A magical girl’s twisted dream. - Chapter 3 - Elyhohe - Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika (2024)

Chapter Text

Yuu groans softly as she gradually awakes, rubbing her weary eyes, “grim..wake up.” Grim stirs beside her, his fur tousled and his tiny ears flicking in annoyance. “Ugh... already time to get up?”

One of the tall ghosts appears out of nowhere “Hee hee hee... Aren't the two of you supposed to be off cleaning the school today?”Yuu and Grim both jolted slightly at the sudden appearance of the ghost. Grim, still groggy, rubs his eyes and replies, “Myah?! The ghosts are back!”

Yuu groans and sits up, rubbing her temples. “Right, we’re on cleaning duty today. Grim, start getting ready.”

The other ghost looked at yuu, “So I hear you'll be living here from now on? Hope you like pranks as much as we do! Hya ha ha!”

Yuu sighed, her patience already wearing thin. "As if my life wasn't strange enough, now I have to deal with haunting ghosts too," she muttered under her breath, on the other hand, Grim seemed to perk up at the mention of pranks. "We gotta get rid of those things for good!”


Yuu and Grim stood outside of ramshackle, the morning sun casting a golden hue over the worn and neglected building. “good morning, yuu and grim, did you sleep well?”

Grim shoots crowley a dirty look, “Not at all! When I sprawled out on the bed, the mattress fell right through the frame!Exactly how ramshackle IS this dorm?And worse yet, we got woken up by ghosts!”

“I slept great.”

“I am delighted to hear that you've adjusted so well, despite being sent to another world!”

Grim frowned, “I hate this guy.” Yuu shoots a glance at Grim, her expression blank. "You know, Grim, this isn't a picnic for me either," she retorted. "I didn't ask to be sent to another world and roped into cleaning up this old run-down dorm."

well..I technically did ask for it-

Grim ignored her and mumbled something to himself she couldn’t grasp.

“Your job today is to clean the campus.That said, the campus is vast, and without magic, it'd be quite the Herculean task to clean it all. Therefore, today I'll have you focus on the area spanning from the front gates to the library. Now, yuu, I do expect that you'll keep a close eye on Grim, lest he cause another incident like yesterday.”

Yuu nodded, rolling up her sleeves determinedly. "Consider it done, Headmaster Crowley. Grim and I will have the campus looking spotless in no time."

Grim grumbled under his breath, but reluctantly agreed to follow Yuu's lead. "Oh, fine," he muttered. "Hrmph. I should be cleanin' nothin'! I'm here to study magic so I can be blastin' off spells left and right! Like BAM! POW! FWOOM!”

“Spare me your ego, grim”

Grim, undeterred by Yuu's sarcastic tone, puffed out his chest. "It's not ego, it's confidence," he exclaimed. "I know my worth, and when I become the most powerful mage of all time, people will beg for the chance to bask in my awesome power!"

this was going to be a long day

Yuu couldn't help but roll her eyes at Grim's grandiose claims. She knew that trying to reason with his ego would be a futile effort. Instead, she focused on the task at hand. "anyways let’s get going”


“Wow, so this is Main Street, huh? This is incredible! I didn't get to see it much yesterday. What's the deal with these seven statues? All their faces look pretty scary..”

Yuu glanced at the seven statues, her expression thoughtful. "this lady here looks like she's got some real anger management issues.”

“You don't know the Queen of Hearts?”Yuu and Grim both turn to see a ginger approaching them. “Queen of Hearts? Is she some kinda big deal?"The ginger nods, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "She was a queen who lived in a mazelike garden of roses long, long ago.She was a strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn't tolerate a rose being off-color, or her playing-card soldiers being out of step. She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her. You wanna know why? Because the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!”


As the ginger concluded his explanations, Yuu pondered the stories of the Seven Great, each with their own unique quirks and personalities.

“Ooh. a dragon! What all monsters yearn to be!” Grim said with anticipation, Ace looked at him like he was about to break into laughter, “Pretty cool, huh? Not like some piddling weasel.”

Grim shot a venomous glare at Ace, his eyes gleaming with anger. "Myah?!”

This won’t end well..

“Pfft... Ah ha ha! I can't hold it back anymore! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!Come on, you're the ones who turned orientation into such a fiasco, right?The one summoned by the Dark Mirror who can't even use magic, and the monster no on summoned at all.It took everything I had not to burst into laughter right in the middle of the ceremony!”

Yuu's eyes narrow in annoyance, her voice filled with cool sarcasm. "This guy is a barrel of laughs,” Ace continued his barrage of taunts, his gaze fixed on Grim. "So in the end, neither of you got admitted, and now you're janitors? Ah ha ha! SO lame!”

“Excuse me sir..how old are you?” Ace looked taken aback by her blunt question. "Wh-Huh? Me? Why do you ask?"

“You remind me of a 7 year-old kid, I know that everyone is allowed to act younger once in awhile, but you’re really abusing that privilege.”Ace's expression darkened, his face contorting into a look of annoyance. "What?! You're calling ME a kid?!” Yuu stared at him, “A tall one I guess.”

His expression soured even more, and he shot back with a snarl. "Ha, so now I'm being insulted by someone who can't even use magic? How laughable. And you're both so clueless you don't even know who the Great Seven are. Not a one of them!Maybe before you try getting into the academy again, you ought to take a second crack at kindergarten?”

Yuu could only look at him like he was a toddler, “umm..no offense but Your personality looks like something that came out of a slow cooker.”


Before ace could speak, Grim bristled at Ace's condescending remark. "Grrrr”Grim's eyes glinted with rage, his small paws clenching into fists. "Why you... Myah!" Ace smirked, clearly enjoying getting a rise out of Grim. "Anyway, just thought I'd tease you a bit. And man am I glad I did. It's been a blast! Unlike you, I actually have classes to get to, so I'll let you get back to picking up trash. Bye!”

Grim seethed with anger, his tail thrashing wildly, “Myuh-uh! You ain't walkin' away from me! It's too late for that!Myaaaaah!”

Oh no… “Grim!”

Grim ignored Yuu's warning, his pent-up anger and frustration boiling over. With a loud howl, he let loose a blast of blue fire, targeting Ace directly. “Whoa! Hey now!”Ace dived to one side, dodging the fireball just in time. “Is that supposed to scare me? Nice try!” He scoffed at Grim, his smirk never faltering. Grim, determined to land a hit, released two more blue flames, aiming one for Ace's head and the other at his leg. “H-hey! His magic winds are blowin' my fireballs off course! No fair!”

"What's the matter? Can't handle a little challenge?", Ace taunted as he easily dodged the two approaching flames, his smile widening even further.

Yuu looked at grim, “Grim if this doesn’t stop now-" Grim's frustration only grew as his attacks were effortlessly evaded. He shot a defiant glare at Ace. "You can run all you like, but you ain't escapin' me!"

With a ferocious scream, he unleashed a wave of blue fire in all directions.

“Pfft. All it takes is a little gust to- Hah! Oh no! Now the Queen of Hearts's statue looks like it's been flame-broiled!”

Yuu's eyes widened in shock as she saw flames licking at the Queen of Hearts's statue. "Grim, stop it!" she called out, her voice strained with urgency. Grim seemed oblivious to the damage his flames were causing, his focus solely on Ace.

Just as Yuu called out, Crowley's voice boomed across the clearing, his tone laced with agitation. "What is going on here? Cease this at once!”Grim froze, his flames extinguished at the sound of Crowley's voice. He turned to see the headmaster approaching, his disapproving gaze fixed on the duo.

“Oh no! The headmage!”

“Not more lashings of love! We gotta get outta here!”


“Myaaaaah! And I'm still sore from yesterday, too!”

Dear gods..can’t i have one normal day?!

Yuu sighed, her gaze shifting between the damaged statue and the fleeing figures of Ace and Grim. She knew that the trouble had only just begun. As Crowley approached, his expression stern, Yuu braced herself for the inevitable lecture.

“As if the likes of you could ever flee from me! Haaah... Did I not just warn you, "no more incidents"? And now you've charred one of my statues?! It's almost as though you WANT to be expelled!”

Yuu winced slightly as Crowley's words pierced like sharp needles. She knew that the headmaster's patience with Grim's antics was growing thin, and any further incidents could result in dire consequences. As Crowley continued his reprimand, Yuu stood silently, absorbing his words.

“And you, yuu! You were specifically told to keep Grim under control!”Yuu felt a pang of frustration mixed with guilt. She knew that she had failed in her task to keep Grim in check, and now they had only added another incident to their already precarious situation.

Yuu apologized sincerely, her voice filled with remorse. "I'm sorry, sir. I'll make sure to keep a closer eye on Grim from now on. It won't happen again."

Crowley's expression softened slightly at her apology, but he still looked stern. "This will not do. And you!” he turned towards ace, “State your name and grade.”

Ace looked slightly bewildered at the command but answered nonetheless. "Ace Trappola, freshman."

“Then listen well, Trappola. You too, Grim and yuu, as punishment for today's infractions, you are hereby ordered to wash a hundred windows!”

The trio's eyes widened at the seemingly insurmountable task that lay ahead. Grim's face contorted with disgust, while Ace let out a groan of despair, “Whaaat? I have to do it too?!” Crowley nodded, his expression firm. "You're all equally accountable for this incident. And don't think you can finish quickly with magic spells. Manual labor from top to bottom until the job is done".

Grim's shoulders slumped, the weight of the task hitting him hard. "A hundred windows... Man, this is so unfair!" he muttered, his voice filled with frustration.Ace couldn't help but agree. "This is too much! My hands are gonna fall off at this rate.”

