10 Factors That Influence Exchange Rates - Fexco (2024)

Have you ever wondered how exchange rates are determined? As one of the leading factors behind the economic health level of any given country, exchange rates are one of the most analysed economic measures on the planet. But what exactly influences currency exchange rates and why are they so important to everyone from governments and large financial institutions to small investors?

Supply and demand dictate foreign exchange rates. For example, greater demand for British goods would see an increase in the value (appreciation) of the Pound. Markets worried about the future of the Eurozone economies would tend to sell Euros leading to a depreciation of the Euro.

10 Factors that influence currency exchange rates:

1. Inflation >
2. Interest rates >
3. Government Debt/Public >
4. Political Stability >
5. Economic Recession >
6. Terms of Trade >
7. Current account deficit >
8. Confidence and speculation >
9. Government intervention >
10. The stock markets >

1. Inflation

Inflation is a general rise in prices in an economy, i.e., goods, and services andis usually expressed in percentages.

If, for example, inflation was lower in the UK, the purchasing power of the Pound Sterling would increase relative to other currencies. UK exports become more competitive and the demand to purchase Pound Sterling for UK goods will increase.

In December 2022, the inflation rate in the European Union was 10.4 percent, with prices rising fastest in Hungary, which had an inflation rate of 25 percent.

As a result, the Hungarian forint is amongst the worst performing currencies in Central Europe since January 2022.

Research by BNP Paribas indicates that the forint has respectively lost 11 and 23 % of its value against the Euro and the dollar. It must be stated however that inflation is just one of the contributory factors here.

2. Interest rates

There is also a strong correlation between inflation, interest rates and exchange rates.

Governments and Central Banks have the authority to influence exchange rates by increasing interest rates. An example of this is “Hot money”: the higher the interest rate the more attractive the currency offer is to foreign investors.

This involves investors rapidly and frequently moving money from a currency with lower interest rates to a country with higher interest rates, giving a quick return on investment.

3. Government/Public debt

A country’s debt rating is also a factor that influences its currency exchange rate.

Public sector projects sometimes require large-scale deficit financing which boosts the domestic economy.

However, foreign investors are less likely to invest in countries with large public deficits and government debt.

Fear of a debt default can result in the selling of bonds denominated in that currency by investors, resulting in a fall in the value of the exchange rate.

Governments may also need to print money to pay parts of a large debt, resulting in inflation.

4. Political stability

The strength of a currency can also be influenced by the political stability of a particular country.

Foreign investors are more attracted to invest in countries displaying a lower propensity for political turmoil.This injection of foreign investment leads to an appreciation of the domestic currency.

Conversely, unpredictable events leading to unstable conditions in a country mean less foreign investment naturally leading to a depreciation in the domestic currency.

In October 2022, Britain was plunged into economic and political uncertainty following the resignation of the then Prime Minister Liz Truss after only 49 days in office. Her vast planned tax cuts crashed the pound and sent borrowing costs soaring.

The ‘mini budget’ announced by former Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng would have required an unprecedented extra £411 billion in public borrowing over the following five years, pushing Britain into a crisis not seen since the 2008 financial crash.

5. Economic recession

In theory, when a country enters a recession there is normally a depreciation of its currency. Why so?

Firstly, it is commonplace for interest rates to fall in a recession and when this happens, we see a flow of money out of the country to countries with higher interest rates.

If for example, Canada entered a recession and money started to flow out of the country, its people would sell Canadian dollars to buy other currencies resulting in a fall in the value of CAD (Canadian dollar).

It must be noted that economic and political events in other countries will also influence how a domestic currency moves in times of recession.

For example, in a global recession, the United States may still be seen as a haven for investors (even though it may experience high inflation and low interest rates) keeping its currency stable or even stronger than other currencies.

6. Terms of Trade

The Terms of Trade (ToT) or Balance of Trade as it is sometimes known, is the difference between the monetary value of a nation’s exports and imports over a certain time period.

