Pseudomonas syringae Catalases Are Collectively Required ... - [PDF Document] (2024)

Pseudomonas syringae Catalases Are Collectively Required ... - [PDF Document] (1)

Published Ahead of Print 13 July 2012. 2012, 194(18):5054. DOI: 10.1128/JB.00999-12. J. Bacteriol.

and James R. AlfanoMing Guo, Anna Block, Crystal D. Bryan, Donald F. BeckerPathogenesisCollectively Required for Plant Pseudomonas syringae Catalases Are information and services can be found at:

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Pseudomonas syringae Catalases Are Collectively Required ... - [PDF Document] (2)

Pseudomonas syringae Catalases Are Collectively Required for PlantPathogenesis

Ming Guo,a,b Anna Block,a,b Crystal D. Bryan,c* Donald F. Becker,c,d and James R. Alfanoa,b,d

Center for Plant Science Innovation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USAa; Department of Plant Pathology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USAb;Department of Biochemistry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USAc; and Redox Biology Center, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USAd

The bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 must detoxify plant-produced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) inorder to survive in its host plant. Candidate enzymes for this detoxification include the monofunctional catalases KatB and KatEand the bifunctional catalase-peroxidase KatG of DC3000. This study shows that KatG is the major housekeeping catalase ofDC3000 and provides protection against menadione-generated endogenous H2O2. In contrast, KatB rapidly and substantiallyaccumulates in response to exogenous H2O2. Furthermore, KatB and KatG have nonredundant roles in detoxifying exogenousH2O2 and are required for full virulence of DC3000 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Therefore, the nonredundant ability of KatB andKatG to detoxify plant-produced H2O2 is essential for the bacteria to survive in plants. Indeed, a DC3000 catalase triple mutantis severely compromised in its ability to grow in planta, and its growth can be partially rescued by the expression of katB, katE,or katG. Interestingly, our data demonstrate that although KatB and KatG are the major catalases involved in the virulence ofDC3000, KatE can also provide some protection in planta. Thus, our results indicate that these catalases are virulence factors forDC3000 and are collectively required for pathogenesis.

Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 is a hemibiotrophicGram-negative bacterium that is the causative agent of bacte-

rial speck disease in susceptible cultivars of tomato (Solanum ly-copersicum) and a virulent pathogen of the model plant Arabidop-sis thaliana. P. syringae can live both as an epiphyte and in theaerial tissues of its host plants. It infects its host through woundsor natural openings such as stomata and lives extracellularly in theapoplast. Plants can recognize conserved molecules on invadingmicrobes called pathogen (microbe)-associated molecular pat-terns (PAMPs/MAMPs) using pattern recognition receptors(PRRs). This recognition leads to activation of a set of host im-mune responses aimed at the removal or restriction of the invad-ing microbe. These responses are collectively termed PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI) (2, 40). In order to be a successfulpathogen, P. syringae must suppress, tolerate, or evade the PTIresponse of its host plant.

One of the earliest outputs of PTI in Arabidopsis is an oxidativeburst that occurs within minutes of pathogen detection (30, 40).This oxidative burst consists of a rapid and transient productionof reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) and superoxide (O2

�). In Arabidopsis, the apoplastic oxi-dative burst appears to be, at least in part, due to activation of theplasma membrane-localized NADPH oxidases AtrbohD andAtrbohF (6, 29, 50) and apoplastic and peroxisomal peroxidases(10, 36). In addition to the apoplastic oxidative burst, plant ROSare also produced by perturbations in metabolic processes, partic-ularly the uncoupling or inhibition of photosynthesis and photo-respiration (23).

ROS play multiple roles in plant defense, as they can be signal-ing molecules, form oxidative cross-linkages in the plant cell wallto prevent pathogen ingress, or impact bacterial growth (46). Thehigh levels of ROS that accumulate in the apoplast during theoxidative burst could potentially kill invading microbes directly.ROS are toxic for bacteria, as they cause DNA breakage, oxidationof critical enzymes, and lipid peroxidation leading to defectiveDNA replication and malfunction of proteins and membranes (5,

18, 25). Consequently, ROS, including H2O2, could limit the abil-ity of DC3000 to multiply and survive in the plant apoplast. It istherefore critical for P. syringae to suppress and/or detoxify theseROS in order to be pathogenic in its host plant.

Like other pathogens, P. syringae uses multiple strategies toovercome plant innate immunity and to cause disease in hostplants. A major virulence mechanism of DC3000 is the injection ofa battery of virulence proteins called type III effectors into theplant cell by using the type III secretion system. Many of these typeIII effectors suppress plant innate immunity, and several havebeen shown to interact with and inhibit PRRs and other PTI sig-naling components (1). This inhibition attenuates but does noteliminate the production of the oxidative burst; therefore, P. sy-ringae must retain the ability to detoxify apoplastic H2O2. Severalbacterial pathogens have been shown to use catalases to detoxifyH2O2 by converting it to water and oxygen. For example, a catalaseof the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is induced inresponse to oxidative stress and provides resistance to H2O2 (3,34). In addition, the catalases of phytopathogenic or plant-associ-ated bacteria such as P. syringae pv. phaseolicola (37), Pseudomo-nas putida (24), and Sinorhizobium meliloti (19) are also inducedin planta, indicating that bacterial catalases may be involved in thedetoxification of plant-produced ROS.

Most pathogenic P. syringae strains, including the sequencedstrains P. syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448a and P. syringae pv. syrin-

Received 5 June 2012 Accepted 9 July 2012

Published ahead of print 13 July 2012

Address correspondence to James R. Alfano, [emailprotected].

* Present address: Crystal D. Bryan, Sackler Graduate School Biomedical Sciences,Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

M.G. and A.B. contributed equally to this article.

Copyright © 2012, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


5054 Journal of Bacteriology p. 5054–5064 September 2012 Volume 194 Number 18

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gae B728a, have 5 catalases. These are the heme-containing cata-lases katA, katB, katE, and katG and a nonheme catalase (12, 22).However, DC3000 contains only three of these catalase genes: katB(PSPTO_3582), katE (PSPTO_5263), and katG (PSPTO_4530)(4). KatB and KatE are monofunctional catalases, whose substrateis exclusively H2O2, while KatG is a bifunctional catalase, alsoknown as hydroperoxidase, which exhibits both catalase and per-oxidase activity (42). Bifunctional catalases are able to use organicperoxides as substrates as well as H2O2. Different species of phy-topathogenic bacteria have been shown to use different catalasesto assist in their virulence in planta. For instance, Agrobacteriumtumefaciens uses KatA, Xanthom*onas campestris pv. campestrisuses KatA and KatG, and Xanthom*onas axonopodis pv. citri usesKatE (21, 45, 49). Interestingly, the symbiotic bacterium Sinorhi-zobium meliloti uses both mono- and bifunctional catalases to aidits symbiosis (20, 41). It is not known which, if any, of DC3000’scatalases protect it from plant-derived ROS or if they play an im-portant role in its virulence. Here, we assess the relative roles of thecatalases of DC3000 and show that catalases are important P. sy-ringae virulence factors.

MATERIALS AND METHODSBacterial strains and growth conditions. All Escherichia coli strains weregrown in LM medium with appropriate antibiotics at 37°C. Pseudomonassyringae pv. tomato DC3000 strains were grown in King’s B (KB) medium(26) or Casamino Acids M9 medium at 30°C. Antibiotics were used at thefollowing concentrations: ampicillin (Ap), 100 �g ml�1; gentamicin(Gm), 1 �g ml�1; kanamycin (Km), 50 �g ml�1; rifampin (Rif), 100 �gml�1; spectinomycin (Sp), 50 �g ml�1; and tetracycline (Tc), 20 �g ml�1.