Yuu's voice quivered with frustration as she muttered under her breath, "This is not a normal college..."

Grim glanced over at her, his expression a mix of frustration and agreement. "Tell me about it. If this keeps up, my fur's gonna fall down before I even graduate. Ugh, I need a nap."

Grim's words seemed to trigger something within Yuu. She felt the tension building inside her, and before she knew it, she let out a sharp retort, "You think you've got it tough? Try being the only normal person in this crazy academy full of weirdos!"

Grim's eyes widened, taken aback by her unexpected burst of anger. "Whoa, calm down. I didn't mean to make it a competition. I'm just saying-"

Yuu cut him off, her frustration mounting. "Silence. It's hard enough dealing with your antics and Crowley's punishments. The last thing I need is you whining about it."

Grim's ears drooped slightly, his earlier annoyance giving way to a sheepish look. "Alright, alright. No need to bite my head off. We're in this together, whether we like it or not. Let's just get this window-washing over with, okay?"

Yuu signed, “Ugh..let’s just finish our janitor duties first..considering this guy has classes now so he won’t be available until end of the day.”

Grim shot a grumpy glare at Ace before nodding in agreement with Yuu, “Fine. Let’s get this over with.” Ace, sensing the tense atmosphere, decided it was best to make a hasty exit. He bid a quick goodbye and made his way towards class.


“I'm already exhausted from a full day of cleanin'. I can't believe we still gotta wash a hundred windows!” Yuu sighed in agreement,“I know, We just gotta suck it up and do it.”

Grim slumped against Yuu, his small form feeling even more drained now. "What's buggin' me is, Ace ain't even here yet! To make us wait, after what he did... Grrr!”Yuu tried to soothe Grim's frustration, patting him on the head. "Relax. let’s just wait.”

Grim sighed, his irritation easing slightly at Yuu's comforting gesture. They waited for what felt like hours, the sun setting in the distance. “And now he's super late!

I bet bailed on us!” Yuu glanced towards where the sun was setting, the sky turning a deep shade of orange. "He better not have ditched us after causing all this trouble."

Grim grumbled,“Ain't no way am I doin' his punishment for him! C'mon, henchman, I don't care if we gotta drag him kickin' and screamin', he's washin' those windows!”

Yuu nodded, her determination reinvigorated. “You’re right, Grim. Let's go find him and make him pay his dues.”


“Hey! Ace! Get over here! Try to hide from me, will ya!-“

Grim and Yuu made their way towards Ace's classroom, determined to find him and make sure he fulfilled his end of the punishment. They arrived at the classroom, and to their surprise, the room was deserted. There was no sign of Ace anywhere. “Huh... Maybe there's really no one here?”

Yuu was about to speak before a voice interrupted her “Oh, I wouldn't say that, I'm here.”

Yuu and Grim turned in surprise to see a talking painting near the entrance of the classroom. Grim shouted, “Bwaaah! That painting just talked!”

The portrait laughed at Grim's surprise. "Yes, and...? Is a talking painting really such an oddity at this school?

The lady in the portrait on that wall talks too. As does the gentleman in the portrait on this one. As long as a painting has a mouth, why wouldn't it be able to talk? Is that really so strange?”

Grim sputtered as the portrait explained so matter-of-factly as if the idea of talking paintings were completely ordinary. Yuu tried her best to hold back a faint chuckle at Grim's shock.

i’ve already seen things way more strange

“Usually portraits don’t talk.” The portrait seemed to be amused by Yuu's statement. "Well, your "usual" and my "usual" clearly differ. Shall we agree to disagree on the matter? So what brings you two here? Are you searching for someone?”

Grim, regaining some composure, scowled. "We're lookin' for that good-for-nothin' Ace! He's got messy hair and a heart drawn on his face.” The portrait seemed to recall, "Ah, I know the one. A new student, I believe? Today was his first day at school. I think he went back to his dorm a while ago.”

Grim's frustration flared again. "What?! That rotten good-for-nothin'! We've been waitin' for that bonehead while he's just kickin' back in his dorm?!" Yuu's disappointment was clear in her expression. "We should have expected this...hey, do you know which way he went?”

The portrait nodded. "The door to the dorms is in the eastern building.”Grim was practically seething with anger now. "C'mon, henchman! Let's march on over there and give that no-good Ace a piece of our minds!"


“Yeah right, like I'm gonna was a hundred windows. I'm just gonna go back and-“

"You ain't goin' anywhere, not until you finish your punishment, ya no good slacker! Grrr!"

Grim's voice echoed through the hall, and a determined Yuu followed close behind. Ace froze, recognizing the figures approaching from the end of the corridor.

“Oh no! They saw me!”

Yuu, her anger evident in her voice, called out to Ace, "Ace Trappola, get here right this instant!"

Ace gulped, realizing that his sneaky escape plan had failed. "Ugh, they found me! This is not good..." Ace took off like a startled rabbit, running as fast as he could in the opposite direction.

"Catch me if you can!" he called out, but Grim and Yuu were hot on his trail.

As Yuu and Grim continued their chase, they were suddenly halted by a newcomer. A tall and pale blue-haired boy stood in front of them, an intrigued expression on his face.

“Please stop him!”

Ew..that sounded too desperate..but i can’t just use a rapier to stop Ace..

The blue-haired boy tilted his head, his eyes filled with a calculating glint as he looked towards Ace's fleeting form. "You want me to cast a spell to stop him?”

Grim panted, attempting to catch his breath before answering. "Yeah, just do something! Anything! Just stop that punk from runnin'!” Yuu nodded, “He's shirking his cleaning responsibilities!”

The blue-haired boy nodded slightly, “What? That's not right! But how to stop him? Like, freeze his legs? Or bind them with a rope?Or maybe I could... Hmm... No...” While he pondered the various possibilities, Grim's irritation peaked. "No need for all that thinkin'! Just stop him already! do anything!” As if to emphasize Grim's demand, yuu nodded in agreement.The blue-haired boy's eyes widened with realization. "Aha! I got it! I summon thee... something heavy!”

A large, heavy looking cauldron materialized out of thin air, crashing down towards Ace with a loud clang, successfully halting his escape.

“Ow! Hey, what the heck? What is this-”

Maybe a rapier was better..

Grim and Yuu approached the fallen cauldron, a relieved expression on their faces. Grim looked down at the cauldron, then up at yuu. "Ah ha ha ha ha! Look, yuu! look! That Ace guy got crushed beneath a giant cauldron! It squashed him flat! Aha ha ha! That's what you get!”

Yuu rolled her eyes at Grim's dramatic declaration. as she leaned over to lift the cauldron off of the unfortunate Ace. Meanwhile, the blue-haired boy walked over to them, looking down at Ace. “A cauldron?! I wasn't expecting that. I may have overdone it this time...”

As soon as the cauldron was moved away, Ace struggled to catch his breath and push himself up, his gaze filled with annoyance. "That hurt, you know! What's the big idea? Why'd you have to throw that huge-" Grim, unable to contain his laughter, cut him off. "Hahaha! That's what you get for shirkin' your duties, you lazy bum! Serves ya right!”

Yuu joined Grim in his laughter, unable to hold back her amusem*nt at the situation. "You look pathetic.” Meanwhile, Ace, feeling utterly embarrassed but also incredibly annoyed, shot a sharp look at the blue-haired boy. "This is all your fault! You threw that thing without even asking!"

The blue-haired boy shrugged, a nonchalant expression on his face. "Well, I suppose I couldn't allow you to flee, could I? Now, if you don't mind, I suggest you fulfill your responsibilities. The sooner the merrier.”

“Headmage’s orders, we should clean all 100 windows together” Yuu added,

Ace grumbled, clearly not pleased but left with no choice."Ugh, fine! I'll help with your silly chores, but mark my words, this isn't over! Grr..."

The blue-haired boy raised an eyebrow ”You have to wash a hundred windows as punishment? What the heck did you do?!”Ace, in his usual snarky tone, added in his explanation. "Iwas just screwing with that furball a little. ...Okay, and the statue of the Queen of Hearts got a teeny bit charred. Sue me.”

The blue-haired boy's eyes widened at the mention of the statue, his expression a mix of shock and astonishment. “The statue of the Queen of Hearts? How on earth did you manage to char it? Do you know how important that statue is to the school? After you managed to get into THIS school, how could you get in trouble on the very first day?!”

Ace tried to defend himself, a sheepish look on his face. “ugh shut up won’t you? who are you anyways?”The blue-haired boy raised an eyebrow, not amused by Ace's attitude. “My name is Deuce. Deuce Spade. Don't you remember your own classmate? uh..”Ace rubbed the back of his head, feeling a bit embarrassed but trying to keep his composure. "You don't remember my name either, do you?”

Deuce nodded, “Ace Trappola, right? I remember you now. We're in the same class. But really, how could you already get into trouble on your first day? And to make things even more serious, how the hell did you manage to char the statue of the prestigious Queen of Hearts?! You really have no regard for anything."Ace, still not thrilled with the situation, muttered under his breath, “Yeah, yeah, message received... Fine, let's bang out the windows already.”

As Deuce and Ace bickered, Yuu noticed that Grim had taken the opportunity to slip away, not wanting to be involved in the window-cleaning task.

“Ah ha ha ha! I'll let you two handle the rest! See ya, suckers!”

