UPON TASTING THE SEEDS PEPPERMINT, HOARHOUND, WIN- HE FOUND THEY AFFECTED HIM SIMILARLY TERGREEN, Copyright, 1930, Metropolitan Newspaper Feature Service, Inc. 1930 If you have other ideas as HOW IT BEGAN, write to Murphy, care of The Constitution. How did the name "Yarborough" get into the game of bridge? tomorrow. If you want to see how some other particular custom or saying began, let Russ Murphy know and his answer will be illustrated in this series. Ontario Senate Votes Jobless OTTAWA, Sept.

a division, the senate tonight ratified the government bill to establish a fund of $20,000,000 for unemployment relief. Senator James Murdock. former minister of labor for Canada, introduced an amendment calling for fair wages, and an eight-hour day on all construction programs initiated under the scheme, but he later withdrew it. In its effect, the amendment was similar to one proposed in the commons by J. S.

Woodsworth (laborite, Winnipeg North-Centre). This was defeated. GEORGIA, F- LTON COUNTY. Personally appeared before me, the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths, W. F.

Jenkins, who being duly sworn on oath says that he has this day filed this affidavit with the Comptroller General of Georgia, as required by law, and that his entire campaign expenses incurred in the recent democratic primary of September 10, 1930. as a candidate for Judge of the Court of Appeals of Geergia, consisted of the entrance fee amounting to $130.00, and that sail amount was paid from his own personal funds. W. F. JENKINS.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th day of September, 1930. P. W. DERRICK, Notary Public, State at Large, Georgia. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF ACCOUNTS.

By order of Court the Trustee for D. A. LIMBERT, teading as LIMBERT HEATING PLUMBING COMPANY, Bankrupt, 1o- cated at 822 Highland N. will offer for sale for cash in the office of the Referee, 323 Grant Building, Atlanta, Ou September 1030, at 10:00 A. M.

Accounts Receivable aggregating $1,868.38. For further information see the uudersigned. CLARENCE WAYNE, Trustee. 427 Grant Telephone, JAck. 0378.

Report of Expenses of Robert D. T. Lawrence as Candidate for Commissioner of Pensions: Entrance Fee $130.00 Printing Cards in Labor and Newspapers 163.12 Printing Circulars 42.50 Printing Cards 8.00 Stamped Envelopes and Stamps 48.63 Assistance in Mailing Circulars 20.00 Total This to certify that atore is correct statement the expense of my for the office ct Commissioner of Pensions in the recent primarz. ROBERT D. T.

LAWRENCE. Swore to and subscribed before me, this 17th day of September, 1030. (Seal) P. W. DERRICK.

Notary Pubile. COAL PRICES ADVANCE OCT. 1st. Furnace Egg $5.75 Kentucky Egg 6.00 Red Ash Egg. 6.25 Furnace Block.

6.50 Chiles Coal Co. Side MA. 1951 END MA. 4932 ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE Here is Musgrave's story Holmes recounted it: "I keep a considerable staff of servants at Hurlstone. The butler, Brunton, has been with us for twenty years.

He was a young schoolmaster out of place when my father took him on. Now he is a handsome. well-grown man of forty. of great energy and character Boy Who Threatened Ben Lyon Confined LOS ANGELES, Sept. 19-year-old New York youth, accused of attempting to assassinate Ben Lyon, film actor, and husband of Bebe Daniels, was identified today as Richard McEneaney, of 4316 Fifty-eighth street, Brooklyn, N.

Y. He was ordered submitted to a sanity test. The youth, who had signed the name "Warde" to postcards threatening the actor, was arrested in front of Warner Brothers Hollywood studio late yesterday. Police said he had a loaded gun in his pocket, but that he denied he meant to murder Lyon. "I wanted to make his acquaintance, and the get youth him said.

to help me When the film actor confronted McEneaney at the police station, the youth shouted an accusation Lyon had broken the heart of his sister. (One of his postcards had said: "Remember meeting my sister in New A few moments later McEneaney admitted the accusation was only a dramatic fabrication, that he had no sister. Beaverbrook Illness Declared Typhoid LONDON, Sept. illness of Lord Beaverbrook today was diagnosed as para-typhoid. His case, according to friends, is not believed to be serious.