DNA manipulation. Well-described protocols were followed for stan-dard DNA manipulations (39). Restriction enzymes, T4 ligase, and DNApolymerase were purchased from New England BioLabs (Beverly, MA).The thermostable Pfu DNA polymerase (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA) wasused to amplify the desired DNA fragments by PCR. Oligonucleotideprimers were ordered from Integrated DNA Technologies (Coralville,IA). For cloning using Gateway technology, the PCR-amplified DNA re-gions were cloned into the pENTR/D-TOPO vector (Invitrogen, Carls-bad, CA). The resulting pENTR constructs were recombined with Gate-way destination vectors by LR reaction using LR Clonase (Invitrogen)according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Construction of DC3000 catalase mutants. An unmarked mutagen-esis strategy modified from House et al. (17) was used to constructDC3000 catalase mutants. Briefly, upstream or downstream DNA regionsof each catalase gene were PCR amplified with Pfu polymerase (Strat-agene) and then cloned into the pENTR/D-TOPO vector (Invitrogen,Carlsbad, CA). The upstream and downstream DNA regions of katB wereamplified with primer pairs P2587 (5=-CACCAAGGCTTACCGGGGCTGAATG-3=)/P2588 (5=-CGGCATTTTGAATCCCTCATATTT-3=) andP2593 (5=-CACCAAGGTCAAGTCACTGGCTG-3=)/P2592 (5=-AATGGCACCAGTGCGTTCATC-3=), respectively; those of katE with primerpairs P2594 (5=-CACCAGCGCGATGGCAGTGACG-3=)/P2595 (5=-AGCCATCAGAAACTCCTTATC-3=) and P2596 (5=-CACCGCTTGATCTAAACGCCAG-3=)/P2597 (5=-ATGGCTGATTTTCTACTG-3=), respec-tively; and those of katG with primer pairs P2598 (5=-CACCCCGGAAGATTCTCGCC-3=)/P2599 (5=-TGACATGCTTGATACACC-3=) andP2600 (5=-CACCTGAACCTGGACCGTTTCG-3=)/P2601 (5=-ATGCTCCATTTATTCCGC-3=), respectively. The resulting pENTR constructswere recombined with suicidal destination vector pMK2016 or pMK2017,respectively, using LR Clonase according to the manufacturer’s instruc-tions. The pMK2016 and pMK2017 derivatives were recombined into theDC3000 chromosome by triparental or biparental mating. The conjugat-ing plasmid pBH474, which constitutively expresses flp recombinase, wasthen introduced into the resulting strains to excise the targeted catalasegenes. The strains were cured of the plasmid, and colonies sensitive to

both tetracycline and spectinomycin were identified as catalase deletionmutants. The flp recombinase-dependent deletion results in a 230-bp scarbetween the flanking sequences of the deleted gene (17). All mutants wereconfirmed by sequencing the PCR-amplified scar using primers to theflanking sequences of the genes.

For the complementation strains, catalases under the control of theirnative promoters were expressed individually using the Tn7 expressionsystem (7). The catalase genes with their native promoters were amplifiedusing P3391 (5=-CACCACTAGTACGACACTGTCATCTTCCTG-3=)and P2621 (5=-GTATAGCCTTGTTCGTC-3=) for katB; P2978 (5=-CACCACTAGTTCAGCGCAGTGGCAGGACGC-3=) and P3393 (5=-AGTAAGCTTCTCCTTATCTCGACCCAATC-3=) for katE; and P2980 (5=-CACCACTAGTTGGCAGAGCCCTTCGCTACGC-3=) and P2826 (5=-GGTGGATGTGCATTTGAAG-3=) for katG. The PCR fragments were clonedinto pENTR, resulting in pLN4540 (katB), pLN4543 (katE), and pLN4539(katG). The above plasmids were recombined with the Gateway compat-ible Tn7 vector pUC18T mini-Tn7T-Gm-GW, resulting in Tn7 con-structs pLN4225 (katB), pLN4223 (katE), and pLN4224 (katG). The re-sulting Tn7 constructs were coelectroporated with the helper plasmidpTNS2 into their respective mutant strains. The gentamicin-resistant col-onies were selected for Tn7 transposition events. Plasmids and strainsused in this study are listed in Table 1.

Hydrogen peroxide inhibition zone assay. The H2O2 growth inhibi-tion assays were performed as described by Xu and Pan (49), with modi-fications. Briefly, DC3000 strains were grown overnight at 30°C on KBplates. The cultures were resuspended in liquid KB medium, adjusted toan optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of 0.3, and mixed with 0.4% (wt/vol)agar at a ratio of 1:10 (vol/vol). Five milliliters of the mixture was layeredon plates containing 20 ml of KB agar. A filter disk of 0.5 cm in diameterwas then placed in the center of the plate, and 10 �l of 3% H2O2 (vol/vol)was applied to the disk. The plate was incubated at 30°C overnight. Pic-tures were taken after incubation, and the diameters of the inhibitionzones were measured.

Menadione growth inhibition assay. DC3000 strains grown over-night on KB plates were resuspended in liquid KB medium and adjustedto an OD600 of 0.1. Tenfold serial dilutions were made in liquid KB me-dium, and 5 �l of each dilution was spotted onto KB plates with or with-out 0.2 mM menadione. Pictures were taken after incubation at 30°C for 2days.

In vitro catalase assay. Crude total protein extracts of DC3000 strainswere used to determine total catalase activity. DC3000, the catalase mu-tants, and the catalase mutants expressing catalases under the control oftheir native promoters in the Tn7 system were grown in 5 ml of liquid M9Casamino Acids medium at 30°C to stationary phase. Cells were harvestedfrom 2 ml of culture, and total protein was extracted by sonication. Pro-tein concentration was determined using a Bradford assay, and catalaseactivity was determined using the catalase fluorometric detection kit (As-say Designs) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Catalase assay for purified recombinant catalases. All three DC3000catalase genes were cloned into pGEX-5X-1 as N-terminal glutathioneS-transferase (GST) fusions. katB was amplified with primers P3742 (5=-CACCGGATCCCCATGCCGTTATTAAACTGGTC-3=) and P3743 (5=-AGTACTCGAGTCAGTCTTTCAGGCTGGCAG-3=); katE with primersP3744 (5=-CACCGGATCCCCATGGCTAGCAAGAAAGCACC-3=) andP3745 (5=-AGTAGTCGACTCAAGCCGGAACAGCTTTGG-3=); andkatG with primers P3746 (5=-CACCGGATCCCCATGTCAACTGAATCGAAATG-3=) and P3747 (5=-AGTACTCGAGTCAAGCGAGGTCGAAACGGT-3=). The above DNA fragments were cloned into the BamHI andXhoI sites of pGEX-5X-1, resulting in pLN4180, pLN4181, and pLN4182,respectively. The GST-tagged catalases were induced in E. coli BL21 cellswith 0.1 mM IPTG (isopropyl-�-D-thiogalactopyranoside). Cells werelysed by sonication in 1� phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with CompleteEDTA-free protease inhibitor (Roche), and 0.5% (vol/vol) Triton X-100was added. GST-tagged proteins were purified using the BugBuster GST-bind purification kit (Novagen) according to the manufacturer’s instruc-