Realizing that Grim had vanished, Ace's eyes widened in frustration. “Hey, wait a minute! Where'd that furball run off to?! You caught me so YOU could run away yourself?! Hey! You there! Uh... Juice?”Deuce, slightly miffed that Ace didn’t bother to remember his name, corrected him “It’s Deuce.! D E U !” Ace rolled his eyes, clearly not amused by Deuce’s irritation. “Yeah, yeah whatever. Deuce, This is partially your responsibility, you know! So help me catch that little furball”

Deuce groaned, feeling like he was caught in the middle of another mess. “How is this my responsibility?!”Ace, still determined to catch Grim, was growing increasingly impatient,“Grim's useless janitor friend can't use magic. That means this is up to you and me!”

Yuu, still observing the ongoing drama, couldn’t help but facepalm at the situation. She had hoped for a more smooth first day at this school, but it seemed chaos had different plans.she shrugged and ran towards grim herself. As Yuu chased after Grim, trying desperately to catch up to him, Grim kept dashing ahead, clearly enjoying the game of cat and mouse.“You can't catch me, henchman! I'm too slick to be caught!”

As Yuu continued her pursuit, Deuce and Ace were not far behind, both determined to capture Grim as well. “Oi! Grim! Get your fuzzy butt back here!” Ace called out.

Grim, feeling mischievous and amused, couldn’t help but stop momentarily to taunt his pursuers. He turned around and stuck his tongue out, letting out a mischievous laugh. “You’re gonna have to try harder than that!”


Grim, now perched on a high chandelier, looked down at his pursuers with a mischievous smile. His eyes gleaming with mischief, he taunted them

“You'll never catch me up here!”

“No fair climbing up onto the chandelier, you coward! I haven't really learned flight magic yet...What could I summon to hold onto him...? Hmmm...Oh! That's it!”Deuce’s eyes lit up as an idea struck him. Ace just looked at him “Did you come up with somethi- Oh, hey! Stop! What are you doing?! Why are you pointing your pen at me?!”

Deuce, with a confident look, “Because I'm going to launch you.” Ace’s eyes widened in disbelief, "What?! Launch me? Are you nuts?!"

Ace's protests were cut short as Deuce chanted a spell and flicked his pen. Suddenly, Ace was propelled upwards towards the chandelier where Grim had taken refuge.

Yuu couldn’t help but feel a mix of shock and disbelief…HOW WILL THEY COME DOWN

Unfortunately, Deuce couldn’t control Ace’s height or velocity, and Ace ended up falling down with grim in his arms, crashing the chandelier.

Grim and Ace hit the ground with a thud, and the poor cat-like fairy groaned in pain then silence followed. Ace looked at Deuce with irritation. “You idiot! You almost got us both seriously injured! and the chandelier!!”

Deuce, feeling a bit guilty for his reckless actions, sheepishly lowered his head. “Oh, right! I probably should have come up with a way to soften your landing after you caught him...” Ace, still on the ground, rolled his eyes. “You complete and total moron! We got Grim, but we broke the chandelier! If the headmage finds out about this-“

Yuu, who had been standing on the side, watching as the drama unfolds, couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread creeping in her. that crow always showed up out of no where so h-

“If I find out about... what, dear Ace?”


Ace and Deuce froze at the sound of the headmage's voice, each of them gulping nervously. Ace's eyes widened in panic, and he tried to come up with an excuse.

“Ah, Headmaster Crowley! We... uh... we were just...”

Crowley, his eyes locked on the broken chandelier and the boys sprawled out on the floor, raised an eyebrow. “YOU. THREE. AGAIN. What have you done this time?!”

Ace couldn't help but look around nervously, sensing the impending trouble.

Crowley, his irritation growing, approached the group with a stern expression. “Burning a statue wasn't enough for you? Now you've destroyed a chandelier?! Enough. All of you are expelled.”

both ace and deuce’s eyes widened in horror at Crowley's words. Expulsion?! This couldn't be happening! Deuce, still in a state of disbelief, tried to defend himself. “Headmage, please! Give me a second chance! I can't get expelled from this school! I need to be here!”Crowley, his face showing no sympathy, shook his head. “Your actions have consequences, and breaking school property is a serious offense. blame yourself for your own foolish behavior.”

Deuce, feeling the weight of the situation, tried to plead with Crowley as well. “I'll pay for the damages! However much it costs!”Crowley let out a cynical scoff before he responded “That chandelier is no mere light fixture. It is magical chandelier. Its candles are powered by a magical energy source, enchanted so that they will burn for eternity. It was created for us by a legendary artificer. Possibly their finest creation. It has been here since the school was established, and I imagined it would be here forevermore. Considering its historical value, I would estimate its worth to be no less than a billion thaumarks.

And you intend to repay that sum?”

the poor guy was left speechless, realization sinking in. A billion thaumarks?! That was a ludicrous amount. They couldn't pay it back even if they dedicated their entire lives to working.

Ace looked at crowley, “B-But I'm sure with your magical talent, sir, you could snap your fingers and fix it right up!”

Crowley took a step forward, a menacing glint in his eyes. “Are you implying that I'm some sort of miracle worker? Do you think I can just snap my fingers and make the chandelier magically appear back to its former glory as it was? Even magic has its limits. Furthermore, its magestone - the figurative heart of any magical artifact - is cracked. A magestone cannot easily be replaced. I fear the candles of this majestic chandelier will never burn again.”

The weight of the situation started to sink in, Ace and Deuce stared in shock and fear. They had accidentally destroyed a unique historical artifact of immense value. Expulsion should be the least of their worries now...

Yuu, having been observing the whole situation, finally stepped forward and interrupted the tense atmosphere. She cleared her throat before saying, “Excuse me, Headmaster Crowley. If I may chime in,It's true that this chandelier holds historical value, and it's undoubtedly a loss. However, you said something about a magestone?” Crowley turned to Yuu, intrigued by her sudden interest “Yes, as I mentioned before, the chandelier's magestone is cracked. Replacing a magestone is an extensive process. It's not a simple task…”

Yuu nodded, her mind racing with ideas. If a magestone was what was needed to repair the chandelier... maybe she had a solution. “where do we find one?”Crowley looked at Yuu with a mix of surprise and curiosity. “Find one? Magestones are quite rare, my dear. Finding an appropriate one would require a considerable amount of effort. They don't grow on trees, as they say.”

Yuu's expression remained resolute as she met Crowley's gaze. “I understand the rarity of magestones, but they must be located somewhere,” Crowley nodded in agreement. “Very well. The magestone that powered this chandelier was mined from the Dwarfs' Mine. If you can acquire a magestone with the same properties, it may be possible to repair it.”

Yuu nodded, her confidence growing with the information. A Dwarfs' Mine... If that's where the magestone needed to be located, she was determined to find one. Even if it meant taking a risky trip to the mine itself. Meanwhile, Ace's eyes widened as he heard the mention of the Dwarfs' mine. He had heard rumors about the mine and its treacherous conditions...but deuce stepped in, “Then I'll go find a magestone! With your permission, sir!”

Crowley considered Deuce's offer for a moment before nodding his head in agreement. "Very well. If you're willing to undertake the task, I give you permission to retrieve a magestone from the Dwarfs' Mine. I should caution you that I cannot promise there yet remain magestones to find. The mines were closed quite some time ago. It is quite likely that all of the magestones have already been mined.”

Yuu, inspired by Deuce's eagerness to fix things, decided to join the mission. “Count me in, too! I want to go along. Together, we might have a better chance of finding a magestone.” Crowley raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Yuu's quick agreement. “You are willing to go as well? Interesting. Very well, I shall grant you all permission, I will suspend your expulsion for a single night.But if you fail to return with a magestone by morning, then all of you are expelled.”

Ace's signed. “Fine, then. Let's hurry down there, find a magestone, and get this whole thing done with.” Crowley nodded approvingly at their resolution. “You should be able to reach the Dwarfs' Mine instantly by using one of the gates in the Mirror Chamber.”

Grim stirred awake, his cat eyes blinking groggily. He sat up, rubbing his head and looking around at the group's determined expressions. “What did I miss?” Yuu couldn't help but glare at Grim, her eyes full of irritation."You may end up wishing you'd remained unconscious.”

Grim raised his eyebrows, sensing the tension emanating from Yuu’s gaze. “What’s with the hostility? I thought we were cool!”Yuu crossed her arms, her expression stern. “once we're done with this I'll pluck your fur like a chicken.”Grim blinked, his furry feline ears perked up in surprise. “What the?! You wouldn't!” He squirmed a bit, imagining the feeling of having his precious fur plucked.


“Seriously? We’re traveling by this?”

Deuce stood before the large Mirror of Darkness in the Mirror Chamber, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. "Yes, we'll be using this Dark Mirror to travel to the Dwarfs' Mine. It acts as a magical portal, connecting two points in space and time. However, the journey through the Mirror can be a bit...unpleasant."

Ace rolled his eyes, clearly not thrilled about the idea. “Ugh, Mirror travel is the worst. The feeling is like swimming in molasses.. How did I end up in this mess? I swear, I have the worst luck.” Deuce rolled his eyes at Ace's complaint. "Stop being such a drama queen. Dark Mirror! Take us to the Dwarfs' Mine!”As Deuce commanded the Mirror, the Dark Mirror began to glow vividly. Its swirling surface shimmered with a mix of darkness and magic. Deuce took a deep breath before stepping into the mirror.

As Deuce vanished through the Mirror, Grim and Yuu exchanged hesitant looks. Ace, on the other hand, strolled toward the mirror. Ace shrugged nonchalantly, his hands in his pockets as he approached the mirror. “We can't just stand here forever. Let's go.” With a confident stride, Ace entered the mirror after Deuce.