The terms of trade will improve if the price of a given country’s exports rises by a greater rate than that of its imports.

A greater demand for a country’s exports means an improvement in terms of trade resulting in rising revenues and, consequently, an increased demand for that country’s currency. This will naturally increase the value of that currency.

7. Current account deficits

The current account deficit is closely related to the terms or balance of trade.

The current account measures imports and exports of goods and services but also payments to foreign holders of a country’s investments, payments received from investments abroad, and transfers such as foreign aid and remittances.

If for example, Britain, as a regular trading partner with Canada had a higher current account deficit this could weaken the pound relative to the Canadian dollar.

Countries therefore with lower current account deficits will tend to have stronger currencies than those with higher deficits.

8. Confidence and speculation

Political events or changes in commodity prices may cause a currency to fall in value. If speculators believe the Euro will fall, they will sell now for a currency they feel will rise in value. For this reason, sentiments in the financial markets can heavily influence foreign exchange rates.

If the markets are alerted to the possibility of an interest rate increase in the Eurozone for example, we are more likely to see a rise in the valuation of the Euro as a result.

If a US speculator expects the euro to appreciate over the next 5 months, he will contract to buy euros in 5 months at a fixed exchange rate. This is known as a forward contractand this mitigates any risk and losses caused by exchange rate volatility.

9. Government intervention

Governments and Central Banks have the monetary authority to intervene to stabilize a currency by formulating trade policies, printing more money, or increasing and decreasing interest rates.

China, for example, is reluctant to allow its currency to appreciate because it will negatively impact its exports.

The Chinese government aims to boost its exports and attract foreign investment by keeping the yuan artificially low. As an export dependent economy, China does so to compete with neighbouring countries like Japan and South Korea.

Given China’s large trade surplus, its central bank, the Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) absorbs large inflows of foreign capital. It purchases foreign currency from exporters and then issues that currency in local yuan currency.

10. The stock markets

Both the stock market and foreign exchange are the most financially traded markets on the globe. To help with price predictions, traders often look for correlations between both markets.

The mood of investors is buoyed when a domestic stock market rises as it is an indicator that the country’s economy is doing well.

As a result, there is increased interest from foreign investors and the demand for local domestic currency also increases.

When the stock market is underperforming, a lack of confidence means investors will take their funds back to their own currencies.

How Fexco can help you with exchange rates

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10 Factors That Influence Exchange Rates - Fexco (1)

10 Factors That Influence Exchange Rates - Fexco (2024)


10 Factors That Influence Exchange Rates - Fexco? ›

The most important factors are interest rates, inflation rates, economic and political stability, market expectations, and market liquidity & volume. Central banks alter interest rates to reduce inflation and promote economic expansion.

What factors influence exchange rates? ›

The most important factors are interest rates, inflation rates, economic and political stability, market expectations, and market liquidity & volume. Central banks alter interest rates to reduce inflation and promote economic expansion.

What influences foreign exchange rates on Quizlet? ›

  • Foreign demand for a country's exports. Demand for a country's exports = demand for a country's currency.
  • Domestic demand for imports. Demanding imports = supplying currency.
  • Relative interest rate changes. ...
  • Relative inflation rates. ...
  • Investment from abroad. ...
  • Speculation. ...
  • Use of foreign currency reserves. ...
  • Level of income.

What are the basic factors affecting exchange rates in a floating exchange rate system? ›

D) Factors Influencing Floating Exchange Rates:

Speculation: Traders' perceptions of future exchange rate movements can drive short-term fluctuations. Political Stability: Political events can impact investor confidence and currency values. Trade Balance: Trade surpluses or deficits can affect a currency's value.