Pseudomonas syringae Catalases

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tions. Catalase-specific activity was determined for the purified proteinsin 60 mM KH2PO4 (pH 7.5) with 8.8 mM H2O2. One unit of activity isdefined as the amount of enzyme that will decompose 1.0 �mol of H2O2

per min at pH 7.5, as measured by the rate of decrease of A240.Analysis of catalase gene expression. Catalase mRNA levels were

measured by semiquantitative reverse transcription (RT)-PCR. For tran-scription analysis in culture, DC3000 was grown in liquid M9 Casamino

Acids medium at 30°C to an OD600 of 0.3 and H2O2 was added to a finalconcentration of 1 mM. Samples were taken at the indicated time pointsand cells harvested and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen. For expression ofDC3000 catalase genes in planta, 2 � 108 cells ml�1 of DC3000 in 10 mMMgCl2 was syringe infiltrated into Arabidopsis Col-0 leaves. Leaf disks of 1cm2 were harvested at the indicated times and flash frozen in liquid nitro-gen. RNA was extracted using the RNeasy plant mini spin kit (Qiagen)

TABLE 1 Plasmids and strains used in this study

Strain or plasmid Characteristics Reference or source

StrainsE. coli DB3.1 F� gyrA462 endA1 �(sr1-recA) mcrB mrr hsdS20 (rB

� mB�) supE44 ara-14 galK2 lacY1 proA2

rpsL20 (Smr) xyl-5 �� leu mtl-1Invitrogen

E. coli DH5� supE44 �lacU169 (�80lacZ�M15) hsdR17 recA1 endA1 gyrA96 thi-1 relA1, Nalr 14; Life TechnologiesE. coli S17-1 � pir Tpr Smr recA thi pro hsd r� m RP4::2-Tc::Mu::Km Tn7 �[] pir K. N. TimmisP. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 Wild type; spontaneous Rifr 9UNL204 DC3000 unmarked mutant lacking katB, Rifr This workUNL211 DC3000 unmarked mutant lacking katB and katE, Rifr This workUNL213 DC3000 unmarked mutant lacking katE, Rifr This workUNL222 DC3000 unmarked mutant lacking katG, Rifr This workUNL223 DC3000 unmarked mutant lacking katB and katG, Rifr This workUNL225 DC3000 unmarked mutant lacking katE and katG, Rifr This workUNL254 DC3000 unmarked mutant lacking katB, katE, and katG; Rifr This work

PlasmidspBH474 Broad-host-range plasmid harboring sacB and constitutively expressing flp, sucrose

sensitive, Gmr


pENTR/D-TOPO Gateway system donor vector, Kmr InvitrogenpGEX5x-1 Vector expressing GST fusion proteins, Apr GE Healthcare Life

SciencespLN3083 pENTR derivative carrying downstream of katB, Kmr This workpLN3084 pENTR derivative carrying upstream of katB, Kmr This workpLN3085 pENTR derivative carrying downstream of katE, Kmr This workpLN3086 pENTR derivative carrying upstream of katE, Kmr This workpLN3087 pENTR derivative carrying downstream of katG, Kmr This workpLN3088 pENTR derivative carrying upstream of katG, Kmr This workpLN3095 pMK2016 derivative carrying downstream of katB, Spr This workpLN3096 pMK2017 derivative carrying upstream of katB, Tcr This workpLN3097 pMK2017 derivative carrying downstream of katE, Tcr This workpLN3098 pMK2016 derivative carrying upstream of katB, Spr This workpLN3099 pMK2017 derivative carrying downstream of katG, Tcr This workpLN3100 pMK2016 derivative carrying upstream of katG, Spr This workpLN3357 pENTR derivative carrying katE-HA with its native promoter, Kmr This workpLN3358 pENTR derivative carrying katG-HA with its native promoter, Kmr This workpLN3364 pENTR derivative carrying katB-HA with its native promoter, Kmr This workpLN3365 pUC18T mini-Tn7T-Gm-GW derivative carrying katB-HA with its native promoter, Gmr This workpLN4180 pGEX5x-1 derivative carrying katB ORF fused with GST at N terminus, Apr This workpLN4181 pGEX5x-1 derivative carrying katE ORF fused with GST at N terminus, Apr This workpLN4182 pGEX5x-1 derivative carrying katG ORF fused with GST at N terminus, Apr This workpLN4379 pUC18T mini-Tn7T-Gm-GW derivative carrying katE-HA with its native promoter, Apr Gmr This workpLN4380 pUC18T mini-Tn7T-Gm-GW derivative carrying katG-HA with its native promoter, Apr Gmr This workpLN4381 pUC18T mini-Tn7T-Gm-GW derivative carrying katB-HA with its native promoter, Apr Gmr This workpLN4539 pENTR derivative carrying katG with its native promoter, Kmr This workpLN4540 pENTR derivative carrying katB with its native promoter, Kmr This workpLN4541 pUC18T mini-Tn7T-Gm-GW derivative carrying katG with its native promoter, Apr Gmr This workpLN4542 pUC18T mini-Tn7T-Gm-GW derivative carrying katB with its native promoter, Apr Gmr This workpLN4543 pENTR derivative carrying katE with its native promoter, Kmr This workpLN4544 pUC18T mini-Tn7T-Gm-GW derivative carrying katE with its native promoter, Apr Gmr This workpMK2016 oriV oriTColE1 with FRTa cassette, Spr 17pMK2017 oriVR6K oriTRP4 with FRT cassette, Tcr 17pRK2013 Helper plasmid, Kmr 38pTNS2 Tn7 helper plasmid, Apr 7pUC18T mini-Tn7T-Gm-GW Tn7 destination vector compatible with Gateway cloning, Apr Gmr 7

a FRT, flippase recognition target.

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with on-column DNase digestion according to the manufacturer’s in-structions. RNA was quantified and cDNA synthesized using Retroscript(AMBION) with random decamer priming. PCR was performed using anicycler (Bio-Rad) with IQ-SYBR-green supermix (Bio-Rad). katB was am-plified with primers P4008 (5=-CGACCTGAGCAAGGCGACCG-3=) andP4009 (5=-GCGCAGGGTTTCTGGCGAGT-3=); katE with primersP4010 (5=-CAGTGGACGGCGGCTTCGAG-3=) and P4011 (5=-GCGCTCGACCTTGCCCAACT-3=); and katG with primers P4012 (5=-ACGTCGGGCAGAGCAAGCAC-3=) and P4013 (5=-TCGTTGGCACCCGAAGTCGC-3=). RNA levels were normalized with 16S rRNA using primers P4006(5=-GATCCAGCCATGCCGCGTGT-3=) and P4007 (5=-GCGGCTGCTGGCACAGAGTT-3=). Relative RNA levels were calculated using the for-mula 10(�CT/3) � 100, where �CT is the difference in cycle threshold be-tween the catalase and 16S rRNA. Fold increase of expression compared tothat at time zero was then determined.