Yuu and Grim exchanged an apprehensive glance. “Well..here goes nothing” she muttered before stepping into the mirror after Ace. As Grim and Yuu stepped into the mirror, the world around them transformed into a swirling vortex of dim light and distorted reflections. Everything seemed to warp and contort as if reality itself was being stretched and twisted by some otherworldly force. In that moment, they experienced a sensation unlike anything they had ever felt before..


“So this is the Dwarfs' Mine... Long ago, this mine was flush with magestones.”Deuce spoke. “It seems...a lot darker than I imagined.” Yuu commented, her voice filled with a sense of unease. Deuce responded grimly, “The mines have remained abandoned for a long time. It's not exactly a place most people would voluntarily visit.”

The group of students stood in the clearing, a small house standing in sharp contrast to the foreboding forest surrounding them. It was a quaint, almost picturesque sight in the midst of the barren landscape. The group walked towards the house, which looked abandoned. Deuce called out if someone was in there.

the house remained eerily silent, no response coming from within. Deuce, growing impatient, called out again, his voice echoing in the quiet surroundings. “Hello?! Anybody there?”

“Uh..deuce that place looks abandoned .”

Deuce looked at the house, noticing the signs of abandonment, cobwebs and neglect it was clear nobody had lived there in quite some time. “You’re right, it does seem deserted.”With a slight push, the door creaked open, revealing a dusty and abandoned interior. The room was dimly lit, shadows looming in the corners. Furniture was scattered clumsily..uh well..a very tiny furnitures..

Yuu's eyes widened as she stepped inside. The dim light filtering through the windows illuminated the room enough for her to notice the miniature tables, chairs and other objects. “Everything in here..it's tiny!” ace marveled.

“Ace..it’s called the Dwarfs’ mine..”

Ace raised an eyebrow at Yuu's remark. “Yeah, I guess you have a point. So dwarves used to live here, huh? Well, let's have a look around, see what we can find.”

Grim had already started counting the chairs scattered around the room, his cat-like behavior getting the best of him.

“One, two...ah! seven!”Yuu couldn't help but roll her eyes, amused. “Leave it to Grim to turn this search into a counting game.” Deuce, however, remained focused on the task at hand. “We're not here to count chairs. There's work to do. Let's split up and search the hut thoroughly.”

the group split up and began their search, carefully poking through every nook and corner of the small house. Yuu noticed a small table set in front of a makeshift bed covered with a straw mat. A small book lay on the bed, its worn pages filled with handwritten notes. Yuu took a moment to flip through the book.

It looks like a diary..a very useful one though.

As Yuu flipped through the pages of the notebook, her eyes widened as she read passages about the Dwarfs' Mine and the search for magical magestones. It seemed to be filled with information that could be useful for their current task. While Yuu was engrossed with the notebook, the rest of the team continued their search. Grim sniffed beneath furniture, and Ace examined the room in search for hammers with deuce.

Yuu called out to the others, holding up the notebook. “Hey, guys, take a look at this!” Curiously Grim, Deuce, and Ace regroup. “..What’s up?” Deuce asked.

Yuu turned the book around so they could read the pages as well. “This book contains information about the Dwarfs' Mine. It seems to have been written by a miners who worked here. It explains that the magestones are found deep within the mine..”

As Yuu explained the contents of the book and the team listened intently,

“they collect the stones in a mine cart and transports them to Doc, who determines which stones should be kept; rejected stones are swept up and thrown away by Dopey…Headmage said something about the mine being abandoned a long time ago so there’s no way we could mine a magestone in it..so if the rejected stones are thrown away they most likely would be thrown inside the mine again, so we might find one.”

"Wait a minute,” Deuce said, a spark of realization in his eyes. “You’re absolutely right. Those rejected stones are likely still in the mine! Even if the mine is abandoned, they could have been left behind.”

“That could be our best chance of finding a magestone!” Deuce’s face lit up with newfound hope, the realization that their task wasn’t as impossible as they'd initially thought. Grim, his mischievous eyes shining with glee, waved a hammer in one paw, a mischievous grin on his face. “Myah ha ha ha! Look what I found!” he said, proudly presenting the hammer to the others.

“Uh..we might not need that grim.”

Grim, slightly taken aback, pouted. “What do you mean we won't need it? We're looking for magestones, right?”

Deuce chuckled, gently patting Grim on the head. “He’s right, Grim. We don’t need hammers to find magestones. Those are for mining, we’re looking for already mined magestones.”

“Ugh, fine.” Grim muttered under his breath, slightly annoyed but understanding the situation. “I guess I got a bit overexcited there, myah.”

Ace, a wry smile on his face, couldn’t resist teasing Grim. “Looks like you just wanted to bash things with a hammer, Grim. Next time, save the demolition for a demolition site.” Grim scowled at Ace. “Shut up, Ace! I was just trying to be helpful!”

“Enough..we should head to the mine now.” The team nodded in agreement.

“Right, we shouldn’t get sidetracked. Our priority is to find a magestone.” Deuce said , “Let's head to the mine as soon as possible. Every moment counts.”


Well..that’s uh..quite the sight.”

The entrance of the mine loomed before them, its gaping black maw seeming to swallow the remaining daylight. Dark shadows filled the depths within, creating an ominous atmosphere that seemed to hint at the danger waiting within.

Grim shivered, his tail slightly puffed up as he stared up at the mine. “Myah..that place looks dark and scary..”

Ace rolled his eyes at Grim's comment. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of a little dark cave, Grim?” he said, a hint of teasing in his tone. Grim bristled at Ace's taunting. “Scared? Me? Pfft, as if! I’m not scared of some stupid cave!” Grim said defiantly, his cat-like pride refusing to admit any fear. Deuce, ever the pragmatic and cool-headed one, interrupted their bickering. “Alright, enough chatter. We’re here to find magestones, not bicker. Let's get moving.”

The group nodded in agreement, their focus shifting to the task at hand. With a final glance at the imposing mine entrance, they braced themselves and stepped forward into the darkness. The silence inside the mine was almost deafening, the only sound was the echoed sound of their footsteps.

Something is in there..are those ghosts?

Yuu squinted into the shadows. They were indeed ghosts, their ethereal forms shifting and gliding through the shadows.


Grim’s screech echoed through the mines, causing the ghosts to whirl around and fix their hollow eyes on the group. The once eerie silence of the mine transformed into a symphony of eerie whispers that swirled around them.

The lead ghost, spoke in a mischievous tone,”Hee hee hee hee! Visitors! The first in ten years!”

“Do make yourselves at home... You can stay forever! “ the other ghost cackled.other ghosts gathered around, their empty eye sockets fixed on the team.

“Hello there.”

The lead ghost glided closer, its form flickering and shifting. "Ah, what a pleasure to see some fresh faces around here! It's been far too long since we've had some company."

"But tell us," the ghost continued, its voice filled with an eager curiosity, "what brings you to our little mine?” Grim, his tail puffed up with bravado, stepped forward."We're looking for magestones!”

“Yes..indeed, some problems happened and we need one.”

“Oho!” the lead ghost exclaimed, intrigued. “is it something fun?”

“I can’t say that it was fun...” Yuu, always the level-headed one, spoke up.

Ace, with a slightly co*cky demeanor, stepped forward. “The only reason we're here in the first place is because of that stupid stunt Deuce pulled.”Deuce bristled at the accusation, his eyes narrowing at Ace. "Oh? I'm pretty sure this all started because you tried to shirk your window-cleaning punishment!”Ace, not one to admit fault easily, shot back. “So, we're bringing up ancient history now? Then if you wanna get down to brass tacks, this all started when furball torched that statue!”Grim, caught up in the argument, retorted. “Myah?! Maybe you shouldn'ta made fun of me, then!”

Yuu, caught amidst the squabble, heard a faint sound coming from further in the cavern. “Hey, guys, keep it down for a sec. I think I hear something.." The team quieted down, their attention shifting. Grim’s ears perked up as he sniffed the air. “Myah...I smell something weird..”

As Yuu focused her senses, she felt a foreboding presence. Her newfound magical intuition was sending off an intense warning signal, as if sensing an immediate danger in the darkness.

“..iiivvv... ...oooouuu...”

The sound sent a chill down everyone's spine. It was a strange, almost human-like moan, a faint voice echoing through the cavern, almost unintelligible. Deuce, his face paler than ever, swallowed hard. "What...what is that...?" he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. The team exchanged glances, a mixture of courage and fear in their eyes. Whatever was making that sound, it was ominous and possibly dangerous. Their conversation had attracted the attention of a potentially hostile entity.

A gigantic, ink-covered monster rose from the darkness, its form a swirling amalgamation of ink and shadows, an almost amorphous mass. The only recognizable feature was the shape of a glass-made head that adorned its form, creating an eerie and unsettling figure.

“Stooonesss... Stooonesss aaare miiiiine!”The monster's guttural voice echoed through the cavern, each word sending a chill down the team's spines.

Is that a witch..no..I don’t sense the same aura of a witch from it..what’s that-

Yuu's magical intuition flared up, her senses registering something odd. There was something about this entity that seemed off, not quite like the witches she had encountered before. The absence of the familiar dark aura from witches made her question its identity, leaving her feeling unsettled and uncertain.