What are the key factors that can cause the exchange rate to increase in the short run use a model of the exchange rate to illustrate? ›

Role of Interest Rates and Inflation in Determining Short-Run Exchange Rates. When it comes to short-run exchange rates, two critical elements to consider are interest rates and inflation. When a country's interest rates rise, it tends to attract foreign capital, thus causing the country's exchange rate to rise.

What is affecting the exchange rate? ›

If a country has a strong economy, this will usually lead to an increase in the value of its currency. On the other hand, if a country's economy is weak, this will typically cause the value of its currency to decline. Central bank policy: Changes in a central bank's monetary policy can also affect exchange rates.

What determines the exchange rate? ›

In a floating regime, exchange rates are generally determined by the market forces of supply and demand for foreign exchange. For many years, floating exchange rates have been the regime used by the world's major currencies – that is, the US dollar, the euro area's euro, the Japanese yen and the UK pound sterling.

What are the influences of foreign exchange? ›

The main factors that can impact the behaviour of the foreign exchange market are interest rates, inflation rates, political stability, economic performance, and speculation.

What increases foreign exchange rate? ›

These transactions mainly take place in foreign exchange markets, marketplaces for trading currencies. Currencies increase in value when lots of people want to buy them (meaning there is high demand for those currencies), and they decrease in value when fewer people want to buy them (i.e., the demand is low).

What are several factors affect the exchange rate of a currency with another currency? ›

Many things affect the supply and demand of a currency (and thus its value), including inflation, interest rates, stock market performance, and government debt.

What is the strongest currency in the world? ›

The Kuwaiti dinar is the strongest currency in the world, with 1 dinar buying 3.26 dollars (or, put another way, $1 equals 0.31 Kuwaiti dinar). Kuwait is located on the Persian Gulf between Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and the country earns much of its wealth as a leading global exporter of oil.

What makes a currency strong or weak? ›

A currency's strength is determined by the interaction of a variety of local and international factors such as the demand and supply in the foreign exchange markets; the interest rates of the central bank; the inflation and growth in the domestic economy; and the country's balance of trade.

How do exchange rates affect international trade? ›

How Does a Higher Exchange Rate Affect Trade? When a country's exchange rate increases relative to another country's, the price of its goods and services increases. Imports become cheaper.

What are the factors that influence the exchange rate? ›

Common Factors Affecting Exchange Rates
  • Inflation Rates. Changes in inflation cause changes in currency exchange rates. ...
  • Interest Rates. Interest rates, inflation and exchange rates are all correlated. ...
  • Recession. ...
  • Current Account/Balance of Payments. ...
  • Terms of Trade. ...
  • Government Debt. ...
  • Political Stability and Performance.

What causes real exchange rate to increase? ›

Technology changes that cause productivity increases in goods commonly traded between countries, called tradables, are thought to be one of those factors. Because productivity increases lead to lower production costs, the REERs would rise to maintain equilibrium.

What might cause the exchange rate to rise? ›

Interest rates

To make the investment, they need to convert their money into the country's currency, which is known as a capital flow. Foreign direct investment increases a country's capital flow, leading to higher demand for its currency and causing the exchange rate to rise.

Which factors are the main determinants of real exchange rate? ›

As a result, the nominal exchange rate would be the ratio of price levels between the two economies, and the real exchange rate would be equal to one. But factors such as trade barriers, transportation costs, changing government policies and others can cause sometimes large changes in real exchange rates.

Which of the following affects exchange rates? ›

Final answer: Exchange rates can be affected by multiple factors such as inflation, interest rates, as well as a country's debt and overall economic stability.

What makes an exchange rate strong? ›

A strong dollar is an exchange rate that is historically high relative to another currency. For example, if the exchange rate between the U.S. and Canada hovered between 0.70 CAD/USD and 0.83 CAD/USD during the five years that ended in late December 2023.

What causes exchange rate changes economics? ›

The major factors influencing changes in exchange rates include inflation rates, interest rates, political stability, economic performance, and speculation. Other factors can be geopolitical events and interventions by a country's central bank.

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