Analysis of catalase protein expression. The Tn7 expression systemwas used to express catalases tagged with a hemagglutinin (HA)epitope at their C termini under the control of their native promotersin the catalase single mutants (7). Catalase genes fused to the HAepitope with their native promoters were cloned into pENTR/D-TOPO, resulting in plasmids pLN3359 (katB-HA), pLN3357 (katE-HA), and pLN3358 (katG-HA). katB-HA was amplified with primersP2976 (5=-CACCACTAGTCATCAAATAGCCACTAACCG-3=) andP2977 (5=-GATCAAGCTTTCAAGCGTAATCTGGAACATCGTATGGGTAGTCTTTCAGGCTGGCAGCCAG-3=); katE-HA with primersP2978 (5=-CACCACTAGTTCAGCGCAGTGGCAGGACGC-3=) andP2979 (5=-ATCAAGCTTTCAAGCGTAATCTGGAACATCGTATGGGTAAGCCGGAACAGCTTTGGCCTTC-3=); and katG-HA with primersP2980 (5=-CACCACTAGTTGGCAGAGCCCTTCGCTACGC-3=) andP2981 (5=-GATCAAGCTTTCAAGCGTAATCTGGAACATCGTATGGGTAAGCGAGGTCGAAACGGTCCAG-3=). pLN3359 (katB-HA),pLN3357 (katE-HA), and pLN3358 (katG-HA) were recombined with theGateway-compatible Tn7 vector pUC18T mini-Tn7T-Gm-GW, resultingin Tn7 constructs pLN4381 (Tn7-katB-HA), pLN4379 (Tn7-katE-HA),and pLN4380 (Tn7-katG-HA), respectively. The Tn7 constructs were co-electroporated with the helper plasmid pTNS2 into their respective mu-tant strains. The gentamicin-resistant colonies were selected for Tn7transposition events. To determine the response to H2O2, the resultingstrains were grown in liquid M9 Casamino Acids medium at 30°C to anOD600 of 0.3, and H2O2 was added to a final concentration of 1 mM.Samples were taken at the indicated time points and cells harvested andflash frozen in liquid nitrogen. Total protein was extracted by sonicationin 1� PBS with complete protease inhibitors and quantified using theBradford assay. For in planta experiments, the same strains were infil-trated into Arabidopsis leaves at a cell density of 2 � 108 cells ml�1. Leafdisks were sampled with a cork borer at indicated time points after infil-tration, and total protein was extracted with 1� PBS with Complete pro-tease inhibitors and quantified using the Bradford assay. The relative lev-els of catalase proteins were visualized using immunoblotting withanti-HA antibodies.

In planta bacterial growth assay. Arabidopsis plants were grown at24°C in a growth chamber under 10-h days. Overnight cultures of bacte-rial strains grown on KB agar were resuspended to a cell density of 104 or106 cells ml�1 in 10 mM MgCl2 and infiltrated into fully expanded leavesof 5-week-old Arabidopsis plants with a needleless syringe. Leaf disks of 0.5cm in diameter were collected with a cork borer at the indicated timepoints, the samples were ground, and serial dilutions were plated onto KBagar. The bacteria were enumerated after 2 to 3 days at 30°C.

RESULTSAll three DC3000 catalases are active, and KatG is the majorhousekeeping catalase in culture. Three catalase genes, katB,katE, and katG, were identified in the DC3000 genome (4). Inorder to understand the relative importance of these catalases forDC3000, we first determined if these genes encode active catalases.

The recombinant catalases were expressed as N-terminal GST fu-sions in E. coli and purified using glutathione resin. Specific activ-ities of each purified catalase-GST as well as that of a GST controlwere determined spectrophotometrically by following the loss ofH2O2 at A240 over time (42). All three catalases were active, andKatG’s in vitro specific activity was about 4-fold higher than thoseof KatB and KatE (Fig. 1A).

As the in vitro activities of recombinant enzymes do not neces-sarily reflect their relative importance in vivo, we determined thecontribution of each catalase to the total catalase activity ofDC3000 using mutants. With unmarked mutagenesis (17), weconstructed catalase single mutants UNL204 (katB), UNL213(katE), and UNL222 (katG); double mutants UNL211 (katB katE),UNL223 (katB katG), and UNL225 (katE katG); and a catalasetriple mutant, UNL254 (katB katE katG). The total catalase activ-ity of the mutant strains was then compared to that of wild-typeDC3000. The strains were grown to stationary phase in liquidCasamino Acids M9 medium, the cells were harvested and lysed,and the total catalase activity of the crude extracts was determinedusing a catalase fluorometric detection kit. All catalase mutantstrains lacking katG were substantially reduced in catalase activity(Fig. 1B). Single or double catalase mutants that lacked katG dis-played a 95% reduction in catalase activity compared to that ofwild-type DC3000. In contrast, single mutants lacking only katBor katE had catalase activity comparable to that of wild-typeDC3000 (Fig. 1B). These data demonstrate that KatG is responsi-ble for the majority of the catalase activity of DC3000 in culture ina manner that is nonredundant with the activities of KatB andKatE. Remarkably, the catalase triple mutant lacking all three cata-lases was almost completely devoid of measurable catalase activity,indicating that KatB and KatE also contributed a small proportionof the total catalase activity of DC3000 culture (Fig. 1B). Growthcurves in rich media were performed for DC3000 and the DC3000catalase triple mutant, and no significant growth differences wereobserved (data not shown). This is interesting because it suggeststhat other enzymes such as peroxidases can protect DC3000 fromrespiration-related oxidative stress in the absence of these cata-lases.

To complement the mutants, we expressed catalase genes in-dividually under the control of their native promoters using a Tn7expression system (7). The resulting strains were grown in culture,and their catalase activity was determined as described above.Complementation with katG significantly increased the catalaseactivity of all the mutants lacking katG (Fig. 1B), confirming thatKatG is the major catalase of DC3000 cultures. Complementationwith either katB or katE led to a significant increase of the catalaseactivity only in the triple mutant (Fig. 1B), indicating that KatBand KatE are indeed functional in DC3000 and probably act in aredundant manner in culture. The 4-fold-higher specific activityof KatG than of KatB and KatE in vitro can partially explain whyKatG is the predominant catalase in DC3000 when grown in cul-ture. However, the 95% reduction in total catalase activity of thekatG single mutant compared to that of wild-type DC3000 sug-gests that factors such as expression levels of the enzymes alsocontribute to predominance of KatG.

KatB accumulation in DC3000 is strongly induced by exoge-nous H2O2. KatG appears to be the major catalase of DC3000 inculture; however, KatB and KatE are also functional. It is thereforelikely that these catalases play specific roles in DC3000. One pos-sible role is the removal of exogenous H2O2 that would otherwise

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be toxic to the bacteria. Catalases with this function are ofteninduced by H2O2. Therefore, we monitored the levels of the cata-lases of DC3000 in response to exogenous H2O2 using a two-pronged approach. First, semiquantitative RT-PCR of DC3000was used to measure the responsiveness of each catalase to theaddition of 1 mM H2O2 (Fig. 2A). Second, immunoblots of cata-lase single mutants complemented with their respective hemag-glutinin-tagged catalases, under the control of their native pro-moter, were used to determine protein levels of the catalases inculture in response to 1 mM H2O2 (Fig. 2B). In the absence ofH2O2, at time zero KatE-HA and KatG-HA were present at similarlevels, whereas KatB-HA was below the level of detection (Fig. 2B).Upon addition of H2O2, katB showed a massive increase of tran-scripts, of around 200-fold, while katG displayed a more modestinduction (Fig. 2A). This increased transcription correlated withan induction of KatB-HA at the protein level (Fig. 2B). The levelsof KatB and KatE were reduced at about 60 min, presumably asH2O2 is removed by the catalases (Fig. 2B). KatG showed a slightincrease in accumulation at around 120 min that potentially cor-relates with a reduction in the amount of KatB and KatE. The lowlevels of KatB in culture and its rapid and massive accumulation inresponse to exogenous H2O2 strongly suggest that a major func-tion of this catalase in DC3000 is the detoxification of exogenousH2O2.