Deuce shouted in horror, "what is that?!" Yuu's voice cut through, "Firstly, we need to figure out its weakness. Without knowing that, there's no way we can defeat this thing." She looked around, her eyes fixed on the chaotic ink-covered mass that was the monster. Yuu's hand instinctively found its way to her finger, her magical ring pulsing with an otherworldly glow until a rapier showed in her hand.

The sight of the rapier materializing seemed to catch the attention of Ace and Deuce, their eyes widened in surprise. "What the... Where did you get that?" Deuce exclaimed, his astonishment evident. Ace's gaze flicked towards the rapier, “you didn’t steal that did you?And why are you wearing a-"

Yuu didn't bother to explain the mechanics of her rapier's creation to her flabbergasted companions. "Now's not the time, we need to focus..." she murmured distractedly, her eyes still fixated on the menacing monster before them. The ink-covered creature let out a low, guttural growl as it shuffled towards Yuu, its oozing form moving in a disjointed, unsettling manner.

"Get ready.!!"


Despite their relentless attempts, the team's attacks seemed futile, each strike doing little to no damage to the menacing ink creature. Its form appeared to swallow up the attacks, the ink seemingly reforming instantly. The group, undeterred, continued to battle, but it became increasingly clear that their current approach wasn’t working.Ace, amidst the chaos of the battle, noticed something shimmering behind the ink creature. "Hey, look!" he yelled, pointing towards the faint glint. "There's something back there!" The team's attention was drawn towards the gleaming object, hidden in the shadows behind the monstrous foe. The group exchanged a brief, wordless glance, a shared realization passing through their eyes. The gleaming object was likely their true target, the magestone they had come to find.

The ink-covered creature, as if reacting to their realization, let out a guttural bellow. "Stonessss aares mineee!” its otherworldly voice echoed through the cavern, its inky form quivering with possessive rage. Clearly, it wouldn't let them reach the gleaming magestone easily. Yuu, in a panicked voice, shouted to the group, "Fallback! Retreat, now!" The team quickly heeded her call, their bodies moving on instinct as they dodged the ink creature's counterattacks.

The group dashed out of the mine, their breaths coming in quick, labored gasps, their bodies trembling with adrenaline and shock. They had just encountered a monster unlike anything they had seen before, and the sheer impossibility of their situation sunk in. The weight of their situation was heavy and uncertain.The group made it out of the mine, panting and covered in a thin layer of sweat and dust. Deuce, catching his breath, spoke up. "What on earth was that creature? And why was it so fixated on those magestones?"

Ace on the other hand, was focused on something else, his confusion reached its peak as he pointed out Yuu's magical rapier and her sudden change in attire. His eyes widened comically, almost popping out of his skull at the sight of Yuu dressed in a simple but elegant dress. "It looks even more girly out here!" he shouted,

Grim, meanwhile, was thoroughly amused by the transformation. "Myah hah! Look at you in that dress! You're looking like a kid now!"

Yuu, taken aback at herself, looked down at her new outfit. The fabric felt light and airy against her skin, contrasting starkly with her usual clothes. "I...I don't understand," she murmured, her voice tinged with bewilderment. "This has never happened before. My clothes changing...it makes no sense." Grim looked up at her, a sly grin on his face. "Well, I gotta say, you look good like that!"

The realization hit Yuu like a truck, her facade on the verge of shattering. Sweat trickled down her forehead as she quickly tried to control her expression, desperately hoping the team wouldn't notice this unexpected revelation.

Ace, in his usual blunt manner, blurted out the question. "Are you a trans or something?"

Yuu looked in confusion, “huh? no..” Ace's expression reflected his confusion “so then.. why the dress?” Feeling the awkward situation escalating, Deuce quickly intervened, "Ace, that's not the important part! We have bigger issues to worry about!" Ace shrugged off Deuce's remark, his focus now entirely on Yuu's sudden attire transformation. "But this makes no sense. She was clearly a guy before!"

Ace's perplexity only deepened as he pointed out the strange rapier. "And what's up with that weird sword?"

Yuu, struggling for a cover, tried to explain, "It's a...uh...a magical weapon." Ace quirked a brow, clearly not buying her explanation."Really? It just appeared out of thin air?"

Yuu, her voice hushed and urgent, shot down any immediate questions."Now's not the time to explain," she stated firmly, her eyes casting glances back towards the mine entrance, as if expecting the ink creature to follow them outside. Her priority was ensuring their immediate safety, not delving into explanations about her mysterious abilities. The urgency of the situation demanded their immediate attention and caution. As the group paused to catch their breath, Yuu's analytical mind started churning, trying to piece together a solution to the problem. She spoke in a firm, decisive tone, her words tinged with a growing confidence. "Alright, listen up. That thing’s form is composed of ink and darkness. It's resistant to physical attacks, hence why our attacks weren’t effective." She took a deep breath, her eyes filled with determined focus.

”Its head seem to be its only identifiable feature, the glasses-shaped head being the primary target.”

“Here's what we need to do. We need to target its head, but we can’t get close. The creature's form is too volatile, its ink can swallow up any close-range attacks. We need to find a way to weaken it first.” As she spoke, her mind raced, thinking of potential weaknesses that could give them an upper hand. Deuce nodded, chiming in with his own thoughts. "Right, that makes sense. But how can we weaken it from a distance?"

"Guys, I have an idea." Yuu spoke, her voice filled with an air of confidence. "We can't approach it directly, and it doesn't have eyes. That means it relies on sound to navigate. If we can disrupt its sensory perception, we might just have a shot at weakening it." The group, though startled by her statement, quickly understood the implications. "You're right. If we can distract it with loud noises, we might be able to weaken its form from afar." Decue said.

"Exactly. If we can create enough noisy distractions to throw off its perception, we can then target its head. But we need to be discreet about it. Make sure our attacks are unexpected and precise. That creature is powerful, and we can't afford to underestimate it." Yuu's words were filled with a sense of urgency, her mind already mapping out the plan, “we will need to work together for this.”

Ace stared at Yuu, a mixture of mockery and confusion in his eyes. "What do you mean 'work together'?” he protested. “Let's just give up and go home. I'll happily take the expulsion if it means never having to fight that thing again, we got its weakness but there’s no way we are going inside again.” Deuce, with a determined expression, interrupted their bickering, “What?! Nuh-uh, not happenin'! I'd rather die than get expelled from Night Raven!

How can you give up when the stone is right there?” Ace snorted, rolling his eyes. “Pfft. Big talk from someone who's not even half the mage I am. You want that stone so bad, go get it yourself. I'm out.”

Dear gods..

“Oh YEAH?! Fine, go back to your coop, you big chicken!”

“Whaaaaat?! Who're you callin' chicken, huh?!”

Grim, perched on Yuu's shoulder, couldn't help but find the bickering amusing. "Nyah ha ha! Look at you two, fighting over your cowardice. This is quite the show!”

Yuu, fed up with the tension, decided to take charge once more. "Whoa, Deuce... Is it just me, or did you, like, turn into a totally different person just now?”

"Huh?" He coughed, "sorry..lost my cool for a second."

Yuu's firm tone cut through the tension as she addressed the group, her patience wearing thin,”Alright, enough! We're doing this together. If we want to succeed, we need to work as a team. No more arguments." Ace and Deuce exchanged a brief glance, then deuce looked with confusion, “working together..? we just need to find some way to defeat that creature and get the magestone," Ace, in a mocking tone,”Yeaaaaah. Just like the time with the chandelier, right? You "found some way," and now here we are. We just fought that thing and it creamed us. So what exactly is your plan here, genius? Because I sure don't trust you to improvise!”

Grim, with a resigned air, signs, expressing his frustration, "Great! This is just what we need. More petty arguments."

Yuu shoots a stern gaze at Ace, her voice laced with frustration,"SILENCE!” The group falls quiet, surprised by Yuu's outburst. Even Grim seems taken aback, “Whoa, that was loud. Where'd that come from?” Yuu takes a breath, composing herself. "i had enough with both of you..no..ALL OF YOU!”

Her words echo through the silent air, the weight of her frustration palpable. "We are in this together, and we're going to find a way to defeat that creature and find that magestone...or we all get expelled.“ she turned to face Ace, “if you don’t care enough about getting expelled at least have sympathy for me! if I don’t get out of this situation i will be homeless!” The group, taken aback by her raw emotion, stood in silence, their collective realization sinking in. Yuu's vulnerability and the consequences of failure were laid bare, making the stakes of their situation all the more tangible.

Yuu, her determination evident, her voiced filled with firmness, "We're a team. We have the ability to work together, and we will. We'll analyze weaknesses, create distractions, and attack that thing head-on. We have no other choice. Do I make myself clear?” her gaze lingering on both Ace and Deuce, challenging them to object .

Ace and Deuce, their previous bickering forgotten in the face of Yuu's resolve, nodded in agreement, their determination mirrored in their eyes. Ace spoke up, “Alright, let's do this. No more arguing. What's the plan?”


As they executed the plan, they moved swiftly and strategically. Grim positioned himself at the entrance, taking center stage and preparing to provide the crucial distraction. With a deep breath, he unleashed a loud, boisterous cry, “H-hey, monster! I'm uh... I-I'm over here!” The creature's head, with its glasses-shaped form, jerked abruptly, its liquid composure rippling in response. Recognizing the source of the sound, it turned its full attention towards Grim's direction, leaving towards the entrance. “Grrraaawrrr! BEGOOOOONE!”

