ICS Cleaning Specialist September 2011 - PDF Free Download (2024)


Cleaning Specialist For Fo F or Today’ Today’s y s Floor Care and Restoration Professional Proffessional

Air Filtration Devices on Disaster Jobs

Type and Cross: Rx for Wood Floors Rug Cleaning 101: Equipping Your Facility

Web site Makeover: Eight Easy Fixes to Book More Cleaning Jobs

Page 18

W W W.I C S M A G .C O M

BLAST Your B Business i Into the Stratosphere Tour Turn to page 39 for more information.


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September Vol.50 No.9 o.9

Features & Columns 14

Your Personal Disaster Plan


Web site Makeover: Eight Easy Fixes to Book More Cleaning Jobs

By Steve Toburen


By John Braun


Air Filtration Devices on Disaster Jobs


Welcome to the Coach’s Corner!


Dry as Fast as You Can!


Type and Cross: Rx for Wood Floors


Rug Cleaning 101: Equipping Your Facility


Tom Sawyer’s (and My) System for Success


By Jeff Bishop


By Noel Frank

By Gordon Hanks

By Stanley Quentin Hulin

By Aaron Groseclose

By Howard Partridge

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Editorial Comment eRants & Raves eMedia In My Experience News, Views & Events New Products & Technologies Must See Product Gallery Advertiser Index Buyers’ Marketplace IICRC Chairman’s Corner CRA News PACR News SCRT News CFI News

ICS CLEANING SPECIALIST (ISSN 1522-4708) is published 12 times annually, monthly, by BNP Media II, L.L.C., 2401 W. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 700, Troy, MI 48084-3333. Telephone: (248) 362-3700, Fax: (248) 362-0317. No charge for subscriptions to qualified individuals. Annual rate for subscriptions to nonqualified individuals in the U.S.A.: $115.00 USD. Annual rate for subscriptions to nonqualified individuals in Canada: $149.00 USD (includes GST & postage); all other countries: $165.00 (int’l mail) payable in U.S. funds. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright 2011, by BNP Media II, L.L.C. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the consent of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for product claims and representations. Periodicals Postage Paid at Troy, MI and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: ICS CLEANING SPECIALIST, P.O. Box 2146, Skokie, IL 60076. Canada Post: Publications Mail Agreement #40612608. GST account: 131263923. Send returns (Canada) to Pitney Bowes, P.O. Box 25542, London, ON, N6C 6B2. Change of address: Send old address label along with new address to ICS CLEANING SPECIALIST, P.O. Box 2146, Skokie, IL 60076. For single copies or back issues: contact Ann Kalb at (248) 244-6499 or [emailprotected].


Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

When getting it clean is most important! This hard hitting pre-spray and extraction duo will leave the most



trashed carpets clean and with virtually no residue.

I n the real world, carpet is seldom maintained as well as it should be. That is why you, the

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Available at Interlink Supply. Circle 5 on the Free Information Page

Editorial Comment By Jeffrey


A New Face on the Sidelines


t ICS, we’re always looking for fresh faces, fresh angles and fresh opinions. That’s why we’re proud to welcome Noel Frank into the contributor fold as the man behind our new column, “Coach’s Corner.” Noel’s been in and around the cleaning and restoration industry for years. From his early days in Waco, Texas to his current position as the director of education for Chemspec, he’ll be drawing on his decades of experience to present a decidedly different approach to breaking down the tools and techniques vital to the professional carpet cleaner. Here’s a brief snippet: Why call it “Coach’s Corner”? It’s a play on my background as a high school math teacher and football and basketball coach. My coaching included stints in Arizona, California, and Texas. The highlight was coaching a team that won a football state championship in Texas. Many of my friends and former players still refer to me as “coach.” Keeping with the theme, the column will feature segments designated with sports terminology, such as instant replay (referring to a previous segment), extra point (a segment which features input from a reader), pinch hitter (input from another “coach”), time out (a reader’s question), etc. Doesn’t sound like your run-of-the-mill format, does it? Noel’s inaugural column on page 26 will give you a little more information about him, where he’s been and where he’s going, and how the “Coach’s Corner” will help you get more out of your operation.


Publisher ] Evan Kessler Eastern Regional Manager ] Chris Dunham Western Regional Manager ] Jim Roy Editor ] Jeffrey Stouffer Sr. Art Director ] Rick Arvidson Art Director ] Manda Chan Production Manager ] Amy Levin CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jeff Bishop, John Braun, Dave DeBlander, Aaron Groseclose, Gordon Hanks, Stanley Quentin Hulin, Howard Partridge, Steve Toburen, Ruth Travis, Noel Frank

BNP Media Company, II, L.L.C. Publishing and Sales Office: 22801 Ventura Blvd., Suite 115 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Phone: (818) 224-8035, Fax: (818) 224-8042 E-mail: [emailprotected] Publisher ] Evan Kessler (303) 255-1263 Eastern Regional Manager ] Chris Dunham (410) 327-8919 Western Regional Manager ] Jim Roy (818) 224-8035, ext. 2215 Classified Sales Manager ] Sharon Ward (847) 405-4017 CORPORATE OFFICE: 2401 West Big Beaver Road, Suite 700 Troy, MI 48084 www.bnpmedia.com CORPORATE DIRECTORS Publishing ] John R. Schrei Corporate Strategy ] Rita M. Foumia Marketing ] Ariane Claire Production ] Vincent M. Miconi Finance ] Lisa L. Paulus Creative ] Michael T. Powell Directories ] Nikki Smith Human Resources ] Marlene J. Witthoft Information Technology: ] Scott Krywko Clear Seas Director ] Beth A. Surowiec AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT Audience Development Coordinator ] Christina Gietzen Multimedia Specialist ] Alison Illes Audience Audit Coordinator ] Carolyn M. Alexander

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Kevin Collopy at 800-223-2194 x 684 [emailprotected] Email contact:

Michael Costantino at 800-223-2194 x 748 [emailprotected]

Circle 21 on the Free Information Page

ICS eRants & Raves Questions, Insights and Outbursts from ICSmag.com

Wow! Am I Out of Shape!

Got a Problem With This

Masked Man

Very crazy day today, with several water losses and a huge duct cleaning. Sooooo, I decided to book myself on the truck for a half day. SHEESH! Two homes later and I’m pretty much flat on my back! The last one did me in the worst: no air conditioning and I had to do the last room without a glide (it’s a low-cut pile olefin and they come out better without the glides). I used to bang out 5 or more of these a day!

– Aaron S.

Well, I have an employee issue that I need help resolving. One of my employees wants to wear a mask on some of the carpet cleaning jobs that he thinks have a high ammonia smell from pet urine. Personally, I would be offended if someone walked in my house and had to go back outside and get a mask to clean my carpet. So what do you guys do and how do you handle this? – Kevin P.

Anyone Know What Encap Products Have Carpet Protector?

When Do You Pull the Trigger

and I would like to be able to add carpet protector to the cleaning ticket. I know encapsulation in itself helps protect the carpet by encapsulating the fiber, but on the interim cleanings I would like to be able to add a protector once during the year. I steam clean once a year and add protector, but I would like to be able to apply it one more time with my encapsulation process. My ideal method is to steam clean once and encap three more times in a year, and apply carpet protector in one of those encap cleanings. – Tim H.

Buy a New Rig?

My van (box truck actually) is 12 years old and has 96,000 miles. My Powermatic is 8 years old and has 2,600 hours on it. At what point and or age do you buy a new rig in your business?

– Kevin R.

Calendar of Industry Events

Yellow Spots

Conventions & Trade Shows

and It’s Not What You’re Thinking

Sept. 7-9:

We cleaned a Berber carpet about a month ago and got a call back because of yellow spots appearing throughout the area. I went back and cleaned again on low pressure, using

2011 Connections Convention and Trade Show, Las Vegas. Call (888) 881-1001 or go to www.connectionsconvention.org for more information.

an acid rinse, and spots came back again. The cleaning solution is CRI-approved and it doesn’t appear to be wicking. I checked with light for urine and that’s not the problem either.

– Roland R.

Sept. 15-16: RIA “Strictly Contents” Chicago. Go to www.restorationindustry.org for more information.

Oct. 18-21: Ideas and inspiration for the industry, by the industry. For more go to the ICS and CFC Bulletin Boards at www.icsmag.com. 8

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

2011 ISSA/North America in Las Vegas. Call (800) 225-4772 or go to www.issa.com for more information.

Thermal Imaging Price Breakthrough i-Series Performance and Ease-of-Use, Starting at $1,195 Open Doors and Grow Your Business With 50 years of experience and more than 200,000 thermal cameras delivered, see how FLIR’s new low-cost i-Series can find your problems and change your game. Visit www.flir.com/breakthrough for a complete video demonstration of the new i3, or call 866.477.3687 today.

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NASDAQ: FLIR The thermal images shown are for illustrative purposes only.

Circle 8 on the Free Information Page

InfraMation 2011 The Leading Infrared Camera Users Conference!

Bally’s Las Vegas November 9 - 11

Turbocharge your infrared career at InfraMation 2011. Now with a stronger focus on predictive maintenance thermography. Plus new pre-conference courses and seminars. Get details, see the video, and register now at www.inframation.org or call 877.773.3547

ICS eMedia An Offline Look at What’s Happening Online

For more go to www.icsmag.com

Chin Up and Mind Right The most important aspect to being a successful service company is a positive, can-do attitude. With the recession that all of us have faced, this has never been more important. It can be very difficult to be inspired to run your business in a profitable way when the negativity surrounds us. The past few years have brought various forms of advice for small business owners. Cut back on spending: this could mean eliminating your monthly or quarterly newsletters to your existing clients, taking those certification classes required to become an IICRC Journeyman Textile Cleaner or Master Textile Cleaner, purchasing quality products from your distributor, maintaining your van, etc. It can be very tempting to implement drastic changes such as these in order to survive these tough economic times. However, these types of changes will damage your credibility with your clients and hurt your profitability. — From “The Most Important Thing” on the ICS Blog Spot“Expect Great Things” by Dave DeBlander

When the Business of Business

Gets Personal It’s as inevitable as death and taxes. Be a contractor long enough and you’re going to end up selling stuff to your family, friends or house of worship. Here’s another axiom that is true. When something can go wrong, it’s bound to happen at your relative’s home, your friend’s home or your house of worship! What can you do? Like most problems, you can lower the chances of problems happening by being better at prevention. That just means take the extra step of setting clear expectations about what the thing you’re going to do or sell can and can’t do for them. This also means don’t skip the step of diagnosing the customer. This step is the most important you’ll ever learn to take if you want to stay out of hot water with your family, your friends and your congregation. When I was selling to these special customers, they’d be the first to say, “I trust you. You don’t have to go to the trouble of writing up a formal proposal. Just tell me what it’ll cost and how soon you can start.”

— From “Family, Friends and House of Worship” on the ICS Blog Spot

The ICSmag.com Web


My business plan for the rest of 2011 can best be summed up as: 67% Expand aggressively 33% Keep things just as they are

Know When to Hold ‘Em, Know When to… If you find this article’s title of interest, there is a possibility things may not be going so well for you. Having been in this industry for over twenty years and having coached business owners for the last five years, I would have to say there are situations in which taking down the sign and closing the doors is not a bad idea. The reason you went into business is to achieve your life goals and if that is not happening, you may want to take a good look at what you are doing. So, let’s do just that, let’s examine your business, your life and lifestyle and have an honest assessment of just where you are. Who knows, maybe working a regular job at Home Depot isn’t all that bad, or maybe you need to be inspired and remember why you got into this industry in the first place. The carpet cleaning and restoration business has so many fantastic qualities but perhaps the day-to-day grind has blinded your eyes to all the benefits. Let’s take a look.

0% Contract, conserve and wait it out 0% Throw out the old, bring in the new – a new plan, that is 10

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

— From the Web Exclusive feature “Is It Time To Quit?” by Dave DeBlander

In My Experience…

ship is really evident.” almost every time you’re going to start some sort of dialogue with the client, elicit some sort of reaction that will in turn help guide your conversation with them. You’re trying to lead the way somewhat, sure, but by just listening to what they’re saying, what they’re telling you, you can take their cues and run with them. They may mention that long ago they used to clean it regularly, with a toothbrush, but after a while it got to be too much for their knees, for their back. “Oh yeah, I know exactly what you’re talking about, I know exactly how that feels; we did that all the time back in the day,” you tell them. “But now, with the equipment we have today, it comes out looking so much better so much faster, we can do it just as often as we used to without the wear and tear.” “Really? How?”

Let the Conversation Dictate the Demonstration By


f we’re on a job and we see that the tile in the kitchen is dirty, and we’re trying to sell that job while we’re already in the house, if we say “ma’am, we only charge such-and-such a square foot, would you like us to clean your kitchen

Gabriel Peretti

tile while we’re here?” odds are really, really good that we’re going to get a “No” for an answer. But if we start with something along the lines of, “That’s really a beautiful floor you have in the kitchen. The craftsman-

Now you have the opportunity to show them just what you can do, to give them that firsthand look at the difference. Don’t be a jerk and put a big clean spot right in the middle of their floor; find an out-ofthe way corner, clean the floor and show them the difference. And once you get to that point, you may not even need to talk price; like they say, a picture’s worth a thousand words.

Gabriel Peretti owned and operated Reseda, Calif.-based CleanCrafters for over 25 years. He recently joined forces with Zerorez, an advanced technology carpet and living surfaces care company. Gabriel is past president of the Carpet and Fabricare Institute, and holds numerous IICRC certfications, including CCT, CMT, RCT, WQRT, AMRT, MTC and ASD. You can reach him at [emailprotected].

September 2011 | www.icsmag.com


News, Views & Events Bullen Co. announces no-strip promise The Bullen Companies recently announced a new industry standard 3-year no strip promise. As a product line recognized by the United State’s EPA Design for the Environment Program, SanoVerde floorcare system users can expect a variety of labor and cost savings. “Bullen’s SanoVerde floorcare system is comprised of five green certified products to ensure a healthy environment for any business. But more importantly, we back the SanoVerde floorcare system with an industry leading three year no-strip promise.” said Scott Jarden, president of The Bullen Companies.

CRI Seal of Approval program grows dramatically The CRI Seal of Approval program has grown significantly in recent weeks, adding eight solutions, 14 new vacuums and nine new systems to the program, bringing the current total of approved products and systems to 789.

800-455-4278 • 334-983-8730 outside US or visit www.CleanCareSeminars.net for 2011 courses: • Monday-Tuesday, September 26-27, 2011: Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Technician (UFT) in Wausau, WI taught by Jeff Bishop • Wednesday-Friday, September 28-30, 2011: Rug Cleaning Technician (RCT) in Wausau, WI taught by Jeff Bishop • Friday-Saturday, December 9-10, 2011: Carpet Repair & Reinstallation Technician (RRT) in Dalton, GA taught by Jim Carfield • Monday-Saturday, December 12-17, 2011: Applied Senior Carpet Inspector (SCI) in Dalton, GA taught by Jeff Bishop. Need IICRC Continuing Education Credits (CECs) – or employee pre-training??? We have on-line, web-based training programs; no travel, at your convenience!

Visit www.CleanCareSeminars.net • • • •

Principles and Methods of Carpet Cleaning Practical Psychrometry: The Art of Drying Microbial Contamination Remediation WOOLSAFE® Fabric Care Specialist

Comprehensive Deodorization and Decontamination book Revised & Updated August 2011

Check out our educational Books and Videos Visit www.CleanCareSeminars.net Circle 3 on the Free Information Page 12

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

Green Seal unveils new standard for specialty cleaning products Green Seal’s new Standard for specialty cleaning products significantly expands the products covered. “Products with the Green Seal are now used to clean everything from Yankee Stadium to the nursery school in your local community,” the organization said. “According to the Responsible Purchasing Network, purchasers recognize and specify the Seal more than any other green cleaning product label nationwide. With Green Seal’s new standards for specialty cleaning products, we have significantly expanded the products we can certify.” GS-53 for Institutional and Industrial Cleaners includes comprehensive requirements for effective cleaners that help protect health and the environment.