The catalases KatB and KatG protect DC3000 from exoge-nous and endogenous H2O2 toxicity. The expression patterns ofDC3000 catalases indicate that KatB may play a major role indetoxifying exogenous H2O2 (Fig. 2). To investigate this, we per-formed H2O2 inhibition zone assays (43, 49) with the catalasemutant strains. In this assay, bacteria are plated on solid KB media

and H2O2 is spotted onto a filter paper disk placed in the center ofthe plate. H2O2 diffuses through the media, and the area of growthinhibition observed correlates with the concentration of H2O2

that the bacterial strains are able to detoxify. The smaller the in-hibition zone, the greater the ability of the bacteria to detoxifyH2O2.

As expected, of the strains tested, the catalase triple mutant wasthe most sensitive to H2O2, exhibiting the largest growth inhibi-tion zone (Fig. 3A). This is consistent with its almost complete lossof catalase activity (Fig. 1B). We next determined whether indi-vidual catalases were able to increase the resistance of the triplemutant to H2O2. This was accomplished using the triple mutantstrain complemented with single catalases under the control oftheir native promoters via the Tn7 system. This assay showed thatthe expression of katB in the triple mutant led to the most prom-inent reduction in the size of the H2O2 inhibition zone (Fig. 3A).The expression of katG in the triple mutant also enhanced itsresistance to H2O2, although to a lesser extent than katB (Fig. 3A).However, the expression of katE in the triple mutant did not sig-nificantly alter its ability to detoxify H2O2 (Fig. 3A). These datashow that both KatB and KatG enhanced the H2O2 tolerance ofDC3000, allowing it to grow better in the presence of exogenousH2O2.

To confirm the relative importance of KatB and KatG in H2O2

detoxification, we examined the H2O2 inhibition zones of the sin-gle and double catalase mutants and their complemented strains.Of the catalase single mutants, the katB mutant was most sensitiveto H2O2, followed by the katG mutant, while the katE mutantdisplayed an almost wild-type ability to detoxify H2O2 (Fig. 3B).The phenotypes of the katB and katG mutants were comple-

FIG 1 KatG has the highest specific activity of recombinant DC3000 catalases, and katG mutants have the greatest reduction in catalase activity in in vitro catalaseassays. (A) Catalase activity of purified recombinant catalase proteins. The catalases KatB, KatE, and KatG from DC3000 were expressed as N-terminal GSTfusions in E. coli. Specific catalase activity was determined for the purified proteins by measuring the rate of H2O2 degradation (reduction of absorbance at 240nm). One unit of catalase is defined as the amount of enzyme that decomposes 1.0 �mol of H2O2 per minute at pH 7.5. The values are means � standard errorsfrom six replicates. All three recombinant proteins are active catalases, and KatG has a 4-fold-higher specific activity than KatB and KatE. (B) Catalase activity incrude extracts of DC3000 and catalase mutant strains. Wild-type DC3000, the catalase mutants, and their complemented strains were grown in M9 CasaminoAcids liquid medium. The catalase activity of total soluble protein extracts was determined using a fluorometric catalase detection kit. Values are means �standard errors from six replicates. All strains lacking katG showed significantly less catalase activity than wild-type DC3000 or strains lacking only katB and/orkatE. katB/E, katB/G, katE/G, and katB/E/G stand for katB katE, katB katG, and katE katG double mutants and katB katE katG triple mutants, respectively.

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mented by katB and katG, respectively. Of the catalase doublemutants, the katB katG mutant had the largest inhibition zone,followed by the katB katE and katE katG mutants, respectively(Fig. 3B). Tn7 complementation with either katB or katG reducedthe inhibition zones of the double mutants lacking either katB orkatG, respectively (Fig. 3B). The additive effect of the loss of katBand katG on the sensitivity of DC3000 to H2O2 in the doublemutant was expected. Concurrent with the minor contribution ofkatE, this double mutant is as sensitive to H2O2 as the catalasetriple mutant. An unexpected result was the additive effect of theloss of katE to the loss of katB in the katB katE double mutant,which was not seen in the katE katG double mutant (Fig. 3B).These data suggest that KatE may play a subtle role in detoxifyingH2O2 that is linked to that of KatB, possibly due to common reg-ulatory factors. These data demonstrate that KatB and KatG playnonredundant roles in DC3000 for the detoxification of exoge-nous H2O2.

The removal of exogenous H2O2 is not the only way that cata-lases can protect the cell. H2O2 is also produced endogenously as aby-product from many intracellular reactions. Some catalases canact as scavengers to prevent the accumulation of toxic levels ofintracellular H2O2. To determine if KatB, KatE, or KatG ofDC3000 is involved in the removal of endogenous H2O2, we per-formed menadione growth inhibition assays. Menadione is oftenused to mimic intracellular H2O2 stress in bacteria because it gen-erates an endogenous source of H2O2 (11, 13, 31, 35). To investi-gate the ability of catalases to remove endogenous H2O2, we com-pared the growth of wild-type DC3000 to that of the catalasemutants on plates containing menadione. Of the single mutantstrains, only the katG mutant displayed significantly reducedgrowth on menadione compared to that of DC3000 (Fig. 4A).Complementation of the katG mutant restored its growth to wild-type levels, suggesting that KatG is the DC3000 catalase responsi-ble for detoxifying the majority of H2O2 generated by menadione.

Interestingly, the katB katG double mutant and the triple mu-tant were further impaired in their ability to grow on menadione-containing plates (Fig. 4B). Expression of either katB or katG in

FIG 2 Induction of DC3000 catalases in response to H2O2. (A) Expression ofDC3000 catalase genes as determined by semiquantitative RT-PCR. Wild-typeDC3000 was grown in M9 Casamino Acids medium to an OD600 of 0.2, andH2O2 was added to a final concentration of 1 mM. Catalase gene expressionrelative to 16S rRNA was determined at the indicated time points by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, and fold induction in response to H2O2 was calculated.Values are means of fold increase � standard deviations from three replicatesof each gene compared to itself in an uninduced control. The expression ofkatB is rapidly and substantially increased after H2O2 addition. (B) Accumu-lation of catalase proteins detected with immunoblots. Catalase single mutantscomplemented with HA-tagged catalases driven by their native promoters in aTn7 system were grown in M9 Casamino Acids medium to an OD600 of 0.2,and H2O2 was added to a final concentration of 1 mM. Catalase protein levelswere determined at the indicated time points by immunoblotting with an-ti-HA antibodies. KatE and KatG are present at higher levels than KatB, butKatB’s protein levels are more affected by H2O2. The experiments were re-peated three times with similar results.

FIG 3 H2O2 inhibition zone assays. (A) H2O2 inhibition zone assay forDC3000, the catalase triple mutant, and its complemented strains. Represen-tative pictures of the strains tested are shown. Below each picture is the diam-eter (cm) of the H2O2 inhibition zone � standard deviation from three repli-cates. The catalase triple mutant is hypersensitive to H2O2. Complementationwith KatB and KatG but not KatE significantly increased the tolerance of thecatalase triple mutant to H2O2. (B) H2O2 inhibition zones for wild-typeDC3000, the catalase single and double mutants, and their complementedstrains � standard deviations of three replicates. The loss of KatB or KatGresulted in an increased sensitivity to H2O2 in an additive fashion, indicatingthat these two catalases have nonredundant roles in protecting DC3000 fromexogenous H2O2. The experiments were repeated four times with similar re-sults.