After luring the monster as far from the cave as they can, Yuu quickly seized the opportunity while the creature had its focus elsewhere. She rushed forwards, her enchanted rapier poised to strike. “Ace, Deuce, i am counting on you!"Ace and Deuce, understanding the cue, joined the fray. With a swift combination of wind magic and raw physical force, they launched their respective attacks. A powerful gust of wind channeled through Ace’s magic, catching the creature off guard, while Deuce summoned cauldrons on it. The coordinated onslaught served to further weaken the ink creature's form.

"quick! While it's distracted, we need to get the magestone!"

"That's it! That's the mageston" Deuce said with a sound of relief, but no sooner he was interrupted by the voice of the monster.


Ace could only stare in fear,"Uh-oh! Looks like it's nearly wriggled free!" Yuu looked at Deuce, "Deuce! Add more weight! I'll go retrieve the magestone."


"Are you kiddin' me?! It's still coming! It pushed off all the weight!"

As they ran out of the mine with Grim holding onto the magestone, the ink monster was determined to stop them. "It's weaker now..we have no other choice but to face it, it's kill or be killed!"

With the creature weakened, Yuu recognized the opening to strike the creatures head. She channeled her magic into her enchanted rapier, a burst of concentrated energy building within its blade. The rapier glowed with an intense brilliance as she propelled herself forward, the sheer force and precision of her attack aimed directly towards the creature.

The impact of the enchanted rapier meeting its head sent shock waves through the cavern. The creatures form shuddered, its ink-like body convulsed, and the glasses-shaped head shattered upon impact. In that moment, the once formidable creature collapsed, its existence eradicated.

Silence prevailed for a brief moment, the air still and heavy with the weight of their victory. Slowly, the tension began to subside as realization and relief washed over the group. “Did we really just beat that thing?” Grim, astonished, spoke through heavy breaths. A smile crept onto Yuu’s lips as she stared at the remnants of the now-defeated monster.

As her eyes locked onto Grim, seeking assurance about retrieving the magestone, her gaze fell upon his paws. There, grasped firmly, was the much-anticipated magestone, its radiant glow unmistakable. A wave of relief washed over Yuu as she confirmed the safe retrieval of the stone.

Ace, his relief palpable, exclaimed “Woohoo!” His excitement filled the air, echoing off the cavern walls. Their exhaustion mingled with triumph as they surveyed the aftermath of their hard-fought victory. Grim, still holding the magestone, seemed to bask in the moment, his tiny form radiating pride. “Gimme a victory high-five!” Ace, grinning from ear to ear, reached out his hand, offering Grim a high-five. The connection of their palms in a satisfying slap sealed their triumph. Even Deuce and Yuu, despite their fatigue, couldn’t help but feel the thrill of their accomplishment. They had conquered the odds and retrieved the magestone against all obstacles.

Yuu, admiring their success, addressed the group, her voice filled with gratitude. "Shared adversity sure brings people together, We worked together and pulled through. Grim, your distraction was the perfect opening. You saved the day." Grim's chest puffed out with pride, a self-satisfied smirk on his face, "Nyah ha ha! Of course, I'm the greatest. Saving the day is what I do best!"

Deuce, taking the opportunity to voice his opinion, interjected with a stern tone. "Uh... I don't think that had anything to do with the uh.."shared adverity".."Ace, echoing Deuce’s sentiment and rolling his eyes, added to the conversation with a touch of sarcasm, "Yeah, yeah, cut the sappy stuff, will ya?“

Ace looked at Yuu with a raised eyebrow, a mixture of anticipation and skepticism. He seemed to be waiting for her to say something, a silent challenge in his eyes. "Well?", he prompted, gesturing for her to say something.

Yuu, realizing the unspoken implication in Ace's words, felt a wave of unease wash over her. She understood what he was getting at, her secret of being a girl at NRC was still under wraps."It's...not what you think." Yuu's voice was tinged with defensiveness, her eyes locking with Ace’s for a brief moment.

The air between them was thick with tension as Yuu struggled to find the right words to defend herself. The last thing she wanted was for to seem as the bad guy here. However, the weight of Ace's expectant gaze bore down on her, intensifying the awkwardness of the situation. Deuce, sensing the mounting tension, tried to interject and diffuse the situation. “Hey, now. Don't go jumping to conclusions." His words fell on deaf ears as Ace's gaze remained fixed on Yuu, waiting for her response. The air was electric with anticipation, the suspense palpable.

Yuu's explanation poured out, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability and desperation. “I’m not some girl who snuck into the boys’ school, okay? I'm not even from this world! The Magic Mirror brought me here by accident. If the headmage finds out I'm a girl, he'll kick me out of here and everything will be ruined!” A beat of silence passed before Ace finally spoke up, his voice gentler this time, "Wait, so you're saying you just happened to stumble into this world by accident? How does that even happen?" The skepticism was evident in his question, but there was a hint of curiosity mingled within it. Yuu, her voice tinged with exhaustion and resignation, confessed, "It's a long story...and there are things I can't reveal. But just know that I had no idea this would happen, okay? That's why I can’t let anyone know I’m a girl. It's not like I'm trying to deceive anyone."

Ace, curiosity piqued, interjected with a question, "Okay, so now let me get this straight. If you're really a girl who got isekai’d or whatever, that still doesn’t explain your..uh..magic thing.” Yuu let out a sigh, realizing that the topic of her origins had only opened up a new wave of questions. "Alright, so about that magic…well, as a ‘magical girl’ or whatever, I have to battle evil creatures known as witches." She tried her best to explain, her voice tinged with a mix of uncertainty and fatigue. Ace frowned, his disbelief evident. "Battling evil creatures? Sounds like some kind of urban legend," he muttered, his skepticism evident in his tone. Deuce, however, seemed more intrigued. "Wait, witches? Like, actual witches?" Yuu nodded, her expression growing more focused as she delved further into the explanation. "Yeah, Witches are much more complex. Their essence and motives go beyond the surface level. They exist in their own labyrinth of existence, and it takes a lot of effort to understand and defeat them."

Yuu’s voice grew more serious as she continued her explanation. "But that's not it, as a magical girl, defeating witches is not just about eliminating a threat; it’s about surviving. Each witch we defeat grants us a Grief Seed, which we use to cleanse our Soul Gem."Yuu, her eyes fixated on her Soul Gem, examined it closely. The once vibrant jewel had dulled significantly, a testament to the energy she had expended in battle. Gloom seeped into her features as the reality of the situation set in.

Ace, Deuce, and even Grim, who had remained uncharacteristically quiet, fixed their gazes upon the diminishing Soul Gem. The atmosphere grew somber as the gravity of the situation settled upon them. The Soul Gem, a reflection of Yuu's dwindling powers, was halfway black.

"Is that bad?" Grim’s voice broke the silence, his words laced with a hint of genuine concern.

Yuu responded with a sigh, the weight of the situation evident in her expression. "Yeah...it’s not good. Each time we fight a witch, our Soul Gems lose some of their color. If it fully blackens…it's game over for me." Ace, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and surprise, spoke up. "Hold on, what do you mean ‘game over’? You make it sound like something terrible will happen if your Soul Gem fills up completely."

"It's because something terrible will happen," Yuu stated matter-of-factly. "Soul Gems absorb the dark energy emitted by witches. The more energy they absorb, the darker they become. If a Soul Gem becomes black, it means it's completely filled with negative energy, and the magical girl will turn into a witch herself."

A collective gasp filled the air as the gravity of Yuu's words sank in. Deuce's eyes widened, shock evident on his face. "Wait, so if your Soul Gem goes fully black, you'll become a witch like the ones you fight? That's messed up!"With a sigh, Yuu reluctantly withdrew a Grief Seed from her pocket. The glowing black stone seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, a stark contrast to the dark, withered state of her Soul Gem.

Grim, his eyes drawn to the Grief Seed, sniffed curiously. "What's that for?"

Yuu held up the Grief Seed for everyone to see. "This is what we call a 'Grief Seed'. It holds the negative energy we absorb from witches. By using it to cleanse our Soul Gems, we can prevent ourselves from turning into witches."

The others watched in fascination as Yuu held up the Grief Seed, its mysterious aura captivating their attention. Ace couldn’t help but voice his skepticism once more. "Is that thing even safe? It looks freaky."Yuu, used to the skepticism, reassured them. "It’s safe. It might look a bit unsettling, but it serves a vital purpose. The Grief Seed is the only way to cleanse our Soul Gems and keep us from succumbing to despair and becoming witches ourselves."Without hesitation, Yuu placed the Grief Seed against her Soul Gem. The Grief Seed’s surface glowed softly, and a faint pulse emanated from its core. Gradually, a faint but noticeable cleansing effect took place, gradually drawing out the darkness from within her Soul Gem. A moment of silence passed as the group observed the transformation. Ace, Deuce, and even Grim looked on in awe, witnessing firsthand the powerful effect of the Grief Seed. With her Soul Gem purified, Yuu offered a grateful smile.

Grim, observing the successful cleansing, couldn’t help but interject with a hint of teasing. "Hmph, so you can handle those witches after all, huh? Do they even exist!?"

"i went witch hunting while you were asleep yesterday."Grim, taken aback by Yuu's revelation, let out a hiss of disbelief. "Wait, what do you mean you went out hunting witches while I was asleep? And you didn’t even invite me? That’s just unfair!"Yuu couldn’t help but chuckle at Grim’s reaction. "Honestly, I didn’t really want you tagging along. it was my fir- second time fighting a witch..I didn’t want to danger you with my low experience.” Grim huffed indignantly, his tail swishing in protest. "Hey! I’m not just some helpless bystander, you know. I can handle myself in a fight too!"

