Charles Hanson on LinkedIn: USD Announces Fall 2023 Deans List and Academic Honors (2024)

Charles Hanson

Secret Weapon at Geek Squad (Tier 3 Support)

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I don’t often brag or post highlights. But I made the decision to go back to school and get my undergraduate degree. My first semester I made it on the Dean’s list while working full time as well. It was challenging but I proved to myself that I can do it.


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  • Noah Brink

    Author and Christian School Junkie

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    Thank you for doing this, Herzog Foundation! There are profound theological and pedagogical reasons to at least be asking these questions. Sure, it blows up much of the way we think about traditional school. But in general, doesn't the assumptions that come from starting with the gospel as our first premise also blow up a lot of assumptions! There's enough data out there about the pedagogical effects on students and their capacities; it provides more time for teachers to prep and to stay sharp throughout the week; it creates more space for recognizing the importance of the family; (if Monday is the day "off,") it encourages greater participation in and enjoyment of our corporate worship. I could go on and on. It's part of the reason why it's one of the first podcast episodes I put together for RenewEd. 24 minute listen here:

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    Join me at the University of Minnesota! Here are a few more details about the positions I shared yesterday.

    • Charles Hanson on LinkedIn: USD Announces Fall 2023 Deans List and Academic Honors (11)


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  • Suzanne Roberge

    Director of Leadership Giving, Paul College

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    So great to see James McIlroy featured on the University Sales Center Alliance LinkedIn page. The work James does for the UNH Professional Sales Group and the UNH Sales Center is critical to one of the many amazing experiential learning opportunities students have access to at UNH Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics! Watch the full feature to learn more. #PaulPride


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    Meet Roderick Pearson '26, a Foundation Excellence Award scholarship recipient who just finished his first year at Texas A&M University! Thanks to his scholarships, Pearson was able to settle into his Aggieland home with less financial stress and more room to focus on his planning for the future. To see what brought Roderick to Texas A&M and where he plans to go, read here:

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  • Charisse S. Iglesias, PhD

    Community-Engaged Practitioner

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    Today is the two-year anniversary of my dissertation defense! In response to uneven power dynamics and traditional roles of knowledge making that I participated in and observed in the Peace Corps and other community engagement endeavors in graduate school, my dissertation attempted to develop an infrastructure of reciprocity in community-engaged research (CeR). I’ve since left academia but continue to participate in some academic conversations through conferences and publications.Here are some reflections from the past two years:🧐 Leaving academia doesn’t mean I can’t still practice what I love.🧐 I’ve been working and learning in public health. That interdisciplinary space has helped deepen my understanding of CeR.🧐 Even across disciplines, this type of research is undervalued and underfunded.🧐 By intentionally centering community expertise and lived experience, CeR is rigorous, culturally responsive, and relevant.The comic reflections in the picture below detail a few of the power dynamics I needed to navigate as a community-engaged practitioner and researcher. And I hope to continue creating and using tools like this to expand how we think of knowledge making.My goal for the next two years is to continue practicing equitable community engagement by:🌠 Encouraging folks to deeply examine their researcher positionality using tools like comic reflections.🌠 Engaging in shared decision making to create equitable structures to conduct CeR.

    • Charles Hanson on LinkedIn: USD Announces Fall 2023 Deans List and Academic Honors (24)



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  • Ericke Cage

    President at West Virginia State University

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    The education profession truly is a calling. There are very few occupations where one can have such a profound impact on both the trajectory of individual lives and our society. #education #highered #transforminglives


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  • Rosemarie Calleja (Dorekens)

    Fulbright Scholar, PhD researcher(Uni of Malta), Senior Media Lecturer II (MCAST Institute for the Creative Arts)

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    The newMCASTLink (Issue 67) is dedicated to the College's pursuit of excellence. One of the articles feature my Fulbright journey at Ohio State University in the US. Read it here:


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    B2B Sales Leader | Demand Generation | Business Development | Advisor | Drone Photography