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the katB katG double mutant or the triple mutant enhanced theirmenadione tolerance, indicating that both KatB and KatG func-tion to protect cells from menadione toxicity (Fig. 4B and C). Incontrast, disruption of katE in the single, double, or triple mutantshad little effect on bacterial growth, nor was the expression of katEable to exert a protective effect on any of the mutants, suggestingthat KatE is not able to alleviate menadione toxicity. These dataclearly show that in DC3000 KatG is responsible for removing themajority of the menadione-generated (i.e., intracellular) H2O2,while KatB removes a minor portion of it. KatE is apparently notsignificantly involved in removing this source of endogenousH2O2.

All three catalases are induced in planta, and KatB and KatGhave nonredundant roles in the virulence of DC3000. Plants ini-tiate a series of immune responses when perceiving microorgan-isms. One of the earliest responses is an oxidative burst that in-cludes the production of H2O2 by plasma membrane-localized

NADPH oxidases and peroxidases (10, 36, 47). The resulting rapidincrease in apoplastic ROS is potentially toxic for DC3000. Ascatalases are responsible for protecting DC3000 from exogenousH2O2, we speculated they may also provide protection against thisoxidative burst and, therefore, be important for the virulence ofDC3000. To determine the roles of these catalases in the virulenceof DC3000, we first analyzed whether they accumulate when thebacteria infect their host plants. Semiquantitative RT-PCR wasused to measure the expression of each catalase in wild-typeDC3000 syringe infiltrated at 2 �108 cells ml�1 into the leaves ofArabidopsis plants (Fig. 5A). All three catalases were transientlyinduced in planta between 0.5 and 2 h postinoculation, with katBand katE showing a 10-fold induction and katG a 4-fold induction(Fig. 5A). Protein levels of the catalases in planta were assessedusing anti-HA immunoblots of Arabidopsis leaves infiltrated with2 �108 cells ml�1 of the catalase single mutants complementedwith their respective HA-tagged catalases under the control oftheir native promoters (Fig. 5B). Immunoblots showed that KatEand KatG accumulated to similar levels but KatB expression wasbelow the level of detection (Fig. 5B). These data show that thetranscripts of all three catalases accumulate in DC3000 during itsinteraction with Arabidopsis. It is likely that they are important forP. syringae to survive in its host.

FIG 4 Menadione growth inhibition assays. Wild-type DC3000, the single(A), double (B), and triple (C) catalase mutants, and their Tn7 complementedstrains were assessed for their sensitivity to menadione toxicity. The bacteriawere resuspended to 1 � 108 cells ml�1, and 10 �l of 10-fold serial dilutionswas spotted on KB plates with or without 0.2 mM menadione (MD). Pictureswere taken 48 h later. The pictures are representative of three independentexperiments.

FIG 5 Induction of DC3000 catalases in planta. (A) Transcription of DC3000catalase genes in planta. Wild-type DC3000 at 2 � 108 cells ml�1 was infiltratedinto Arabidopsis leaves. Tissues were harvested at the indicated times, andcatalase gene expression relative to 16S rRNA was determined by semiquanti-tative RT-PCR. Values are means of fold increase � standard deviations fromthree replicates of each gene compared to itself in an uninduced control. Theexpression of all three catalases was induced in planta. (B) Accumulation ofDC3000 catalase proteins in planta. Catalase single mutant strains expressingHA-tagged versions of their respective catalases driven by their native promot-ers in a Tn7 system were syringe infiltrated at 2 � 108 cells ml�1 into Arabi-dopsis leaves. Tissues were harvested at the indicated times, and catalase pro-tein levels were determined by immunoblotting with anti-HA antibodies. Thecatalases KatE and KatG are present at higher levels than KatB and inducedwhen DC3000 is in planta. Each experiment was repeated three times withsimilar results.

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To directly test if these catalases impact the virulence ofDC3000, we compared the growth of the catalase single mutantsand their complemented strains to that of wild-type DC3000 inArabidopsis. We syringe infiltrated 1 � 106 cells ml�1 of bacteriainto Arabidopsis plants and enumerated the bacteria in leaf disks 0and 24 h after infiltration (Fig. 6A). Both katB and katG singlemutants displayed a 3-fold reduction in growth in planta com-pared to that of wild-type DC3000, and their growth was restoredin the complemented mutants. However, the growth of the katEmutant and its complemented strain was similar to that of wild-type DC3000. These data indicate that KatB and KatG play nonre-dundant roles in the virulence of DC3000.

We next determined the ability of each catalase to enhance thein planta growth of a DC3000 mutant lacking all three catalases.To accomplish this, we compared the growth of DC3000 to that of

the catalase triple mutant and the catalase triple mutant comple-mented with each catalase under the control of its native pro-moter. We monitored the number of bacteria in Arabidopsis leafdisks at 0 and 24 h after syringe infiltration (Fig. 6B). As expected,the catalase triple mutant was significantly impaired in its abilityto grow in planta compared to wild-type DC3000, probably due toan inability to remove H2O2 produced during the oxidative burst(Fig. 6B). The triple mutant showed 5-fold-lower growth thanDC3000 at 24 h after inoculation. Surprisingly, all three catalaseswere able to enhance the growth of the triple mutant in planta tosimilar extents, although none was able to fully restore its growthto wild-type levels.

As the oxidative burst is an early response of plants to micro-bial infection, the reduction of the growth of the catalase triplemutant at 24 h after inoculation is in line with it being compro-

FIG 6 Virulence assay for DC3000 catalase mutants. (A) Wild-type DC3000, the catalase single mutants, and their complemented strains were syringe infiltratedat 1 � 106 cells ml�1 into Arabidopsis leaves. Leaf disks were sampled 0 and 24 h postinoculation, and bacteria were enumerated. The katB and katG single mutantsbut not the katE mutant displayed reduced virulence on Arabidopsis compared to that of DC3000. (B) Wild-type DC3000, the catalase triple mutant, and itscomplemented strains were syringe infiltrated at 1 � 106 cells ml�1 into Arabidopsis leaves. Bacteria were enumerated in leaf disks sampled 0 and 24 hpostinoculation. The triple mutant showed a significantly reduced growth in Arabidopsis compared to that of DC3000 and was partially complemented by allthree catalases. (C) Wild-type DC3000, the catalase triple mutant, and its complemented strains were syringe infiltrated at 1 � 104 cells ml�1 into Arabidopsisleaves. Four days later, leaf disks were sampled and bacteria enumerated. The virulence phenotype observed at 4 days is consistent with that observed at 24 hpostinoculation. Results are representative of three independent repeats. (D) Symptoms of indicated strains from panel C 4 days after inoculation. Differentletters over the bars in panels A through C indicate a significant difference (P � 0.05). All the experiments were repeated three times with similar results.