Lord Beaverbrook was taken ill three weeks ago on a yachting holiday when, after examination at Dover, it was announced he had food poisoning. Today's report of the nature of the disease gave rise to considerable anxiety and his progress will be watched closely. FLA. BRIDGE TENDER HAS MANATEE FOR PET WEST PALM BEACH, Sept. (P) J.

W. Easton, bridge tender near Lake Worth, is telling a good fish story today and had the evidence to back it up. Surprising a 25-pound baby manatee, or better known as sea cow, as it grazed on marine plants around the bridge piling, Easton caught it with his bare hands. The law prohibits killing them and he is trying, to find a berth, in a museum his new pet. MORTUARY.

J. OSCAR VAUGHN. Services for J. Oscar Vaughn, 72, prominent Atlantan, who died suddenly. Wednesday morning at his home, 162 Peachtree circle, will be held at 10 o'clock this morning at the Sacred Heart church with the Rev.

Father John Emmertli officiating. Interment will be in Oakland cemetery. The following will serve as pallbearers: L. A. Morris, Robert B.

Troutman, Ewing Dean, Dr. Calhoun McDougal, Dr. Stephen T. Barnett, Thomas Howell Scott. William H.

Schroeder, Felix De Golian and Otey Mitchell. F. D. BISHOP. Services for Frank D.

Bishop, 57, of Palmetto, who died Thursday morning in a local hospital, will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Harrison Road Baptist church by the Rev. T. H. Jackson. Interment will be in College Park cemetery with H.

M. Patterson Son in charge. Mr. Bishop is survived by his widow, daughter, Mrs. Ed Smith and a son, E.

C. Bishop, both of College Park: two sisters, Mrs. W. A. Alston and Mrs.

W. L. MeGahee, of Lynhurst, N. and two brothers, La. J.

and 0. L. Bishop. GEORGE V. NICHOLS.

The funeral of George Van Nichols, 43. of 527 Cameron street. N. who died Monday night in a private hospital, will be held at 10 o'clock this morning at the chapel of Awtry Lowndes. Interment will be in Crest Lawn cemetery.

MRS. PERCY McCOMMONS. Funeral and interment services for Mrs. Percy McCommons, 57, of Greensboro, who died Thursday morning at a local hospital. will be held in Greensboro, where the body was sent Thursday.

She is surrived by six daughters, four sons, a sister and a brother. MRS. R. J. EARNSHAW.

Pinckney Earnshaw. B. B. HAMILTON. Mrs.

R. J. Earnshaw, 81, of ton, D. mother of Mrs. R.

tin, of Atlanta, died Wednesday in Washington. Services will be at 2 o'clock this afternoon. She vived by two others daughters, M. Couden and Miss Margaret and three sons. George, Robert WashingH.

Marmorning held there is surMrs. John Earnshaw, J. and Funeral and interment services for Benjamin B. Hamilton, of 05 East Fair street, who died early Thursday afternoon at his residence, will be conducted at Eastman. where the body will be sent this morning.

He is survived by his widow: one son, Irvin Hamilton, of Atlanta, and five daughters, Mrs. W. H. of Fitzgerald; Mrs. J.

0. Smith, of Chauncey, and Miss Tommie Hamilton, Miss Lillie. Mae Hamilton and Miss Phoebe Hamilton, all of Atlanta. F. D.

BISHOP. Services for Frank D. Bishop. of Pal. metto, will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Harrison Road Baptist church.

Interment will be in College Park cemetery with H. M. Patterson Son in charge. Rites in Fayetteville For Miss Nola Dorsey Services for Miss Nola Dorsey, 76, relative of several prominent Georgians, who died early Thursday at her home in Fayetteville, will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Fayetteville Methodist church by the Rev. C.