Rug Summit IV set for October Centrum Force’s co-founders, Greg Turcotte and Tom Monahan, are rug washers who hit upon the idea of hosting a “Rug Summit” in 2009. Those who attended “agreed they had gained valuable insights into operating a successful rug care business. Subsequent summits proved even more successful.” Rug Summit IV, with its emphasis on business development and strategic marketing, is specifically designed to help carpet cleaning professionals grow in tough times. Rug Summit IV will be held in Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 7-8.

In Memoriam:

Chemspec co-founder Robert R. Hughes (1924-2011) I had the great pleasure of meeting Bob when I first joined ICS in October 1987 at the ISSA show in Las Vegas. He was one of the first people that Howard Olansky introduced me to, and I immediately knew this kind and gentle man as though he was a lifelong friend or family member. I came know him better over the years not only as an advertiser in ICS, but for his knowledge, wisdom and remarkable sense of humor. Our industry was blessed to have him in our most formative years and he helped all of us to succeed in this wonderful industry!

I first became aware of the company that Bob and Dan Savanauk started when I got into the industry in 1975. I had bought a franchise for Waco, TX from a company in FL, and a fellow franchisee in the D.C. area told me to try and get my hands on some Chemspec products, as they were they best to be found. I first talked to Bob in 1976 and he was able to set me up as a customer. I’ve been using the products ever since. Perhaps Bob’s most unique contribution to the industry is the development of the first planned carpet appearance maintenance (CAM) program. Bob put a lot of time and energy into this project, and one can still see his influence in this area of commercial cleaning today, from machines to products to processes. Bob Hughes was a true pioneer and will have a lasting legacy for our industry.

Evan Kessler, Publisher Publisher, ICS Cleaning Specialist

The first time I meet Bob Hughes was at a trade show hosted by the California trade group CCI in 1979. At that time I was looking to branch out from my cleaning business and took his offer to pioneer Chemspec sales in the Western States. He also hired my wife to work in the office processing orders. Bob was a great mentor and very generous with his time and knowledge. He was a true innovator in the carpet cleaning industry, and he helped countless people build their businesses and grow as individuals. We traveled extensively in the US, Canada and Europe. He made lasting friendships wherever he went and was a true gentleman. Aaron Groseclose President, Masterblend

Noel Frank VP of Operations, Chemspec

The extended Chemspec Family mourns the loss on July 22, 2011 of a true industry pioneer, Robert R. (Bob) Hughes, known to the employees of Chemspec affectionately as “Mr. Hughes”. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Alice and three sons Bob, Jim and Tom. Bob, in partnership with Dan Savanuck, founded Chemspec early in 1968 to serve the needs of the fledgling Professional Carpet Cleaning industry. Sadly I never had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Hughes, but his (and Mr. Savanuck’s) vision lives on here at Chemspec, and with the many, many professionals he touched in our industry. He will be missed for his ever present smile, calm demeanor and commitment to the Professional Carpet Cleaner. Terry Tabler President - General Manager, Chemspec

I’ve know Mr. Hughes since Chemspec started back in 1968 when Maria Kail, my sister, started to work for them. I started part time with Chemspec back in 1973. I remember that Mr. Hughes always made or had the time to help me with any questions from customers if I could not help them. He enjoyed talking to our customer and had a great relationship with them. He always enjoyed having lunch with the girls in the office and we did laugh a lot with all of our stories and discussions. To this day I still have customers who remember Mr. Hughes and always ask about him. He will truly be missed. Fran Elliot Customer Service Supervisor, Chemspec

September 2011 | www.icsmag.com


To Your Success


Steve Toburen

Steve Toburen sold his carpet cleaning and restoration business and retired at the age of 38. He now serves as Director of Training for Jon-Don’s Strategies for Success program and created their Value Added Service for Technicians seminar. JonDon is the exclusive distributor for Steve’s “Winning on the Home Front” line of audio customer service programs. For more information call (800) 556-6366 or go to Jon-Don’s new information resource for all carpet cleaners at SFS.JonDon.com Steve welcomes your comments and/or questions at [emailprotected]

Your Personal Disaster Plan “…because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all. For man also does not know his time …” – Eccl. 9:12


o one likes being a victim. Some disasters are unforeseen: earthquakes, tidal waves, the latest terrorist incident or less dramatically a drunk driver running a red light at 80 mph. Wrong place, wrong time – it happens! However, the real tragedies are becoming victims of our own lack of planning/complacency/ ignorance and/or just plain stupidity! So sad… For example, “saving” three minutes this summer cost me six weeks in a cast, a $5,000 insurance deductible and a pretty ticked off wife! (If you’re into numbers, that’s $1,666 per minute.) Here’s the short version of my very own totally avoidable Personal Disaster: After a frustrating day on the computer (Yep – hard as it may be to believe, sometimes the words just don’t flow!) I thought I’d do a little project in my home workshop. So I got all set up to cut a 2-inch steel post up near the ceiling: step ladder, 4” grinder, safety glass14

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

es, hearing protectors, etc. Gloves? Nah, won’t need ‘em. So I climbed up on the ladder, cut almost through the post and then should have reset the ladder to finish the job. But it would have taken several minutes to clear out the junk below so I just leaned out and bang! The grinder stuck in the cut, kicked back and fell to the floor. Oh no – my grinder! Then I looked down and saw my blood spurting 6 inches out from my right hand every time my heart beat! Whoa – this wasn’t just a Band-aid cut! Of course I was alone in the housewhere’s my wallet, cell phone, car keys? (Ever tried to dial a new smartphone left handed as you desperately drive through the city to the emergency room?) And by the way, how come my right thumb doesn’t work anymore? Three hours later I learned I’d sliced though my extensor tendon and was scheduled for surgery the next day. But I didn’t really care,

since I was wafting along on morphine and Percocet! So what does all this have to do with “To Your Success”? The next day, as Sioux was driving me to surgery, I saw my old competitor from 20 years ago


Make sure you have ALL your PPE


Don’t forget: time marches on


Even “lone wolves” should have a network of peers

Circle 27 on the Free Information Page

To Your Success

Seriously, right now, reflect on what would happen if you personally couldn’t work for four, eight, twelve weeks or longer. Where would you and your family be if you suffer a career-ending injury? And now for the ugliest question: how would your loved ones fare financially if you die? Don’t forget, time marches on. In fact, most 50-year-old carpet cleaners tell me that their cleaning wand doesn’t look quite as appealing as it did 30 years ago! Too many carpet cleaners are forced into the slow motion disaster of a forced retirement! So just how are you preparing for your Golden Years? (Hopefully not by trusting in Social Security!) If you don’t like the above Personal Disaster scenarios then puhleeease get moving! Do it today! For instance… still out working. It made me reflect: What would I have done if I was still on the truck and, with no notice, could not run a wand for at least six weeks? What about you? Do you have a personal “Disaster Plan”? Remember, it just takes one stupid and mindless decision. Or, to channel Bob Dylan, it can just be “a simple twist of fate”! Like a whacked out teenager that T-bones your cleaning van at 60 mph? Or, less dramatically, spraining (or breaking) your ankle tripping over your vacuum hoses! Or how about a slipped disk from moving that overloaded dresser? This stuff can and does happen, each and every day. The carpet cleaning industry is dominated by the “lone wolf ” owner-operator working solo. There is nothing wrong with this worry-free lifestyle; in fact, there were days when I desperately longed for the simple life of being back on the truck working alone! Remember though that while living on the edge financially is never smart it can be fatal for a lone wolf! So owner-operators especially need to focus on their personal Disaster Plan. (Or even better, live and work safely to avoid becoming “your own victim” in the first place!) 16

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

in denial by not having life insurance!) Note: Financial experts say that the average American is only three pay checks away from being homeless. Existing hand-to-mouth is never a wise lifestyle. But a self-employed solo entrepreneur without fall-back savings is living in a very dangerous spot. Of course, even with emergency funds you are still going to have clients calling, so…

Develop a Mutual Network of “Strategic Partners” These can be reliable and honest competitors (is there such a thing?) that will handle your work while you are laid up and give you a percentage. Or maybe some friends you have pre-trained to handle your essential jobs, anything to keep some cash flow coming in and, even more importantly, preserve your client relationships while you are off work. Even better, make sure you never have to call on your Strategic Partners by starting to…

Take Care of Yourself! Get regular non-work aerobic exercise and do weight-training to strengthen critical muscles. Hiring a personal trainer to help you set up an exercise and weight routine may be one of the best investments you ever make. Eat right, drink lots of fluids (non-alcoholic, of course!) and start packing a healthy lunch. Also, be sure to …

Slow Down

Do You Have a Liquid Emergency Fund? Most experts say you need six months of living expenses stashed away in easily accessible savings. Can’t do it? Then how about three months? One month? Anything? (You should also look into disability insurance and please don’t live

Focus on working more efficiently to get more done without “lurching” through the job. (Running invariably means instant accidents!) Never make a trip to and from the van with your hands empty. Organize your van in order of items used most often. And don’t forget that this slowing down concept applies to driving. Even if your truckmount survives the accident, your career might not! Even with being super careful any one-person operation is inevitably exposed to the unexpected. So carefully consider if you should …

Work Toward “Achieving Critical Mass” Wikipedia defines Critical Mass as “the smallest amount of material needed for a sustained nuclear chain reaction.” So think how large your business would need to be “sustain itself ” without your daily presence. Should you attempt to grow your company to critical mass size? Only you can answer after carefully considering your business skills and comfort zone along with your family circ*mstances and life goals. If you can successfully grow (not everyone can) owning a critical mass business that will hum along without you may be the ultimate Personal Disaster Plan. Another great advantage of a critical mass business? The sale of your “hands off ” company should help provide for your retirement. But even with a very valuable company, you should have a …

Long-term Personal Investment Plan (PIP) Carpet cleaners (OK, almost all Americans) have all the “toys” but very little long-term savings. Before the Great Recession, the myth was that your home would be a constantly appreciating asset and/or Social Security would always be there. Now we know better on both counts! Note: Right no, today, tell your bank to automatically “sweep” a set percentage of all your deposits into a separate investment PIP account. 5% is good, 8% would be even better; any regular dedicated amount is better than nothing. For more information check out my Special Report: “Cleaning Up: Building Personal Wealth in the Cleaning Industry”. Download it for free at http://tiny.cc/SFS911. However, no matter how much savings you have, please …

Work Safe Keep your hoses under control and maintain a clean work area in general. Lift correctly, use sliders and seriously think about hiring an assistant to help. And above all else, move that ladder and handle a grinder correctly! That spinning disk not only cuts steel but can also slice through flesh, tendons, arteries and bone! It is no fun “becoming your own victim.” Trust me on this one! Circle 7 on the Free Information Page September 2011 | www.icsmag.com


Web site Makeover: Eight Easy Fixes to Book More Cleaning Jobs H

ow well does your cleaning website work? You can clearly tell by the number of jobs you book from your site. For the cleaning company who uses the web effectively, it’s easily one of the cheapest ways to get clients. Here’s hint No. 1: Pretty Web sites don’t sell! Putting up the most glamorous, perfect Web site with beautiful graphics won’t necessarily get you any calls. Don’t get me wrong. You should indeed have a nice, professional looking site. And yes, it should contain great pictures and graphics. But don’t concentrate solely on a fancy website. Even ugly websites can sell. I talk with cleaners all the time who have beautiful websites that don’t bring in new clients.

You may have an old website built in 1999 that needs updating. Or you could have the latest techno-geek site built last month. Whichever the case, you need your site to book cleaning jobs. The following are some quick and easy fixes. Adding a few of these babies could double or triple your response.

1. Your City Name, Big and Bold, Toward the Top of the Page How many times have you done a Google search only to find the site that came up wasn’t even relevant to what you searched? For example, when prospects search for “Carpet Cleaning Dallas” they want to instantly know they’ve found a carpet cleaning company in the

John Braun owns Premium Carpet Care in Pensacola, Florida, and is the principal behind Hitman Advertising. To get a FREE advertising strategy guide for carpet cleaning companies plus a 19-minute audio on how to use these strategies, go to www.HitmanAdvertising.com or call toll free (888) 211-7702.


Cleaning Specialist | September 2011


John Braun

Dallas area. So post your city name toward the top of your site on the main page. Let there be no mistake about the area you service.

2. A Contact or Estimate Form for Inquiries Nearly half the people who search for a cleaning company do so after normal business hours. Since the prospect knows you’re closed, she doesn’t bother to call. She could write down your phone number or bookmark your site with every intention of calling you the next day.


Good looks alone do not an effective site make


Testimonials work. End of story


Multiple calls to action are key

The Butler System makes a great business choice.

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Vehicle specifications and prices are available upon request. The Butler System price will vary when installed into cube vans and trucks. Prices exclude taxes, registration and documentation fees. Prices, rates, terms and programs are subject to change. The “Guarantee Buy-Back Program”* is limited to the continental United States. Additional terms, conditions, specifications and exclusions apply. Financing and lease programs are subject to credit approval. Lease programs may not be available in all states. GM and GMC are registered trademarks of General Motors Corporation. Ford is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company. Approved for publication August 2011.

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Web site Makeover: Eight Easy Fixes to Book More Cleaning Jobs Continued

Gardner Denver Vacuum Surface Cleaning Solutions

GD HeliFlow® • Revolutionary & innovative design reduces noise by 4–7 dBA • Dual splash lubrication • Vacuum to 16” Hg, Airflow to 3200 cfm

But phone numbers get lost. Life happens and she forgets who you are. Why not make it easy and allow web visitors to punch in their information while you’re on their mind? A contact or estimate form solves this problem. It could be a simple form asking for their name, email, phone number, and comment about what they need cleaned. I highly recommend a contact form on your main landing page, or at the very least a large, clickable button that says, “Get an Estimate” so when it’s clicked, the user is taken to your estimate form page.

GD TriFlow®

3. Testimonials Improve Your Credibility

• Rotor profile designed specifically for the surface cleaning industry • Patented Tri-Lobe design provides quiet operation • Leading OEM choice for vacuum cleaning systems • Available in 3 sizes: 406, 408 & 410 » Vacuum to 16” Hg, Flows to 700 cfm

Yes, adding handwritten, typed, audio, or video testimonials helps tremendously. You can talk all day about how great you are, but when someone else says something good about you, it means much more. It’s a great idea to get testimonials and reviews for your Google, Yelp, Yahoo, Bing, Merchant Circle and other social media pages. But make sure you put a few of your best testimonials on the main page of your website. Establish credibility as soon as a web surfer pops on your site!

4. Pictures of You or Your Techs

GD Sutorbilt® Legend® • Dual splash lubrication available • Quiet series reduces noise up to 5 dBA • The Legend in 20 sizes delivers Vacuum to 16” Hg, Airflow to 3015 cfm Come t see us a

tions ConnecTH

The No. 1 reason a prospect will look at your cleaning site is because they want more information about you. And would you believe around 75% of cleaning websites don’t even have a single picture of a person on staff? How will the prospect know who you are without a picture? In cases of the owner being the guy who goes out and does the cleaning, you likely want your picture on the main landing page. This gives your company a personal feel. Larger companies may want a picture of their fleet of vans and technicians. At the very least, have an “About Us” page with a couple pictures and information about who you are. After all, they’re looking at your site to find out more about you.




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Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

5. Videos Help Tell Your Story Pictures are good. Videos are great. Today it’s easy to put videos on your site. You can even shoot web-quality video with most smartphones. And if you don’t have a smartphone, an $80-$100 USB-ready High-Definition camera will do the trick.

After they sign up you can program your auto responder to send them a series of emails over the course of the next several weeks. This is a great way to keep your company at the top of your prospect’s mind. See www.ConstantContact. com, www.IContact.com or www.Aweber.com for information on auto-responders. Of course you’ll need a little bit of tech savvy to edit the video, but for a few hundred dollars there are excellent videographers who can help put a semi-professional video together for you. When I added videos to my local cleaning website, the number of jobs I booked doubled overnight. Adding a video that properly sells your cleaning service will easily boost your response rate. Put at least one video on your main page. If it’s a good video, it will keep web surfers on your site longer, increase your search engine ranking, and help book more jobs.

6. Get Their Email Address with an Email Opt-in Box If there was a way to robotically keep in touch with prospects who come to your Web site, would you use it? Well, there is! It’s called an email auto-responder. It contains a little box you put up on your site where prospects put in their name and email address. It’s best if you offer them a bonus to entice them to sign up for your auto-responder. The bonus could be a gift certificate toward cleaning, free bottle of spot remover, or an intriguing report.