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mised in its ability to overcome this immune response. We nextdetermined whether the loss of catalase activity resulted in a long-term effect on the virulence of DC3000. To do this, we examinedgrowth of wild-type DC3000, the catalase triple mutant, and itscomplemented strains at later stages of the infection. We enumer-ated the bacteria at 4 days after inoculation in Arabidopsis plantssyringe infiltrated with bacteria at 1 � 104 cells ml�1. As at theearly stages of infection, the growth of the catalase triple mutantwas significantly reduced in planta compared to that of wild-typeDC3000 at 4 days postinoculation (Fig. 6C). In line with its re-duced virulence, the catalase triple mutant was also reduced insymptom development 4 days after inoculation compared withDC3000 (Fig. 6D). Consistently, the complementation of the tri-ple mutant with single catalases was able to partially rescue its inplanta growth and disease symptoms (Fig. 6C and D). Comple-mentation of the triple mutant with katB, katE, or katG givesstrains growth reductions of 12-, 13-, and 10-fold, respectively,compared to the level for DC3000 at 4 days after inoculation.Growth of the single mutants at 4 days after inoculation was alsomeasured. Both katB and katG mutants showed an 11-fold growthreduction compared to the level for DC3000 (data not shown).These data suggest that KatB, KatE, and KatG are all able to par-tially protect DC3000 from the toxic effects of plant-derivedH2O2, allowing it to survive and multiply in planta. However, thereduced virulence of the katB and katG single mutants indicatesthat these two catalases act as virulence factors in a nonredundantmanner.


In this study, we demonstrated that all three DC3000 catalases(KatB, KatE, and KatG) are active in vitro as purified recombinantenzymes and that KatG has about four times the specific activity ofKatB or KatE (Fig. 1A). Furthermore, we made DC3000 single-and polycatalase mutants and found that mutants that lacked katGwere the most reduced in total catalase activity in assays that mea-sured the catalase activity present in soluble extracts (Fig. 1B).Interestingly, expression of katB was induced substantially morethan that of katE and katG after exposure to H2O2 (Fig. 2A), andKatB-HA was clearly induced by H2O2 more substantially thanKatE-HA or KatG-HA (Fig. 2B). Based on data shown in Fig. 1 and2, it appears that KatG represents a housekeeping catalase whilethe other two catalases, particularly KatB, are involved in oxida-tive stress conditions. This is further supported by results from theH2O2 inhibition assays that indicated that the DC3000 polycata-lase mutant growth was restored the most when katB was reintro-duced into this mutant (Fig. 3A). In the H2O2 inhibition assaysusing the different combinations of the DC3000 single and doublecatalase mutants, it appeared that KatB and KatG contributed themost to H2O2 protection (Fig. 3B). However, KatE did partiallycomplement the DC3000 double mutants, suggesting that it alsocontributed to protection from extracellular H2O2.

The menadione growth inhibition assays on the single catalasemutants clearly indicate that KatG plays the most important rolein detoxifying intracellular H2O2 (Fig. 4A).The assays using poly-catalase mutants showed that KatB contributed to detoxifying in-tracellular H2O2 whereas KatE did not appear to contribute toH2O2 detoxification (Fig. 4B and C). Collectively, our results showthat KatB and KatG are the catalases of DC3000 that are primarilyresponsible for detoxifying H2O2. However, the two catalases havediffering roles depending on the origin of the H2O2. In the case of

exogenous H2O2, KatB and KatG appear to have an additive effect,with KatB providing slightly more protection than KatG. In thecase of endogenous H2O2, KatG appears to provide the majority ofthe protection and KatB’s contribution is significant only in theabsence of KatG.

The apparent minor role of KatE in DC3000 observed in ourassays may be due to it functioning in hitherto unknown condi-tions not examined in this study. For instance, KatC, a KatE ho-molog in P. aeruginosa, is a temperature-dependent catalase thatprotects the bacteria from H2O2 at 42°C but not at 30°C or 37°C(32). Thus, it is possible that KatE is important only under specificenvironmental conditions. A similar pattern of catalase function isseen in X. campestris pv. campestris, a pathogen that has twomonofunctional catalases, KatA and KatE, and a bifunctional cat-alase, KatG (21). In our studies, DC3000 KatE does provide a smallamount of catalase activity, as the katB katG double mutant hashigher catalase activity than the triple mutant (Fig. 1B).

It is not an uncommon survival strategy for pathogenic bacte-ria to utilize both a housekeeping catalase and an H2O2-induciblecatalase when they are at risk of exposure to high levels of host-derived H2O2. Indeed, such a strategy is seen in the opportunistichuman pathogen P. aeruginosa, which has three monofunctionalcatalases, KatA, KatB, and KatC. KatA is the housekeeping cata-lase, and KatB is expressed at a high level only upon exposure toH2O2 or an oxidative-stress-generating compound (3, 34). In P.aeruginosa, KatA is present in the cytoplasm and periplasm whileKatB is purely cytoplasmic (3). Several lines of evidence indicatethat the opposite is true for KatB and KatG in DC3000. KatB fromDC3000 is 95% identical at the amino acid level to the catalaseCatF from P. syringae pv. syringae 61 (28), which is located in boththe cytoplasm and the periplasm (27). Furthermore, the signalpeptide prediction programs SignalP ( and SIG-Pred ( indicate that the N-terminal 26amino acids of the DC3000 KatB protein likely acts as a signalpeptide, while neither KatE nor KatG has predicted signal pep-tides. These data indicate that KatB of DC3000 is likely in theperiplasm and cytoplasm, while KatE and KatG are likely cytoplas-mically localized.

The respective roles of KatB and KatG in DC3000 in responseto menadione toxicity differ from the response to exogenousH2O2 toxicity. Menadione is a redox-cycling quinone that canreduce oxygen to superoxide, which can then be converted toH2O2 by superoxide dismutase (35). KatG from DC3000 may pro-vide a higher level of protection against menadione than KatB dueto its predicted predominantly cytoplasmic location, which wouldplace it in closer proximity to the endogenous H2O2 generated bymenadione. An alternate possibility is that the bifunctional activ-ity of KatG enhances its ability to detoxify menadione. Other bi-functional catalases have been shown to play a major role in de-toxifying menadione, including KatG from X. campestris pv.campestris strain ATCC 33913 (21) and KatA (a hom*olog ofKatG) from A. tumefaciens NTL4 (35). It is possible that the en-hanced ability of bifunctional catalases to detoxify menadionearises from an ability to remove organic hydroperoxides generatedby menadione. However, KatA has been shown not to play a majorrole in protecting A. tumefaciens from organic hydroperoxide tox-icity (35). These data suggest that bifunctional catalases such asKatG may be particularly effective at relieving menadione toxicity,but their mechanism for doing so remains, as yet, undetermined.

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The expression of all three catalases of DC3000 is inducedwhen the bacteria are in planta (Fig. 5), suggesting that their ac-tivity is required in this environment. Single mutants in eitherkatB or katG have reduced growth in planta compared to wild-type DC3000 (Fig. 6A), indicating that these catalases play nonre-dundant roles in the virulence of DC3000 (Fig. 6). The catalasetriple mutant was severely impaired in its ability to grow and causedisease in Arabidopsis, and all three catalases enhanced the growthin planta of the triple mutant when separately reintroduced, indi-cating that they each provide a degree of protection against ROSstress during pathogenesis (Fig. 6B and C). These data suggest thatKatB, KatE, and KatG can all contribute to P. syringae pathogen-esis, yet they are individually incapable of restoring wild-typegrowth. This nonredundant role of catalases in virulence is alsoseen in X. campestris pv. campestris, in which both katA and katGsingle mutants are avirulent in its host Chinese radish (Raphanussativus) (21). Catalases have also been shown to be important inthe virulence of other plant-pathogenic bacteria. For example, anA. tumefaciens mutant with loss of function in its bifunctionalcatalase, katA, has reduced tumor development (49), and an X.axonopodis pv. citri mutant in its monofunctional catalase, katE,has increased sensitivity to H2O2 toxicity and reduced virulence incitrus plants (45). The differential use of catalases by many plantpathogens to achieve the same goal lends support to the idea thatthese catalases were independently adapted to allow the bacteria toovercome defensive production of H2O2 by plants.