D. Reid. Interment will be in the Fayetteville cemetery. Miss was a native and a lifelong resident of Fayetteville, where she was known and loved by a wide circle of friends. She is survived by a sister, Miss Evie Dorsey a brother, Judge Edgar P.

Dorsey, and the following nephews and nieces Former Governor Hugh M. Dorsey, Mrs. Luther Z. Rosser, Cam Dorsey, Roy Dorsey, of Chicago; E. F.

Dorsey, Rufus D. Cooper, Dr. R. Dorsey and Ben H. Dorsey.

Three Men Escape Mitchel Field 'Pen' 18. military MITCHEL -Three FIELD. long-term N. bound prisoners Sept. And prison today gagged their guard and escaped.

The three, George F. Polito, 19: William E. Townsend, 23, and Charles E. Brue, 28, had been brought from Fort Jay, Governors' Island, six months ago. OKLAHOMA FLIERS PASS 100TH HOUR OKLAHOMA CITY, Sept.

18. (P) Bennett Griffin and Roy Hunt, local aviators, were aloft today on the second 100-hour period of their attempt to better the refueling endurance flight record of 647 hours 38 minutes, recently established at St. Louis by Dale Jackson and Forrest 0'Brine. At 10:36 a. m.

they had been in the air 117 hours. The motor of their monoplane was running smoothly and the fliers reported they were "feeling fine." In Memoriam. In loving memory of our dear wife, mother and grandmother, who left us one year ago tonight. J. T.

LEE, CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our many friends and relatives for their kind sympathy and beautiful floral offerings in the recent bereavement of our dear husband and father, Mr. G. W.


Funeral Notices Brothers, Fayetteville. Lodge Notices The regular communication of Lakewood Lodge No. 443, F. A. will be held this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock.

Duly qualified brefhren cordially and fraternally invited to meet with us. By order of J. F. MONROE, W. M.

FRED F. EDWARDS, Sec. The regular communication of Palestine Lodge No. 486, F. A.

will be held in the Masonic Temple this (Friday) evening, September 19, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. The Felloweraft degree will be conferred. Ail duly qualified brethren are cordially and fraternally invited to meet with us. By order of WM. PERRIN NICOLSON, W.

M. J. L. HARGROVE, Sec. The regular communication of E.

A. Minor Lodge No. 603, F. A. will be held in the lodge rooms, corner Flat Shoals and Glenwood avenues, this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock.

All duly qualified brethren are cordially invited to meet with us. By order cf DANA W. ROBINSON, W. M. WILEY P.

JACKSON, Sec. The regular. communication of W. D. Luckie Lodge No.

89, F. day) temple A. at at 7:30 will West be End m. held this All in duly (Fri- its p. qualified brethren are cordially and fraternally invited to meet with us.

By order of L. H. PALMER, W. M. M.

A. CASON, Sec. NICHOLS -Funeral for Mr. George Van Nichols, 43 years of age, who died Wednesday, will take place this (Friday) morning at 10 o'clock, from the chapel of Awtry Lowndes Co. Rev.

M. M. Walraven and Rev. Wilkie Collins will officiate. Interment, Crest Lawn cemetery.

BEAM--The friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Claud T. Beam and Miss Audry Beam, Mr. and Mrs.

R. H. Beam, Mr. and Mrs. 0.

C. Beam, of Blue Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.

Greer, Mrs. Mittie Beam, and Mrs. R. A. Ward and Mr.

Bob Ward, both of Cuthbert, are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Claude T. Beam and Miss Audry Beam this (Friday) afternoon at 3 o'clock from the chapel of Awtry and Lowndes. Rev.

Marvin Franklin will officiate. Interment at Cuthbert, Ga. DORSEY- -Friends and relatives of Miss Nola Dorsey, Miss Evie Dorsey, Mr. S. D.

Dorsey, Mrs. H. F. Cooper, of Douglasville, and Mr. E.

L. Dorsey, of Dry Branch, are invited to attend the funeral of Miss Nola Dorsey this (Friday) afternoon. at 2:30 o'clock, from the Fayetteville Methodist church. The Rev. C.