7. Have a Call to Action on Every Page Once you’ve gotten them on your site, make responding to your offer easy. Tell them exactly what to do and how to do it. I like to put a button on every page that says something like, “Click Here NOW For a FREE Estimate!” When clicked, the web surfer is taken to a web inquiry form that asks questions about their cleaning needs.

8. Have Multiple Calls to Action But don’t just use banners asking to click for an estimate; also put a call to action in the body copy of the website. Simply say, “Click Here for an Estimate!” in the middle of your text. In addition, your phone number should appear in big, bold type at the top of every page. Make it easy for them to contact you. If your Web site doesn’t get prospects calling and emailing for your service, something is terribly wrong. You need to do something about it or you’re leaving lots of money on the table. If your Web site doesn’t give your prospects exactly what they want, they’ll go on to your competitor’s site. Take action today by making a few of these additions and book more jobs on your Web site.




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Circle 23 on the Free Information Page September 2011 | www.icsmag.com


Rx for Restoration


Jeff Bishop

Jeff Bishop is a 40-year veteran of the restoration industry. He teaches and consults internationally, and has published 13 books and videos on cleaning and restoration topics. This article is excerpted from his newly revised “Fire’s Out! . . Now What?” For more information access www.CleanCareSeminars.net.

Air Filtration Devices (AFDs) on Disaster Jobs At least once a week, I get calls about the use of HEPA-rated (99.97% at 0.3 microns) air filtration devices, also known as AFDs, negative air machines (NAMs), or air scrubbers, on disaster restoration jobs.


epending on who is asking, typically, my answer falls in one of two broad restoration categories: 1. Use of AFDs on fire losses, or 2. Use of AFDs on water losses, including Category 1 (clean source) water losses (Realizing that I’m no medical authority, don’t hesitate to check out the following with a qualified medical or public health physician, or with the American Lung Association at www.LungUSA.org). 22

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

Let’s start with a little background: Combustion smoke particles are measured in microns (1/1,000,000th of a meter or 1/25,400th of an inch). They generally range in size from 0.1 to 4 microns. According to Stanford Research Institute, when rendered airborne, particles in the five-micron range remain airborne for some 20 minutes, one micron particles for eight and one-half hours, and those smaller than one micron remain airborne more or less permanently. Now, bear with me for a short lesson in

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smoke particulate is no joke


Make sure all your people have access to proper PPE

Take precautions around hazardous materials

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Rx for Restoration

physiology – don’t worry, you can handle it if I can. The human respiratory system is able to filter particles from the air we breathe down to about 10 microns, thanks to the cilia in our bronchial passages leading down to the lungs. The cilia are hairlike structures that catch particles and push them back into the throat where they are expectorated (OK, spit out!) or swallowed and eliminated through the digestive tract. Many small particles are breathed in and out without being trapped within lung tissues. However, particles smaller than 10 microns potentially can penetrate deeply into lung tissues where some encounter the alveoli. The alveoli are tender membranes that transfer oxygen from air breathed into the lung, to the blood circulating through capillaries surrounding the alveoli and eventually on to the heart. Blood becomes red when oxygen molecules attach to hemoglobin, an oxygen carrying protein in blood. The body’s heart, a rather efficient pump, pressurizes the blood and circulates oxygenated blood to all parts of the body, which process enables us to continue living for a few more minutes. Lesson over. So here’s the point: at best, combustion smoke – really any small particles - may cause irritation; at worst, they may scar tender lung tissues (alveoli) permanently, especially when breathed in quantity or for prolonged periods. The end result may be permanent reduction in respiratory capacity. An exaggerated example of this process is the long-term smoker who inhales cigarette smoke (0.01-1 microns) for 30 years and winds up with emphysema – that is, if he or she manages to avoid the multiple Class A carcinogens contained in cigarette smoke. Arguably, these particles may be covered under provisions in OSHA’s 29 CFR Part 1910, General Industry Standard, §1000 under “Air Contaminants.” Business owners may be required to provide measures to protect workers from them, should they become a targeted 24

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

safety issue. If so, OSHA regulations always elevate engineering controls (e.g., HEPA-filtered AFD, containment) over personal protective equipment (e.g., respirators). UNC Professor of Public Health, Dr. Michael Berry, in his book “Protecting the Built Environment: Cleaning for Health,” characterizes “products of incomplete combustion” or “PICs” (fire soot components) as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs. According to Dr. Berry, combustion organics, often attached to particles, “. . . can affect health by causing cancer and cardiovascular problems and by irritating mucus membranes.” He goes on to say:

“Cancer is the most serious health consequence of inhaling combustion particles. The most common particle, soot, is itself carcinogenic. Soot particles, which contain PAHs, are adsorbed onto the surfaces of fine particles (less than 10 microns) which can be inhaled deeply into the lungs. Particles can also add to the risk of cancer because of their size and shape rather than any carcinogenic properties. They can carry carcinogens whenever cancercausing agents are adsorbed onto them. When carrier particles enter the lungs, the cancer-causing agent stays in contact with the cells of the lungs longer than it would otherwise as a gas. In some ways, the particles act like a time-release capsule. The composition of these cancer-causing agents, particles, and gases varies with fuel and burning conditions. Inhaled particles can also irritate respi-

ratory tissue and the eyes. The severity of the irritation depends on the concentration of particles which depends in part on what the particle itself is made of – on its chemical species. Lung function decreases when respirable particles occur alone, along with gases, or in concentrations greater than 300 μg/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter).” Certainly, when hazardous materials (HAZMAT), such as lead or asbestos, are encountered during tear-out of unsalvageable fire or water-damaged materials, abatement procedures performed by qualified persons usually include the use of AFDs, as required by OSHA. The bottom line here is this: When workers are exposed to high concentrations of soot or demolition particles for prolonged periods at the outset of disaster processing, and especially during tear-out or pack-outs when these particles are repeatedly disturbed and suspended in respirable air, reasonable and prudent precautions may include: 1. Ventilating the structure when practical, weather conditions and construction characteristics permitting; 2. Containing areas of heaviest contamination (gutted rooms) with appropriate engineering controls (critical barriers; 6-mil poly, managed airflow); 3. Using AFDs to filter respirable air when workers are exposed to HAZMAT or quantities of soot for extended periods, and especially, when ventilation is not practical (commercial buildings with sealed or no windows; basem*nts; weather extremes); 4. Providing workers with appropriate respiratory, eye and hand protection when processing quantities of sootcontaminated items or materials; 5. Cleaning and protecting the HVAC system as soon as practical, typically after processing ceilings, walls, fixtures, contents and flooring. Engineering controls: an essential step when dealing with particle contamination, whether than from fire damage or from demolition dusts.

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Coach’s corner


Noel Frank

Noel Frank is Director of Education for Chemspec Inc., where he has been employed since 1992. In a prior life he was a high school math teacher as well as a football and basketball coach. You can reach him at [emailprotected].

Welcome to the Coach’s Corner! Coach’s Corner is a new column conceived to address technical aspects of the carpetcleaning operation, as well as the upholstery cleaning operation.


he aim of the column is to take the cleaning operation and slice it into as many smaller segments as possible, thus thoroughly analyzing each step of the operation as it unfolds from the beginning. The column is going to be my viewpoint on these subjects. I am hoping that it will encourage discussion from and among you, the readers, and let you expand on or counter those viewpoints. I only know what I know. The real wealth of knowledge lies in the industry.


Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

Why call it “Coach’s Corner”? It’s a play on my background as a high school math teacher and football and basketball coach. My coaching included stints in Arizona, California, and Texas. The highlight was coaching a team that won a football state championship in Texas. Many of my friends and former players still refer to me as “coach”. My introduction to the carpet cleaning industry began when a partner and I purchased a carpet cleaning and carpet dyeing franchise in Waco, Texas. We

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Slice, dice and analyze


Sports terminology and cleaning make a natural fit

Interaction is encouraged: I’m talking to YOU!

were aggressive and grew well in a small market. We took what we learned and started our own franchise organization, Rainbow International. My responsibilities centered on the operations side of the organization, developing a department to train and assist new franchisees, as well as formulating cleaning solutions.

For the past 19 years I have been employed by Chemspec Inc., in many capacities, my current position being director of education. I am also an IICRC instructor. Keeping with the theme, the column will feature segments designated with sports terminology, such as instant replay

(referring to a previous segment), extra point (a segment which features input from a reader), pinch hitter (input from another “coach”), time out (a reader’s question), etc. To help encourage reader input, a $100 Chemspec gift certificate will be presented each month to the reader whose comments on a previous topic are selected for publication. Also, we want to encourage readers to submit questions about any technical issue. If I don’t know the answer (remember, I only know what I know), I’ll call upon several of my friends in the industry to suggest an appropriate answer. A $100 Chemspec gift certificate will be given to the reader whose question is chosen that month. You can start sending those questions to me now at [emailprotected]. Coming in October: Man vs. Machine – An Overview of the Cleaning Process. Coming in November: Preparation of Dry Soil Removal.

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The Gadget Man


Gordon Hanks

Bridgewater Corp. CEO Gordon Hanks got the nickname “Gadget Man” as a result of his brainchild that developed into one of the industry’s leading cleaning and restoration accessories. The Gadget man series is about making life easier and improving profitability. For more information call (800) 658-5314 or e-mail [emailprotected].

Dry as Fast as You Can! I use a hair dryer every morning. I don’t like to leave the house with wet hair and my wife tells me it looks better if I dry and comb it. So I hold the dryer, turn on the blower and turn the heat to high.


time or two I have actually tried drying without the heat, but I just don’t have like to spend three times longer drying my hair. Heat drying just makes sense to us, as we dry our clothes in the dryer or hang them outside on a warm summer day. Along those lines, let’s look at how you might use some heat “gadgets” to improve and speed your drying jobs. Let’s get this out of the way first: While I have been in the cleaning and restoration industry for over 37 years, I don’t claim to be the consummate expert on drying. Yes, I have been through several drying education course and even in my very early years of cleaning I was doing flood work. But even with this, I’m definitely not the person to give you a great understanding into the depths of differential vapor pressure, or even show you how to use an evaporation calculator. I just make sure that I partner and 28

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

work closely with those people who are. While I fully expect that fans and dehumidifiers will continue to be the primary method of drying at least in the near future, I am now seeing thousands of professionals adding directed-heat drying to their arsenal. Following the idea that, “the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree,” my son owns a restoration and cleaning business. He recently received a call from a local gym manager with a flooded hardwood basketball court. Another restoration company had come in and set up fans and dehumidifiers in large numbers, but the floor was just not drying. The hardwood was suspended on top of concrete with firm rubber discs. Water had collected on the concrete and had kept the hardwood wet and severely cupping for three weeks. My son invited me to help and observe his technique. About half the basketball

court was affected. We installed vacuum panels over the flooded areas, got them hooked up to the vacuum pumps and started them up. We then spread plastic sheeting over the whole area to create an enclosed tent effect. Using his hydronic directed-heat drying system, we added 50,000 BTUs of heat and approximately 1,500 CFM of airflow into the plastic tent. This would raise the tent about 4


Heat drying just makes sense


Multiple techniques can really enhance your possibilities


Success where others have failed is its own reward

of the wood go away, even after it had been wet for that long. I must say I was impressed. Whether you’re restoring a flooded gym floor or a residential basem*nt, I expect we share the same excitement and feeling of satisfaction when, upon completion, the customer says to you, “Wow, I thought we would be torn up for weeks. Only three days and I’m all put back together. Thank you so much!” Customer satisfaction through short drying times is the enduring strength behind directed-heat drying. But keep in mind that it is not necessarily a stand-alone system; the best approach is to have a complete arsenal of the best drying systems and gadgets to handle anything Mother Nature (or a broken water heater) can throw at you.

feet off the floor, as it was sealed around the edges. I have seen the same application executed very effectively on smaller hardwood drying situations hundreds of times. The only change would be to use less BTUs (probably an electric unit) for directing the heat. This would have been enough to expedite the drying of the gym floor, but we applied another system that really sped the drying and worker perfectly. With two other hydronic 50,000 BTU directed heat boxes, we were able to direct heat and air flow under the floor – between the concrete and the hardwood. We accomplished this by removing the edging base and drilling 1-inch holes spaced along the edge. We then added two Octidry wall/floor drying systems attached to the TEX boxes. This created an amazingly efficient drying situation. After struggling to dry this floor for over three week, to then have us come in and return it to the pre-flood dry measurements in 36 hours, it is hard to describe how pleased the gym manager was. I was surprised to see almost all of the cupping Circle 22 on the Free Information Page September 2011 | www.icsmag.com




■ Abatement Technologies ■ Abatix Corp. ■ Academy of Textiles and Flooring ■ ACV Systems ■ Adco Pro Cleaning ■ Aero Tech Manufacturing ■ Air-Care ■ Allstate Insurance Company ■ America Risk Management ■ American Caddy Vac ■ American Drying Institute ■ Amerivap Systems ■ Anabec, Inc. ■ Answerphone of America, LLC ■ Aramsco, Inc. ■ Arid Dry by CDIMS ■ Artillery Tools ■ Association of Rug Care Specialist ■ Assured Software Limited ■ Aztec Financial ■ B - Air Dryers ■ Basic Coating ■ Be Competition Free ■ Benefect RS. Co. ■ Big Idea Social ■ Bio - Reveal ■ Bi-O-Kleen ■ BISA ■ Bone Dry Rental ■ Bridgepoint Systems ■ Business Bridge – FittleBug ■ Business Networks ■ Canam Systems ■ Cat Pumps ■ CCINW ■ Central California Cleaning ■ Centrum Force ■ Century 400 ■ Certifiied Restoration Equipment ■ CFI ■ Chemical Technologies Int. ■ Chemspec ■ CIRI ■ Clean Care Seminars

■ Cleanco Truckmounts ■ Cleanfax Magazine ■ Client Runner ■ Code Blue ■ Comet USA ■ Core Products Co., ■ CRA ■ Crawford Contractor Connection ■ CRI / The Carpet and Rug Institute ■ CSN ■ Damtech ■ Dash by Next Gear Solution ■ Delmhorst ■ Disaster Equipment, Inc. ■ DKI ■ Dr. Shrink, Inc. ■ DRIcore Subfloor ■ DriExpress ■ Driscoll & Driscoll Insurance Agency ■ Dry Advise / Restoration Journeys ■ Dry Air Technology ■ Drying Technologies Intl, LLC ■ Drymasters Products, ■ DSC ■ EDIC ■ EMSL Analytical ■ Esporta Wash Systems ■ Excellent Supply ■ Fiberlock ■ First Choice Equipment Sales ■ First General Services ■ Flir Systems ■ Fluke Corporation ■ Forensic Analytical Laboratories, Inc. ■ Gardner Denver, Inc. ■ GE Measurement & Control Solutions ■ General Pump ■ General Tools & Instruments ■ Go Clean Supply ■ GPS Mobile Solutions ■ Grand Northern Products ■ Gum B Gone ■ Harvard Chemical Research ■ HGI Industries ■ Hydra Master ■ Hydraspec, Inc.