Deuce, perceptive to the shift in Yuu's tone, took notice. Concern flickered in his eyes as he recognized the undercurrent of sadness in her voice. The mention of her previous battle held a hint of vulnerability, a glimpse into the emotional turmoil that came with her role as a magical girl.

Ace, ever the blunt one, couldn’t resist the urge to satiate his curiosity. With a teasing smirk, he inquired, "So, how did you end up as a magical girl, anyway? Did some fairy godmother wave her wand and poof, you became a fighting machine?"Yuu looked down at the ground sheepishly, her expression momentarily darkening as memories of her past flooded her mind. “we make a wish..”

Grim, sensing Yuu’s subdued response, chimed in with his own question. "So, wait, what did you ask for? I mean, if you had the power to get anything you want, what was it?"

Yuu hesitated for a moment, her mind filled with the weight of her own insecurities and fears. Finally, she spoke up, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "It's not that important, i don't think it's necessary to share it."

Grim and Deuce both looked slightly surprised at her refusal, but they quickly recovered and shrugged it off. Ace, however, furrowed his brow slightly as he regarded Yuu’s response with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. Despite their understanding demeanor, Ace couldn’t shake off the lingering feeling that there was more to Yuu's story than she was letting on. He made a mental note to press her for more information later, determined to uncover the truth behind her mysterious appearance and her reluctance to share her deepest wish.

"A-anyways enough about me..we have a stone to return and- grim..what are you doing..?"

Grim, his senses perked up, sniffed at the air with a newfound intensity. His nose twitched as he tried to pinpoint the source of the tantalizing scent. His face lit up with realization, and he exclaimed, "Mmm, I smell it! Over there!"The group exchanged puzzled glances, uncertain of what Grim had discovered. Ace, unable to contain his curiosity, asked, "What the heck are you going on about, Grim? What is it that you’re smelling?"

Grim’s eyes gleamed with excitement as he replied, "What IS this? It smells amazing!” Curiosity piqued, the group followed Grim’s lead, their interest piqued by his heightened sense of smell. As they rounded the corner, they were greeted by the sight of a black stone. The group approached the stone with a mixture of fascination and apprehension. Ace leaned in closer, inspecting the dark surface of the stone. "This thing looks weird..kinda slimy, no? Are you sure this is what you scented, Grim?"

Grim, his heightened senses taking over, eagerly sniffed the air once more. "Yeah, it’s definitely this! It smells even stronger up close. Yum!" His tone was filled with unabashed excitement and hunger, his instincts telling him that this strange, smelly stone held some sort of gastronomical appeal. Deuce, seeing Grim’s intense interest in the black stone, interjected with concern. "Grim, you’re not seriously considering eating that thing, are you? It looks pretty strange. It might be dangerous!"Grim, undeterred by Deuce’s warning, grinned unabashedly. "Hey, I'm just following my instincts! And my instincts are telling me that this stinky stone might be tasty!"

he actually ate it..-

There was a collective gasp of disbelief as everyone witnessed Grim’s impulsive action. Yuu stared in astonishment as Grim devoured the mysterious stone. Deuce and Ace exchanged horrified glances, their eyes widened in shock and disgust. Ace watched in disbelief as Grim swallowed the black stone with gusto. "Grim, are you insane?! That thing looks gross as heck. Who knows what kind of trouble you’re gonna cause by eating it?"

Grim, licking his lips with relish, shot Ace a smug look. "Hey, I'm just satisfying my hunger. And this stone was actually pretty tasty, if you wanna know. Maybe you should try it?" His tone was teasing, but his eyes gleamed with mischief.

Ace’s face contorted with disgust, his expression mirroring the revulsion felt by the rest of the group. "Gross! You’re insane, Grim! That thing looks like it crawled out of a swamp. What if it’s poisonous?"

Grim, unfazed by their reactions, simply belched proudly. "Poisonous or not, it tastes great. Besides, if it had any harmful effects, I’d already be feeling it by now. But I feel great!" His confident tone seemed to emphasize his nonchalant attitude towards the potential risks.

Yuu discreetly touched the ring on her finger, feeling the familiar surge of magic as she began to transform back to her previous form. The magical energy coursed through her body, and in a radiant burst of light, her magical girl guise faded away, replaced by her normal appearance. Deuce, who had been quietly observing the transformation process, spoke up in awe. "Wow, Yuu, you can transform back to your normal self just like that? It’s incredible how you can switch forms so easily."

Yuu furrowed her brow, bewildered at her own abilities. "To be honest, I'm still trying to figure out everything about being a magical girl myself. The transformation process might be different for each individual, or maybe I’m still discovering the full extent of my powers. It's all new to me."

Ace, being his usual skeptic self, couldn't help but chime in. "So, if you can transform on command, does that mean you can be our own personal cosplay girl? Ooh, the possibilities are endless! You could be a princess, a superhero, maybe a pirate! The options are endless."Yuu rolled her eyes at Ace's remark, amusem*nt mixed with annoyance on her face. "You're hilarious, Ace. I'm not going to transform into whatever character you want just for your amusem*nt."Grim, joining in the banter, added slyly, "Oh, come on, Yuu. Why not have some fun with it? Maybe you could be a knight or a fairy. Or even a dragon! That would be awesome."

Yuu, her expression filled with a mix of amusem*nt and exasperation, responded to his playful suggestions. "You are something else, you know that? I’m not a fancy transformable toy or some sort of magical girl fashion model. I’m just a regular girl who happens to be able to wield a sword and use magic. It’s not exactly a circus act."

Deuce, ever the voice of reason, stepped in to diffuse the banter. "Alright, alright. Let’s get back on track. We can continue these jokes later. We still have to return the magestone back to the headmage.” Ace rolled his eyes, feigning disappointment. "Spoilsport." But he nodded in agreement, realizing the importance of their task at hand. With a collective understanding, the group continued on their way, the playful banter replaced by a renewed sense of purpose.


“Pardon?! You're telling me you actually went to the Dwarfs' Mine in search of a magestone?” The group stood before Headmaster Crowley,nodding in confusion. "Well... yeah?” Headmaster Crowley adjusted his monocle, a hint surprise in his voice, “I didn't expect that you'd seriously do it. And never in my wildest imaginings did I think you would actually return with a magestone! And here I spent all evening preparing your expulsion documents.” Grim raised an eyebrow, his skepticism evident. "Are you serious?! While we were fightin' some crazy monster for you, you were expelling us?!”

Crowley held his monocle tightly, his eyes narrowed with disapproval. "Monster..?"Ace scoffed arrogantly, "Yeah. There was a monster, all right. A big, nasty one. It nearly killed us!” Crowley's gaze turned sharper, a flicker of curiosity evident in his eyes. "Would you kindly relate this story in full?”


“Hmmm. So a mysterious monster was living in the mines.And the four of you worked together to destroy it, and then brought its magestone back to me?” The group nodded in affirmation, their shared determination evident. "what’s with the working together thing?” Ace added in disbelief, “It was more like we just happened to share the same goal at the same time...” added Deuce.

Crowley leaned back in his chair, then started sobbing. "Oh, gracious... Ohhh... Ohhhhhhhh!” The group stood there, stunned and puzzled by Headmaster Crowley's unexpected outburst. Was he... crying?!

so he's also a tall toddler.

"What is this guy's deal?! Burstin' into tears in public? At this age?!"The sobbing Headmaster Crowley took a deep breath, his voice shaking with emotion. “In all the decades I've worked at this school...The day has finally come when the students of Night Raven College have joined hands together to defeat a common foe!” Grim's eyes widened in disbelief and disgust, while Ace and Deuce exchanged bewildered glances. They could hardly believe their ears, completely taken aback by the headmaster's dramatic reaction.

“Whoa! No! No way would I join hands with that guy!”

“Okay, one, there was no joining of hands. Gross. And two, exactly HOW old are you, headmage?”

Crowley composed himself, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “At this moment, I am moved beyond words.This incident has proven my hopes were justified.

Yuu, my doubts are allayed! For you... You possess the talents of a beastmaster!” Yuu stood there, surprised and somewhat skeptical about the unexpected compliment. “umm..pardon?”

Crowley continued, excitement in his voice. “My students have all been selected by the Dark Mirror for their exceptional talent and potential. But great talent begets great pride and big egos. Most are so self-reliant and self-centered that they never even consider cooperating with others.”

Grim interjected with a grumble, “You make it sound like that's a bad thing.”

Crowley continued, “But you, yuu, possess no magic. Yet in spite of that - or perhaps because of it - you were able to convince those who CAN use magic to work together for a common goal. The everyday, humdrum mundanity you possess may be exactly what Night Raven College needs!” Ace rolled his eyes, unable not to respond with his usual snarky remark, “You're making it sound like we're some unruly mob needing to learn teamwork, headmage.”

Crowley shook his head slightly, his expression tinged with a hint of amusem*nt. "I am convinced that people like you are necessary for the future of this school. My educator's intuition tells me so. Trappola, Spade - I hereby revoke your pending expulsions! Furthermore, yuu, I am granting you the qualifications necessary to attend at Night Raven College!”


The group stood there, dumbfounded, as the weight of Crowley's declaration sunk in. Ace, Deuce, and Grim looked shocked, struggling to process the headmage's words. Yuu remained silent, processing the unexpected turn of events.


Crowley smiled, clearly amused by their shocked reactions. "What's with those faces? I'm merely recognizing yuu's incredible potential to bring people together. I firmly believe that with yuu attending school here, something remarkable will happen.” Yuu just stared, “uhh..you remember that I don’t have magic, right?”