D. Reid will officiate. Interment will be in the Fayetteville cemetery. The following gentlemen have been requested to officiate as pallbearers, and are asked to be at the residence at 2:15 o'clock. Friday afternoon: Dr.

R. T. Dorsey, Governor Hugh Dorsey, Mr. Cam Dorsey, Judge L. Z.

Rosser, Mr. E. L. Dorsey, Mr. Gordon Cooper, Mr.

H. P. Redwine and Mr. Hanson Murphy. Redwine Brothers, Fayetteville.

1214 louses LET US ARRANGE YOUR MESSAGE PROFESSIONAL CARDS Albert Howell Hugh Howell Arthur Heyman Herman Heyman Mark Bolding W. P. Blood worth HOWELL, HEYMAN BOLDING Lawyers 506 to 520 Connally Bldg. Atlanta. Ga.

Nos. 815-17 Ponce de Leon N. E. Three and four-room apartments, papered walls and electric refrigerators. These are high-class apartments, renting at a very low price.

ADAIR REALTY LOAN COMPANY WA. 0100 Realtors Healey Bldg. Printers- -Lithographers -Engravers Office Furniture and Supplies FOOTE DAVIES CO. "Five Seconds from Five Points" WAlnut 4600 MONEY At lowest interest rates on Improved North Side and new South Side properties. HAAS HOWELL BUILDING WALNUT 8111 HAAS-HOWELL Funeral Notices LEACH--The friends and relatives of Mr.

and Mrs. A. Culver Leach, Scottdale, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leach, Mr.

William Allen Leach, Miss Jennelle Leach, Mr. Joe Leach, Scottdale, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leach, Stone Mountain, Air, and Mrs. Henry Holcomb, Scottdale, Miss Evie Leach, Miss Georgia Leach and Mrs.

Clara McAllister, Atlanta, are invited to attend the funeral services of Mr. Allen Culver Leach Saturday afternoon, September 20, 1930, at 2 o'clock at Scottdale Presbyterian church, Rev. T. P. Burgess, Rev.

B. L. Bond and Rev. J. B.

Spivey officiating. Interment in Indian Creek cemetery. A. S. Turner, funeral 1 director.

HAMILTON- Benjamin B. Hamilton died at the residence, 95 East Fair street, early Thursday afternoon, September 18, 1930. Besides his widow he is survived by one son, Mr. Irwin Hamilton, of Atlanta; five daughters, Mrs. W.

H. Godfrey, Fitzgerald, Mrs. J. 0. Smith, Chauncey, Miss Tommie Hamilton, Miss Lillie Mae Hamilton, and Miss Phoebe Hamilton, all of Atlanta.

The body will be carried via Southern railway to Eastman, this (Friday) morning for funeral and interment. Brandon Williams, funeral directors, in charge. ROAN- The friends of Mr. and Mrs. A.

A. Roan, Ben Hill, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.

Hutchins, Atlanta; Miss Laurie Roan, A. W. Roan, Ben Hill; J. T. Roan, Manchester, Mr.

and Mrs. Tom Hammond, Mrs. J. H. Ladda, Mrs.

Clayt Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. Ewell Atkinson, all of Griffin, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom 1 Atkinson, of Florida, are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs.

A. A. Roan, at 11 o'clock this (Friday) morning, from Rehoboth church, Griffin, Ga. Rev. J.

E. Sammons will officiate. Funeral cortege will proceed from the chapel of Awtry Lowndes at 9 o'clock. Interment, Rehoboth cemetery. VAUGHAN- The friends and relatives of Mrs.

J. Oscar Vaughn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry DiCristina, Jacksonville, Mrs. Marion Vaughan Tilden, Jacksonville, Lieutenant and Mrs.

George B. Gelly, St. Petersburg, Mrs. Lucie G. Vaughan, Lynchburg, Mrs.

David H. Howard, Lynchburg, Mrs. J. V. Hudson, Lynchburg, and Mr.