■ Hydro-Force Manufacturing ■ Icat Solutions ■ IceTech America, Inc. ■ ICS Cleaning Specialist ■ IICRC ■ Injectidry Systems ■ Inline Distributing ■ Interlink Supply ■ Jon Don ■ K&J Representatives, LLC ■ K.S. International ■ Kingston Valves ■ Kleenrite Equipment ■ Legend Brands ■ Lignomat USA, Ltd. ■ LMCCA ■ Lucas Environmental ■ Masterblend ■ Masterclean Products ■ MCRA ■ Microbloc ■ Midwest Rental & Supply ■ Mojave Supply ■ Morantz Ultrasonics ■ More Floods, Inc. ■ Multi-Steam Int. ■ MY FLOORING WARRANTY ■ Mytee ■ NanoScale Corporation ■ Net Claims Now ■ Nikro Industries ■ Odell Electronics Cleaning Stations ■ Omegasonics ■ Orbitec Solutions Inc. ■ OVR Equipment Sales and Rentals ■ PCRA ■ Phenomenal Products ■ Power-Flite ■ Precision Fluid Controls, Inc. ■ ProChem ■ Procyon ■ Production Metal Forming, Inc. ■ Professional Equipment ■ Pullman - Holt ■ Pumptec, Inc. ■ PuroClean

■ Rainbow Intl. Restoration & Cleaning ■ Reets Drying Academy ■ Restoration Consultants ■ Restoration Journeys ■ RIA - Restoration Industry Assoc. ■ Rochester Midland Corporation ■ Rotobrush/ AIRQC Corp ■ Rotovac ■ SCRT ■ SEBO America ■ SEJ Solutions Pty Ltd. ■ Sentinel Products, Inc. ■ Service Software ■ ServiceMonster ■ Siamons International ■ Sporicidin by Contec, Inc. ■ PCR Network ■ Steam Services ■ Steamatic, Inc. ■ Sunbelt Rentals ■ Superior Building Safety Products ■ Surfaces ■ Sutus, Inc. ■ Tack - Gaard ■ TES Directed Heat Drying ■ The Butler Corp. ■ The Home Depot ■ ThermaPureHeat ■ Therma-Stor Products ■ Thornell Corporation ■ TRA Technologies, LLC ■ Tramex c/o Black Hawk Sales ■ Tri-Plex Technical Services ■ Truckmount & Cleaning Solutions ■ U.S. Products ■ Ultra Sonic International ■ United Rentals ■ Vaportek, Inc. ■ Viking Equipment ■ Vinus Trading ■ Violand Management Associates ■ Wacker Neuson / Ground Heaters ■ Westpak USA ■ Xaact Products ■ Xactware ■ Zipwall LLC


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Hard Floor Maintenance Opportunities


Stanley Quentin Hulin

Stanley Quentin Hulin has been actively involved in the industry providing services, management and sales/marketing expertise since 1975. Stan conducts training seminars/clinics, establishes educational programs and serves as a speaker at industry conventions and meetings. E-mail him at [emailprotected]

Type and Cross: Rx for Wood Floors For the last decade, new flooring sales have demonstrated that carpet sales are on the decline while hard surface flooring sales are on the rise.


oncrete, stone, ceramic and resilient flooring materials are very active, but wood flooring sales have increased considerably both in the residential and the commercial markets. Granted, new wood flooring sold is still short of carpet and resilient, but it surpassed ceramic to take the number three spot. This rise in new wood flooring sales over the past few years has generated a need for floor maintenance as they age. The floor maintenance technician will undoubtedly be called on to maintain them, so it is in their best interest to have a primary understanding of identifying wood flooring types and the maintenance methodologies. Wood flooring materials have become so popular that there are a number of products that are imposters posing as


Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

wood. Some of these charlatans are not even made of wood such as concrete and resilient. Resilient solid vinyl printed film will look like wood (it is a picture), but it has no wood in it at all. The same can be said about laminate flooring; although it may be made out of wood byproducts, what you see is a picture of wood flooring under a heavy melamine wear layer. Bamboo which has become immensely popular, is a grass often mistaken for wood. So, the first thing the technician must do is to identify whether what they are working on is wood at all. The discussion of wood flooring types begins with the botanical classification of hardwood or softwood. Hardwoods come from deciduous trees, meaning they lose their leaves in winter and softwoods come

from conifers, trees that do not lose their leaves in winter. As a general statement, hardwoods used for flooring materials are generally more durable and wear better than softwoods. Flooring material will be either solid

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Know your wood species Not all “wood” is wood ”hardwood” doesn’t mean it’s impervious to damage

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Hard Floor Maintenance Opportunities

wood: one solid piece of wood cut into strips or planks, or engineered wood: a combination of softwood cross layered under a veneer of hardwood. Most wood flooring is a tongue and groove, which gives them an interlocking capability and the ability to hide the nails or staples used to attach them. Solid wood flooring will invariably be nailed or stapled to the substrate, whereas engineered wood has more dimensional flexibility which allows them to be glued down in some situations as well. Traditionally, solid wood flooring is sanded and finished on site, but both solid or engineered wood flooring can and often do have factory finishes applied during the fabrication process. This gives the customer a finished floor without having to deal with wood dust and the unpleasant odors associated with floor seals and finishes. These coatings can be a number of products from penetrating seals to urethanes/polyurethanes and even in-

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clude heat impregnated acrylics. Whether finished in the factory or on site, the installed wood floor is now exposed to the effects of erosion and it is the floor maintenance technician’s responsibility to keep it looking as good as new. Wood is much softer than many other flooring materials, even when coated with the most durable coatings on the market. Therefore they have more potential for damage when exposed to soil and traffic conditions. The most important aspect of maintaining a wood floor is to minimize the soil within the building. If soil is not present, it cannot damage the floor. Stop or slow down the amount of soil trafficked onto the floor by incorporating a good walk off matting program. Due to the sensitivity of wood flooring, a longer walk off mat is preferable for capturing more soil. Of course all of the soil will not be contained at the door and some will be moved throughout the building. A good portion of that soil will be just beyond the reach of the walk off mats and will lessen the further you get from the entries. Dry service procedures such as sweeping, dust mopping (yarn or microfiber cloth systems), and vacuuming, especially in the entries, will reduce a significant amount of soil. If these service procedures are performed multiple times a day, the soil will be contained considerably and cause minimal damage. Conversely, performing these services infrequently will allow soil to continually scratch the surface dulling the appearance and creating traffic patterns. Damp mopping a wood floor is not sacrilege; there will be times when damp mopping will be necessary. The main thing to remember is that even though wood flooring is water sensitive, it will not disintegrate on contact. Cleaning solutions used in moderation and thoroughly dried after cleaning are completely acceptable for routine and periodic maintenance. What you don’t want to do is apply cleaning solution liberally and allow it to dwell on the surface. This allows the moisture to get between the slats or tiles and migrate to the lowest point. Trapped solution has the potential for warping and buckling the wood. Periodic maintenance for wood floors is often a spray buff system in aerosol or pump sprayer applications. Many times these products are sold by the manufacturer of the product installed. It is a usually a simple process of spraying a small area with the product and buffing it until it is dry. These products fill in the superficial scratches and restore gloss to the floor. There is also a relatively new technology in automatic scrubbing machines designed specifically for wood that utilize technology that allows for deep cleaning without damaging the finish. Like traditional automatic scrubbing machines, they apply

solution, agitate with brushes specifically designed for wood and extract the contaminated solution all in one motion. The beauty of these machines is that they remove the solution almost completely, which reduces or eliminates the potential of standing water. Additionally, topical treatments are available that can be applied after cleaning that do not require sanding. As this technology evolves, it is sure to extend the useful life expectancy of wood flooring. An added extra benefit is if the periodic maintenance of wood flooring is

made easier, it may be performed more frequently reducing the amount of erosive materials that the floor is exposed to and improving the appearance for a much longer time. Matting programs, daily/ routine and periodic maintenance can help to reduce the amount of minor erosion, but ultimately the floor will give way to damage. Superficial scratches are one thing, but deep scratches and erosion of the coating to the bare wood is another thing all together. Unfortunately wood flooring like all flooring will at some point require restorative maintenance. Sanding and refinishing for solid wood and surface screening for engineered wood followed by applications of new coatings are the traditional methodologies for restoring these floors. There is a lot more a floor maintenance technician needs to learn to pursue re-

storative maintenance for wood flooring. Depth of knowledge includes the type of flooring, the species, the cut, and the grade of the wood they will be working on. How those floors are sanded and refinished can change based on geographic location, humidity, traffic conditions and other criteria. In addition the skilled wood floor maintenance technician will have to possess an extensive understanding of the different coatings available. There are a multitude of different coating products on the market designed specifically for wood flooring from which the technician will choose. These products are much more difficult to work with and some are quite odiferous requiring the areas to be vacated when the services are performed. Before one even attempts to perform advanced restorative maintenance on a wood floor it is recommended to get training.

Circle 14 on the Free Information Page September 2011 | www.icsmag.com


The Rug Cleaning Specialist


Aaron Groseclose

Aaron Groseclose is president of Master Blend, and has more than 20 years experience in the cleaning industry. He is a senior carpet inspector and has led many carpet, upholstery, Oriental rug, leather and commercial cleaning seminars worldwide. Aaron is also co-developer of the Master Rug Cleaner Program. His email address is [emailprotected]

Rug Cleaning 101: Equipping Your Facility In the past three articles of our series Rug Cleaning 101, we discussed the importance of receiving training before starting rug cleaning, why you should be cleaning these textiles in a shop or plant environment, and we reviewed the pre-cleaning inspection process.


ow let’s look at how to equip your new rug cleaning facility, however humble it may be. Lots of options are available for all budgets; think of this investment along the lines of buying a new truckmount and van. The first step in cleaning any textile is dry soil extraction, so let’s look at your options. If you have a large volume of rugs to clean, automatic dusters are available again. This type of duster was once only available from the Moore Company (which is no longer manufacturing), but is now available from Centrum Force. Portable dusters are what most new rug plants are using because they are affordable and effective. The original rug duster was from the Hild Company and is long out of production – but you can 36

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

still see them in use. The two manufacturers offering portable dusters today are The Rug Badger and Centrum Force. If you do not have the budget for a rug duster, use a good upright beater bar vacuum cleaner. First, vacuum the face


Take your time when equipping your facility


Explore your options: there’s a bunch of new equipment out there


Know “why” before you buy

of the rug, then the back. Sweep the floor, then vacuum the face again. You could then repeat the process and continue to remove more dry soil. The next step in the process is choosing the cleaning method that is most suitable based on your pre-cleaning inspection, including the construction of the rug. If shrinkage or bleeding is a concern, use a low-moisture method like an absorbent compound or encapsulation. Hotwater extraction equipment can be used to clean rugs of course. However, on natural fibers turn down the pressure to no more than 200 psi to prevent pile distortion.

And turn off the heat! Yes it will slow down the cleaning process a little, but hot water can contribute to dye bleeding and shrinkage. Use a longer dwell time with your chemicals to compensate for the lack of heat. Extremely soiled rugs can be cleaned using an immersion

process, if the rug can withstand an invasive cleaning method. The more thorough you are with the cleaning process, the more likely you are to encounter dye bleeding, pile distortion, shrinkage, and hidden defects in the rug. Only use this method after a complete pre-cleaning inspection. This method is the most effective way to remove urine. After washing the rug and grooming the pile, it is ready for the dry room. Place on a dry pole or flat on a rack if you are concerned with possible dry bleed. One piece of equipment receiving more and more attention is the centrifuge. After the wash process, the rug is spun to remove the vast majority of the water. With less water in the rug, dry time is decreased substantially, including browning of the fringe. Both Centrum Force and The Rug Badger offer centrifuges. With the great variety of equipment available to the rug specialist today the task of washing rugs has become easier. Next time we will look at the proper cleaning chemistry to go with the equipment we have discussed.

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866-652-8778 • www.centrum-force.com Circle 15 on the Free Information Page September 2011 | www.icsmag.com


Building a Phenomenally Successful Business


Howard Partridge

Howard Partridge started his carpet cleaning company (Clean As A Whistle) out of the truck of his car over 25 years ago and built it up to a 14 truck company that bills as much as $2.8 million per year. For over a decade he’s been helping carpet cleaners from around the world build phenomenally successful businesses through Phenomenal Products, Inc. In January he launched Clean As A Whistle Franchising, LLC., offering turnkey Clean As A Whistle franchises. To get Howard’s FREE Tip of the Week, free videos, webinars, and resources, visit www.HowardPartridge.com or call 281-634-0404.

Tom Sawyer’s (and My) System for Success Over the past several months, I have been painstakingly outlining how to stop being a slave to your business and put it on autopilot by building systems in your business.


ystems may not sound exciting, but let me ask you a question: how would you feel if you could do what you want, when you want? How would you feel if you had a staff that did everything for you and you could go on vacation for several weeks without having to solve every problem, put out every brushfire? I’ll tell you how it feels: It feels free! Sadly, most business owners will never experience this feeling, because they are convinced that it is a fantasy, that they could never get someone to do what they do as well as they can. But here’s a fact: If your dream includes more than cleaning carpet, managing the business, or whatever you do “in’ the business each day, you won’t reach it without a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More). 38

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

Get Your People to Do What You Want When You Want It Your employees can be your greatest asset or your biggest nightmare, and it mostly depends on your leadership skills. Some years ago when I was managing my company, a low-rider, gangster-looking Impala was parked in the parking lot. Two men were in the car, and pot smoke billowed out of the windows. After some time, one of them emerged from the car and began walking toward our office. He walks in wearing cut-off blue jeans, flip-flops and a yellow tanktop that revealed a huge tattoo on his bicep. Wearing sunglasses, he asked, “Ya’ll hirin?” I responded with “We do require a drug test, is that going to be a problem?” Now, please understand that this was not the proper or legal way to do this,

but it seemed appropriate at the time and I just couldn’t resist. But his reply is what killed me: “That gonna be today?” Wow! In other words, if you give me


Strive for that feeling of freedom


Write it down, write it down, write it down!


Get others to paint the fence for you



BLAST YOUR BUSINESS INTO THE STRATOSPHERE Tour with ICS Columnists and Top Industry Coaches Howard Partridge, John Braun, Dave DeBlander and others Sponsored and Hosted by:

Secrets of a PHENOMENAL Cleaning & Restoration Business... This ONE DAY SEMINAR WILL REVEAL… • How to “Get Rich in the Niche and DOMINATE Your Market! • How Howad Generates $64k Per Month in Automatic Referrals (and you can too) • How to DOUBLE Your Business in the Next 12 Months (or Less) • The Latest, Greatest Strategies that Are Making Cleaners Money Right NOW • How to Automate Your Business to MAKE MORE MONEY While WORKING LESS! • A Referral Marketing System So Effective, You May Never Advertise Again

John Braun

Howard Partridge

For over a decade (12 years actually), Howard Partridge has helped cleaning and restoration professionals improve their businesses. Some have doubled or tripled their businesses, others have built turn-key systems and others have gotten off the truck and are spending more time with their families. He has become a top consultant in our industry and we are proud to have him as a prized ICS columnist. John Braun who is known as the “Hitman” because he knows how to help you drive traffic to YOUR website and generate business with internet marketing. Dave DeBlander is a shining example of Howard’s results and is now also a frequent contributor to ICS. NOTICE: This is NOT a seminar where you get a bunch of information thrown at you. Instead, Howard and Dave will guide you through a full day “coaching experience” that reveals a crystal clear, proven path to take you from where you are now to where you want to be… They will even show you the exact systems they both used (and many of Howard’s members have used) to create massive success in their own companies.

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Building a Phenomenally Successful Business

just 24 hours, maybe I can get myself clean enough to pass! You may have had similar experiences trying to find employees. You may have given up. Don’t. I have a phenomenal team, and many of my members do as well. The reason? They have systems and they have leadership skills.

Let’s recap: You have your Mission Statement in place (Component No. 1), you’ve started using your Organizational Chart (Component No. 2), and

so we’ve come to Component No. 3: Position Descriptions. If you simply take the time to outline what you expect from your employee each day, your business will be more successful and organized, putting you on a better road toward systematizing your company. Do you have written job descriptions? If not, it doesn’t have to be that hard. By the way, position description might be a more positive way to put it. “Job” doesn’t have much appeal does it? Here’s how you do it. First, make a list of everything that each of your employees do each day. Then begin making a long list of the things you do that aren’t getting done. This will be a massive list! Then, begin to assign these items to others. Create a daily and weekly checklist. Go over it with your team members. Ask them if they know how to do each item. Don’t worry about how to do the

Circle 18 on the Free Information Page 40

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

procedure quite yet; we’ll get to that in the next two components. Now you have a checklist you can simply go over when something doesn’t get done. Simple, isn’t it? Now the challenge is to have enough people in place to do everything that needs to be done. Now you can begin thinking about hiring, outsourcing, efficiency and all of those things. Your position descriptions don’t need to include all of the why’s and how’s, just a checklist. The “why” is covered in the Mission Statement and the “how’s” will be covered in Policies and Procedures. However, you do want to keep the “how” in mind as you create the checklist and refer to it on the task. Example: Let’s say that one of the items on the Position Description is “Make Daily Bank Deposit.” Phrase it this way instead: “Make Daily Bank Deposit according to Daily Bank De-

posit Policies and Procedures.” You see, someone may have done the task previously, but they did it at the wrong time and the wrong way. That’s it. A simple checklist. I hope this helps. Now, as to Tom Sawyer…Tom Sawyer was famous for getting others to do his work for him. I take that to the extreme. Not because I want to feel important, but because the more I can get others to do for me, the more of the important things I can get done. The more support I have, the more I can work on my projects and the more I can get done. I was at my office yesterday for a couple of hours. My administration manager was marveling at all the projects I was working on. He said, “I have no idea how you do all of that.” I explained to him that it was largely because of people like him. My staff. My team. I told him that because of the fact that they did such a phenomenal job of handling the day to day, that all I do every day is work on projects. So do a Tom Sawyer and get others to paint the fence for you so you can do the stuff you want to do. Circle 1 on the Free Information Page

Circle 25 on the Free Information Page September 2011 | www.icsmag.com


New Products oducts & Technologies


5 4

1 2 3

5 ProTeam 3 Phoenix Restoration CAM and CAM Pro get stackable The Phoenix Stackable CAM and CAM Pro utilize an innovative stable, stackable design. With multiple contact points and interlocking side grills, the CAM and CAM Pro can be stacked safely and securely up to 4 units high. At 1050 CFM, over 2800 FPM, and using only 2.6 amps, both the Stackable CAM and CAM Pro deliver 12% more CFM, while drawing 35% less electricity than the leading competitive centrifugal on both High Speed and Low Speed (2.0 amps on low). Circle 245 on the Reader Inquiry Card.