The more general importance of catalases for bacterium-plantinteractions is seen in their use by symbiotic bacteria such as Me-sorhizobium loti, in which the disruption of a single catalase, katE,led to decreased nitrogen fixation (15). The symbiotic bacteriumSinorhizobium meliloti is similar to DC3000, as it has three cata-lases, two monofunctional catalases (KatA and KatC), and onebifunctional catalase-peroxidase (KatB). KatA and KatB are bothperiplasmic, and katA but not katB is inducible by H2O2 (16). Theinduction of katC is observed only under heat stress or salt stressor upon treatment with ethanol or the ROS generator paraquat(41). S. meliloti catalase single mutants are unaltered in their abil-ity to fix nitrogen or form nodules in their host plant, but bothkatA katC and katB katC double mutants show reduced nitrogenfixation and nodule-forming abilities (20, 41). Interestingly, thedouble mutants interfere with nodule formation at different steps,indicating that katA and katB function at different stages of theinteraction of the rhizobia with the plants (20). Due to the simi-larities with DC3000, this suggests that KatB and KatG fromDC3000 may aid the bacteria’s growth at different stages of theinfection process. Future studies will likely clarify how KatB andKatG enable DC3000 to be a successful pathogen. From the data inour study, one could hypothesize that KatB may be providingdirect protection against the oxidative burst while KatG may aid inthe detoxification of ROS-generating compounds or the removalof H2O2 produced by stress on the bacteria’s metabolism.

When a microorganism comes in contact with a plant cell, theplant’s immune response is activated by PTI or effector-triggeredimmunity, resulting in a wide array of immune responses, includ-ing responses that are directed toward fungal, viral, or bacterialpathogens (33, 44). Thus, while it has been known for many yearsthat these immune responses are successful against saprophyticbacteria and nonadapted and avirulent pathogens, it is not clearwhich specific immune responses are successful at inhibiting orkilling bacteria in the apoplast. When PTI is induced, the ability of

P. syringae to inject type III effectors is restricted within the firsthour after induction (8), indicating that early immune responsesare effective against P. syringae. ROS production occurs within thefirst few minutes after PTI is induced (48), suggesting that it maybe an important component of the plant immune response tobacteria. The contribution of the catalases of P. syringae to viru-lence further suggests this to be the case.


We thank the Alfano research group members for fruitful discussionsregarding the experiments described in this article. We also thank Wen-jing Guan, Danellie Fortune, and Alexis Paspalof for technical assistance.

This research was supported by grants from the U.S. Department ofa*griculture (award no. 2007-35319-18336) and the National Institutes ofHealth (award no. 1R01AI069146-01A2 and P20 RR-017675) and fundsfrom the Center for Plant Science Innovation at the University of Ne-braska.

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Guo et al.

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Is Pseudomonas syringae good or bad? ›

Pseudomonas syringae is a pathogenic bacterium that has a wide range of hosts, including tomato, tobacco, olive, and green bean. Erwinia amylovora is a pathogenic bacterium that causes fire blight disease in fruit-bearing trees and ornamental plants. Due to the presence of Xanthom*onas campestris, R.

How do you treat Pseudomonas syringae PV syringae? ›

Chemical treatments with fixed copper such as Bordeaux, copper hydroxide, and cupric sulfate are used to stop the spread of P. syringae by killing the bacteria while it is in the epiphyte stage on leaves, or woody parts of trees - however resistant P. syringae strains do exist.

What are the conditions for Pseudomonas syringae growth? ›

The estimated temperature optimum for P. syringae was 28 °C with a doubling time of 1.27 h, although analysis showed no significant difference in the doubling times over the range 23–33 °C, indicating an unusual plateau at the maximum rate of growth of this organism.

What is the disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae? ›

syringae one of the most common pathogens of plants. In addition, disease outbreaks, caused by new P. syringae isolates, continue to threaten global crop production. A recent example is the devastating kiwifruit canker outbreak in New Zealand and Europe, which is caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv.

Why is Pseudomonas harmful? ›

It causes problems in the respiratory system, and for those who may already be poorly at the time of being exposed to the bacteria, this can often be too much. Infections can trigger cases of pneumonia and septicaemia.

What antibiotics are used to treat Pseudomonas syringae? ›

Streptomycin and mechanisms of resistance in Psa
Brand nameActive compoundReferences
AntibioticsStreptomycinSerizawa et al., 1989
AmpicillinFerrante & Scortichini, 2010
GentamycinFerrante & Scortichini, 2010
KanamycinFerrante & Scortichini, 2010
52 more rows
May 10, 2013

How do you control Pseudomonas syringae? ›

The most common strategy for controlling diseases caused by Pseudomonas syringae is, as it has been for more than 5 decades, to spray bactericides. These mainly include a variety of copper compounds or other heavy metals, with or without various combinations of fungicides or other pest-control chemicals.

What is the toxin in Pseudomonas syringae? ›

Phytotoxins produced by Pseudomonas spp. Includes the related toxins syringotoxin, syringostatin, and pseudomycin. P. syringae is reported to induce a wide variety of symptoms on plants, including blights (rapid death of tissue), leaf spots, and galls.

What is the optimal temperature for Pseudomonas syringae? ›

This study investigated an increase of 5 °C above the optimum growth temperature (26 °C) of tomato plants in the tomato—Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato pathosystem. A temperature increase above 26 °C affects plant development, the defensive pathways activated against Pseudomonas syringae pv.

What human disease is caused by Pseudomonas? ›

Other infections caused by Pseudomonas species include endocarditis, pneumonia, and infections of the urinary tract, central nervous system, wounds, eyes, ears, skin, and musculoskeletal system.

Where does Pseudomonas syringae live? ›

The bacterium can be found in association with healthy leaves, growing and surviving for many generations on the surfaces of leaves as an epiphyte. A number of genes and traits have been identified that contribute to the fitness of P. syringae in the phyllosphere.

What is Pseudomonas bacteria responsible for? ›

Pseudomonas is a clinically significant and opportunistic pathogen, often causing nosocomial infections. In addition to causing serious and often life-threatening diseases, these organisms exhibit innate resistance to many antibiotics and can develop new resistance after exposure to antimicrobial agents.

Is Pseudomonas a beneficial bacteria? ›

Abstract. Plant-associated Pseudomonas live as saprophytes and parasites on plant surfaces and inside plant tissues. Many plant-associated Pseudomonas promote plant growth by suppressing pathogenic micro-organisms, synthesizing growth-stimulating plant hormones and promoting increased plant disease resistance.

What is the role of Pseudomonas syringae in the environment? ›

Pseudomonas syringae is a plant pathogen well known for its capacity to grow epiphytically on diverse plants and for its ice-nucleation activity. The ensemble of its known biology and ecology led us to postulate that this bacterium is also present in non-agricultural habitats, particularly those associated with water.

Is Pseudomonas syringae gram positive or negative? ›

Pseudomonas syringae is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium with polar flagella (Figure 1; Agrios, 1997).

Is Pseudomonas for plants harmful to humans? ›

Pseudomonas infections are diseases caused by a bacterium from the genus Pseudomonas. The bacteria are found widely in the environment, such as in soil, water, and plants. They usually do not cause infections in healthy people. If an infection does occur in a healthy person, it is generally mild.

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