B. Estes Vaughan, Lexington, are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. J. Oscar Vaughan this (Friday) morning, September 19, 1930, at 10 o'clock, at the Sacred Heart church. Father John Emmerth will officiate.

Interment Oakland cemetery. The following gentlemen are requested to serve as pallbearers and will please meet at the residence, 162 Peachtree circle, N. at 9:30 o'clock: Mr. L. A.

Morris, Mr. Robert B. Troutman, Mr. Ewing Dean, Dr. Calhoun McDougal, Dr.

Stephen T. Barnett, Mr. Thomas Howell Scott, Mr. William H. Schroeder, Felix DeGolian and Mr.

Otey Mitchell. H. M. Patterson Son. BISHOP--The friends and relatives of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank D. Bishop, Palmetto, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith and Mr.

and Mrs. E. C. Bishop, all of College Park, Mrs. L.

E. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.

Alston, Mrs. W. L. McGahee, Lyndhurst, Bishop and N. Mr.

Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. C. L.

Bishop are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Frank D. Bishop this (Friday) afternoon, September 19, 1930, at 2:30 o'clock, at the Harrison Road Baptist church, College Park, Ga. Rev. W.

A. White will officiate. Interment College Park cemetery. The following gentlemen are requested serve as pallbearers and will please meet at the residence of Mrs. Smith.

Harrison road, College Park, at 2 o'clock: Mr. Luther Hamilton, Mr. E. J. Wynne, Mr.

E. C. Rose, Mr. c. C.

Farmer, Mr. G. S. Martin, and Mr. S.

G. Mason. Members of the B. of L. E.

lodge, No. 207, are especially invited to attend. H. M. Patterson Son.

Ed Bond Condon Co. Funeral Directors Ambulance Lady Attendant 125 Ivy Street, N. E. WAlnut 1768 Cuba Denies Charges Of Sculptor's Wife MIAMI, Sept. -Cabled denial of charges made here recently by Mrs.

Richard Struyf that her husband, a Belgian sculptor, has been threatened with imprisonment unless he ceased trying to collect money allegedly due him from the Cuban government, was made here today by Dr. Florencio Guerra, Cuban consul. The cablegram was signed by Senor Martinez Ortiz, secretary of state for Cuba. who stated that Struyf's claims would be paid in due time. The claims of the Belgian are receiving the same attention as those of the workmen and artists employed the construction of the new $17.000,000 capitol building.

the cablegram said, and mist undergo regular procedure before being paid. Mrs. Struyf notified the state department at Washington, J. Bland, Belgian consul at Jacksonville. that her husband had been thre tened with "imprisonment or worse IF he continued to press his claims for col.

lection. She is an American citizen she said, and came to Miami. from Havana seeking to aid her husband. France Increases Defense Budget RAMBOUILLET, France, Sept. 18.

(P)--An increase 750.000.000 francs in France's defense budget was made known when the finance minister's figures for the next year were handed to the cabinet today. While Premier Tardieu's economy orders had been made effective and the cabinet had approved the proposals at an over-all figure slightly under the current budget the total is 50.100.000,000 francs (about 000.000), about 6.000.000 francs were pared off the estimates so that taxes might not hare to be increased. The PRIVATE LOANS 03 Diamonds. Watches and Jewelry W. M.

LEWIS co. 4TH FLOOR PETERS BLDG. fo ATLANTIC CITY Facing Ocean and Boardwalk Distinguished. Modern. Fireproof.

Nude sun baths under care of experienced attendant. Bathing direct from guests rooms. Gerage ea premises Send for CUP descriptire portfolio. ON CORPORATION war, navy and air ministries and other military departments were allowed 12,200,000 francs, nearly onefourth of the budget. This is threequarters of a billion francs more than present budget figures for defense.