1 Sapphire Scientific Sapphire slides in its most powerful truckmount yet The 870SS High Pressure slide in utilizes a patent-pending triple-source heat cogeneration, a 2500 PSI solution pump, and triple-wand capability. The 870SS “is ideal for hard surface cleaning, large commercial jobs and any operation looking for a truckmount that is both extremely powerful and versatile,” the company said. “This is a true heated high pressure machine,” said Bob Kline, President of Sapphire Scientific. “It is perfect for high volume cleaning. And for operations that can benefit from a wide range of applications, nothing beats it.” Circle 243 on the Reader Inquiry Card.

ProTeam introduces the ProBlitz AirMover. The powerful, high-speed air mover adds to ProTeam’s full performance floorcare options. “Moisture is a floor’s worst enemy. We wanted to design an air mover that makes an effective and affordable player in the complete cleaning field,” says Matt Wood, ProTeam President and CEO. “From post-extraction carpet drying to small office floods to a high-level restoration project, the new commercial level air mover works in tandem with our high-performance vacuums to quickly tackle any floorcare situation at hand.” Circle 251 on the Reader Inquiry Card.

4 Fluke Corp.

2 Bonnet Pro Surround Bright All saves time and money New Surround Bright All saves you time by boosting your detergents performance while saving money, as you only boost when needed. Bright All brightens colors and removes organic stains and odors with its environmentally safe, oxygen-releasing, power-packed cleaning agents. Use on carpet, tile and grout, and even clean bonnets and laundry for a new and fresh experience. Circle 241 on the Reader Inquiry Card. 42

ProTeam releases new air movers

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

Fluke P3 series takes aim at restoration pros Fluke Corp.’s P3 Series TiR27 and TiR29 Thermal Imagers “are especially useful to restoration and remediation professionals because they are calibrated to detect even the smallest change in temperature, enabling the user to detect otherwise invisible water damage without penetrating or otherwise damaging the surface,” the company said. Optional telephoto and wide-angle lenses for the P3 thermal imagers also allow users to take the infrared images from a distance, providing an increased level of safety for professionals when it might be hazardous to enter a building after it has been damaged by fire or f lood. Circle 252 on the Reader Inquiry Card.

6 Advance Advance unveils a total care solution Advance introduces the ES4000 Total Carpet Care System, “delivering unprecedented versatility in a single convenient, controlled platform. Offering four distinct operational modes, the ES4000 can dry sweep, interim extract, pre-treat or restore carpets—providing a f lexible solution for carpet care applications ranging from daily maintenance to deep restorative extraction,” the company said. The ES4000 allows users to efficiently switch between four different cleaning modes, providing the time-saving versatility to accommodate varying carpet care requirements. Circle 250 on the Reader Inquiry Card.

Circle 13 on the Free Information Page

New Products & Technologies

7 Powr-Flite A Perfect system for consistent heat The Perfect Heat system on certain Powr-Flite portable carpet extractors “is designed to provide consistent heat at the wand tip throughout the carpet cleaning process.” In “real world” tests comparing the Perfect Heat system to competitors, temperatures at the wand tip were not only higher but they were consistently higher. This means better performance because heat improves the effectiveness of cleaning chemicals. In addition, less chemical may be needed, making the carpet cleaning process greener as well, the company said. Circle 247 on the Reader Inquiry Card.

CFR CFR portable extractors demonstrate savings CFR has released new studies regarding the water and chemical use of one of its most popular machines, the Cascade 20. The system filters and recycles water/cleaning solution up to seven times as the machine is used. The technology was developed more than a decade ago. However, due to today’s increased concerns about sustainability, water conservation, chemical use, and cost savings, it is receiving greater attention now than when first introduced. The first comparison focused on how often the machine had to be emptied and refilled versus its competitors. Stopping to empty and refill the machine takes time, slows down the carpet cleaning process, and adds to costs. Circle 249 on the Reader Inquiry Card.

8 7

8 Flexaust Truckmount hose is flexible, smooth and crush-resistant An upgraded polyethylene copolymer hose that comes in a variety of colors with integral poly-welded cuffs for commercial, industrial, and residential truck mount installation, the Flexaust Genesis STM Carpet Cleaning Truck Mount Hose handles full vacuum, resists most chemicals, solvents, and water, and operates over a -40°F to 160°F temperature range. Reinforced with an integral poly-ethylene double-profile I-Helix for easy dragging over all surfaces, the hose is available in a wide variety of colors. Circle 244 on the Reader Inquiry Card.

Circle 4 on the Free Information Page 44

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

9 DrySmart DrySmart Diesel 500 fully self-contained DrySmart’s newly patented Diesel 500 is an amazing drying tool for water damage restoration professionals. A fully self-contained heat drying system, the Diesel 500 is designed to handle jobs from 800 to over 5,000 sq. ft. It produces lots of clean, fresh, hot air to greatly speed the drying process, remove odors, and inhibit mold growth. The Diesel 500 trailer can easily be pulled by any ½ ton vehicle and has ample room for equipment storage. An 11,000 watt generator has plenty of 110v & 220v current available for air movers. Multiple temperature controllers and the variable speed blowers improve efficiencies as heat and air volumes can be matched to the job size.Circle 242 on the Reader Inquiry Card.


10 D-Lead D-Lead Paint Test Kit now available in Twin Pack The Twin Pack is the same EPA-recognized test as the D-Lead Paint Test Kit (Contractors 24test kit), but in a convenient pack of two complete 7-test kits which makes testing on multiple job sites at once a breeze. “The US EPA’s independent testing of the D-Lead Paint Test Kit showed 99 percent-plus accuracy in determining the absence of regulated lead based paint,” said Daniel P. Askin, president of ESCA Tech. Circle 253 on the Reader Inquiry Card.

Contec Contec introduces Mold Resistant Coatings and Stain Remover Contec’s Sporicidin brand is releasing Mold Resistant Coatings product line and Mold and Mildew Stain Remover. The addition of these mold-proof coatings, when used in conjunction with Sporicidin cleaners and antimicrobials, provides a three-step “Clean-Kill-Seal” approach to microbial contamination cleanup and prevention. The EPA-registered antimicrobial protects against growth of damage-causing organisms such as mold, mildew, algae, and odor-causing bacteria on the film. These easy to use, fast-drying coatings have a flat finish that will not peel, blister or chip and can be painted over. Circle 248 on the Reader Inquiry Card.




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New Products & Technologies



11 Butler Corp. Butler introduces Maximum ”Green” Traffic Lane Cleaner Butler introduces “a concentrated “environmentally friendly” blend of selected surfactant builders, softeners and solvents for improved soil removal and cleaning results. Butler Maximum “Green” Traffic Lane Cleaner works to emulsify soils and suspend them to the surface for easier removal,” the company said. Circle 240 on the Reader Inquiry Card.

12 Square Scrub Square Scrub unveils news floor prep machines All Square Scrub EBG Series Floor Surface Preparation Machines come with a 1-year Warranty on parts and labor and a 2-year manufacturer’s warranty on the motor. Every model comes with a 10-gauge powder coated steel frame; ¾” solid steel axle; 6”x 2” non-marking wheels with ball bearings; adjustable handle with transport lock and more. Circle 239 on the Reader Inquiry Card.

PuroClean PuroClean franchisees see gains, opportunities In 2010, PuroClean opened 47 new franchise locations and reported more than $100 million in revenues. Sales gains at existing franchise locations were up 30 percent from 2009 to 2010, the company said. “Insurance professionals are increasingly selective in which property restoration specialists they choose to work with,” said Lauren Reid, CEO of PuroClean. “They want to refer their policy holders to professionals affiliated with a national, reputable brand, that has the capacity to mobilize and handle large-scale disasters, and that has streamlined procedures for documenting and carrying out the restoration process. That’s exactly why independent restoration companies are choosing to join our System. Circle 230 on the Reader Inquiry Card. Circle 6 on the Free Information Page 46

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

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MustSee Products Gallery The ICS Must See Products Gallery is a multimedia showcase designed to allow manufacturers and distributors an opportunity to introduce new products, programs and technologies through a variety of platforms. The information and claims found here are provided by the manufacturers; any questions or requests for more information should be directed to them.

Hydro-Force The SX-15 is the most advanced hard surface cleaning tool ever designed. Engineered to maximize productivity, the SX-15 utilizes a laminar flow vortex head and 2” tubing to quickly and completely remove water. The tool-less boot change and toe-adjustable vacuum release allow you to quickly adapt to any cleaning situation. And, the 15 inch head allows you to clean 25% more surface area with each cleaning pass. For details circle #101 on the Free Information Card.

Thornell Corporation Odorcide® is now available in a new “Fresh Scent” for eliminating offensive odors of all kinds. Just like the “Original” formula, this new non-enzymatic product works instantly with no dwell time and is not affected by detergents and disinfectants. Apply to reach the odor source and the odor is gone. All Thornell products use a unique proprietary formula that permanently eliminates, not masks, odors on contact. visit us at www.odorcide.com. For details circle #102 on the Free Information Card.

The Butler System The Butler Systems’ components are logically arranged for convenient accessibility. Most components incorporate the use of quick disconnects and JIC swivel fittings for easy removal. Our customers appreciate the benefits of being able to access and service their machines economically and in less time. Please call 800-535-5025 or visit us on-line at butlersystem.com for additional information. For details circle #103 on the Free Information Card.

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How to Dry the Seemingly Impossible Date: September 27, 2011 Time: 2:00 p.m. ET Register: webinars.icsmag.com • webinars.randrmagonline.com

Your Toughest Drying Challenges • Learn how high pressure drying can help you save materials • Dry 4,5,6, or more layers of floors or walls • Learn how to avoid cross contamination in medical facilities and schools • How to talk a customer through their water damage • Learn TAME. Elements include Time Atmospheres Materials & Equipment • Introduction of latest high pressure drying equipment

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Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

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Bridgepoint Systems

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Cleanco Truckmounts

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September 2011 | www.icsmag.com


IICRC Chairman’s Corner


Paul Pearce

Paul Pearce, an industry veteran since 1973, is a Master Cleaner, Restorer and Instructor, as well as owner of Country House Carpet Care in England. He is a Past President of the National Carpet Cleaners Association (UK), for which he currently serves as technical director. He has also served as past chairman for the British Cleaning Council. You can reach Paul at [emailprotected].

Evolution of the IICRC: ANSI There have been a lot of changes to the IICRC in the past two years, and we realize that change is never easy.


ut change is a natural occurrence in any organization, including ours. For the IICRC, those many changes have helped the IICRC continue to grow and move forward to meet the needs of its registrants and consumers. As part of that continuing evolution, there are a number of changes taking place that you may have heard about, and I wanted to take this opportunity to provide more background information. There are four main areas of change, but today we’ll look at one in particular: ANSI accreditation. In an effort to achieve recognition for IICRC approved training and certification programs in addition to its current ANSI-accredited Standards Developer status, IICRC began the process of becoming ANSI accredited as a certifying organization. IICRC learned that the organization would need to undergo major changes in order to become ANSI accredited as a certifying organization. These upgrades included changes in the very structure of IICRC. Changes in how exams are developed and administered, as well as internal processing 54

Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

changes and controls that need to be put into place. It is very important to note that all the existing courses and exams will continue as they currently are being offered including instructor proctored exams. These are considered “Certificate” level training courses in the ANSI terminology. The “Accredited Certification” designations are not linked to any specific training courses but are focused on a specially developed exam. Although not required, completion of the certificatetraining program is still strongly encouraged to give the candidate a better chance of actually passing the accreditedcertification exam. The accredited certification exams being developed are in addition to – not instead of – our existing programs and are designed to give additional credentials, credibility, and opportunity to those that achieve this level. It is our understanding that these accredited certification exams will also, in almost every case, meet any state licensing requirements that are on the horizon, with Florida being the first example from earlier this year.

I would compare the “Certificate” level training courses to law school for the lawyer or college economics classes for the accountant. So far, the IICRC is only developing one such accreditation exam, “Mold Removal Specialist”. It is likely more will follow in the future. It is this level of exam that requires the separation of training, the non-instructor development of the exam, and the non-instructor delivery/proctoring of the exam. It is our goal that someday both the certificate level programs and any accredited certification level programs we offer will be ANSI approved for what they are.


Change is just a normal part of growth


ANSI accreditation is key to the future


If you’re confused, don’t hesitate to contact us.

CRA News By Jennifer Germond

Jennifer Germond is Member Services Coordinator for the CRA. You can reach her at [emailprotected] or call her at 916-736-1100, ext. 302.

Looking Forward to the Vegas Connections Conference!


he Cleaning and Restoration Association will be holding its Annual Membership Meeting on Thursday, Sept. 8 at the Connections Conference in Las Vegas immediately following the tradeshow at 6:00pm. After the meeting, the CRA will host a get-together for members and non-members alike. Watch for details on the CRA website at www.crassociation.org. Be sure to visit us at Booth #2, where Jim Holland will be impersonating Elvis (kidding, kidding). But do come by and say hi to us! In other news, the CRA is expanding its membership by

launching a Membership Drive in which referrals resulting in new memberships earn credit toward members’ 2012 renewal fee.

CRA Training Courses for September/October Sept. 13-16 AMRT in Santa Fe Springs, CA – Abatix (John Banta) Oct. 3-5 WRT in Santa Fe Springs, CA – Abatix (Jim Holland) Oct. 25-28 AMRT in Santa Fe Springs, CA – Abatix (John Banta) Oct. 27 “6 Up-Sales to Make More Cash” in Sacramento, CA – RestCon (Jessica James) Call me, Jennifer, at (916) 736-1100, x302 or email me at [emailprotected] for information about membership, or visit us at www.crassociation.org.

September 2011 | www.icsmag.com


PACR News By Jillian Olson



he PACR is excited to announce new PACR Power Meetings coming to the Denver area this fall called “IICRC CEC Credit Workshops.” These will be a series of four half-day workshops focusing on updates within specific IICRC Standards, including the pending new S100 Professional Cleaning of Textile Floor Coverings Standard. Larry Cooper will present the updated information for all workshops and will allow for questions and answers. See below for more information on these and other events coming to PACR this fall.

Upcoming Events September 7-9: Connections Convention and Trade Show at the Las Vegas Hilton. Join PACR members to take on this years’ “Experience” with one-of-a-kind hands-on training, highenergy networking and the largest trade show in the industry! The Connections events are one of PACR’s largest fundraisers throughout the year. Don’t forget, PACR members save $100 on registration. We hope to see you there.

IICRC CEC Credit Workshops Friday September 23: S500 Water Damage Restoration Update. Larry Cooper will present information on new updates within the IICRC S500 Water Damage Standard, 9:00am – 1:00pm and students will receive ½ IICRC Continuing Education Credit for completion. Location TBD, Denver.


Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

Wednesday October 12: S520 Mold Remediation Update. Larry Cooper will present information on new updates within the IICRC S520 Mold Remediation Standard. Workshop will run from 9:00am – 1:00pm and students will receive ½ IICRC Continuing Education Credit for completion. Location TBD, Denver. Thursday November 17: NEW S100 Professional Cleaning of Textile Floor Coverings; Residential Floor Covering. Larry Cooper will present the newly updated information on the NEW IICRC S100 Floor Covering Standard focusing on Residential Cleanings. Workshop will run from 9:00am – 1:00pm and students will receive ½ IICRC Continuing Education Credit for completion. Location TBD, Denver. Monday December 12: NEW S100 Professional Cleaning of Textile Floor Coverings; Commercial Floor Covering. Larry Cooper will present the newly updated information on the NEW IICRC S100 Floor Covering Standard focusing on Commercial Cleanings. Workshop will run from 9:00am – 1:00pm and students will receive ½ IICRC Continuing Education Credit for completion. Location TBD, Denver. 4 for 1 Price (All 4 Workshops for 2 CEC’s Total). PACR Members: $149 per person. Non-Members: $249 per person. Individual Workshop (price per workshop). PACR Members: $57 per person. Non-Members: $77 per person. For more information and to register, contact the PACR office at (877)447-2822 or email Jillian at [emailprotected].

SCRT News By Patti Savelle

Patti Savelle is administrator for the Society of Cleaning & Restoration Technicians.

SCRT Chapter Updates


From Gary Glenn, SCRT President

n October 19 the Georgia Chapter of The Society of Cleaning and Restoration Technicians will host a fullday event at Reets Drying Academy in Sharpsburg GA. The event will focus on business planning for 2012. Special guest speakers include Chuck Violand, Bruce DeLoatch and Jeremy Reets. The day will also include a tour of

the on-site rug cleaning facility and the Applied Structural Drying (ASD) flood house. Breakfast and lunch will be served as well as snacks throughout the day. Speaker topics will range from financial planning, marketing and industry trends. On July 12 the Pennsylvania chapter held its first meeting at 105 N. Main St., Pleasant Gap, PA. Plans were made for organizing the chapter and a chapter meeting was planned for October. An announcement regarding the program will be made prior to the meeting date. All involved in the cleaning and restoration industry in the Pleasant Gap, PA area are invited to participate in chapter meetings and events as this is an opportunity to learn from industry experts and other cleaners and restorers.

SCRT is an international trade association with members in 39 states throughout the US and in Canada, England and Australia. Our members can increase their education and find networking opportunities by participating in one of our nine regional chapters in Southern Ohio, Northeast Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Michigan, Georgia, Central Michigan, Indiana and our newest Gulf Coast Chapter.

Programs for chapter meetings are varied and often offer opportunities for attendees to received IICRC continuing education credit and even to attend IICRC certified classes at reduced rates. For information regarding chapter meetings in your area or for information about starting a chapter, please contact a chapter president listed on our Web site at www.Scrt.org or SCRT headquarters at 800-949-4728.

September 2011 | www.icsmag.com


CFI Report By Nila Sanders

A Brief History of CFI


n 1954 a small group of rug and upholstery cleaners led by Gene Jackson formed a non-profit association called the “Rug Cleaners Institute.” Their aim was to share their individual skills and knowledge about rug and fabric cleaning procedures. This was an era in which most of us had hardwood floors covered with area rugs to add warmth to our homes. By the early seventies, much of the professional rug cleaning was being performed on “wall-to-wall” carpeting by “on location cleaners.” This broadening of the cleaning industry led to the renaming of the organization to the “Carpet Cleaners Institute.” It was felt by those involved that this name more clearly depicted the services being offered during this period. Our organization underwent one more name change in the early nineties in order to reflect our concerns with all fabric covered furnishings together with our involvement in the restoration business. From a handful of members in 1954, our association has grown to a membership which covers a three state area (Arizona, California and Nevada). We are known as the Carpet and FabriCare Institute, and we are one of the largest regional


Cleaning Specialist | September 2011

non-profit inspection, cleaning, remediation and restoration trade associations in the United States. Don’t forget! Be sure to come by our booth at Connections Las Vegas this month! We’re at Booth #7 by the entrance to the trade show floor, and welcome you to stop by. Also, please join us at our Annual Business Meeting on Sept. 17 from 10 am until 2 pm. This year it’s being held at the Academy of Textiles & Flooring in Whittier. Free food and drinks for all. Meet new CFI Directors & Executives and see who will be receiving awards this year. Don’t miss it! Call CFI at 800-2277389 for more information.

Chapter News Central Coast Chapter Director Josh Adler announces that Noel Frank of Chemspec will be doing a hands-on product demo on September 20th from 5:30-9:00pm. Location: Carpet Maintenance Supply, 3991 Pacific Blvd, San Mateo, CA 94403. Call 925-580-0041 for more information. Norma McCormick, Arizona Chapter Director, says that her chapter is putting on a Stone Care Basics workshop in October. “With a large portion of our Ari-

zona market going to hard surfaces you need to know how to clean natural stone to capture your share of the market,” McCormick said. Learn how to make more money doing natural stone flooring and counter tops. Hands-on training. Call 480-821-1481 for time and location. Orange County/Inland Empire Director Jason Hensley and Assistant Director Terrence Jones submitted to the CFI Board of Directors a plan which divides up the highly dense OC/IE Region. Because the chapter covers a large geographic and highly populated area, this split will make it easier for members to attend monthly Chapter Meetings. Terrance Jones will now be the Director of the Inland Empire Chapter of CFI, while Jason Hensley will remain Director of the Orange County Chapter.





The MASTERBLEND EL DIABLO has a 195,000 BTU Diesel heater for consistently high cleaning temperatures of 230˚F and higher with up to 2,000 psi cleaning pressure. Within 30 seconds you will achieve water temperatures of 200˚F plus from a cold start - achieve and maintain your desired temperature. With the El Diablo you get all the heat and power you need, no other truckmount has better heat - who says you can’t have it all!



This feature rich machine was designed for simple operation and ease of maintenance! The El Diablo weighs approximately 700 pounds and can be mounted in either the rear or side of a van. • Powered by a Kohler V-Twin 27 HP Engine • Roots 4.5 Whispair DSL blower (Dual Splash Lubricated) features splash oil lubrication on both the gear end and drive end. NO MORE GREASING THE BLOWER! • The waste tank vacuum regulating system is controlled by a Kunkle Valve which limits relief to 14” of mercury preventing vacuum and airflow loss before reaching full load. This unique vacuum relief system allows long hose runs of 700 feet and dual wand cleaning with the performance you need. • The 75 gallon waste tank is stainless steel and guaranteed for 5 years. The waste tank features an aluminum waste basket for easy maintenance and an automatic pump-out option.

At Last - Pet Odor Deodorizer This new oxidizing odor counteractant is effective on all protein odors from dead body odor to pet urine. The product oxidizes the odor molecule and leaves a pleasant fresh orange scent in its place. Very concentrated and dilutes 11:1 with water (1 gallon makes 11 gallons). Totally effective on all fibers. “AT LAST” something really works!

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1-800-525-9644 • www.masterblend.net 5285 Fox Street • Denver, CO 80216 • 303.373.0702 • Fax 303.373.4968 Circle 9 on the Free Information Page

Circle 17 on the Free Information Page




The Low Moisture Carpet Cleaners Association Is 10 Years Old Greetings, T’S HARD TO BELIEVE that the LMCCA is 10 years old! The time has flown by. The vision of the LMCCA evolved from creating some equality and acceptance of Low Moisture Systems to a vision that’s defined the very term “low moisture.” We have “The vision of the LMCCA evolved affected the way from creating some equality and the industry and consumers view acceptance of Low Moisture Systems low moisture. We to a vision that has scope defined have written two the very term low moisture.” technical white papers, partnered with numerous other associations like WFCA, CFI, bership is cleaners! Our members’ ISSA, CIRI and other entities, and diversity brings a unique industry purchased shares in the Institute of perspective to the LMCCA that is Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration reflected by those who serve each year Certification (IICRC). We have parton our board of directors. nered with two carpet mills and have It has been my pleasure through executive committee members that these years to serve as the first serve as experts in well-respected LMCCA president, and then its industry publications. executive director. Any trip worth In addition, in the past 10 years, taking comes with a cost, and somewe’ve assisted both IICRC and AHFA times a few bumps in the road, but I in writing cleaning/care standards, have been honored to share my expepartnered in numerous Connections riences and good times with our memevents, and provided countless technibers, many of whom I am honored to cal articles to publications all over call my friends. the world. As we look to the next 10 years the Our members serve on various future of the LMCCA looks brighter IICRC technical advisory committhan ever! tees that create courses and IICRC Standards like S100, S300, S500 and S520. Our members are instructors, manufacturers, distributors, consultants, and yes the base of our mem-

I LONNIE MCDONALD MTC, MRSF, MWR, SCI, LMCCA Co-Founder, Executive Director


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LONNIE MCDONALD Co-Founder, Exectuive Director

15 2

CHRISTOPHER WILSON Business Development Manager Phone: 248/244-8264 Email: [emailprotected] MELANIE KUCHMA Project Manager MAYA DOLLARHIDE Managing Editor BREANNA FONG Art Director

Americlean’s founders Jim and Bob Pearson began their quest for a better way to clean carpets in 1979.








COVER IMAGE: Jupiterimages/Creatas/Thinkstock

The rapid growth of the LMCCA over its 10-year span testifies to the popularity of Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning.



Low Moisture Carpet Cleaners Association




Originally envisioned by five people as the Low Moisture Carpet Cleaners Alliance, the organization evolved into the nonprofit, 2,275-member LMCCA we know it as today.












ow Moisture Cleaning (LMC) has become increasingly popular for a number of reasons, not the least of which is customer convenience. Dry and ready for use within a couple of hours, LMC offers real benefits — including less stain wicking and reduced opportunity for mold

and bacterial growth over time — to homeowners as well as property management companies, schools and hotels, commercial facilities, and anywhere else you find carpet. Low Moisture Cleaning in certain commercial applications, such as electronics or musical instrument sales and repair stores can be critical in maintaining more consistent humidity levels.


L M C C A . O R G 2 011


Low Moisture Cleaning in certain commercial applications, such as electronics or musical instrument sales and repair stores can be critical in maintaining more consistent humidity levels.

In apartment buildings, units can be turned over in just a few hours and in motels, rooms can be ready for guests the same day, by using Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning. Schools can benefit from using Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning, too. Most schools clean carpets during the hot summer months when classrooms are without air conditioning. If a carpet cleaning method is too wet, it can put carpets at risk for growing mold and bacteria

that thrive in damp, hot and humid conditions. Using Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning is the best way to ensure a summer cleaning schedule doesn't create poor indoor air quality where mold and bacteria can grow. Low Moisture Cleaning is also ecofriendly and cost effective due to its cleaning systems using less water and having less waste water to deal with in the cleaning process. Some LMC businesses report carpets seem to stay

cleaner longer and may even last longer before having to be replaced. So what IS this Low Moisture Cleaning all about? It’s any carpet cleaning method that uses a minimum of water to properly clean the fibers. Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning includes a wide range of methods



BEFORE from hot water extraction to absorbent powders. The goal is to clean any type of carpet fiber effectively while allowing it to dry to its natural state in



L M C C A . O R G 2 011


“Some LMC businesses report carpets seem to stay cleaner longer and may even last longer before having to be replaced.”


under two hours. Even wet extraction can be used…as long as the carpeting is dry right away. Using more-efficient wands, less water pressure, more extraction strokes and accelerated evaporation with air movers or by dry padding are some of the ways to accomplish this when using hot water extraction. The key is to start with less moisture and to more efficiently remove the moisture applied during the cleaning process. According to industry experts



EVERY CARPET IS UNIQUE! here are many variables that should be considered when prescribing cleaning processes, and in many cases more than one cleaning technique may be used. These variables include, but are not limited to:

T AFTER the goal of achieving clean carpets can be reached by using a simple equation: minimum moisture applied and maximum moisture recovered. Every carpet is unique (see sidebar). Each will have differing soil levels, soil types, fiber makeup, construction and varying substrates. Even the environment it is installed in will require a unique “formula” for proper cleaning or restoration. For example, spaces below grade without adequate ventilation tend to be damp. It’s important to remember, however, that one type of cleaning system may not properly clean every carpet. Maintenance managers should research the individual needs of each carpeted area. Equally important is the training of cleaning personnel, who must understand the differences between the cleaning options available to them. This is important because the process for Low Moisture Cleaning can fail when misapplied. The good news? All systems can excel

THE ENVIRONMENT: indoor temperature, air circulation and relative humidity; traffic levels, soil levels and frequency of cleaning, and proper or improper carpet specification. CARPET CONSTRUCTION: Fiber type, backing system, stitch rate, pile height, denier, cut or loop pile designs and patterns. INSTALLATION: Above or below grade, slab, wood, other substrate, computer floors, pad, loose lay and direct glue down. CLEANING/DRYING TIMELINE: How long the cleaning process takes to work. CUSTOMER EXPECTATION Experts at LMCCA can answer Low Moisture Cleaning questions. For more information, please visit www.lmcca.org.

when used by a skilled operator who applies the appropriate technology and techniques for the job at hand. In addition, proper specification of the products and systems will enhance the satisfaction with a carpet installation. The use of LMC can increase the performance and appearance of the carpet and extend the useful life of the product. Low Moisture Cleaning is the best way to enhance the industry’s ability to service carpet and mini-

mize the down time for the customer. Low Moisture Cleaning should be considered for all carpet maintenance systems from residential homes and hotels to high-traffic office buildings and commercial facilities. In a world that is increasingly environmentally friendly and eco-concious about cleaning products and methods, Low Moisture Cleaning Systems are setting the example for good practices in the carpet cleaning industry.



industry impact



n 1979, Americlean’s founders brothers Jim


and Bob Pearson began a quest for a better way to clean carpets. They knew first hand of the problems associated with traditional carpet cleaning using a hot water extraction wand, especially when in the hands of an inexperienced

or apathetic operator. One of the owners was familiar with an “interim traffic lane cleaning” process that used a bonnet tied to a floor buffer. While some of the soil was picked up into the bonnet, the method primarily moved soil from the traffic lane

continued on page 12 8

L M C C A . O R G 2 011


New Cristal Fusion Upholstery Cleaning System Utilizes Dry Fusion Technology to Great Effect he long awaited launch of the Cristal Fusion Upholstery Cleaning System offers the perfect complement to the groundbreaking Dry Fusion Carpet Cleaning System. Utilizing the same unique surface activity of fluorochemistry, Cristal Fusion effectively removes deep seated dirt from fabric fibres and replaces it with an invisible film that dramatically reduces the ability for future grime to ‘stick’. Following rigorous testing Cristal Fusion is safe for use on a variety both natural and synthetic fabrics. Dependent on the prevalent environmental conditions together with the type of fabric used, Cristal Fusion can clean and leave upholstery dry within two and three hours. Shaun Bradbury, managing director,


Dry Fusion UK explains why Cristal Fusion took so long to perfect: “When it came to the global marketplace, Dry Fusion and its associated technology really did change the way carpets were cleaned,” Bradbury says. “Nearly 10 years on and Dry Fusion has quite rightly earned its place as a market leader in carpet care. During that time, it became patently obvious to us that a complementary upholstery cleaning system was the next logical step in our new product development strategy.” Bradbury continues: “However we had to be wholly sure that the ensuing equipment and associated chemicals could live up to the ‘Fusion’ name and brand values. Only now, are we confident that Cristal Fusion can not only hold its own against the expectations established by

Dry Fusion but deliver upholstery cleaning results that are second to none.”


DRY FUSION UK LTD | Unit 119 | Clydesdale Place | Leyland, Lancashire | PR26 7QS Telephone: +(44) 1772 433711 Facsimile: +(44) 1772 431289 Website: www.dryfusionuk.com Sales E-mail: [emailprotected]

– Lonnie McDonald


Carpet Cleaners Alliance. A year later, four of the five founders decided to make the LMCCA, the Low Moisture Carpet Cleaners Association.



100 Member Locations

1Member 25 Locations

nonprofit status.