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    🎓 Embracing the Future of Jesuit Education: Insights from Loyola University Chicago's President's Report 2023As an executive leader passionate about leveraging technology and strategic growth, I find the journey of Loyola University Chicago, detailed in their latest President’s Report, particularly inspiring.🌟 Leadership with a VisionMark C. Reed, the 25th president of Loyola University Chicago, embodies a dynamic leadership style shaped by a lifelong commitment to Jesuit education. His tenure reflects not just administrative excellence but a deep engagement with the educational community - from faculty and students to global Jesuit leaders.💡 A Commitment to Research and InnovationLoyola stands out as an R2 doctoral university, where high research activity is not just an academic pursuit but a dedication to societal advancement. This approach resonates strongly with our commitment to fostering innovative solutions in the business world.🔬 Research at the Service of HumanityThe university's multidisciplinary research spans critical areas like public health, technology, and social justice, underpinned by the Jesuit principle of knowledge expansion in service to humanity. This kind of interdisciplinary approach is crucial for tackling today's complex challenges, a philosophy that aligns with forward-thinking business strategies.📚 Integration of Teaching and ResearchWhat's remarkable is the seamless integration of research and teaching, ensuring that scholarly discoveries directly enrich the student learning experience. This model of education, where knowledge creation and dissemination go hand in hand, is something that we, as business leaders, can learn from to encourage continuous learning and innovation within our teams.As we look towards fostering growth and strategic planning within our organizations, the vision and execution demonstrated by Loyola University Chicago offer valuable insights. It's a reminder of the power of combining tradition with innovation, a principle that can guide us in various sectors, including technology, finance, and education. #Leadership #Innovation #JesuitEducation #StrategicGrowth

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  • Alexander Lowrie

    Finalist PPE Student at the University of Oxford

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    I had the pleasure of contributing to this years edition of the Chronicle in a feature titled 'Pride: Why does it matter today?' We may be inclined to question the importance of Pride and Pride marches, given that we live in a country where same-sex marriage is legal and where there is a larger normative acceptance of sexuality and gender expression. There are a few ways in which I want to challenge this assumption: 1.) Adopting the mindset that de jure provisions necessarily equate to overwhelming social acceptance is dangerous: Between 2021 and 2022, transgender people experienced the biggest increase in hate crimes than any other social group in the UK - an increase of 56%. From working in schools giving talks on social issues, I have seen first-hand that prejudiced views about the community are still prevalent, even in young people.2.) The rights the LGBTQ+ community have were hard won and we can't forget that: It's important to remember whose shoulders we stand on; who looked in the face of adversity and discrimination and fought for what we may sometimes take for granted. 3.) The fight isn't over abroad: Pride was and is a protest and, sadly, LGBTQ+ rights are still a privilege. Same-sex marriage is only legal in 34 countries and 66 countries currently in some way criminalise private and consensual same-sex sexual activity. In marching, we show solidarity for those who are still fighting for their right to live unapologetically as themselves in the hopes of a fairer world for all.4.) The fight isn't over domestically: LGBTQ+ right equality is too recent for comfort. The practice of conversion therapy is still legal in the UK, and in fact is only banned in 8 European countries. As such, we march not only to celebrate our identity, but to let everyone know that the rights we have aren't going anywhere and neither are we.I would like to end with an excerpt from my feature, which I hope you will give a skim: "Pride is a public show. Especially as a young person, seeing a crowd of people who are all so proud to express their queer selves is not only affirming but life-changing, and in many cases life-saving. How I would have wished to know that what I was feeling was not only normal but something to be celebrated – it is necessary, indispensable."


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Charles Hanson on LinkedIn: USD Announces Fall 2023 Deans List and Academic Honors (39)

Charles Hanson on LinkedIn: USD Announces Fall 2023 Deans List and Academic Honors (40)


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Charles Hanson on LinkedIn: USD Announces Fall 2023 Deans List and Academic Honors (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.