In addition there will be available the large extra credits which already have been voted for a vast system of frontier defenses. The new budget system adopted last spring opens the fiscal year on April 1. 50 Persons Injured In Dynamite Blast EVERETT, Sept. Fifty persons were injured, one seriously, and property for miles around was damaged by an explosion of 5,000 pounds of dynamite which destroyed the Puget Sound and Alaska powder plant yesterday. The blast followed a fire which originated in the nitroglycerin mixing vat where three of the plant's 45 employes were working overtime.

They ran to a place of safety before the blaze reached stored dynamite. Nearly all windows in the town of Mililteo. a mile distant, and many in Everett, seven miles away, were shattered. Indiana Authorities Claim Ted Geisking LOUISVILLE, Sept. Geisking, held here for several days as a suspect in the Lingle murder, waived extradition today and was taken back to Indiana to face charges of participation in a jail break at Rising Sun.

Sheriff Neal, of Ohio county, Indiana, took the prisoner away in an automobile. Other charges also wait him in Indiana, including automobile banditry. Witnesses who saw the Chicago reporter shot said yesterday Keisking was not the slayer and Chicago authorities dropped their interest in him and agreed to let Indiana have him. STIMSON CONFERS WITH GUGGENHEIM WASHINGTON, Sept. (P)- Harry F.

Guggenheim, United States ambassador to Cuba, held a lengthy conference with Secretary of State Stimson today, after which he told newspapermen he expected to return to Havana during the first week in October. The ambassador declined to comment on the situation in Cuba, which recently has been reported to be unsettled. The ambassador arrived here by plane from Roosevelt field. New York, at about 9:30 a. m.

(E. S. Ile was undecided how long he would remain in the capital. AWTRY LOWNDES DIPE TOES LADY ATTENDANT WA 7066 (COLORED.) KING -Funeral services for little Joseph King will be held at 10 a. m.

today (Friday) at chapel of David T. Howard Co. MOORE Mary Moore passed away at her residence, 40 Thirkield avenue, S. Thursday morning. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

David T. Howard Co. STEWART- and relatives of Mr. John Stewart, of 200 Hilliard street, N. are invited to attend the funeral services tonight (Friday) at 8 p.

from our chapel. The remains will be sent to Clover, S. for interment. Hanley Co. HOUSTON-Friends and relatives of Mrs.

Bessie Houston, of 900 Hobson street, are invited to attend the funeral this (Friday) at 2 from South Atlanta M. E. church. Rev. Queen will officiate.

Interment South View cemetery. Hanley Co. DRUMMOND The relatives and friends of Mrs. Grace Drummond, Miss Grace Walker, Mrs. Ola Godard, Miss Alfreda Drummond and Mr.

Jesse Mathews are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Grace Drummond this (Friday) afternoon, September 19, 1930, at 2 o'clock, from our chapel. Rev. J. W.

Queen will officiate. Interment in South View cemetery. Cox funeral directors. SCOTT-Friends and relatives of Mr. Oliver Scott, Mrs.

Easter Roberts, Mrs. Willie Mae Scott and the late Oscar Scott, of Griffin, are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Oliver Scott, who departed this life last Wednesday night at the Griffin hospital, from injuries received in auto accident. Funeral services will be held at Mt. Zion Baptist church, Rev.

E. M. Johnson officiating. Interment will be in the Rover cemetery, at Rover. Ga.

John C. Crocket, funeral director, of Griffin, will be in charge. BELLAMY- The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bellamy, Mr.

Jesse Bellamy, of Palmetto, Mrs. Annie Sue Smith, Mrs. Cora Henry, Mrs. Louise Reese, of Dayton, Ohio; Mrs. Nancy Toles, Mrs.

Beulah Harris, of Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bellamy, Mr. Parker Bellamy, Mrs. Lula Bellamy, Mrs.

Frances Bellamy and Mr. John Henry Bellamy, of Palmetto, are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Ira Bellamy Saturday afternoon, September 20, 1930, from Palmetto Baptist church at 2 o'clock. Rev. Hampton will officiate.

Interment in Palmetto cemetery. Cox funeral directors. ZABAN STORAGE CO. Storage, Moving. Packing.

Household Goods. WA. 2701..

The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.