Crowley nodded, undeterred by Yuu's lack of magical prowess. "Of course. This is extraordinarily kind of me. However, there is one condition. Your inability to use magic is, for a mage, unacceptable. You would not be able to adequately pursue the school's curriculum!

As for you, Grim... Your actions today have made it clear that you possess sufficient talent to become a mage. In light of the total sum of your respective circ*mstances, you both will share a single enrollment at Night Raven College.”

Grim's eyes widened in disbelief, his tail flickering in anticipation. "Myah!

I... I'll get to go to this school...? As an actual student? Not a janitor?!” Crowley chuckled softly, the corners of his lips curling into a smile. "Correct. However!

There must be no further incidents like the one that occurred today. Are we clear?”

Grim's excitement bubbled over, overwhelmed with the prospect of attending Night Raven College as a student. "Yessir! As clear as the night sky! You won't regret it!" Ace and Deuce exchanged glances, still processing the unexpected turn of events. They were both grateful for their second chance, while Yuu stood there silently, contemplating the weight of Crowley's decision.

Yuu turned to Grim with a genuine smile, her voice filled with sincerity. "Congratulations, Grim! I'm happy for you."

Grim beamed with pride, his tail swishing energetically. "Myah! I'll show ‘em all what I'm made of!"

"Accordingly, I will now present to Grim the magestone that is issued to every student here."Crowley gestured towards the magestone in his hand, its glossy surface gleaming with mystical energy. "It is typically attached to the "magic pen" that each student uses. But I suspect your paws cannot handle implements. Therefore, I have a custom solution for you. Is it possible that I am, in fact, too kind?”

Grim's eyes widened with excitement as he stared in awe at the magestone, his tail shivering with anticipation. "Ah, sweet! I look awesome! A magestone collar, to be worn only by the legendary archmage, Grim!” Crowley nodded approvingly, placing the magestone collar around Grim's neck. "Exactly. It also serves as proof that you are a student of Night Raven College. Be proud, little one.”

Ace's eyes widened in amazement, his expression filled with disbelief. "Wait a minute. You're telling me that they both went from being janitorial staff to students overnight?! That is some rags-to-riches story right there."

Deuce's mind began to process the implications of their dual enrollment. "Wait a minute. Since both Yuu and Grim are part of Ramshackle Dorm... doesn't that technically make Yuu the Prefect?” Ace's eyes widened in surprise. "Well, that's gotta be a Night Raven first! A magic-less prefect? But sure, why not? Whatever works!”

Yuu stood there, a newfound sense of responsibility settling upon her shoulders as the realization sank in. She glanced at Grim, who seemed thrilled to be a student at Night Raven College, then turned her attention back to Crowley. "Alright then. I'll try my best to fulfill the duties of the Prefect.” Crowley nodded, a pleased smile gracing his features. " Ah, Yes. I suppose that does make you a prefect. I just so happen to have a job for you, and that title will make it all the easier to foist... er, I mean, congratulations!

Now, I have something for you. This is called a ghost camera.”


"Ooh, my grandma's told me about those. Those are, like, super old magic items, right?"

Crowley explained, gesturing towards the camera. "em.. it may indeed have been invented when your great or great-great grandmother was a child. It's a camera enchanted with a special kind of magic. It enables the user to photograph not just the subject's physical form, but parts of their soul itself.” Yuu examined the camera skeptically, a mixture of intrigue and disbelief. “And how does this ‘ghost camera’ take photographs of someone's soul?” Crowley responded, a hint of excitement in his voice. “They're called Memories.

Here's the thing: when the soulbond between photographer and subject deepens... The Memories captured in this magic camera's photos come jumping out!” Yuu's eyes widened at Crowley's explanation. “Hold on. Are you saying the photos taken on this camera can literally bring memories to life?”

Deuce nodded, adding his thoughts to the conversation. "It sounds like this ghost photography!” Crowley confirmed, "Very astute. Hence the name "ghost camera". I understand it was developed as a more vivid way to capture moments in time, in an age before video. As Spade observed, in days of yore, when people saw Memories jumping out of photos, they would get spooked and yell, "Ghost!" I've heard many a tale of people who were deathly scared of being photographed by such cameras."Yuu nodded, absorbing the information. "So let me get this straight. If I take a photo with this ghost camera... the memories captured in the picture can literally come to life?”

Crowley nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Correct! I would like you to photograph Grim and the other students with this camera, and make a record of your campus life.” Crowley then turned to the boys, a stern expression on his face. "Trappola and Spade, you two must cooperate and pose for pictures when yuu asks. Grim, do not try to hide from the camera!"

Grim pouted, his arms crossed defensively. "Why not?! If I don't want my photo taken, you can't force me, Headmage."Crowley raised an eyebrow at Grim's stubbornness. "I assure you, little one, there are many ways to encourage compliance.

If you do not participate willingly, I could simply cut off your magical collar."Grim's ears flattened, but he quickly relented, not wanting to risk losing his magestone collar. "Fine, fine! I'll pose for your stupid pictures."

Crowley nodded, satisfied with Grim's cooperation. "Excellent. I knew you would see reason. Now, yuu, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. I must attend to other matters. Farewell for now!"


Deuce let out a deep sigh of relief, his shoulders slouching slightly as the tension drained from his body. "Thank goodness. We've somehow managed to avoid expulsion..."Ace leaned against the nearby wall, a smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah! no kidding!”

Grim, filled with exuberance, couldn't contain his happiness and began dancing around the hall, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "La la la la la!

I'm a student at Night Raven College! La la la!

I'm gonna be the top mage on campus in no time. Enjoy eating my dust, boys!” Ace chuckled at Grim's display of delight, shaking his head with a grin. “ Big words for a sentient pile of lint who's literally only half a student.Still... Good for you.”

Yuu shot Ace a disapproving look, her voice gentle yet firm. "Ace, don’t bully him.” Ace shrugged his shoulders, a hint of sheepishness in his expression. "Alright, alright, I'll tone it down a bit. Don't get your magical panties in a twist.”

Ace tilted his head slightly, his expression turning curious. "Speaking of which, I'm still wondering about your magic, Yuu.” Yuu's gaze met Ace's, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. "it’s not hard to understand, make a wish, have it grant it, but get magical powers to fight witches.” Ace hummed thoughtfully, his brow furrowing slightly. "Hmm, I see. It’s a straightforward and efficient way to gain powers..”

Deuce chimed in, his voice filled with admiration. "You're quite fortunate, to have such a clear path to magical abilities. Here in our world, students must learn magic through years of practice and study.”

"Well..as far as I know, kyu- uh.. i mean the magical creature that offers wishes doesn’t show up to anyone as far as i know." Ace crossed his arms, "I see. So you’re saying that not everyone has the opportunity to make a wish and acquire magical powers like you did? That makes your situation quite unique.”

"I still don’t understand how my situation back then caught its attention..ugh sucks to be confused."Ace shrugged, trying to ease Yuu's confusion. "Who knows why it chose you? Maybe there's something special about you that resonated with it. Don’t worry about it too much, it’s probably just one of life's mysteries.”

Yuu could only sigh.."sure..anyways it's getting late."Deuce nodded, checking the time. "Yeah, we should get some rest. Tomorrow's the start of classes, after all." Yuu smiled and nodded, her voice filled with appreciation. "Thank you, both of you.. for not treating me differently after finding out I’m a girl. it means a lot to me.”

Ace smiled back. "Eh, it's no big deal. It's not like your gender affects anything. as long as you can handle yourself, I don't care who you are.”

Deuce smiled warmly at Yuu, his expression filled with sincerity. "Ace is right. We're all students at Night Raven College now, regardless of who we are. What matters most is our abilities and how we support each other. So, don't worry about it, Yuu. We've got your back.”

Yuu felt a sense of relief and comfort wash over her at their words. She nodded in appreciation, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Thanks, guys. I’m glad to have you both as friends. let's work hard together and make the most of our time here at Night Raven College."

Ace rolled his eyes, a hint of teasing in his voice. "Oh, come on! Stop being such a sap, yuu. This isn’t a friendship movie, you know."

Yuu huffed, a mix of amusem*nt and annoyance in her expression. "Very funny.” Ace chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Relax, yuu. I’m just messing with you. But seriously, let’s get some rest. We’ve got classes to conquer tomorrow."

Yuu stopped him, a pleading look in her eyes. "Ah..before i forget, can you both promise me something?” Ace and Deuce looked at her curiously, a sense of anticipation in their gazes.

Yuu took a deep breath and continued, her voice filled with determination. "Promise me both of you won’t reveal my true gender to anyone else. I have to maintain this facade and keep up the act for the time being.”

Ace and Deuce nodded in agreement, their expressions filled with understanding.

Ace spoke up first, his voice firm yet reassuring. "No worries, Yuu. We won’t tell a soul. Your secret is safe with us."Deuce added his agreement as well, his voice filled with determination. “Yeah, yuu, your secret is safe. We won't betray your trust.” Yuu felt a wave of gratitude wash over her, a sense of relief settling in her heart. She smiled at the boys, her eyes filled with appreciation. "Thank you, both of you..have a good night .” Ace and Deuce nodded, bidding her farewell before parting ways and heading to their dormitories. As the night deepened, the campus gradually fell into a peaceful slumber, its silence only interrupted by the soft rustle of the leaves swaying in the gentle breeze.

A magical girl’s twisted dream. - Chapter 3 - Elyhohe - Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.