2 0 01

ing for and being granted a

Spring CONNECTIONS Conference, Orlando, FL, Rosen Center Hotel

WFCA Membership Partner

was incorporated as a for profit in 2001, later apply-

20 Industry Partners Letter to the Editor Regarding CRI SOA Penned LMCCA Changes from For Profit to Nonprofit Ed York Named Technical Advisor to President


2000 as the Low Moisture

350 Member Locations

165 Member Locations

20 Industry Partners 2 Carpet Mills Join WFCA Membership Partner 4th Association to sign Connections agreement


sioned by five people in

LMCCA named in Japanese magazine


LMCCA originally was envi-



LMCCA jump-started by Co-Founder Lonnie McDonald purchasing 100 memberships and offering them for free over the message boards



200 Member Locations

COMMIT TED TO GET TING >>> Articles in VLM Central Organization is created LMCCA participates in IICRC S100 Carpet Cleaning Standard 10

L M C C A . O R G 2 011

2002-2003 Fall CONNECTIONS Trade show, Las Vegas, NV, Riviera Hotel

20 Industry Partners IICRC Shares Purchase New Letterhead

25 Industry Partners ISSA-LMCCA Joint Memberships

23 Industry Partners CIRI Membership CRI Interaction Regarding SOA Interaction with GreenSeal LMCCA Exhibits at ISSA/ INTERCLEAN® North America

2006-2007 Spring CONNECTIONS Conference, Clearwater, FL, Sheraton Sand Key


1100 Member Locations

2100 Member Locations


Member Locations 24 Industry Partners ISSA Membership Carey Vermillion Named as Technical Advisor


2315 Member Locations 20 Industry Partners



Video Project of Cleaning Systems


GREENSEAL interaction

>> CARPET CLEAN & DRY 2004-2010 Fall CONNECTIONS Trade show, Las Vegas, NV, Hilton



Spring CONNECTIONS Conference, Orlando, FL, Hilton Walt Disney Resort

Spring CONNECTIONS Conference, Clearwater, FL, Hilton

2011 2275 Member Locations 10 YE ARS OF L MCCA


2185 Member Locations


Low Moisture Carpet Cleaners Association www.LMCCA.org

17 Industry Partners Partner with CFI on LCT Class





onto the cleaner carpet along the edges and blended the look of the carpeting. This process was modified to include more-absorbent and frequently replaceable pads along with a water-based cleaning solution containing a small amount of petroleum distillates to help emulsify oily soils and speed evaporation. Of course, a thorough vacuuming prior to applying the solution was an absolute requirement in order to remove as much of the dry soil as possible. But the extra step paid off. The end result was a cleaner carpet leaving fewer residues and was dry CONGRATULATIONS within minutes. LMCCA…10 YEARS This procedure for getting carpets clean and AND GROWING STRONG! dry right away became THE ASSOCIATION MEANS very popular in Billings, SO MUCH TO SO MANY Montana, the founders’ IN UNDERSTANDING THE home, so they decided to BENEFITS OF LOW MOISTURE franchise the concept. A detailed business system CLEANING…REGARDLESS was developed centered on OF METHODS USED. this new liquid dry-cleaning process and in less than – Americlean a decade, the company boasted over 130 franchises



in 30 states…all successfully using Low Moisture Cleaning. One of the first Florida franchises was opened by Keith Fleming, a navy buddy of Jim’s. His son Ryan Fleming grew up in the business, riding along with his dad on jobs until he was old enough to help out. Three decades later, Fleming is now the service manager at Americlean in Billings, where he works his magic on carpeting and upholstery every day. The process is foolproof. No more over-wetting and fewer callbacks from stains wicking to the surface as the carpet dries. Some would think there must be a trade-off. Less effective cleaning? Hard on the carpeting? “No, no downsides to this process,” says Fleming, “ just beautiful results.” (See the results in the photographs, above) When the carpeting in a rental unit was scheduled for replacement, the landlord asked Fleming if it could be restored using Americlean’s exclusive liquid dry-cleaning process. Fleming told her he would try, and within a couple of hours the carpets in the entire unit were cleaned to an almost-new condition with no wickcontinued on page 14


L M C C A . O R G 2 011


Bringing Positive Changes to the Carpet Cleaning Industry decade ago there was little talk of Low Moisture Systems. They were considered “second-class citizens.” But a select few industry members believed they were not only good cleaning systems but they could be considered restorative for the carpet cleaning industry. Many industry leaders partnered together with a vision of changing the status


getting involved in the creation of cleaning standards and improving on low moisture products that were supported by major cleaning companies. In addition, the LMCCA sent millions of dollars, worth of business in cleaning contracts. All of these efforts to bring Low Moisture Systems to the public changed the way the carpet cleaning industry is regarded by the public,

Congratulations to the LMCCA for its positive long lasting effect.

quo of carpet cleaning to allow for many systems to be used. These early-day supporters of Low Moisture Cleaning Systems created a grassroots campaign. Their efforts helped create companies, like the Textile Care Group, that focus primarily on using Low Moisture Cleaning methods. Another important impact for the environment was the creation of chemicals that were more eco-friendly. This grassroots cause helped created companies that focused primarily on Low Moisture Systems. There were many watershed moments for our industry like

– Lonnie McDonald and improved upon industry cleaning standards. I doubt the industry and cleaners who work in it really will ever completely understand the effect the LMCCA and its members have had on the industry, but I would humbly say that during the past 10 years, the face of our industry has been forever changed for the better. Congratulations to the LMCCA for its positive longlasting effect. Lonnie McDonald, president Textile Care Group

VERSACAP is a state of the encapsulating carpet cleaning agent.

VERSACAP meets or exceeds Tandus® Carpet Mills stringent tests and is approved by Tandus® as a Low Moisture Cleaner and a Hotwater Extraction Cleaner. VERSACAP encapsulates and also dehydrates soils and other chemical residues into a “vacuumable media”. This vacuumable media is designed heavy enough to vacuum making removal a snap!

VERSACAP has an aggressive dilution ration of 3-4 ounces per gallon making it extremely cost effective and a shelf space saver.

With its many uses as a Low Moisture Cleaner, Hotwater Extraction cleaner and as a General Spotter VERSACAP replaces multiple cleaning agents and simplifies chemical usage dilemmas. Cleaning with VERSACAP can be accomplished in all your existing cleaning systems. Normal cleaning with Versacap has been found to increase the time between cleaning as the carpet stays cleaner longer! VERSACAP saves money both in chemical cost and labor cost truly making it the facility manager’s best asset!

TEXTILE CARE GROUP P.O. BOX 342 // GRANDVIEW MO // 64030 // 816-966-9065 www.textilecaregroup.org


LEATHER CARE PRODUCTS Designed By Professional Cleaners For Professional Cleaners!

CODED for Easy Understanding and Use! • Aniline Cleaner • Complete Care Kits • Moisture PA • IICRC Approved Leather Cleaning • Protection PA • Nubuck Protection Technician Classes • Nubuck Cloths

LEATHER PRO P.O. BOX 342 // GRANDVIEW MO // 64030 // 816-966-9065 www.leatherpro.org




THE LMC ADVANTAGE MC is a real benefit to homeowners as well as property management companies, schools and nearly every other property in the built environment. Here's why:


SAFER FOR THE CLIENT – Reduces mold, mildew and bacterial amplification SAFER FOR INFANTS AND TODDLERS – Kawasaki syndrome, allergies, etc… SAFER FOR THE CARPETING – Reduces the risk of shrinking, yellowing and de-lamination GREENER – Uses much less water and produces less waste GREENER STILL – Extends carpet life, preventing premature replacement CONVENIENT – Shorter drying time = happier customers ECONOMICAL – Less residues yield longer cleaning intervals, which reduces maintenance costs PROFITABLE – Prevents stains from wicking, reducing time-wasting callbacks EFFECTIVE – Dampened pad media physically "scrubs" the fibers clean as it absorbs the soil

SPECIAL SITUATIONS THAT REQUIRE LMC FOR GREAT RESULTS IN MINIMUM TIME: Expensive home + huge dinner party tonight + soiled and pet-stained carpet = Americlean's low moisture liquid-dry cleaning. Takes about an hour to clean and dries in less time than that! Flooded properties: It makes no sense to saturate the floors again after a flood. Once a property is dry, LMC helps to keep it dry. At minimum, if there is a small amount of concealed mold damage under the carpeting, LMC will not make the situation worse. Aircraft: Minimizes high humidity that can affect sensitive electronics and control systems, like instrumentation in aircraft, as well as other vehicles, and clean light aircraft upholstery. Music and Instrumental sales and repair stores: Music stores, where controlled humidity is paramount, benefit greatly from Low Moisture Cleaning. Brass instruments and electronics corrode, pianos de-tune, guitars warp, and finely sculpted wooden violin bodies can be ruined when exposed to high humidity levels caused by long carpet drying times. In apartment buildings, units can be turned over in just a few hours. Motel rooms are ready for guests the same day. Schools can have their summer cleaning scheduled and not worry about residual moisture-causing mold. Most schools clean their carpets during the summer when the air conditioning systems are shut down and the windows are closed and locked. This leaves the carpets wet, which can result in a longer drying time, and cause damaging mold growth due to the high humidity of an airless classroom. Malodor: Odors from pet accidents penetrate deep in the subflooring and can be reactivated by excessive moisture used on the floor. While LMC cannot guarantee odor removal simply because it is low moisture, the process will be less likely to stir up old odor issues.


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ing of stains and no callbacks. Low Moisture Cleaning (LMC) methods built Americlean and we are proud to be a part of the Low Moisture Carpet Cleaners Association (LMCCA) currently being honored for its decade-long service to the industry. Low Moisture Cleaning saves carpeting and is also ecofriendly, as it uses less water and produces less waste than other carpet cleaning methods. It also dries within minutes, offering a less-lengthy solution to cleaning than outdated carpet cleaning procedures. There are thousands of carpet cleaning companies now providing LMC in its numerous forms. The process is finally gaining acceptance in the industry as a viable and effective way to clean carpeting. Even the “steam” cleaners are beginning to recognize the importance of getting carpet dry as quickly as possible. Today, many tout a deluxe service by following their standard hot water extraction with the bonnet method to aid in drying and to remove any lingering residues. “I’ve used both methods for better than 15 years now. While the extraction process has its place, I’m a true believer in the low moisture method,” says Fleming. “My customers are often shocked at the effectiveness of our process and overjoyed when they learn their carpets will be dry in just a matter of minutes.”




HE INSTITUTE OF Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) would like to congratulate the Low Moisture Carpet Cleaners Association (LMCCA) for 10 years of exceptional service in the cleaning and restoration industry. For the past 10 years, the LMCCA has been a valuable supporter of the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification. Since its inception, the LMCCA has helped the IICRC raise the bar in the industry through its professionalism, commitment to excellence, and quality educational and support programs. Organizations like the LMCCA serve as a backbone to help the IICRC accomplish its mission of identifying and promoting an international standard of care that establishes and maintains the health, safety and welfare of the built environment. As new materials are introduced and best practices are recognized, the industry is continually evolving. To ensure that the IICRC is continuously recognized for its strong certification programs, organizations such as the LMCCA, have made it a part of their goal to help educate professionals in the industry and encourage compliance with best practices. Over the years, the LMCCA has partnered with the IICRC to help set the curriculum and teach IICRC certification courses to both seasoned professionals and those new to the industry. The LMCCA became an IICRC shareholder in 2009. Since then, LMCCA has participated in all semiannual shareholders meetings to help form the policy, standards and bylaws that help shape the IICRC along with the cleaning, inspection and restoration industry at large. Throughout the years, the LMCCA has also lent



RAISING THE BAR IN THE INDUSTRY Cleaners Association members have their astute expertise in the low moisserved on numerous IICRC technical ture arena during the development advisory committees as well as process for a number of standards, including the third edition of the IICRC/ANSI S500 “Organizations like the LMCCA serve Standard and as a backbone to help the IICRC Reference Guide accomplish its mission of identifying for Professional and promoting an international Water Damage Restoration, the standard of care.” first and second edition of IICRC/ANSI represented the IICRC to the S520 Standard and Reference Guide for American Furniture Manufacturers Professional Mold Remediation, and the Association, ensuring the IICRC had fourth and soon-to-be-released fi fth a seat at the table when the furniture edition of the IICRC S100 Standard labels were revised. and Reference Guide for Professional As the industry and organizations Carpet Cleaning. continue to evolve, it will be excitThroughout the past 10 years, ing to see what the next 10 years will the LMCCA has continued to be a trusted resource for the Institute of bring for the IICRC and LMCCA. Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification. Low Moisture Carpet PAUL PEARCE IICRC Chairman


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LMCCA Impact HE LMCCA WAS founded 10 years ago (in 2001) by a few passionate and inspired individuals who believed that Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning was a viable form of carpet cleaning, but that it had been essentially ignored by the carpet cleaning industry. Their goal was to band together all the generally small, independent carpet cleaning companies. These companies and individuals were struggling to overcome the obstacles that seemed to be placed in their way of securing Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning jobs. The concept was that as a single voice, representing thousands of low moisture carpet cleaners, their voices would be louder and difficult to continue to ignore. Over the last 10 years, that’s exactly what has happened. Thousands of low moisture carpet cleaners have joined




“LMCCA was recognized as being a ‘greener’ approach to carpet cleaning, and was embraced by the growing eco-friendly community of green cleaners.”


and supported the LMCCA, allowing it to have a voice that was heard. During that time, the LMCCA grew and grew, and the accomplishments started to add up. I became involved with the LMCCA in 2003, spotting an ad for a low moisture breakout session to be held at the Connections show. It was at that show that I met Lonnie and Robin 16

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McDonald. I approached them at the breakout session and asked how I might get involved. They asked me if I wanted to participate in the breakout session, and discuss the new developments in carpet cleaning chemistry. I said sure, and 10 minutes later I had a table in the breakout session, and a very interested audience among the visitors and other participants. I started to get involved with the LMCCA after the show. In 2004, I again participated in the breakout session at the Connections show, and in 2005 I found myself on the board of directors as the chair of the marketing committee. It was during that time that the LMCCA decided to develop relationships with other associations, including the Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association(ISSA), the International Executive Housekeepers Association (IEHA), and other large associations outside the group of associations involved with the Connections show. That was very successful. Also, in 2005, the famous white paper on Low Moisture Cleaning began to take shape, and I found myself nominated for the presidency of the association. In 2006, I became president of the LMCCA, a position I’ve held through 2011. Also in 2006, the LMCCA finished its white paper on Low Moisture Cleaning and introduced it to the industry. It was published in CleanFax magazine. The results were stunning, and the support was almost overwhelming. The LMCCA also participated in the ISSA’s Educational Theater at the 2006 ISSA Show, and over two dozen members met in

Philadelphia to spend a week filming over 30 Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning Systems. This project was the start of another project to produce a carpet cleaning systems video that covered all viable carpet cleaning systems, including hot water extraction and Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning Systems. Additionally, work began on the development of a state-of-the-art website to be a functional tool to help the members grow their businesses. The website’s goals were to facilitate business referrals, to assist consumers in their search for low moisture carpet cleaners, and to act as an archive for the world’s largest collection of articles and scientific white papers related to Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning. All of this activity led to incredible growth and member support. In 2008, the LMCCA was honored to speak at the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification’s (IICRC) board meeting in Vancouver, Washington. This was an extremely positive event, and created great optimism about the LMCCA, gaining the opportunity to become a valuable part of the IICRC and, in fact, become a shareholder in it. In 2008, the LMCCA was recognized as being a “greener” approach to carpet cleaning, and was embraced by the growing ecofriendly community of green cleaners. In 2009, the LMCCA began to grow quickly throughout Europe, and was blessed with the support and involvement of several very powerful and very influential individuals, who spearheaded the massive growth throughout Europe. In 2009, the LMCCA was successful in gaining shares in the IICRC. Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning had become accepted as a mainline carpet cleaning system! During this time, as the LMCCA saw continued growth, I witnessed growth in other ways as well. My involvement with the LMCCA provided me with experiences and relationships that I’ll treasure for the rest of my life. As my final term approaches its close, I’m

ready to pass the baton on to someone else, whose life will also be forever changed. Such is the legacy of the Low Moisture Carpet Cleaners Association! Thanks again to all of the members,

from individuals to industry partners, and, of course, our industry franchise partners. LMCCA exists because of all of you…and to WORK for all of you! It’s all because of YOU. Thank you all!

Congratulations LMCCA! LMCCA

Low Moisture Carpet Cleaners Association www.LMCCA.org

Action Time USA is a proud partner with the LMCCA

Since 1997, Action Time USA has been offering quality cleaning services to our valued clients across the globe. From Low-Moisture Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning, to Hard Surface Floor Care, to Janitorial Services, Action Time has a program to suit any need. We also offer our own proprietary Low-Moisture Carpet Cleaning machine, the AT500, along with an outstanding complimentary chemical line. Action Time USA, Inc. 4378 Park Boulevard Pinellas Park, Florida 33781-3536 1-800-617-0641 Office 727-234-0716 Local 727-234-0732 Fax [emailprotected] www.actiontimeusa.com 17 LM08114ACTI.indd 1

7/29/11 9:16 AM



Lonnie McDonald accepts the Pioneer Award, 2010, presented by Mark Warner. Tandus rep accepts LMCCA President’s Award on behalf of John Garger, 2006. Pictured with Mark Warner (left) and Lonnie McDonald (right).

2001-2010 LMCCA AWARDS 2001 - 2010



For Excellence in Advancing the Cause of Low Moisture Cleaning

For Ground-breaking Original Work Contributing to the Advancement of Low Moisture Cleaning

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011


Rick Gelinas Ray Moody & Steve Smith Lonnie McDonald R.E Whittaker Company John Garger & Mark Warner J. Kirk Hendrix Doug Bradford Paul Thompson Eddie Flicker Paul Bakker Clark Lancaster – Orbital Technologies Inc. & Crystal Brewster – Action Time USA

L M C C A . O R G 2 011

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

John Geurkink VonSchrader Company Host/ Racine Industries, Inc. Heaven’s Best Corporation John Holibaugh – Chemspec Millicare Cy Gantt & D.Ray Davis Debbie Lema Lonnie McDonald Shaun Bradbury – Dry Fusion

LIFETIME MEMBERS: 2003 2006 2007 2008

Ray Moody John Garger Mark Warner John Holibaugh & Cy Gantt

FOUNDING MEMBERS: 2001 2001 2001

Lonnie McDonald Rick Gelinas Mark Stanley

MEMBER TESTIMONY ABOUT LMCCA joined the LMCCA in 2005! As a new company owner, I was aware of the importance of the support and referrals that organizations like the “Chamber of Commerce” and “Business Network International” could provide, but was unsure of what to expect from the Low Moisture Carpeting Cleaners Association (LMMCA). When I posted on the LMCCA’s VLM message board that I was starting a new company and unsure about the future of my company, not only did I receive support and guidance from the people on the board, but I also received a phone call from a LMCCA member. In the following months I became acquainted with another member, Ray Davis, president of Polymer Concepts, an LMCCA industry partner. I was attempting to bid on a $30,000.00 contract for the State New Hampshire Employment Security office. Ray mentored me through the bidding process and advised as to what equipment to use as well as what method to use. Not only was I awarded the bid, but Ray also handed me a book of business as a service provider for Polymer Concepts that was worth $54,744.08.




“I believe my investment of $125.00 to join the LMCCA was the best decision I have ever made.”

Polymer Concepts is a product and services company that provides carpet maintenance services through their network of industry certified companies for contract commercial and retail facilities throughout the United States. They also have a complete line for carpet care chemicals from low moisture to specialty products. You can learn more about Polymer Concepts by visiting their web page at www.polymerconcepts.net.




ANNIVERSARY — ORBITEC SOLUTIONS, Manufacturers of Low Moisture Carpet and Rug Cleaning Equipment

RICK DAVIES Country Rose Carpet Cleaning LLC

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& ICS:




n the last decade, Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning has gone from fringe ideology to mainstream

– From “The Impact of Encapsulation” by Doug Heiferman, December 2009

methodology. ICS Cleaning Specialist has always done its best to represent the cleaning

and restoration industry in its entirety, showcasing all manner of tools, techniques and technology as they make their way on the scene. To that end, here’s a quick look at how low-moisture carpet cleaning has grown and matured within the pages of ICS over the years: “The simplest way to accomplish rapid drying may be to use a minimum moisture method (MLM) or a very low moisture (VLM) process to clean the affected areas. What are these MLM or VLM processes? MLM and VLM include such techniques as bonnet or pad cleaning, dry foam extraction cleaning or even dry compound cleaning. Each is higher in agitation than most hot water extraction (HWE) systems and relies on the agitation factor for soil removal. The added advantage for the cleaner, besides less probability of wicking, is that they often are higher-production processes.” – From “How Increased Airflow & Low Moisture Lead to Cleaner Carpets” by Bob Wittkamp, December 2000

GRANDVIEW, Mo. – Dec. 17, 2001 – The Low Moisture Carpet Cleaners Association (LMCCA) is opening its membership nationwide starting Jan. 1.


cleaning in large facilities reduces facilities maintenance costs and limits certain forms of liability, especially when it comes to slip and falls. The faster a carpet dries, especially in a public area, the better. “

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The LMCCA is comprised of carpet cleaners and industry partners supporting the furthering of low-moisture cleaning. Its main goals include representing low-moisture interests to the carpet cleaning industry, as well as educating cleaners in a hands-on setting, according to Lonnie McDonald, LMCCA president. “There is a very serious need for low moisture cleaners to be represented and taken care of in our industry,” said McDonald. – From “ICS Industry News,” December 2001

“Just as there are a vast number of problems associated with using too much water, there are an equal if not greater number of benefits to using less water, including no wick-back, less re-soiling, improved carpet appearance, cleaner carpet, shorter dry times, less out-of-service time, improved productivity, and the ability to perform anytime cleaning. “ – From “Why Low Moisture Brings High Returns” by Jeff Fystrom, January 2006

“For carpets that exhibit severe soil-load conditions, hot-water extraction is essential to use in combination with low-moisture maintenance systems. Encapsulation

“The advent of new “encapsulation” chemistries has greatly expanded the restorative capabilities of many low-moisture systems. Encapsulation chemistries can include dry absorbent media systems as well as liquid systems that utilize a polymer content which bonds to the soil and either crystallizes and encapsulates the soil, or dehydrates the soil into a dry particulate. And while these formulations facilitate soil removal during the cleaning operation, they also will continue the cleaning process well after the actual cleaning procedure has been completed. Any solution or material left behind will continue to encapsulate the soil during the dehydration (drying) process. In fact, many liquid systems will dehydrate into very minute particles, remaining almost invisible to the naked eye, and are vacuumed away during routine cleaning later. There are many different kinds of liquid encapsulation formulas, and each using very different technology.” – From “Low-Moisture Cleaning: Time to Re-think Carpet Maintenance?” by Mark Warner, April 2011

Like any cleaning technique, Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning will continue to advance and develop as new tools and technologies find their way into the industry consciousness. It’s an exciting time to be in the business; who knows what’s coming next?

CONGRATULATIONS Low-Moisture Carpet Cleaners Association on your TENTH ANNIVERSARY. Thank you to all of you who are working to keep our indoor spaces clean and healthy — it’s an important issue for all of us.







UG EXPERTS AGREE that in-plant rug cleaning is highly recommended for proper maintenance of orientals and other loose-laid rugs. They should not be cleaned on location like synthetic, wall-to-wall carpet because of several differences between these rugs and residential and commercial broadloom carpet: Rug fibers: There is far more natural fiber such as wool, cotton, silk and jute. Backings: Natural foundation yarns are more prominent in rugs as opposed to separate synthetic backing fabrics for tufted carpet. Construction: Woven constructions are most prevalent in area rugs, as opposed to tufting in the broadloom market. Cleaning technology: The potential for dye migration and fiber distortion is greater.

To avoid or prevent a rug from “bleeding” and being permanently damaged, a true professional rug cleaner must be knowledgeable of and be able to perform minimum moisture cleaning methods. All methods of cleaning begin with dry vacuuming for particle soil removal. Several options are: Upright vacuuming: vacuum the rug’s face, back, face until particle soils are removed. “Dusting”: using a mechanical rug beater, or place the rug face down on a smooth surface and securely attach two centrifugal air movers to each corner. Gentle flapping action allows soils to sift downward and out of the pile over time. 22

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Compressed air “dusting”: specialized tools may be used with high-volume compressed air at 110 psi and 100 cfm. Appropriate PPE (e.g., eye, respiratory protection) must be worn when air washing or compressed-air dusting rugs. In unusual cases, vacuuming may be the only “safe” cleaning process you can use. Below are some of the minimum moisture methods the author has used over the years to successfully clean rugs. All are recognized by the WoolSafe organization when the cleaning solution has been tested and approved by WoolSafe (www.woolsafeusa.org). Damp Dusting – neutral detergent sprayed on a clean, absorbent towel. Hand-wipe or “dust” the surface of the rug. Repeat as needed. Dry Solvent Cleaning (hand and machine) – dry solvents dissolve oily

binders and dry solvent detergents suspend fine particle soils. Dry solvent rinse solutions flush suspended soil from the rug. Absorbent Compound – absorbent carrier emulsified with detergent, solvents and moisture. The detergent emulsifies oily soils, deflocculates particles; suspended soil is attracted to absorbent carrier; excess carrier with attracted soil is dry-vacuum extracted. Absorbent Pad or “Bonnet” – emulsified detergent in a water-based carrier is spray applied to the rug; defloculation occurs; then a damp (H2O) cotton/rayon bonnet is “spin-buffed” over surface to “extract” soil. Caution: adequate lubrication is essential to prevent pile distortion. Dry Foam – a high-foaming surfactant; neutral or with mild alka-

line builder hand sponged or brush or machine application; detergent deflocculates and emulsifies soil; dries to crystal; vacuumed from the rug along with attached soil. Crystallizing or Encapsulating – detergent or surfactant containing embrittling agents. Agitation of the pile with a twin-brush machine, similar to the one used in the absorbent compound method or a twin- or triple-brush rotary shampoo machine. The crystals encapsulate the dirt particles, which are subsequently removed by thorough suction cleaning. Except for spotting there are no other cleaning agents. Shampoo (Rotary) – foaming surfactant is fed onto a shower-feed, nylon-bristled, rotary brush. The “shampoo” is created by agitation bet ween brush head and rug’s pile. Deflocculation occurs followed by wet vacuuming; embrittling agents cause shampoo to dry to a crystalline form. No matter what method a rug cleaner chooses, the ultimate objective of professional rug cleaning is to remove the maximum amount of soil with the least amount of damage to the rug. Using minimum moisture cleaning methods will help achieve that goal. WoolSafe congratulates LMCCA on their 10-year anniversary. Low Moisture Cleaning has and always will be a viable option for professional cleaners when dealing with non-colorfast fabrics and rugs. Thanks to LMCCA’s efforts the cleaning industry has been made more aware of these valuable options.

RUTH TRAVIS holds a degree in textiles from the University of Tennessee. She is the immediate past president of the IICRC, an IICRC-approved senior carpet inspector, and an approved instructor in rug cleaning and color repair. She serves as the North American director of the international WoolSafe organization (www.woolsafeusa.org).

Behind every successful brand is an engaged audience. ICS and BNP Media congratulate the LMCCA on their 10th anniversary. Your commitment to increasing the awareness and knowledge of low moisture carpet cleaning methods and raising the professionalism of our industry is well noted and appreciated. Thank you for the opportunity to produce your 10th anniversary issue.

even Closer to Your Brand


Bringing Customers

er 13 h t o the e to d n a e n t s wo u l d lik v E s t i o n ia t i o n s c e n C o n e as s o c t r ad

E T A L U T A R G CON LMCCA THE R 10TH I E H T ! Y N R O A S R E V I f the o t r ANN g pa tr y’s

b e in o n in d u s all r o f i k yo u R e s t o r a t k yo u f o r n a h T han and t g d n n i a rt ! o C l e a n t eve n t s p p su s yo u r lar g e





national understanding of why Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning affords benefits that other cleaning systems cannot match: namely, a clean and dry indoor environment. Congratulations, LMCCA, on your 10th anniversary. I am confident LMCCA will continue to be a leader not only among low moisture cleaners, but within the cleaning and restoration industry as a whole!



SSOCIATIONS ARE created by all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons. Associations are part of the fabric of international commerce. Associations have achieved things that seemed impossible. Perhaps the best example is Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) — what started as a group of grieving, angry mothers morphed into a powerful organization. Through its power and influence, MADD has saved thousands of lives by changing the laws and customs in the United States. Trade associations typically are formed when there is a need for people who are in the same industry, including competitors, to combine resources to overcome common problems or improve their marketplace. Associations are all about bringing people together — and over the last 10 years, LMCCA has shown that it does that quite effectively! The purpose of LMCCA is multifaceted, but best encapsulated by its mission statement, which in part states, “Our primary mission is to increase awareness and knowledge of Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning methodologies to gain world-wide acceptance of the viability of Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning Systems…” LMCCA has increased awareness and knowledge of the technology, methods and standards its members follow by reaching out not only to potential members and consumers, but also by forming strategic alliances with other associations. LMCCA interacts with WFCA, ISSA, all of the associations of Connections Events, Inc., IICRC, IAQA and more. LMCCA has grown to

become international in scope. One great irony is that LMCCA GLENN FELLMAN is the president members intrinsically knew the beneof Association & Communications fits of Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning Management Group (ACMG). The combefore the research community saw the pany publishes Indoor Environment big picture. LMCCA was formed during Connections newspaper, and provides assothe “mold is gold” boon times. Since ciation management services to the Indoor its inception, there has been univerAir Quality Association, Restoration sal understanding that excessive moisIndustry Association, and other nonprofits. ture results in mold growth over time. Fellman also serves as a management conBut LMCCA members knew the issue sultant to LMCCA. He can be reached at wasn’t mold, it was moisture. In the past [emailprotected]. year research and medical papers demonstrating that excessive dampness causes health problems have been widely accepted. Yet, mold is not as readily accepted by the medical community as a health risk. In the end, whether mold causes The LMCCA as a conglomerate of many has people to get sick isn’t really the issue. achieved what many could not individually. Because scientists have now proven Congratulations for past accomplishments, safe what LMCCA members knew all along: travels to current endeavors and wisdom for excessive dampness makes people sick. direction to many more successes. Lonnie’s As LMCCA enters its second decade of triumphs are this industry’s rewards. existence, its mission statement requires little, if any, revision. With our new understanding of the hazards of damp indoor environments and materials, it’s more important than ever to increase inter-


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A Great Alternative To Traditional Cleaning eaven’s Best is an international franchise company specializing in a Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning System. The company was founded in 1983 by Cody Howard who saw a future in carpet cleaning with an emphasis on a system that incorporated low moisture and a short drying time. Heaven’s Best has a proprietary line of highly effective, environmentally friendly cleaning solutions that work very well with the low moisture process. This low moisture process fits well into today’s fast-paced world. Heaven’s Best offers services in carpet, tile, grout, wood floors and upholstery cleaning for residential and commercial customers.


Heaven’s Best has been ranked number one five years in a row by Franchise Business Review. This review is based on the franchisees’ overall satisfaction of the company’s process and products. Heaven’s Best’s mission is to treat our franchisees and their respective customers the way we would like to be treated and to live up to the name Heaven’s Best. We go the extra mile to ensure the customer’s satisfaction. Franchise opportunities are available for those who are looking to be their own boss and want unlimited income potential. Heaven’s Best has a solid track record of satisfied customers and fran-

We are proud to be a part of the LMCCA and thank them for their support and the high standards of honesty and integrity that they maintain in the organization.


L M C C A . O R G 2 011

chise owners. We are successful simply because we care. In 2004, while attending a Connections convention, John Steiner, a representative of Heaven’s Best, was introduced to Lonnie McDonald, one of the co-founders of the LMCCA. Heaven’s Best could see the benefits of being part of this association. From that point on the LMCCA and Heaven’s Best have been working together to promote the low moisture process. Steiner was asked to represent Heaven’s Best as a board member for the LMCCA. In the Fall of 2005, Heaven’s Best was awarded the “Pioneer Award” by the LMCCA. This award is given out “For GroundBreaking Original Work Contributing to the Advancement of Low Moisture Cleaning.” We appreciate the efforts of the LMCCA promoting the low moisture process. We are proud to be a part of the LMCCA and thank them for their support and the high standards of honesty and integrity that they maintain in the organization. We congratulate the LMCCA for their hard work in the industry for the past 10 years.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HEAVEN’S BEST: please visit our website www.heavensbest.com or call 1-800-359-2095

The LMCCA would like to thank all of our members for


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